Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Submission Modifications

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Valessia Brentioch said:
Submission Name: Valessia and Sumiko's Home
Link to Submission: Here
Reason for Modification: Retitle the thread as Sumiko and Valessia are no longer a couple, and would like to have sub reflect that.
Modification: Change the name of the sub to Valessia's Home and removal of "Giving Valessia and her girlfriend Sumiko Tanaka a more official permenant residence. " From Intent.
Done. I also removed the graphic for the title within the submission and replaced it with a simple "Valessia's Home" text.
Amelia Sorenn-Syrush said:
Submission Name: Val Royaux
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: As mentioned by [member="Silencia"], it is not my best work and should be amended.
Modification: Rework of whole submission. Please archive current submission.
Your submission has been archived. Good luck on the re-submission. This will not count as a Second Chance since the original was Approved.
Submission Name: Kerrigan's Flame, Heavy Ordinance Squad
Link to Submission: Here (x)
Reason for Modification: Looking to upgrade Kerrigan's Flame from B to A quality, and a name change from Kerrigan's Flame to Tarriq’s Tormentors
Modification: Adding the following to the threads, to the threads section of the submission.

  • The Tides of Darkness (x)

  • GA Dominion Full Reach of the Law, Atrisia Rebellion (x) (x) (x)

  • Casus Belli (Rebellion of Kaeshana) (x) (x) (x)

  • Changing the squad name to Tarriq’s Tormentors from Kerrigan’s Flame
Submission Name: Anderahl
Submission Link: Here
Reason for Modification: To Update images that have gone out and to change the location. This has never been on the map, and never roleplayed on as of yet.
Name: Anderahl
Region: Unknown
System: Ka'a
Suns: 1 G type star - Ka'a
Orbital Position: Fourth planet from the sun, Mid Habitable Zone
Moons: Three moons - Drex (Pronounced Draysh), Caroon and Verdahl
System Features: First planet is Andrex (Andraysh), Second planet is Haveth, Third planet is Tyroom, Fourth planet is Anderahl, Fifth planet is Arnexu. There is an asteroid belt between the Fourth and Fifth planets, rich in basic ores (Titanium, Duranium, Bronzium).
Galactic Position: Tygara/Midvinter Hex, towards the bottom of the Hex
Rotational Period: 27 hours
Orbital Period: 347 days

Class: Standard Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1 Atmosphere
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Slightly above Earth standard
Primary Terrain: Primarily Rainforest terrain on primary (largest) continent. Tropical rainforest near equatorial region, temperate rainforest in mid to northern regions.

Native Species: Arboreal Panthers (Similar to Corellian Sand Panther), Manka Cats, Nerfs
Immigrated Species: Humans, Twi'leks, Bothans, Assorted other Sapient creatures
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard
Government: Hereditary Absolute Monarchy - Feudal
Population: 5 billion sapients (53% Human, 20% Bothan, 14% Twi'lek, 13% Other)
Demonym: Ander
Major Imports: Luxury Goods, Specialized Electronics, Workers
Major Exports: Food (Grains, Meat, Nuts), Precious Gems (Rubies, Sapphires, Diamonds), Warriors, Basic Ores (Titanium, Duranium, Bronzium)

Major Locations:


-Vaersin: Capital city of Anderahl and seat of power for House Rahl. Most commerce and Extraplanetary travel goes through Vaersin. Vaersin is home to a great university, University of Ka'a, as well as a premiere military academy, Rahl Military Academy. Vaersin is located in the equatorial regions, amidst a vast tropical rainforest. As such, Vaersin hosts a thriving tourism industry, catering to people who wish to experience a virgin jungle, or at least relax near enough one to "Say they've been there." Due to the high heat and humidity of the equatorial region, Vaersin hosts mainly arcologies that are interconnected via subterranean walkways and 'skyways' that connect the arcologies at various heights. There is the possibility of street travel as well, for those who do not mind to sweat.


-Kaenre: Second largest and only other city on the planet aside from Vaersin. Kaenre is the center of tribal culture that has taken root on the planet. Kaenre is located in the northern region of the main continent and boasts a booming tourist industry and guided tours of the surrounding temperate rainforests, rolling plains, mountains and ruins. Kaenre is also where the majority of the food processing happens, before the products are shipped off world via Vaersin.


