Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Hammerfall | Invasion of Mandalore and Concord Dawn [TSE/UCM]

"By your leave," Alkor replied simply as [member="Darth Carnifex"] gave explicit orders not to deviate from protocol as he conducted his investigation. That would be simple enough. There were only a number of Sith other than the Emperor himself capable of such magicks. Being within proximity of them all would yield answers without necessitating direct action.

He would follow through at a later time, with more evidence and after the reports were all filed. That was what he was supposed to do. It was what Lechner hadn't. It was why now two Knights were out of commission, and Alkor had nothing to show for it. Cold fury coursed through his blood at the thought- sharp, recurring, unrelenting.

Each failure more unforgivable than the last.

Mandalore had ever been the root of the conflict. He had defected from the position of Warmaster over dishonesty and inglorious actions, for the dishonor done to his brothers and sisters by the Mand'alor in name only. He had come to the Confederacy and cast off the very culture that had embraced him out of disgust and rage, and that rage had only built since. One family for another, but the same sensations.

Vague understanding. Hard truths. Horrendous losses. In truth, the man he was struggled to comprehend the events that had shaped him. He was grasping at threads in a desperate attempt to hold himself together, but nothing he held now had any substance. Nothing familiar to cling to. There was only that anger, infinitely hot, yet infinitely empty.

When Zambrano gave him a duty, it felt natural.

Freedom was a filthy, wretched, fickle thing. It tempted the mind and left it feeling. Purpose surely could never be born out of freedom. Meaning could not come from the brokenness he felt now.

He would do the duty that he had been given, because finally...

Someone was making sense.

He moved toward the smaller dropship that would see him to Sundari, where everything had gone wrong. Where this tragic tale had begun, and where he would put an end to it with his own hands.

Certainly, that duty was Just.

Alkor pulled his hood overhead and placed the mask over his face. No glory. No accolades. Simply beautiful, awful carnage. He could feel the darkness around him. He could hear it in both ears. He felt the cold, black wind blowing.

And so, they went.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] | [member="Samka Derith"]​
Location: Sundari

Allies: ????

Enemies: ????

Objective: Classified.

Equipment: In Signature.

Mira would duck into an alleyway, before reappearing on the streets of Sundari – closer to her objective. She would keep her presence to a minimal, until the time was right. It would be only a few more moments until she arrived at the objective, and then she would place herself perfectly in the midst of the chaos. She removed the satchel quietly from her back, continuing her advancement forward, the sound of the metal and plastic clinging together filled her sensors, directing her immediately to the perceived threat. Mira disregarded it as she approached the gate that led up to the command center.

“Identify yourself.” A voice echoed in her comlink.

“A'den Ad” She spoke swiftly and precise, and no doubt generated confusion amongst the soldiers who questioned her. The door would open slowly, the sound of rushing footsteps approached Mira as she looked upwards towards the sudden blots against the pale blue background. Her attention was brought back down to the soldiers who stood before her. “We have been expecting you, come with us.” One of the soldiers moved forward, gesturing towards Mira. No other words were exchanged as Mira moved inside the compound, the doors closing behind her. The lead guard waved his hand and motioned towards his gate, catching the attention of the command center controllers. “No one in or out, seal it off.” And with a press of a button, the gate locked and a ray shield appeared over it with an abrupt snap.

Mira would move further into the compound with her contingent of men, atleast half a dozen of the finest Clan Shardock and Rekali warriors. The command center would be secure against the onslaught of the Sith – for now. One of the men approached the side of the A’den Ad, and took the satchel from her before disappearing down a darkened corridor. Mira would look to her left and then right before moving towards the actual command center itself – intent on personally securing it.

As she walked through the sliding doors, Mandalorians from every background scrambled about, as news had spread that the Sith Empire’s fleet was preparing to fire a superweapon against the shields, intent on overloading them and allowing them passage to the world below. Mira remained calm, and poised as she walked forward and lay an idle hand upon a station that controlled the shields near Sundari. “Someone give me a status...” The Mandalorian beside her spoke, a quiver hidden in his voice.

“We are working to stabi-” And his voice cut short at the sound of the alarm klaxons filling the command center. Mira turned her gaze to multiple monitors, displaying the ongoing activity above Mandalore – the Sith had fired their weapon. Mira turned her gaze to one of Clan Shardock’s members, nodding as he disappeared back through the doors – no doubt looking for the satchel guy. Her gaze shifted back forward to the monitors, and the readouts screen. Waiting patiently for what was to come next once the shields overloaded or atleast reached a critical stage. Her men would carefully position themselves around the room, at the optimal points to ensure maximum coverage. Mira began to tap on the console beside her, impatient to say the least.


Satchel guy had a name, Kuren. Kuren had one job and one job alone, and wouldn’t permit anyone to interfere. He began to remove the explosive components from the satchel, placing a charge at critical point x or defensive point y. Creating a perimeter of sorts, intent on ensnaring anyone who dared trespass or simply destroying what needed to be protected. There were vital nodes in the Command Center, nodes that would allow the Sith Empire to monitor communications – and that was something they could allow, could they?

Well, that remained to be seen.

Everything was calculated, everything was accounted for. This would work, one way or another.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Concord Dawn[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: [member="Mig Gred"][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt],UCM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: [member="Sith Muse"][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt],TSE[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So the crucible opened. And his proving grounds would be laid bare on the desolate rock they would leave Mandalore. Irilius could see it, his destiny in the streaks of hyperspace: he did not pride himself on his foresight, but in a rare instance he could see an assured future of glory, prestige, peace. Destruction. Order.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Mandalorians would be his stepping stones to greatness, the catalyst that would propel his career. Sitting aboard the command bridge of the Marr-class Destroyer [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Peace[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt], Irilius watched the rolling tides of Hyperspace as the Imperial fleet made its way to crush the weaklings currently inhabiting Mandalore, albeit his forces would not be participating in the submission of Mandalore: Concord Dawn had ended up as his target, and they planet would learn to fear the Imperial Armada when he was done with it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Finally bursting into the system, the Morganian could watch the chaos unfold in the stars. Scanning the battle that had already begun, he noted his fleet’s thankful arrival to that of Commodore Almeyda of Task Force 48.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“This is Commodore Tiam. Moving in to support Task Force 48 against Mandalorian dissidents.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Turning to his command deck, the man shouted his commands. Gunnery decks prepared the Peace’s dozens of long range cannons for a preliminary bombardment, though the fleet began to make it’s move into a more optimal firing position: the Athena frigates towards the front to take the brunt of the return fire from the Mandalorian fleet, with Peace taking itself at the centermost point of the formation. In front it’s Harrower Escorts, behind the Vytika-Carriers that already had begun to disgorge over a dozen TIE squadrons into the void.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Flicking his hand, Irilius shouted his first of many orders to come to the deck around him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]And with that, the two dozen Long-Ranged Turbolaser batteries along the Peace shot crimson fire into the void, trying to assail whatever Mandalorian vessel they could: preferably the Cadera, but one learns a barrage is far from the most accurate thing in the void.[/SIZE]

