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Submission Modifications

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Submission Name: Fort Galderra
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
  • Changed Classification to Medium Town/Fort
  • Changed Population to 2,500+ Denizens
  • Changed Demographics to 95% Human, 3% Rodian, 2% other
  • Added King's Keep and its Defenses
  • Increased Fort Galderra Defenses slightly
  • Added Militia Barracks and its Defenses
  • Clarified locations whether they are within the town castle walls or not
  • Upgraded Ship Port (New picture, defenses, more hangars)
  • Changed Fort Galderra Primary Picture
  • Added Galderra Magazine
  • Added Galderra Royal Treasury Headquarters
Reason for Modification: Through acquisition of a new company, new buildings and more denizens and personnel have been added
Modification: (Replace old Submission if possible)



Galderra, Fort and Town
Name: Fort Galderra
Image Source: Concept Art by sabin-boykinov
Classification: Medium Town/Fort

Location: Pzob
Affiliation: Eddak Manod
Population: 2,500+ denizens
Demographics: 95% Human, 3% Rodian, 2% other

Points of Interest:
(Unless otherwise stated, all points of interest are within the towns castle walls)

King's Keep

King Sverres castle
(Not within town castle walls)

The King's Keep is the newest addition to Fort Galderra among the others, being new, clean, and strong. This is where King Eddak has taken refuge, and given his original home to the city, where it will be rebuilt into a row house. The King's Keep rests on a mountain over looking an ocean of Pzob, although it doesn't over protection as one would think. Instead, behind it, lays the Fort Galderra Military Harbor. Nothing special, but it houses Eddaks personal vessel, among other military sea vessels that help keep law and order in areas that are away from Fort Galderra. The Keep ensures the highest of protection within a small space for the King whenever he is home, and also serves as a small garrison for the town.

50+ Local Militia
1 PTL-05 Launch Platforms
4 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters
2 E-WEM Turrets

Fort Galderra

Military Base by Jeffrey Guzman
(Connected on both sides to the town castle walls. Rear can be attacked from outside, from the sea. Gives protection to the coast)

Fort Galderra was the site that experienced the most upgrades and expansions, due to the lingering Gamorrean threat. Most product, credits and material went to Fort Galderra to make sure the town had the ability to defend itself. Unfortunately, the town technology level has suffered, although put its weight in effort in being modern. Fort Galderra is old, but stable and always upgraded and expanded. It was built into the original Pzob Stormtrooper Base which in turn made the local defenders training tactics and armor that of old Stormtroopers. Because of the Forts expansion, it has forced the town out of its original culture into a militaristic culture, where the military controls it. However, with limited supplies and money for the town, the Fort has had to settle with less modern weaponry, such as old and used Slugthrowers.

Protected by a Stone Castle wall and Gate (5m thick, 15m high)
600+ Soldiers
~10 Transport Shuttles
2 PTL-05 Launch Platforms
6 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters
4 E-WEM Turrets

Fuel Derrick

Concept Art by jonone

The towns Fuel Derrick, located just outside the Fort on the water, pulls Deuterium from underground underneath the water. Only recently was the supply discovered, and immediately became the towns main export, causing the new influx of credits and the requirement of the new Ship Port.

Galderra Ship Port

Spaceship Port by DeivCalviz

The new Ship Port of Galderra is a direct result of the new Deuterium fuel being discovered extracted, and sold to the public. While Galderra has little use for the large amounts they pull everyday, the less-than-profitable town has made enough money to start pouring back into itself and its denizens. No longer are they poor, and they have more stable jobs, bringing new life to the town. It has 2 hangars that have artificial gravity for use for ships up to 75m for repairs or docking, and 8 Hangars for ships that are 45m.

50+ Soldiers
4 E-WEM Turrets
2 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters

Militia Barracks

Reconstruction drawing of the Barracks by A. Pascolini

The Militia Barracks holds all the ready fighting men prepared to defend Fort Galderra at a moments notice. Their lives, homes, and beds are located within these barracks. While many of the Denizens can take up arms to defend their homes, the Militia Barracks trains men for war and defense of the town wall. While technically the Local Militia are the last line of defense of Fort Galderra, they merely do their best so the denizens of Fort Galderra do not have to fight, and may carry on like any other day. The field inside helps to train the men, and sometimes horses, in any style of combat.

Fort Galderra Local Militia
Galderra Local Cavalry
Spare Horses
Wheeled Percussion Cannons
2 E-Web Heavy Repeating Blasters

Galderra Magazine (Official Resource and Weapon Storage)

Gray keep by J-Humphries

The Galderra Magazine is the official warehouse by the military for explosive ordinance, slugthrower rounds, and any emergency resources (Non-edible) the town may ever need. In case of a damaged wall, as an example, the town has readily available resources to repair the wall instead of having to harvest and create everything again. Also for slugthrower rifles and cannons, the magazine stores ammunition and shells ready if the barracks or local ammo stores run out. The Magazine is a critical point for Galderra to ensure the readily prepared defense of the people and the walls.