-Kaerva: Within easy traveling distance of Kaenre is the ruined city locals call Kaerva. The site boasts a vast area of buildings in the late stages of ruination, along with several stone circles situated around the city. The site has become part of the tribal culture that the original immigrant population has raised on the planet.

Culture: The culture of Anderahl is a mish mash of cultures from around the galaxy, as many people have immigrated due to the abundance of both skilled and unskilled labor needed on the planet and in the surrounding system. The largest culture, however, is the one that has been brought up from the original settlers millenia ago. This culture, encompassing mainly Humans, though anyone is welcome, centers around tribes that are devoted to the Mother Anderahl. The original settlers settled in two places on the main continent, the current sites of Vaersin and Kaenre. The history between these two tribal centers was often bloody warfare. Eventually, twelve major tribes took power in various areas of the main continent. They were the Saami, Nueri, Tahl, Rahn, Kaer and Thorwn in the area near Kaenre and the Tavi, Yuel, Coril, Vahn, Pwanli andShior in the area around Vaersin. Nearly a millennium ago a council of tribal elders has attempted to reconcile the tribes. To this end, seven hundred years ago, the leaders of the tribes formed the House of Rahl. They set up a schedule of sorts between twelve major tribes to intermarry. This makes the House of Rahl not only very large, but it also commands the loyalty of the descendants of the original settlers.

Religion: While all religions are welcome on Anderahl, within reason, the largest religion on the world is that of Drahlin, the Animistic/World Mother type religion devoted to Anderahl as a mother goddess. While every Ander knows that they were not made by Anderahl physically, Anderahl is the Mother of their Soul. No one knows where or how the Drahlin religion began, it seems to have started as a grass roots religion within the first few generations of the settlement and spread upward. What is known is that the human and other new settlers who practice Drahlin utilize spaces left by whatever culture had lived on Anderahl before, particularly the stone rings of Kaerva and their attendant city. As an animistic religion there is no overarching hierarchy to the belief, though generalizations can be made. The most common type of follower identifies with the predator mindset. They train from early in their lives to fight, hunt and live as predators. Their most common roles in society are military, police, business executive and governmental roles. The second most common belief set is that of prey. They are not subjected to being actually hunted, unless they commit crimes that fit such a punishment, but rather have a mindset that is tailored more towards caretaking and hearth management. They are trained from a young age to take care of many of the domestic roles such as food makers, hospitality industry, general workers and caretakers. There is a third, rare belief set. It doesn't go along with the predator or prey aspect, but rather is of the rest of the natural world. This third set takes the singular role of ensuring that Anderahl itself thrives despite anything the either two sets do. Rather than the House of Rahl, their first and only loyalty is to Anderahl. While these shamans of Drahlin don't have true political power, it is woe to a Rahl or other official that doesn't weigh their words heavily in their decision making.

Technology: Galactic Standard in the major cities, Below standard in the rural area.

History: Four thousand years ago, Human settlers from many Inner Rim worlds banded together and settled a planet called Anderahl in the Ka'a system. There were signs of previous habitation, but the buildings left behind by whomever built them were already ruins when the first of the current group of settlers set foot on Anderahl. The first few generations set up two cities, one was Vaersin in the equatorial tropical zone and the other was Kaenre in the northern temperate zone. As always happens with recenty settled worlds that do not need terraforming, the technology level dropped a bit as the cities developed. The cities vied for control of the planets abundant resources, and for nearly three thousand years the cities warred even as they spawned nearly identical cultures. Seven hundred years ago, the leaders from the tribes of the two cities came together and formed the House of Rahl. They instituted arranged marriages between the twelve major tribes on a set schedule, allowing for the one House to have the loyalty of all tribes. At the time of the Gulag virus, the people of Anderahl were prepared to come out into galactic affairs en force. They had a thriving tourism industry and a good trade in ores and minerals mined from their asteroid belt. However, the virus struck hard. Nearly a third of all life, sentient and not, were killed. Those who survived became more insular, trade dwindled to nearly nothing and only the wealthiest still came to visit. Anderahl's peculiar tribal culture grew even more distinct from galactic culture, and even more so during the four hundred years darkness that followed. It was only in the past few decades that the tourism industry on Anderahl has picked back up to pre-gulag levels and a new mining consortium was being instituted in the system. However, it was the recent experience with Netherworld, an event that again struck a mighty blow to the populace of Anderahl, that hardened the will of the House of Rahl. Alone, they would only become more insular. With the end of Netherworld, the leaders of House Rahl sent envoys to several galactic powers to open formal relations, and also sent envoys to several corporations to enter talks for use of land on Anderahl or anywhere in the Ka'a system. Negotiations with these companies wouldn't be easy, the people of Anderahl are predators in and out of the boardroom and would make sure that Anderahl and Greater Ka'a got its cut from any company that would use their land.