Fleet Actions:
Irilius's fleet arrives
Peace opens fire on Cadera
Moving into position for optimal firing range

Fleet Comp
[SIZE=11pt]8 [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Exterminator-class Heavy Corvettes[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]3 [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Athena-class Shield Frigates[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]1 [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Marr-class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]3 Vytika-class Escort Carriers [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]5 [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Harrower-class Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

Location: Larraq Homestead, New Keldabe Outskirts, Manda'yaim
Allies: UCM,
Enemies: TSE,
Objective: #GetOffMyLawn
Post: 02


The scent of ash and spent rocket fuel lingered in the air as the great cylinder roared overhead. Mishka's gaze was towards the sky, her eyes tracking the smoky line as it raced for the heavens. A gentle breeze played with her golden hair as the rocket disappeared in a flash of light, transitioning to hyperspace well before it would have encountered the protective energy shield that encased the planet. Hyperspace... where the device would burn brighter than a star on navigational computers throughout the quadrant. Where the runes and enchantments she had placed upon the rocket would take effect. Where a simple hunk of scrap would help save this world and those that Mishka loved most.

Turning her gaze from the blue of the sky, Mishka let her eyes linger on the horizon and the golden, wind-swept planes that rolled on for miles in all directions. In the distance, alarms still blared as those who were unprepared for war took shelter or sought out a means with which to resist whatever was to come next. Mishka couldn't see it from here, but she knew that those alarms came from New Keldabe. Her eyes watched the horizon without blinking as wind played at her hair and dress. The vod below her checked weapons, calmed their trained beasts, or performed last minute maintenance on whatever machines of war they had brought with them to her home.

"Take the sword I gave you..." Mishka said without turning her gaze from the horizon that hid Keldabe City, speaking to the spectral form of her long dead brother that stood beside her. "Repair the Harvester. Keep the farm safe. And when Olivia arrives, tell her what's going on."

"Sure Mish." Rygel told his baby sister, watching her with a critical eye and a hint of concern. "You... you're ready for this, right?"

Mishka stood silent for a moment. Then for a moment more. "Yeah." She said at last as she lowered her head and let her eyes fall onto the people that milled about below her feet. They were her family. Her cousins, her neighbors. Boys she had flirted with when she was younger and girls she had played with when she was even younger. What lay below her feet was everything she had ever loved. And she knew it was going to be up to her to keep them safe. All while sending some of them to their deaths. "I can do this." Mishka lied as she stepped forward to the edge of the landing pad where she whistled three loud, sharp tones before taking a final step over the edge of the platform.

She fell nearly thirty meters before she slammed into the saddle of her mount, a Lagartoz War Dragon that her cousin had raised from an egg. The beast escorted Mishka to the ground in slow lazy circles, giving Mishka a better look at the small army of ranchers and farmers that had amassed at her calling. Dozens of vod wore a dazzling assortment of armors, adorned with clashing colors and in a variety of styles. Some wore archaic Beskar'gam that she had crafted herself. Others wore traditional Beskar'gam. Some adorned themselves with knives, axes, and guns. Others adorned themselves with sword or spear or great weapon. And yet others lugged about massive support weaponry.

She saw a few dozen of her cousin's trained Vornskrs prowling the edge of the farm, most of which being led in loose packs by vod riding larger Napna Vornskrs. A handful of the massive Taakur Bev'uliik lumbered about, aggressively snorting at the hunting beasts that prowled in the distance. Near them, four huge Ori'edee dwarfed the smaller mammals by merely existing. A few other vod rode War Dragons like her own, while many more rode the more common War Droids of her people. By the forge, an aging Myrkava Battle Tank hummed quietly to itself as her crew tended to the vehicle with the aid of Mishka's grandfather. It wasn't the grandest army to assemble on Mandalore, but it would do- <Oh by the gods, WHY!?> Mishka thought to herself as she tugged on the reigns of her mount and circled away from the assembled vod and glided towards the Mando'ade that approached from the west atop seven enormous Kuryida Edee.

"Are those even trained!?" Mishka shouted at the vod as she guided her mount into orbiting the enormous bipedal reptiles and the armed men upon their backs.

"For the most part!" Shouted back a man that seemed far too happy at the prospect of actually getting to ride his expensive pet into battle.

"Oh for the love of-" Mishka began before deciding that they needed the help more than they needed sanity. "Alright, you can bring them along, but keep them away from... everything. Keep them well to the rear and focus on flanking attacks, the Taakur and Ori'edee are hard enough to control in battle."

"Got it, we'll watch your back!" Shouted back the Mandalorian of questionable sanity as Mishka guided her mount back towards the main cluster of friends and neighbors.

Coming to a smooth, loping landing, her War Dragon trotted the last few meters as Mishka tried to strangle the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach. Each of the assembled vod turned their gaze and attention onto Mishka as she approached. She could feel their expectations upon her like the weight of a Kuryida Edee's steps. Taking a deep breath, Mishka did her best to shove those feelings down as deep as they would go. Exhaling, Mishka tried her to clear her mind of distractions and focus upon this small corner of universe that surrounded her. "Well, we all knew this day was coming..." Mishka began, pausing both to let the chuckling die down and because of the weight of more than a hundred pairs of eyes. Clearing her throat, Mishka began again. "Most of us here were never fond of Queen Yasha or her Empire. Most here had children hidden in cellars as armed thugs came from the city to round up those blessed by the Manda." Mishka called out loudly, a low murmuring of agreement coming from those before her. "Well the Queen and the Empire can rot for all I care, but this is Manda'yaim, and the Sith can't karking have it!" Mishka yelled out as she finished delivering what she truly hoped would be a rousing speech. However, the silence that followed was all Mishka needed to hear to know that her attempt had fallen flat. "Lets... Lets just go kill some space wizards." Mishka said as she turned her mount towards New Keldabe.

Location: Kashyyyk
Event: The Mandalorian Crusade | Invasion of Kashyyyk

Unleash Hell.

Khor's face was smoky black, clad with burning soot, his green eyes staring out at nothing in particular in the distance. His childhood Brev, a few years older now, sat with his back resting on the burning corpse of a Dantooine turkey on the beaches of Kashyyyk.

The order had been given. The Crusades had been started. Still a child, Khor was thirteen years old now. Considered a man in the Mando'ade, he had been drafted into the War against the Republic. They were sure they would've all died here on Kashyyyk. But this new Mand'alor...

He was different.

Hours earlier, this entire beach had been pitch black. The Mando'ade had been warned it would happen, had been equipped to deal with the smoke and ash. 'Ra's turning the sky black,' they would say. And it wasn't in jest - it happened. Khor wasn't afraid of the dark, wasn't afraid of much at all. But this... not a man on that battlefield wasn't terrified.

And the screams. The blood curdling screams of women and children.

It was nightmarish.

"Hey," Brev muttered, nodding over to Khor and picking himself up off the ground. "Head's up, vod." Khor looked over his shoulder.