Fort Galderra Knights
25+ Local Militia

Galderra Royal Treasury Headquarters

The old Lincoln's Inn Gateway, Chancery Lane (+ 4 others; 5 works) by James Lawson Stewart

The Galderra Royal Treasury Company Headquarters is the primary office (Chancery) building of the military-controlled company. It gives jobs out to any who can work on the designated position when and where they need work done. Such as mining, wood chopping, land clearing, construction of any kind like masonry, homesteads, business buildings and recreational and transport. It primarily handles majority of all business in Fort Galderra and within the galaxy that has to do with the Treasury.

10+ Local Militia

Description: Galderra is an under privileged, poorer town on the planet Pzob. Most of its credit flow has found its way to the controlling Fort of Galderra, leaving the town in a little bit of disarray. While it holds itself up on its own enough to keep with the technological times, it just shy of your typical Tatooine towns. The Fort, on the other hand, has seen a massive growth and expansion since its original construction. With the military in control, they manage the town, and the defenses from the many Gamorrean attacks that have always laid siege to their town. The populace has become militaristic and prideful, since over the years the Gamorreans had killed many of their people and forcing them all to take up arms in any sort of way, it's become exceptionally honorable to defend your home, and shameful to do nothing when the town is under attack.

History: Fort Galderra started as a small settlement some time ago, and grew very slowly due to the planets local populace. With the events of the cataclysmic marks in history and the wars that had waged in the disappearance of major forces, those who settled in Galderra wanted to find a place away from the Chaos and the destruction. Due to the Gamorrean attacks in attempts to drive the local populace out, the town slowly fell out of any sort of political government, and more into a militaristic and prideful town. With the military taking full control, the battles for survival and expansion slowly fell. Still, Gamorreans persist, with larger attacks, but very much less often as they used to. With the recent discovery of Deuterium fuel, the town is once again thriving and flourishing with money, food, and trade lines. With things so cheap in the town because of the shortage of goods and services, the new line of credits from the galaxy because of fuel has given them the ability to expand in more ways than just the Fort becoming larger and stronger, and perhaps an influx of expansion in the town could be seen later on. With the Military taking very little cuts from the Deuterium Trade, they will have to find expansion for themselves.

Intent: Create the home and garrison of Eddaks command and the location of his history

Links: None


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Submission Name: Julie Jutland
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Promotion to Master, change of affiliation
Reason for Modification: The original faction collapsed IC; also Julie's usefulness would increase at master rank, given the story functions that have evolved as she was used in role-plays; despite her evolution as used in role-plays, her utility still warrants keeping her as a NPC at this time
Pertinent development threads:
117 posts total



Image source: Pinterest

Name: Julie Jutland
Loyalties: Outer Rim Coalition
Role: Julie is a naval commander for the ORC

Development Threads:

For knighthood:
Total: 41 posts

For masterhood:
Total: 117 posts

Grand total: 158 posts

Age: 34
Species: Human

Appearance: See above image

Personality: Julie is a proactive risk-taker; she seems fond of playing pazaak and sabacc in casinos when she isn't piloting or otherwise going around her business functions. But, as a Jedi, she feels that her fellow Jedi Aces are putting themselves in harm's way all too readily when they pilot attack craft. She takes almost excessive amounts of pride in her capital ship piloting skills (here capital ships are defined as frigates and larger) and is rather condescending to her fellow capital ship pilots as well as her superiors since she feels that piloting capital ship skill is one item of tactical importance that all too many admirals neglect. Nevertheless, so long as it doesn't pertain to capital ship piloting, Julie is rather non-judgmental otherwise and a somewhat slow learner for non-piloting skills.

Force Sensitivity: Master

Weapon of Choice: Green-bladed ightsaber - she cannot weaponize the Force

  • Capital ship piloting (Elite)
  • Corvette piloting (Veteran-Elite)
  • Attack craft piloting (Trained-Veteran)
  • Soresu (Padawan level)

  • Force Sense (Knight level)
  • Force-push/pull (Knight level)
  • Mind trick (Knight level)
  • Precognition (Padawan level)
  • Force reflex (Padawan level)
  • Force-comprehension (Knight level)
  • Instinctive Astrogation (Knight level)
  • Battle meditation (Knight level)

Wealth: Moderately wealthy by virtue of being the former chief process officer of Ringovinda StarYards

Combat Function: She would be more useful in fleeting than in ground combat or in a boarding action: she is useless in ranged combat in such situations. As a lightsaber combatant she is assumed to be similar to a Knight-level combatant in Shii-cho.