Notable PCs: None
Intent: To create a planet for Taryc to eventually train on and maybe take over
Wandering Naval Officer
Submission Name: Maree Halsey
Link to Submission:
Reason for Modification: Rank change for her from Lieutenant to Commander

Name: Commander Maree Halsey
Loyalties: First Order, XO for Aran Piett
Role: Executive Officer for Aran Piett

Development Threads: A Blaze in the Endor Sky Hit the decks a Runnin'

Age: 22
Species: Human

Appearance: She is about 5ft 2in, shoulder lenght black hair. She has a scar from a shuttle crash on her left arm. Also has one prosthetic leg due to the same crash, but only Aran is the one that knows about it. She normally wears her duty uniform around for most occasions, as she doesn't like civilian attire.

Personality: Maree though young tends to be very smart, she is Aran's chief advisor. Also she tends to be the one person Aran will talk to about matters he isn't comfortable with.She also when off duty has a bit of a minor drinking issue. She isn't like most officers though she has many friends within the enlisted ranks. She is very outgoing to the right people, but also very shy at the same time. She tends to also get annoyed when she sees very lavish parties, or things, as she grew up wealthy, but would rather see the people be happy rather than money.

Force Sensitivity: Non Force User

Weapon of Choice: None, Naval Officer

Skills: Great Administrator of a Naval Vessel, good listener

Wealth: Normal for a Naval Commander

Combat Function: Her function is to be Aran's second in command, if something were to happen to him she would take over.

Notable Possessions: Nothing of note.

History: Maree grew up on Dosuun, to a somewhat wealthy family. So she was pampered to say the least as a child. She went to the best schools had the best clothes, went to the best parties, etc. But all she wanted, was to be an officer in the First Order Navy. She could have cared less about the money and all the gifts her parents gave her, she just wanted to be part of something, and not be some rich girl in the First Order. She also felt it was a duty that she should throw away her wealth, so she could make the citizens of the First Order safe. So when she was of age she went to the academy. During her time at the Academy she was subject to a shuttle crash, leaving her a scar on her left arm, and loosing her right leg, which is now a Prosthetic. It took her three tries to pass the officers' academy, not really normal, and thanks to her family, she was able to be there for those three tries. But she couldn't be happier with her life, as it is now. She was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and placed under Commander Aran Piett as his XO which she seems to have flourished as an officer there. Her and Aran are best friends, so to speak. As well as they both have a tendency to know what the other is thinking. Promoted to the rank of Commander after the combat action over Kaeshanna

Intent: To be a Second in Command for Aran Piett, and his forces.
Submission Name: 5th Legion
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: New Commander, New Equipment, Updated Description
Reason for Modification: Aela is leaving the Galactic Alliance and SIS, the 5th Legion is staying however and thus requires a new commander

Name: The 5th Legion
Intent: To provide an Alternative Military Force for the Galactic Alliance
Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Availability: Uncommon
Quality: B, Veteran
Type: Armored Infantry
Strength: 6,000
The 5th Legion is an army whose sole dedication is to follow Aela Talith into combat.

The Legion, as it were, is entirely compromised of former Sith Troopers, that is soldiers who defected from the One Sith or other darkside groups and came to join the Alliance. Here they were rigorously vetted, tested, and then eventually either allowed to assimilate into the Alliance or join the fight against their former masters. Those who picked the latter option were assigned to Aela Talith's 5th Legion.