Akaan was passing by in a hurry, one of Ra's top Generals and leader of the Cuir Rekr. Khor joined his friend on his feet, and then looked over at one of the other men in their pod.

An older man yelled back at that boys as Akaan disappeared into the distance followed by several groups of warriors. "We're moving out, men.

Leadership's directing us further up the beachhead to cover Mand'alor himself. Some sort of trouble with Clan Raxis. We move in five!"

Khor sighed, and shared a sideways glance with Brev. A somber day. It had been a resounding victory, but nobody was celebrating. Only more fear. Only more devastation.


Mandalore remembers.

Ra stood in front of a mirror in The Shelter, several of his contingent attending to his armor and others were moving throughout the Facility making preparations.

"Planetary shields?"

"Crumbling fast. They'll be on the surface within the hour, possibly sooner."


"They're moving them as fast as they can, but the Clans are weak. Chaotic. The Council hasn't been heard from in quite some time, and Mand'alor has been quiet."

"Death Watch?"

"Which one, Ra?" A few men chuckled. "There's contingents of Mandalorians all over the place, and none of them are scrambling to assist. We're on our own. Mandalore is on it's own."

"Our timeline?"

"Well, we've expedited a few things, the Sith are moving faster than anticipated. But you remember how this goes.... probably a lot of men yelling 'fire when ready', lots of dramatic posturing on both sides. It'll still be a bit before we're able to lock arms and cross swords. The stage is set, though, vod.

When they see you, it'll be like moths to a flame."
The Darth's smile broke into a massive grin as they witnessed the planetary shields fall, New Keldabe almost within their grasp. Even from this brief moment, a flood of images rushed the Sith Lord's sadistic mind, scenes of glorious carnage, rivers of blood, and charred flesh. It was a wondrous feeling that filled Raptious' very veins, their muscles, their bones: the anticipation of renown, prestige, fame, acclaim. The general desires of all Sith.

"Finally, it comes to us," the Sith Lord shivered under their breath, eyes gleaming with elation. "Send word to the fleet. Get the soldiers upon the Mastodons and send down the Ferrata carriers into direct orbit for the SI/AITs. Send forth the Assault Frigates and Strike Cruisers with the directive to aid any part of the assault that calls for them, and have the Caecus fall back to protect the Malaks."

Tyths Lore smiled alongside his Lord and quickly issued these orders amongst the Sith Lord's portion of the fleet, the ships in question charging forth with purpose and speed, "And this ship, Lord Raptious?"

"You will take command of the battlecruiser and command the fleet that remains behind," Raptious ordered as they replaced their helmet upon their head, tucking their hair under the metal to allow the wires to connect and hook for complete sealing. It was a deep hiss that signaled the completion of the process, the servos whirring and creaking as the Sith Lord cracked their neck. "Command the fighters and keep people from fleeing. If any foes from Concord Dawn arrive, engage at will."

The Rear-Admiral saluted as the Sith Lord began moving towards the turbolift to disembark from the bridge, "And you, Lord Raptious?"

The Sith turned on their heels in the turbolift and adjusted their gauntlets, the purple and gold emblems engraved upon them shining in the white light like Jedi artifacts, "I will lead the ground assault alongside Darth Vitium, and the beast Tehkyram. Send word to them to join me in the fields outside New Keldabe."

"Is it wise to trust the Karkarodon, Lord?" the Rear Admiral asked with genuine concern. "They are an exceptionally violent race and hard to control."

The Darth bared their teeth is a massive grin and pressed the button to descend to the hangars, "Wiser than to trust an up-and-coming Sith. And besides, my dear friend, it is exactly that violence that I require."

And with those words, the turbolift closed with a thunk and hiss. The descent was rapid and teeth rattling, but the Sith Lord eventually made it to the hangar where their personal cadre of Legionaries boarded the transports. Those not within the shuttles hailed the arrival of their Sith Lord, who in kind greeted them with boundless energy. In a move most Sith would not expect let alone perform, Raptious boarded the one shuttle that had space, standing in the middle with their hand gripping the balance handle tightly, bending the metal under their fingers.

The soldiers having taken their seat prior to the Lord's arrival looked upon the giant with shock and grateful surprise.

"Are you brave men and women ready to get yourselves bloody?" they Sith Lord asked rhetorically with a sharp grin, their tone bursting with sadistic glee.

[member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Tehkyram"] | [member="Mishka Larraq"]​
Explosions sounded all around Vaulkhar. Beside him, Kaine Zambrano stood tall in their drop ship. The Sith Lord's powerful grip held tightly to one of the nearby hand rails. The dropship shook as all around them, bombs blew apart, taking friendly vessels with them. Vaullkhar looked down at his hands. both unscarred and relatively untested in the field. The halfbreed stood up and strode towards his father. As another ship blew apart nearby, the concussive force sent their ship rumbling down for dozens of feet before evening out once more. Below them, shipyards sped by as the Sith Lord and his son raced towards a particularly important factory in their sector. The Republic had grown bold and launched an attack against Balmorra, once controlled by the One Sith. Both Kaine and Vaulkhar dropped from the ship before they raced into the factory. The dropship moved to return to the air, but it was blown asunder behind them.


Beneath his helmet Vaulkhar's eyes widened as his elder brother unintentionally shook his smaller sibling from his revere. The massive hand was large enough to nearly engulf his shoulder itself. For a moment, Vaulkhar's gaze remained locked on the destructive beam of energy as it surged towards the planet. He couldn't remember anything as dsngerous or powerful in that moment as the Behemoth, which momentarily frightened him. In his earlier days under his father's command, he had seen horrific means in which wars were waged. Some were subtle while others were rather direct, but nothing matched the intensity of this moment. Time and space momentarily slowed to a crawl as he sucked in a deep breath.

Only his brother's words garnered his attention. Constantinius was vastly different from his smaller sibling. With beautiful golden tresses and a smile that could win over a room, Vaulkhar appeared further dwarfed. To any onlooker, it was evident the universe was a rather unfair place in simply comparing the Dark Lord's two children. It didn't seem to phase Vaulkhar in the slightest considering the much more pressing matters before them.

"I am sure blood and battle will be bountiful this day," Vaulkhar stated in response. His tone seemed much lower than the larger of the two brothers, further accentuating the vast differences between them. "And of course, you needn't worry about your flank. No one will get close," the words left him flatly. No confidence or concern escaped him. Instead, the statement was made matter of factly, as if the question needn't of been brought up in the first place. While his brother was far more personable than their other siblings, Vaulkhar tended to not show outward emotion towards even Constantinius. Though, he'd never admit it, he certainly had a soft spot for the blonde giant.

As more time passed, Vaulkhar became uncomfortably aware of the growing tightness that gripped his chest. Trying to keep his attention on anything else, he listened in on his brother's minor update for their father. Unfortunately, he had a hand in the prep work earlier and struggled to keep interest in the topic. And so his mind wandered, back to past wars waged and battles fought.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Constantinius Zambrano"]

bjective: Sundari
Location: The Behemoth
Allies: TSE & Allies
Enemies: UCM
Wearing: Armor | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 8 Nozhi Blades | 2 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | Pouch of Vita Stones
Post: Two
Her weapons were clean. Sharp. Ready. Scherezade slid a few of her knives into the attachments wrapped around her waist, hips, and ankles, some of them in open view, others revealed even beneath the skin tight armor she wore.