Notable Possessions: A green-bladed lightsaber, a set of jade-colored Jedi robes, a white and a black dress uniform each

History: Born on Tion in 817 ABY, Julie was born to a military family. Her mother was a tank driver. Her father that died at a young age during her teens, serving the Levantine Sanctum as a Star Destroyer pilot, when the ship he was posted on was lost with all hands, and the loss of the ship was ruled to be piloting error. Since that day, she vowed to become the best capital ship pilot in the galaxy. She initially entered Jedi service because she was found to be Force-sensitive as a teenager. Afterward, she proved to be a rather skilled pilot, and she found herself at home as a Star Destroyer pilot on the very same class of ship that her father served on.

While still a Padawan, due to the sluggishness of her learning, she became the Chief Process Officer of Ringovinda StarYards after the last one moved on out for greater opportunities. Many suspect that the Ringovindian government has put pressure on Charzon to stock a Jedi observer on its board for it to maintain affiliation to the Silver Jedi, serving in that capacity and being knighted in the five years she served as an executive. But Korriban proved to be her undoing as a Silver Jedi, much like it was the case for her commanding officer at the time, forcing her to leave the Silver Jedi Order along with her fellow board member Jessica Med-Beq, despite the latter not being involved in the crime.

For a while, she served the Techno Empire as a captain, which later became the [Third] Confederacy of Independent Systems, until the Third Confederacy's demise. In the months following the CIS' demise, Julie entered Commonwealth and later, Outer Rim Coalition service, when the latter began to organize an actual navy.

Intent: To provide the Outer Rim Coalition with a capital-ship piloting trainer, as well as a NPC for use in fleeting
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Submission Name: Helldiver Airborne Assault Company
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification:
  • Add HAS-50 Assault Shattergun to 'Equipment' section.
  • Add MA-91 Enforcer Walker to 'Equipment' section.
  • Add SGP-118 Particle Beam Gun to 'Equipment' section.
  • Add relevant flavor text where appropriate.
Reason for Modification: To update the sub with additional equipment since produced by Shadowline.

Name: Helldiver Airborne Assault Company

Intent: To update the Helldiver unit for the Omega event with Quality and the various vehicles and support gear I’ve since subbed.

Affiliation: Mercenaries, but have absolute loyalty to Shadowline and House Tregessar.

Availability: Rare when fully equipped. More infantry and less vehicle support makes it more like Uncommon.

Quality: B – Veteran. Every Helldiver recruited MUST be a veteran of battle to make the ranks.

Type: Combined Arms Airborne unit. Designed to be deployed via dropship with armor and air support.

6 x Aries Strike Fighters (crew of 2 fully trained Helldivers, split into two ‘Sections’ of three craft)
8 x C-60 Hetairoi Tanks or MA-91 Enforcer Walkers (crew of 3 fully trained Helldivers, split into two ‘Elements’ of four tanks)
2 x Thunderbirds (each carrying 4x Hetairoi Tanks, plus 20 soldiers and 5 crew)
8 x Hellhawks (each carrying 8 soldiers and 2 crew)
Total: 166 personnel (104 infantry, 62 crew), 24 vehicles.

The Helldiver Airborne Assault Company is the current refinement of the Helldiver concept. A self-contained highly mobile and partially self-sustaining assault force, these units are designed to be deployed at the onset of planetary invasions, in strikes against key facilities, or in long-range missions to cut supply lines and seize critical objectives. Transportation, air support, and armor capability are all provided for.

Helldiver infantry are recruited from Axxilan military and other professional and semi-professional forces around the galaxy (but mostly in and around Axxila). They do not take new recruits, and several years at a minimum of combat experience is required to enlist in their ranks. Additionally, a willingness to follow orders, obey the chain of command, and potentially take absurd risks is also required. Lastly, of course, absolute loyalty is to be shown to House Tregessar.

Fighter pilots and vehicle crewmen are given a bit more laxity in standards because of the increased difficulty in finding trained personnel. However all Helldivers are experienced combatants, and a grounded tanker or dropship pilot is still a highly skilled and well equipped infantryman at the very worst. This duel-role training is emphasized in part because for long-range missions resupply and reinforcements will be limited if available at all. While a Helldiver company is not designed to take and hold objectives, sometimes they will have to endure while the front line advances.

Every Helldiver is equipped with a suit of ARA-09D Armor, which gives them very good protection (per weight ratio) for the early stages of a fight. Weaponry is mostly proprietary Shadowline gear, with the SA-15 Maser being standard issue, but there are often SA-4 and UTAS-21’s sprinkled about for sharpshooter, fire support, and assault roles. For dedicated assault or anti-armor work typically one soldier per squadron is issued a 'SMAC' Particle Beam Gun or a HAS-50 or anti-force or fire support work. Handheld missile launchers, anti-tank weaponry, and other equipment is issued as needed.