Though this system is now in place, it was not how the Legion actually began. Aela had never insisted upon the forming of an army to fight alongside her, nor had she ever requested it, she had simply always chosen to go with whatever unit was at the forefront of the battle, where she would always be found. Eventually however, her acts within these battles themselves and her nature of never killing, but always taking prisoner her enemy began to garner her some respect. This respect came from both the Soldiers of the Galactic Alliance, and those prisoners that Aela managed to take. As time went on, some of those prisoners offered to defect and join the Alliance, and it was those prisoners who would eventually form the 5th Legion, and army that would always follow Master Talith into battle.

The army was small at first, but it grew as time went on. More prisoners defected, and as the Galactic Alliance won battle after battle and the news of the New Jedi Order and it's kindness spread so did the rate of former Sith Soldiers that joined the Legion.

Eventually the unit was properly formed, a rank structure being formed and proper military support being given to the Legion itself. They received dedicated ships, equipment, and of course variably training in Alliance tactics. The numbers of the Legion quickly scaled and their combat effectiveness was soon put to the test. Aela, being the pseudo commander of the 5th Legion was placed at the head of the Command Structure, though not technically within the military the Alliance recognized that Jedi Leadership, as it had been for thousands of years, would have to be recognized in order to form an effective fighting force.

This eventually meant that the Legion came together as a whole, fighting alongside Aela and ensuring that she always had backup even in the worst combat situations.

Though the Legion as a whole does not yet have much of a history, as the war between the One Sith and the Galactic Alliance begins to grow and become more chaotic, it is expected that the Legion's combat record will skyrocket, with Master Talith nearly always taking part in the Vanguard of all Alliance combat actions. This role as the spearhead of the Alliance means that serving within the Legion can be extremely dangerous.

Since the original induction of the 5th Legion as a fighting force for the Galactic Alliance the Unit has seen numerous combat instances. The Legion fought on Lujo, Coruscant, conducted raids on several other worlds and was included in half a dozen different galactic operations. The 5th Legion has become a true veteran fighting force. Their knowledge and continued service renders them as one of the most experienced Military Units currently serving the side of good.

Recently the 5th Legion’s command purview has shifted from the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to the Strategic Intelligence Service. This shift in command was undertaken for two reasons. The first of which was the need for the SIS to maintain it’s own military fighting force, allowing them to better strike where and when necessary without the coordination of the GADF. The second reason was the moving of the 5th Legion’s Jedi Commander to the SIS.

When Aela moved to a position within the SIS she recommended the 5th Legion be acquired as the SIS’ main military fighting force, allowing the group to both stay with their Commander as well as serve the greater good of the Alliance.

While serving under the SIS the 5th Legion took part in many operations around the galaxy, serving the Strategic Intelligence Service in a more refined and militaristic sense. The Marines of the 5th Legion quickly became the primary military force for the SIS, though were still conducting operations alongside the Galactic Alliance Defense Forces. This eventually lead to the labeling of the 5th Legion as a special forces unit within the Galactic Alliance itself, allowing them a significantly more independent command structure that allowed them to operate as necessary under the discretion of the government of the Galactic Alliance.

When it became clear that Aela Talith would be leaving the Galactic Alliance and likely the SIS as well, the 5th Legion was transferred to the command of a man named Verik Alrin, a Human male who had been Aela's second in command for some time.

Aside from this change however the 5th Legion still functions in much the same way as before, operating as an extra military arm for the Galactic Alliance, usually doing missions either too dangerous or too scrupulous for other branches of the military.

Structurally, the army is quite simple. There are a total of six thousand soldiers within the Legion.

This is further broken up with each thousand soldier being divided into a single Regiment. That means there are six regiments within the Legion itself, These regiments are split numerically, each called 1st regiment, 2nd regiment, and so on. Each of them have their unique identifiers and simply symbol, a slash in numeration corresponding with which number regiment they actually are. This split is then further divided by placing each Regiment into separate Companies.

Each Company consists of two Battalions of five hundred soldiers each. These battalions are separately named, and have their own unique identifier that is once again a simple symbol.

The Battalions are then individually split into four separate Companies, with each company having it's own name, assigned number, and once again symbol that would easily allow someone within the Legion to identify them as to where they were from. The Companies are then split into Platoons of sixty mean each, which is where the personal identifier stops. Though each Platoon has a separate signal assigned to it these are usually only used within the company itself, and on a Legion level the platoons are simply given numbers.