Through the large windshields, she looked at the planet below. The Sith were already working on taking the planetary shield down. Perhaps some day, Scherezade thought, she would get to play part in a battle of this kind that didn't start with the usual. The waiting game of the earlier hours had always felt like a drag to her, just waiting for the good stuff to happen.

She hoped the Mandalorians on the surface were ready for what was coming. Defeating an unaware enemy might be considered efficient, but it lacked entirely in the fun department. It was a known game now in advance; the planetary shield would fail the planet, and it would go down. The only questions lingered were how long it would take, and what they would find once it was taken care of.

Scherezade smiled.

This was not the Confederacy coming to push an enemy back. This was the Sith Empire, coming to take down someone they now deemed unworthy of existing. It was a philosophy and point of view that she could one hundred percent get behind. And the best part of it was that unlike the Confederacy, to which she belonged, there would be no holding back now. Often had the Confederacy attempted to minimize the collateral damage and avoid the slaughter of civilians.

But there were no Mandalorian civilians.

And as long as Scherezade had a say in it, as many of them that day, would perish.

She could barely contain her excitement.
Location: Mandalore’s Orbit
Allies: Sith
Enemies: UCM
Objective: Victory

Life worked in mysterious ways.

A king, reigning from many great monarchs before him, would think of himself untouchable in a castle all protected from the sworn soldiers at his disposal; only to be usurped and beheaded by the very subjects he thought he held unyielding power over. What about a man, born from dirty and shown no mercy by the world, fighting for survival with only to come and have the world at the palm of his hand. Another fine example would be a warrior that rose through the ranks of his people, earning the respect and acknowledgement of his comrades. Trusted with leading battalions and help to build the great nation they shared so that their future generations would be secured and continue to build the legacy of their ancestors. Patriotic was that man, zealously prideful; however, it would only turn into bitterness when he had realized what he fought for would turn into something despicable. A deformed beast that was worshipped. Never had that warrior thought he’d raise his own sword against his culture and home. Painful, yet necessary in order for salvation.

A small story that reflected on Vilaz.

He say quiet, not paying attention to his surroundings as he stared at an object before him. An axe carved out from the bone of a Mythosaur, decorated with the most finest rubies that were mined from the caverns of Mandalore. A gift to him by another warrior he proudly served as one his most trusted warlords. The rubies casted a vibrant red at the Concordian, almost to the color of blood. So many emotions and thoughts dwelled upon his mind in the matter of minutes. He tried casting them away, only wanting to remember the past the axe brought to him and his people. Prosperous times with crusades, Mandalore and her children finally returning to their roots that caused them to exist and known in the first place. Though as the saying goes...nothing gold ever lasts.

The axe was well tuned and maintained, not a scratch tainted the beautiful craftsmanship of the weapon. That was because it has never seen combat...until today that is.

”Alor, you seem disturbed,” a Munin warrior of Besalisk heritage came, one that stood high in the ranks of the clan.

A moment passed

”Is it worth it, Krile? All this?” he replied back, coming back to reality after gazing into the axe.

”I’m confused, Vilaz. This is what you have wanted...what we have wanted. A hammer into the pillars of the Infernal’s Empire and create something outta the fire.”

”At what cost though? A deal with the devil in order to accomplish our goals and start what we have dreamed of?”

”It’s like you’ve said it yourself. A price to pay for salvation.”

Salvation...salvation for his culture that had been dragged through the mud, humiliated by other nations across the Galaxy. Instead of conquerors they were known as benevolent diplomats, sharing the wealth to others. Yet when have others shown Mandalore benevolence? Never.

”We will survive; we always have. This isn’t the end for us, we’re tougher than beskar.”

A few seconds passed until the Warlord stood up from his seat and walked towards the hangar bay of the flagship of his own personal fleet.


And he was out set to bring war to Mandalore with his crimson armor and axe. They would remember him as Akaan.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Location: Shield Gate Targeted by Goliath - Headed to Keldabe
Allies: Mandalorians [YOU GON GET THIS HELP]
Enemies: Sith and their Allies

Well this was certainly the warmest homecoming he'd had in a long while. Not since the pirate wars had he come home only to be but in binders. The men acted as if they didn't know who he was or what he'd done for them and were treating him like a common criminal or smuggler.

"Look you can have the booze, but you need to let the Mand'alor know-"

"That the Sith are coming to destroy us all? By the Manda I wish we could just shut him up," one of the Mandos groaned. Gil cursed under his breath and glanced out the viewport at his fleet. It had come and essentially been grounded and detained by United Clans military. It seemed they were already in a bit of a tizzy, something about Yasha not being around or something to that effect. Essentially they were left leaderless, or at least without a leader with as much pull as she had. So when Gilamar Skirata had dropped into Mandalorian space blaring a warning about an incoming Sith fleet he'd all but been ignored, his illegal goods from the Outer Rim confiscated, and he himself was taken prisoner.

A wonderful turn of events.

From the corner of his eye a flash of light caught his attention. Then several, small at first but they increased in size. Sith fighters screamed overhead suddenly, blasting the hull with lasers and sending the hallway shuddering.

"What in the-"

"Its the Sith," Gil muttered, forgoing the I told you so. But they didn't have much time to re-think their follies. The Goliath fired its main gun, its assault cutting through the gate's hull. With a curse he tapped his chest twice. He lacked his beskar'gam as he didn't want to be percieved as a threat...But the back up Zeke had made for him that he'd never thought he'd use...The micronized beskar'gam made from the crazy Mandalorian's nano-technology was about to save his life. The armor skittered around him sealing him from head to toe. He didn't have time to activate his mag boots but by the time he was sucked through the gaping hole in the shield gate's hull he was sealed within his armor. His breaths came out in short panicked gasps as the shield gate broke and exploded around him. Fighting had started full force.

"Help!" He shouted into his helmet's coms, "Gorrammit where's Atin!?" As if on cue the massive bes'uliik streaked by, snatching Gil into its saddle. He breathed a sigh of relief as he felt the beast's engines rumbled reassuringly beneath him. He gave the metal beast a pat and muttered,

"Better late than never old friend." They floated there in space like that for a moment while Gil got his bearings and patched and sliced himself into Mandalorian Coms before switching back to his fleet Com.

"Echoy'lir this is Gil Skirata, I'm alive." He heard the sigh of relief on the other end and smirked, "The Sith won't kill me that easily. Move the fleet into position to aid the Mandalorians, damn whatever they say. If they open fire well..."

"We'll figure something out. You need help?"

"They will down below. The Goliath and the Behemoth have opened up small apertures in the shield. Get our folks down there...I'm headed to Keldabe." His boots clicked into place properly and his engines flared once, twice and than rocketed him towards the surface of Mandalore.