The support vehicles are all manufactured by Shadowline or House Tregessar subsidiaries, and are designed with a specific role in mind. The Hellhawks provide squad-level transport and good mobility on a battlefield, while the larger and slower Thunderbirds provides long range fire support and heavy lift capability. Aries fighters provide a mix of air cover and close air support, while the Hetairoi’s many variants allow for anti-armor, anti-infantry, or general purpose tank support (with the characteristic emphasis on mobility). MA-91 Enforcers are sometimes used in situations that don't merit a full on repulsor tank.

A vehicle heavy combined arms company like this is necessarily expensive to equip and maintain, and a fully geared one is somewhat rare to see on the battlefield. Nonetheless there are situations where Shadowline will go to great expense to put multiple companies in the field (usually in support of objectives that directly benefit House Tregessar, or when directed by the infamous Grand Admiral Cyrus Tregessar).



The old Air Cavalry Company
Shadowline (Shell company that nominally controls the Helldivers)
Helldivers have appeared in almost every non-fleeting thread Cyrus has participated in (and a few of those as well). What follows is at least part of those in which they are present in force.
- The Hard Lessons (details an op gone bad)
- Setting the Stage (an operation is mentioned)
- Dominion of Roxuli (Helldivers breach a spaceport from the void)
- Dominion of Belgaroth (not quite Black Hawk Down)
- Dorin Excorciate (Helldivers assist in seizing the Dorin Praxeum)
- Invasion of Empress Teta (Helldivers get wrecked by beskar-plated tanks. Inspiration for the Hetairoi, as it were)
- Inavsion of O'reen (Helldivers, then still Imperial Force Recon, defend O'reen)
- Valen (debut of Imperial Force Recon, taking cities in Valen)

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
Submission Name: Roshki's Hallucination
Link to Submission: Here
Summary of Modification: I have a LOT to update about her hallucination. Mostly that Grey has now split into the three original personalities: Grey (the personification of her balanced - aka her true conscience), Jedi Belawiiks (personification of what she'd have been, had she chosen to commit to the light; like the angel on her shoulder), and Darth Zerona (personification of if she'd chosen the dark; like the devil on her shoulder)
Reason for Modification: I'm revamping Roshki, and I used this post to start. However, I've also evolved some things, so...yeah.
Modification: Would it be easier to just have me update it, and notify someone when I'm done? I guess there's not a *whole* lot, but it'd be easier if I went in there, edited, and then tagged someone and posted my edits and have them do a quick looksee before locking it again.


​Submission Name​: (Karking) Maximillius
Link to Submission​: Here
​Summary of Modification​: He died in this thread.
Reason for Modification​: Again, revamping Roshki, and I needed a reason for her to behave the way she will. Figured the death of her one and only family member (and, technically speaking, her child, since she raised him from when he was a pup and is fiercely protective of him) would do the trick.
Modification​: Between "Name" and "Loyalties", put:

Status: ​Dead.

(please include the link, too. Thanks!)
Submission Name: Dxun Sith Academy
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Moving the Academy, same build to Eadu
Reason for Modification: With forces that are encroaching that would not like Sith influence we have packed up and moved home to Eadu

Name: Eadu Academy

Image Source:

Classification: Sith Temple/Academy

Location: Eadu, Near the Death Star Kyber crystal research site

Affiliation: Tersen Merrick

Description: Built by Tersen Merrick and Jaryn Starkiller. The Academy is a basic Sith design, and built close to the former research site of the long forgoten Galactic Empire. Landing pad outside placed between both the Research site and the Academy. Inside on the first floor you have the living quarters, and training rooms for the Acolytes. Stairs from the central chamber with a statue of the Sith Emperor, lead to the Library, and holocron storage. As well at the prison cells and inquisitors chambers. An Elevator from there lead to the third floor, leading to Tersen's quarters, and eventually the chambers for the masters. It is about an average to small Academy, able house 20-30 acolytes at the most, and average would be about 15.

History: Being forced off Dxun due to Mandalorian incursions, Tersen moved his Academy to Eadu, He would use this place as a jumping off point for his dream to rebirth the Sith Empire. It would be a central point for the training of new Sith that believed in what Tersen Merrick was spreading, as well as a major learning place about the Vitiate Sith Empire. This move, though tearing down the old Academy he build an exact copy of it on Eadu. This would be a reminder of what he was forced out of, his dream of bringing the Sith back to Onderon.

Intent: Start a Sith Academy for Tersen's followers

Links: N/A
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