Of course the Platoons are then split up as well into Fireteams and Squads, but these differ from Company to Company and can change depending on the commanding officer of that particularly Platoon. Aela tries to give as much freedom to the men as she can, knowing that she is neither an expert in military discipline or structure.

Dev Thread: Here
5th Legion Armor
Vanir Technologies Products
Galactic Alliance Equipment
Submission Name: Narvas Iv Zveris
Link to Submission: Here
Reason For Modification: ​To provide an update following [member="Darth Carnifex"] relinquishing his holdings and position as King of Thule to Darth Prazutis, as confirmed here within the intent section of this submission.
  • Change Affiliation from "Darth Carnifex" to "Darth Prazutis"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Submission Name: Widow
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Please change the font size to something reasonable
Reason for Modification: Apparently when I made a final requested edit by phone, the sub defaulted to a ridiculously teeny font size. It looked fine on the phone. Not so much on desktop.
Modification: Please change the font size to something reasonable
Submission Name: Kregan Fash
Link to Submission:
Summary of Modification: Updating information on a small scale under Age, Force Sensitivity, Personality, Combat Function, Skills and History to reflect a transition from Apprentice to Knight rank. Language is changed in sentences where he is referred to as an Apprentice to ensure that the submission remains coherent and without holes. Major change is his Force rank. No new skills are added, though his mastery of previously mentioned skills are upped to fit Knight rank.
Reason for Modification: It's been over a year OOC since I made Kregan Fash. I feel the need for an apprentice level agent has passed, and his usefulness and story functions would increase if he was upped to Knight rank. Since the OS went down under the Sith Academy does not see much use, and as such his function as an antagonist for other Acolytes is lost. Mainly it just makes sense in my mind, after all the IC and OOC time that has passed that little 'ol Kregan gets a promotion.
Modification: Changed areas marked in red.

Name: Kregan Fash
Loyalties: Darth Pyrrhus
Role: Apprentice and loyal servant to Darth Pyrrhus. Kregan will do his master’s bidding, constantly seeking to grow in strength and gain his master's approval. In many ways, he is a glorified errand-boy and enforcer.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 22
Species: Zabrak
Force Sensitivity: Yes (Knight)

Kregan bears the appearance you'd expect from a Zabrak. As most of his race from his particular corner of the galaxy, his skin colour is red. According to custom, his face is covered by facial tattoos. They are of a lighter shade of red. Placed upon his natural dark maroon skin colour, they give him a fierce, almost tribal look. A series of vestigial horns crown his head. He stands 1,8 meters tall. Kregan has a powerful athletic build, a result of hard years as a slave and rigorous training underneath Darth Pyrrhus at his academy on Glee Anselm.

Kregan’s body is in top shape, and he’s only in the beginning of his prime. Even so, minor signs of decay are starting to show. It is a risk, and often a natural consequence of giving oneself completely to the Dark Side. Instead of a pure white, the area of his eyes surrounding the pupils are a faint yellow, almost sickly hue.

Kregan is a self-proclaimed master of facial expressions, and can make the most smug, condescending expressions you have ever seen. This is something he exploits to its maximum effect. It has aided him in climbing the ladder of prestige at the Sith Academy, through goading weaker acolytes into devastating duels, and provoking more talented ones to lose their temper and make mistakes. Though not unattractive, he has, as one of the Sith Lords visiting Glee Anselm has said, "a very punchable face".

Image Source:, unknown artist

Kregan possesses many of the vices often found in a Sith. He is arrogant, prideful, envious, and draws a sadistic pleasure from inflicting cruelty upon others. It may seem like making the acolytes suffer is the main reason why Kregan gets out of bed in the morning. He is however an intelligent Zabrak, and prefers to pick psychological battles he knows in advance that he can win.[SIZE=11pt]Therefore, it’s mostly those unfortunate enough to find themselves below him on the social ladder that are exposed to his vicious nature.[/SIZE]

Kregan is loyal to himself before any other. However, as his greatest desire is to grow in power and become a powerful Sith, he is dependent on the tutelage of his master, Darth Pyrrhus. So in the service of himself, this means that by extension, he is a loyal apprentice to Darth Pyrrhus. The minute he feels like his Togruta master is either holding him back or has nothing left to teach him, he would have no qualms about killing him.