Location: Phasma-class infiltrator, to Sundari crawlspaces.
Objective: Infiltrate Sundari and make a mess of it.
TSE: [member="Vash Windrider"] [member="Darth Carnifex"]
[member="Kaine Australis"]

As the Eidolon joined the Imperial Armada, the phasmas engaged stealth systems and detached themselves from the star destroyer like a swarm of invisible wasps leaving the hive, until the hive itself vanished as well and moved away from the fleet. (OOC: The Eidolon will not be engaging in the fleet battle, it is merely there for flavour). The Phasmas waited patiently.

Darth Ophidia watched from the cockpit of her Phasma, piloted by her droid. She stared at the shield surrounding Mandalore with hate in her eyes, as if her very glare could bring it down. And as the light sparked from the twin dreadnaughts, the Behemoth and the Goliath.

At the ready.

The superlasers ripped through shields, and the Phasmas shot forward to close the distance. They weaved through the holes in the planetary shield and scattered to their respective target positions under the protection of their stygium cloaking. Quick and nimble, the Phasmas were made for this.

Ophidia’s team swept down toward the dome of Sundari, the hangar bay opening to the deafening sound of wind. She looked at the assassins with her and patted one of them on the shoulder as the group engaged their cloaking devices. They blinked out, one by one, leaving only a faint oscillation.

Remember, they will be disrupting the Force. You will feel weak, but we have trained for this. Now go!

The Phasma slowed for a moment as it brought its’ bay around and let the assassins jump from its innards, over to the dome, then flew away to await further instructions. They held on to the metallic wall with handheld magnets as their suits sacrificed bulky mag boots for litheness. However, the magnets would not be needed for long. As Ophidia landed on the side and felt secure in her hold on the magnetic anchor, she unclipped one of her sabres. The bloodshine blade immediately set to carving out a semi-circle, a motion that was matched by one of her fellow assassins. Rather than cutting a full circle, they had made a narrow gap, through which they could squeeze, one by one, extinguishing the glowing blades as they went inside and rebooting their cloaking where necessary.

They moved on, sneaking swiftly through the crawlspaces of the Mandalorian city structure, moving toward the royal palace. They guessed that would be where most of Mandalorian high command would be gathering, and they knew from reports of those who had been inside, that was the centre of their force denying bubble.

Darth Vitium

Until We Go Down

Location: Mandalorian Space over New Keldabe, Mandalore
Objective: Revenge for Teta (Devastate New Keldabe)
Equipment: Two Lightsabers
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Mandalorians

It had been decades since the bombing of Cinnagar and the devastation caused by the Akure Leviathan in its streets, decades of fomented rage built up by the actions of an incompetent Mandalorian people in a Sith Lord ruled by her vices. Despite her initial reluctance to return to an order that had betrayed her, the opportunity to repay the warrior people for the rage she still felt from the battle over Teta was too good to pass up. Finding herself aboard a small shuttle, one that had previously belonged to a Mandalorian ambassador that had the misfortune of visiting Sith space prior to this incursion, she waited for the shields covering the planet to drop, bombarded as they were by so much heavy capital weaponry. She needn't wait long - a torrent of destruction poured from the Empire's dreadnought, tearing through the planetary shield to allow the invasion force to flood the planet like a swarm of locusts. Setting course for the planet's surface, flying towards the tear in the planetary shield, she enabled the communications systems on the shuttle, setting the frequency for a channel she'd procured that would be used by the rest of the Empire's forces. With a flip of a switch the microphone in the cabin was broadcasting to all channels - radio silence, temporarily, but she had an intended audience that would do well to recognize her voice.

"Teta will have her revenge, and then I will have mine."

Cutting the communications off, her shuttle sped towards the city of New Keldabe - blending in with the rest of the ships flying to and from the planet as the invasion began its theater on the ground.

[member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Darth Prazutis"]
Location: The Deep Black Sea, somewhere near Zanbar
Allies: Wayward Souls in Beskar'gam
Enemies: Everything Else
Objective: Stop and ask for directions
Post: 02

Nothingness filled the digital viewscreens of the command deck as the Morut be te Kyr'bes hurled itself through the tare in hyperspace, following in the wake of a fleet of similar and lessor warships that dared to brave the dangers of the wormhole ahead of the flagship. For all the risk and strangeness involved, it was a calm and quiet affair for those within the warship. Far less colorful and turbulent than most hyperspace corridors at the edge of the galaxy. Glancing at a nearby display, a rough estimate of their position was superimposed over a map of the galaxy. But at five sectors width and twelve sectors length, they might as well have just left the screen blank. Possibly with some flashing red text saying 'No karking clue.'

Seated upon the throne of command, Olivia sighed and leaned forward, resting armored elbows against armored leg plates. The implications of her earlier vision still weighed heavily upon her. The context of the vision, her home burning while Imperial ships stalked the skies, was reason enough to feel a sense of dread. But that she would have the vision at all... That was what troubled her. It had not been some drug induced hallucination, nor had it been a simple nightmare. She had been awake, alert, and... sober at the time. Staring at the metal plating beneath her feet, Olivia couldn't help but to wonder if it had been a manifestation of the Manda.

Olivia knew full well that she was not one whom the Manda had chosen to bless. Visions and premonitions were not things that she would ever need to worry about. Or so she had thought for most of her life. Her sister though... Her sister had been blessed with visions. The pit in Olivia's stomach only sank deeper as she stared at the deck of her flagship and dwelt on the issue. <Perhaps... It was a message?> Olivia asked herself, letting the implications echo in her head for a moment. <But... was it intended for me? Or did it call out to all Mando'ade? Did the current Mand'alor possess such an ability?> Olivia thought, continuing in her silent ramblings. <No.> Olivia decided after a few moments. <That had been Kolita Valley, within a few miles of home. The only person that would know to send that vision is->

Olivia stood from the command throne, stepping forward as ideas raced within her mind. <Mishka?> Olivia questioned silently, realizing the rightness of the idea as it resonated within her. Her baby sister was Runi'verd, blessed by the Manda. If she still lived on the charred world that had once been the Manda'yaim of her childhood, Mishka may very well have studied the ways of the jetii and dar'jetii... She could... maybe... have learned to send visions across the galaxy. But... to call for her now. After all these years. And right after she had arrived back in the galaxy...

The Morut be te Kyr'bes fell into realspace as Olivia pondered the possibility of fate. Viewscreens filled with stars and the ion drives of other ships moving outward in all directions, at best speed, clearing way for the ships that came after. <Fate.> Olivia thought as a distant solar system filled the viewscreens and the Dar'tome Mando'ade ships slowed their movement, slowly maneuvering into a defensive formation around the flagship as she drifted towards the unknown solar system.

"Is it Mandalore?" One of the bridge officers asked. Olivia held her breath as she waited for the response.

"Er, no." Answered the navigational officer. "Computer says it's... Zanbar?"

"I'm familiar with it." Olivia said to no one and everyone as she walked towards the Comms station. "It's one of the many worthless systems between Mandalore and Concord Dawn. But... we're in the Mandalore sector."