Kregan is as mentioned, envious, and quick to hate. He is quick to despise Darth Pyrrhus’ other apprentices and close associates for the attention they receive. He simply cannot stand being put in a situation where he feels inferior. Knowing his pride is his weakness, Pyrrhus has ensured to inflict wounds to it on a regular basis. This is to make sure that there is never a short supply of anger and hatred within the Zabrak, to strengthen his connection to the Dark Side.

Weapon of Choice: Standard single-bladed lightsaber, complemented by the powers of the Force.

Wealth: None

Combat Function: Kregan follows the philosophy of Darth Pyrrhus, that battles can be won before the blade is drawn. He usually seeks to gain an advantage by using Dun Möch.

Kregan’s main strength lies in lightsaber combat. He is most often seen utilizing Makashi, as this is the favoured form of his master, and therefore one he receives plenty of practice within. However, Kregan has a preference for Juyo. Despite wanting to master Makashi, he keeps falling back into Juyo when fights start going against him. Makashi fits well with his condescending fighting style, though when his own pride is wounded (and he has a short fuse), he unleashes his rage in the form of the seventh form.

[SIZE=11pt]He will use the Force to support his lightsaber fighting, but he is unlikely to overpower anyone equal to his rank through the use of it alone. As a Sith Knight, Kregan’s knowledge of the Force covers the basic. He specializes in powers such as Force Push and Pull, with a measure of skill within Force Speed is as well. Though he can use Force Choke, his focus is easily broken, and it is therefore most effective against those untrained in the arts of combat against Force users. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]After extensive training in this field, thanks to the specialization of his master, Kregan possesses knowledge of the arts of illusions and mentalism. His prowess within this field is not very advanced, however, and his abilities in this field are best used as an opener to try to unsettle his opponent. In the heat of battle, he possesses neither the focus nor the training to conjure up an illusion.[/SIZE]

- Knight level Force user capable of:

  • Telekinesis

  • [SIZE=11pt]Illusion and mentalism (Note: primary function is to bully weaker victims outside of fights. Due to the techniques being advanced and Kregan struggling to keep his emotions under control, he would find it hard to muster the focus to conjure them up in the heat of battle) [/SIZE]
- Advanced skills in lightsaber combat

  • Trained in Makashi and Juyo
- Advanced skills in unarmed combat
- Skilled starfighter pilot

Notable Possessions: His lightsaber

Other Notes:
Kregan Fash did not have a very pleasant childhood. In fact, in can be argued that he was deprived of it altogether. He once led a happy life, as a loved member of his family. That was until his village was hit by a raiding party. They were attacked by slavers, and those that were not killed ended up becoming slaves. That was of course the intention of the slavers, so only those that fought back were killed. Kregan's parents did not fight back. The slavers were not fans of tightly knit groups among their slaves, and as such their policy was to separate close family. Kregan was taken from his parents and sent to work a different location entirely. Luckily for him, his mother's close friend, Kael, was shipped to the same place. Kael took care of Kregan, and in many ways became like a foster parent. He watched out for the kid as if he was his own, even taking the blame and subsequent punishment for Kregan's mistakes whenever he could. Despite Kael looking out for him, Kregan got his fair share of punishment. The boy was quick to anger and lash out against slaves and slavers alike. He bares whip marks on his back in return.

Eventually, after years of servitude and an inhuman workload, the slaves banded together. Secretly, they plotted revolt. Their plan was to commit mutiny against their oppressors in-between operations, overpower the crew, and steal their ship. However, the slave captain caught wind of the revolt. At the time, he knew it only as a rumour, but he wasn't going to take any chances. He started punishing everyone in an effort to discover the truth. When that didn't work, he executed some of the slaves. He even offered a reward to whoever came clean with any information about this rumoured revolt.

This was when Kregan made his move. He didn't believe they would succeed, and thought that what waited for them once they stole the ship was not freedom, but instead, to be hunted down and slaughtered for their crimes. At least that's what he told himself. He was afraid. Beyond that, he saw the faintest glimmer of hope in the form of some kind of reward. Kregan told the captain everything, and even pointed out the rebellion's ringleader; Kael. Kael's closest accomplices were tortured and left for dead. Kael was sentenced to the same fate. The slave captain wanted to test the boy, and see how far his loyalty reached. Knowing the bond Kael and Kregan shared, he ordered the boy to become the executioner of the man who had in their miserable existence become his foster-father. Kregan obliged, and killed Kael.

As a reward, the young Zabrak was allowed to enjoy a slightly more comfortable life than the others. The difference wasn't much, but as he had nothing else to begin with, he willingly accepted every ounce of luxury the slavers were willing to offer him. Since then Kregan knew to make himself useful. He received special privileges in return. While the other slaves toiled and suffered, Kregan was allowed private and better lodgings. He was still by all means a slave, and was put to work like the rest of them, but sometimes he was given the less taxing jobs. Sometimes, he even wielded the whip that urged the other slaves to not slack off, but instead get back to work. Safe to say, everyone hated him with a passion. The betrayal and murder of Kael alone would've sufficed, for he was a well-liked man. Worse than a slaver, Kregan was a slave turned slaver. He knew of their suffering, he had felt it, yet here he was, inflicting it on his former comrades for a slightly more comfortable bed and increased rations.

He helped with the raids, capturing new slaves, and he helped ensuring everyone stayed in line. As soon as he got word of any kind of insubordinance, he would pass this knowledge along to the crew. This made him feared as well, as Kregan was not above lying and spreading false rumours to get back at those that somehow wronged him. He was given a small measure of power over his fellow slaves, and with it a false sense of importance. He felt less expendable. Yet, naturally, he was as expendable as the rest of them. He was simply a more willing tool than the others, and so they used him for what he was worth.

His lot in life was about to change, however. It came about as the results of the actions of another, when Sith Lord Darth Pyrrhus took control over Karazak Slavers Cooperative. When the ship Kregan served on later docked at Glee Anselm, Darth Pyrrhus sensed Kregan's Force sensitivity as well as his corrupted soul. The Zabrak was recruited and brought before him at the Sith Academy of Glee Anselm. Here it was decided that the boy would join the ranks of the Sith Acolytes there, and begin his training. He was trained in the arts of the Sith, and allowed to practice his aptitude for the Dark Side of the Force. He still held the rank of a slave, yet he was offered freedom. However, to gain it, he had to fight for it. Kregan would have to prove his worth to the academy and to Pyrrhus, by showing that he was capable of becoming Sith. He managed to do so in a fight with one of the academy's top students at the time.

Since then, Kregan was no longer known as a slave, but rather a former slave. He adapted quickly and well to the way of the Sith. He showed a sound understanding of the Sith academy's pecking order, as well as how to exploit it for his own benefit. The Zabrak has since used manipulation and Dun Möch to climb up to the position he holds today, as one of the most prestigious students of the Sith Academy of Glee Anselm.

Over the years Darth Pyrrhus entertained many apprentices as his own. While others failed him, Kregan remained loyal and hardworking. Time and time again, challenge after challenge, the Zabrak defended his title as the Sith Academy’s top student. With his position on Glee Anselm seen by Pyrrhus to be firmly established, he pulled him out of the Academy more and more. Kregan was favoured before all others when it came to private lessons, and a trend started where Pyrrhus would send him out on his own to complete tasks and missions of priority that Pyrrhus for some reason would not see to himself. It was around the time when the One Sith Empire crumbled that Pyrrhus deemed the Zabrak’s training as an apprentice to be complete, and elevated him to the rank of Sith Knight. In his new position Kregan continued to serve Pyrrhus as he had before, as his agent and right hand.

Intent: To create an NPC apprentice to Darth Pyrrhus, to serve as his agent and errand boy. This character is not intended for competitive PvP, with the possible exceptions of dominions or testing Pyrrhus’ PC apprentices (and give them someone they really want to punch in the face). Though I have no intentions of seeing him die in the near-future, in the event that it happens, my intention is to use him as the basis for a Sithspawn (note: I realize that will require its own dev thread after the fact).
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