Several of the younger officers were still and silent, awed that they were so close the the Mandalorian homeworld. Those born in Besh all the more so. Olivia, however, busied herself by leaning over her communications officer and typing out commands on his station. "Broadcast this signal on the frequencies I listed." Olivia said as she stood straight, gripping the young man's shoulders with both hands. "We'll find out what's happening at Mandalore, then we'll go kick someone's teeth in." The young officer nodded in acknowledgement and did as his Alor commanded.

Throughout the sector, abandoned outposts from a previous era struggled to life once again and began to broadcast sensor data to the long lost Alor.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Location: Concord Dawn
Objective: Defend my home!
Allies: UCM, [member="Quintus Cadera"], [member="Taozi Fuyuan"]
Enemies: TSE: [member="Anden Fancelo"], [member="Sith Muse"], [member="Hakai Shizukana"], [member="Irilius Tiam"] , [member="Darth Rage"] , [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]​
Equipment: Bio

Around Concord Dawn, forces of Clan Gred mobilized to try and stop those that made it planet side. The clan wasn't the biggest, or strongest, but they were definitely among the most determined. They wouldn't let their home fall easy, and though they were still licking their wounds from the Battle of Taanab, they'd use whatever they had to fight. There forces on the ground may have been small, but they knew how to make one vod fell like forty. The Gred's wouldn't let go of this planet without a fight, and if it was a fight the Sith wanted, it was a fight they'd get!

Mig and Ilik started their way to Mig's homestead. It was formerly the Alor's Fathers, but Mig took up the place after his death. Mig looked over at the medic, never happier that the former Mando'ad'jetii was Force-Dead now. He sighed, quickly speaking up.

"So you don't think you'll make it?" Ilik sighed, looking over at the younger vod.

"Do I have to give you the same speech I gave Leddie?"

"No. Just... don't try to get yourself killed. Ok?" Ilik just chuckled a bit.

"No one ever tries to." As they got close to the homestead, something flew over head. A ship that Mig didn't recognize. He realized really quick what this probably was. A raiding party, here to take what they could find. They had to hurry to stop these people from taking what was their's. Ilik simply nodded to Mig as the young man cranked the landspeeder up to full speed. He wouldn't let them just waltz in and take what they wanted.

Meanwhile, above the planet, the battle for orbit raged on. The Sith fleet had begun to fire on the Mandalorian fleet. Most of the fire was spread, but a second fleet that jumped in focused their fire on the battleship. The barrage on the massive vessel also lead to hits on the cruisers and The Doge, as they were close, but now was the time to really fight! The Cadera-class started charging forward, firing her gravity cannons and Behemoth missiles at the Redoubt. The Doge also opened up on the Redoubt with her gravity cannons as well. The Firebrands joined in, firing every weapon they had from turbolaser to particle cannon at the battlecruiser.

Elsewhere, the Enigma led her fellow Enigma-class corvettes and CR90s into a charge on the fleets protectors. The shield frigates. The corvettes used their speed to quickly close the distance and slide under the shields like fighters would, and attack the frigates with all their weapons. In the main fleet, the Taanabian Spirit and the Storm-class frigates opened up on the heavy corvettes, aiming to destroy the smaller ships. The Torrent-types had also picked their quarry for their hiding place in their clocking fields. They maneuvered behind the star destroyer, and went to open fire on the ship, unleashing their onslaught of torpedoes, and turbolaser fire before attempting to slip back to what they saw as the safety of their cloak.

The strike craft however followed a different mission. They did their best to avoid the fire of the much large battlecruiser's point defense system, and instead targeted the corvettes. Their aim, eliminate the escorts to the massive vessels. They came in quick, attacking with torpedoes bombs and missiles. They used either agility of raw strength to avoid being destroyed by defenses, and kept going. They couldn't stop. Not with Concord Dawn at stake! And if it lead to a hectic space battle, if it lead to their deaths, so be it. The'd see each other in the Manda.

Fleet List:​
Cadera-Class Battleship: Shields: 80% Hull: 90%
The Doge: Shields: 90% Hull: 100%
Enigma: Shields: 100% Hull: 100%
9 Enigma-class FAC: Shields: 90% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%, Shields: 85% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull:100%, Shields: 80% Hull: 100% , Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 92% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%
10 updated CR90 Corvettes: Shields: 90% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%, Shields: 85% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull:100%, Shields: 80% Hull: 100% , Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 92% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%
Taanabian Spirit: Shields: 85% Hull: 100%
4 Firebrand-class Artillery Cruisers: Shields: 90% Hull: 100%, Shields: 92% Hull: 100%, Shields: 89% Hull: 100%, Shields: 95% Hull:100%
6 Storm-class Torpedo Assault Frigates: Shields: 84% Hull: 100%, Shields: 85% Hull:100%, Shields: 87% Hull: 100%, Shields: 90% Hull: 100%, Shields: 80% Hull: 100%, Shields: 86% Hull: 100%
10 Torrent-types: Shields: 90% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%, Shields: 85% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull:100%, Shields: 80% Hull: 100% , Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 92% Hull: 100%, Shields: 100% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%, Shields: 96% Hull: 100%
5 Mandalorian Viper Squadrons: Fighters Lost: 5
3 GF-2 TwinTail Fighter Squadrons: Fighters Lost: 2
2GF-3 Talon Fighter Squadrons: Fighters Lost: 3
6 HA-1 Beskad Squadrons: 3 Bomb module, 3 Missile module, Ships Lost (Bomb): 2, Ships Lost (Missile): 0
Fleet actions:
  • The Doge, Firebrands, and Cadera, fire all weapons they can on the Redoubt, including Gravity Cannons and Behemoth missiles.
  • The Enigma, her sister ships, and the CR90s attack the shield frigates, getting in close and sliding under their shielding.
  • Taanabian Spirit, and Storm-classes focus on attacking the heavy corvettes.
  • The Torrent-types move to the rear of the Peace, and attack full force.
  • The strike craft focus on the attacking the corvettes, avoid the larger ships fire and bombing, torpedoing, and launching missile attacks on the corvettes.
Location: Behemoth​
Allies - The Sith Empire: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Constantinius Zambrano"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Funami Teriyaki"]​
Enemies - The Mandalorian Empire​
The child was in awe. Naturally. Sam watched her looking around her surroundings with awe, it was probably the first time the girl had seen anything like this. Oh and of course, the Emperor was here too. She almost forgot just how revered he was. Sam's own relationship with the Dark Lord was comparatively casual.

"You're welcome," Sam bowed her head slightly as the child thanked her, leading the girl slightly closer to the viewing platform as she did so. She deserved a closer look for coming all this way.

Then the fireworks happened. The mighty primary weapon of the Behemoth blasting its way through the gaps in the Mandalorian fleet to destroy the planetary shields. Beyond that, scattered fire had begun between the defending and attacking fleets. Ships were ablaze but more Mandalorian vessels were coming into view. Hopefully that would be none of their concern. The navy would do its job and they would do theirs.

A movement to the side caught her attention, the child almost frantically searching herself, her excitement palpable in the air. Sam repressed a chuckle at the sight. Had she been so enthusiastic at that age? It was tough to remember.

"It has a beauty to it, does it not?" Sam asked the child with an airy voice as the laser beam faded from sight. The destruction of battle, however, certainly did not fade. "Look over there," she pointed at a Mandalorian ship breaking apart under heavy fire. "How many lives do you think are ending as we speak? They'll be screaming, choking and burning while we watch peacefully from here and speculate." She'd be watching the girl's reaction. Testing to see any hint of reservation or empathy. Somehow she didn't expect to see it.

Quite how this girl, in school uniform no less, was aboard this warship, Sam wasn't sure. But her wonder and enthusiasm for the battle made Sam certain of what she wanted. It was dangerous but so long as Sam emphasised that, the decision would be hers to make. If she died... She was too weak, that was the Sith way of things, wasn't it?

"We'll be departing for the surface in a moment," she continued. There was now much more authority in the Ren's voice. "The Mandalorians make for especially difficult opponents for people like us. They have a variety of techniques to sever one's connection to the Force. This is an abomination of the natural order, of course, the Force flows through all things as is its will. When the Mandalorians deny that to an opponent be they Jedi, Sith or anyone else, they defy the natural order of the galaxy. This purge has been long overdue," Sam snarled her last words before realising that she had veered off her original topic then cleared her throat. "Unfortunately this means battles often depend on physical strength rather than skill with the Force. They will also defend their homeworld to the death and fight in such numbers that there will be no distinction between civilian and soldier. It's extraordinarily dangerous even for a war zone."

Sam turned to fully face the child with a warm smile on her pretty face. "Would you like to come? It would be a shame for you to come all this way and miss out on the best sights."

Location: Waiting in orbit for the shield to collapse fully
Objective: Secure the only resource that matters on the world
Allies: Sith Empire
Enemies: The Mandalorians [member="Skorvek"] (eventually)

Equipment: In signature

The time had finally come. The armada had been assembled, the legions prepared, and the Sith themselves driven into a frenzy for destruction and death. Vengeance for what an older rendition of the Mandalorian Empire had done to Dromund Kaas, and restitution for what the Sith perceived as the growing weakness of the Clans. Taeli had seen it first hand when her legions had deployed to Obroa-Skai to protect the knowledge of that world and even then, the sector had been fallen out of their control.


Watching from the bridge of the Dowager, her wife's favorite ship, Taeli watched the Behemoth and Goliath begin their assaults on the planetary shield and defenses of Mandalore herself. She wished Fio was here, but she had gone rock collecting for the moment with the rest of the Seventh. The Sith goal was to raze the planet, pillage anything valuable, and either force the bending of the knee or the death of every Mandalorian on the planet. Such a fall from grace that it had come to this. Much of the attack was going to be focused on the cities, but Taeli had an altogether different objective in mind. One more valuable in her opinion than slaughtering a city.

Beskar was the main reason anyone would care about the world at the moment, at least until the Mandos regained their warrior spirit... and it was in their service perpetually. For Taeli, and the forces under her command at the moment, the Or'dinii Mining Complex was to be secured and its resources harnessed for the Sith Empire. In all honesty, it was an eyesore even from orbit. A giant pit in the skin of the world, nothing truly efficient about the operation she could see.

"Tarkin, are the legions prepped?" she asked.

"They are, Lady Arcanix," was the reply. "Along with the creatures you brought."

"Excellent," she replied. "We begin landing when the shield is gone. I want the admin complex and foundries seized as quickly as possible. We'll let the spawn deal with any resistance that retreats into the mines themselves and then follow in behind them to mop what is left."
Location: Mandalore - In orbit, aboard the Crimson Valkyrie
Objective: Valkyrie it up in Sundari
Gear: Twin lightsabers, Valkyrie Founder's Armor
Allies: TSE - [member="Charlyra Araano"]
Enemies: UCM - To be seen
The firing of the Behemoth's destructive weapon, and the incredible force with which it was fired, could be felt aboard the Crimson Valkyrie. It was enough for Darth Avacyn to know that it would not be much longer before it was time to make planetfall. With that knowledge, her anticipation grew. War came at a cost, always, and the Kaalia of old only saw it as a necessary evil. To the Avacyn of today, war was the crucible in which strength was forged. The worthy would prove themselves no matter the side they fought on, the battlefield taught the purest truths the Dark side had to offer, and weakness would be purged.

After taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on the armrests of her seat and pushed herself up to her feet. She then collected her lightsabers from the stand that stood on her desk and turned towards the door of the chamber. In the corner of her eye was the terminal that still displayed the message she had sent and her attention was drawn towards it, causing her to make her way over. Though always concerned about her wife's safety in times like these she couldn't help but smile just slightly as the mental image of Ishana's cheeky grin crossed her mind. With the press of a button Avacyn shut the terminal down before moving towards the exit, and with the wave of her hand the door slid open to allow her to leave her chambers.

As she walked through the halls of the vessel, Avacyn unhooked a small holodevice that dangled from her armor. A few taps on the controls later, Charlyra's figure shot up from the base.

"We will be clear to make planetfall any moment now. Meet me at my shuttle."

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Location: Heading to Concord Dawn
Ally: Aiding the Mando
Post: 2
Tagging: [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] / [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]


Be de beep...her droid came in her quarters announcing she were receiving a message.

Marina were sitting on her bed, forehead resting on folded knees. There was much troubling thoughts going through her head.
I know...." She unwrapped her arms from around her knees and looked up.
"It's from home, isn't it?"

TK-1213, her astro-mech droid, confirmed.
It were her father.
Same message had been coming in for a while now unanswered. it were unlike her to not open her father's call.
Once more, she were disobeying her father's request in not getting involved with altercations between sith and their nemesis.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
This would take a lot of courage to do...
"Disregard it." Her adrenaline kicked in before the last syllable were uttered. panic, fear...the shortness of breath revealed what she just said and were doing was definitely against her grain. She had circumvented many things around her father..but to blatantly block him?
Her droid backed up a thread and spun it's turret. This were due to it's own primary protocols in regards to her father's authority.

Marina then suddenly jumped off her bed and went over to her droid, as she knew it were conflicting orders it were trying to process. But she knew her droid. they had gone through many other similar campaigns. It HAD to trust her now.
"TK...seriously...listen to me...." She said, taking a knee so as to speak with him face to turret...the high resolution optical imager.

"I can't respond to my father's call. If I do, then what I am set out to do will be that much more difficult for me to do.
I need you to keep radio silence till we emerge.
And please...please I beg you. Don't relay our destination to him or anyone from home. I don't wish for them to come to harm trying to find me to bring back home. " She had more than a few reasons as to why. One, she were cast in that her Creator Berkana, or by other gods unknown to her. She could not lay her head to sleep knowing there were things worth dying for and she do nothing about it. The call ran too deep in her veins for her to ignore.
That, and the fact that her queen [member="Faith Organa"] had family within the folds of Mandalore that she had not gotten word on for some time, like [member="Ginnie Dib"] @D'ral Arklim and [member="Arla Ordo"], among a few mentioned.
Her queen had not asked her directly to go or do what she were set on doing. Although Marina had been present when Queen Faith spoke with her young son [member="Theo Vereen"] by hologram of her worry for them. Marina were after all interning for her majesty on Alderaan.

Of course the little bucket of logic (her droid) did it's best to at least have Marina consider sending her father a message that she were OK.
Not to respond to his calls were unlike her...

No messages. They will be able to pinpoint out current position and easily calculate our potential destination.
No messages!"

Hours later, still streaking through hyperspace clocking at 0.3 toward Concord Dawn...

Marina were going over the tactical coordinates she had acquired from the ATM Serenity, the home base platform hospital ship of 'Doctors Without Borders'.

Along with the safe emergence coordinates given, it projected what were calculated optimal tactical fleet positions on the sith side. Of course they were not real exact fleet positions, but what had been calculated from the many TSE attacks on record analysed. Whomever were behind 'Doctors Without Borders' were no idiots. There were many rumors as to whom they were... One were that they had been former admiralty from all corners of the galaxy...possibly atoning for their former warfare throughout the galaxy. Of course, Marina weren't one to believe rumors. But whatever the means, the organization had good insight on what warfare brought upon the populous and they were geared up for helping those whom were caught behind enemy lines. It were all humanitarian based...never taking sides other than for civilians, the wounded on all fronts and the oppressed.

There were no guarantees that she would not emerge smack right in front of a sith dreadnought. But past records gave good probabilities as to where the sith fleets were NOT likely to converge over the system Concord Dawn.
Such a calculated air hole seemed to be on Concord Dawn's South polar axis, 77 degree off polar axis, 11.5 seconds...3 million kilometers distant from ground zero.
It were the least tactical position for the sith to be concentrated on.
It meant she were to emerge from hyper space 3 million kilometers from the surface. She'd have less than 5 seconds to break atmosphere at sub-light 0.9
The Southern pole were her best intrusion into the fray... or lack of it in that region. Again, it had no guarantee. But it were better than sending humanitarian aid blindly into the monster's mouth.

de be beep.. TK affirmed their emergence plan.
They had to get it right the instant they dropped out of hyperspace with only a few seconds to make any immediate corrections. And they had to hit the exosphere at near max velocity before she could engage her retro-thrusters to slow the Mariner IV down to mach-10 before hitting the stratosphere like a hammer.
It were going to be one hell of a pot hole the ship was going to experience.
Be be...her droid murmured.

"Yea...kapowee." She said.
If she erred, that would be the only thing her mind would register before lights out... before her ship formed a crater upon impact.
"Well..." she paused at that for a moment, looking at their emergence countdown from hyperspace.... Two hours, 34 minutes, 54 seconds and counting...

"... sigh...
Lets hope not."

[member="Taozi Fuyuan"] / [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Objective: Be alert
Location: Armatech City
Allies: UCM+friends
Enemies: TSE+friends
Tags: [member="Marina DeVoe"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]


Taozi clicked her tongue in frustration when she heard the news of the Sith fleet. She knew this day would eventually come. The day when the Mando'ade would be alone in the galaxy, with no one to aid them. "Clan Tal, start evacuation procedures! Call in the fleet, but in the mean time we will put civilians into the Free Enterprise! They won't like it, but it's the best we have. Now go!" Taozi watched as her clan went to work, spreading out to head into the city proper. She turned to watch Ilik and Leddie, and her heart grew heavy. When the six year old was pushed to her, Taozi gently gripped her shoulder while taking the weapon in her free hand.

"She'll be safe with me, and I'll give her and this back to you when you come back. Alive."

Taozi attached the weapon to her belt, before picking up Leddie so she couldn't run after the Gred men. Already her clan was bringing in civilians from the city and loading them into the empty cargo containers inside the ship. The Tal Alor could only pray that they could evacuate everyone, and that the main Tal fleet would arrive in time.

"The first true blow has been struck."

Blinding light shone brilliantly as the volatile energy smashed against the planetary shield, opening a gap wide enough to allow the Empire's ground complement to make a break for the planet's surface. Already there were several breakaways from the support flotilla around the Behemoth and the Goliath, moving at breakneck speeds through an intense storm of capital ship fire and fighter swarms to make it through the opening. Distant blossoming eruptions of fire and steel marked the graves of those who had failed, those who have succeeded streaming down to the planet's surface.

"Maneuver the Behemoth and the Goliath forward towards the enemy positions, form a wedge around the shield openings. The Legion must be unimpeded." Through slow, the twin dreadnoughts of the Sith Emperor and the Shadow Hand were implacable once they begun to move. Riddled with hundreds, if not thousands, of weapon systems across every conceivable surface, both warships were formidable independently, but together they were nigh unstoppable.

Rising from his throne, the Emperor descended the short dais and turned to exit the command bridge. "Prepare my shuttle, I shall lead from the front." He would leave command of his dreadnought in the hands of the capable bridge crew and the merciless artificial intelligence AQUILA, they were more than able to lead the assault from space in his stead. His place was down on the battlefield, among the soldiers of the Empire and the Sith of his Order. Those that were inclined to join him were more than welcome, as there was plenty of space for all on his personal shuttle, the Crestfallen II.

The ventral hangar bay of the Behemoth was massive, a gargantuan opening running along the bottom of the warship spacious enough to dock a cruiser of up to six-hundred-meters in length. Though no such vessel was docked at the moment, hundreds of troop transports and vehicle carriers were arrayed in preparation for the mad dash to Mandalore's surface. Walkers, treaded tanks, repulsorlift tanks, all were hidden away within the reinforced hulls of such vehicles. The Behemoth itself could carry upwards of forty-thousand Blackblade Guardsmen, the Emperor's own personal army of cybernetically and genetically enhanced elite warriors. All of them had boarded their own troop transports, many of which had already departed to establish a beachhead on the outskirts of the Sundari bio-dome.

As the Emperor's shuttle soared away from the dreadnought, the Emperor's commands were already being put into action. The twin dreadnoughts were moving to drive a wedge between the Mandalorian defense fleet, multiple Autarch and Ruin battlecruisers shadowing their advance to add their own considerable firepower against enemy vessels and the still active portions of the planetary shield.

Guided by the Dark Side of the Force and a swarm of starfighters, the Emperor's shuttle evaded danger and passed through into Mandalore's atmosphere.

Sundari loomed ahead of them.

The true battle was about to begin.

[member="Constantinius Zambrano"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Vaulkhar"] | [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Funami Teriyaki"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"]
[member="Hush Sarad"] | [member="Mira Rekali"] | [member="Nicair Claden"] | [member="Vash Windrider"]
[member="Taru Cadera"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Kaalia Pavanos"] | [member="Mishka Larraq"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Jor Kvall"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Lorale Farmar"]
[member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Sith Muse"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
[member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Darth Vitium"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]

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