Intent: To design a modified species that effectively counters modern anti-EMP tech without destroying entire planets in the process.
Image Credit: N/A
Canon: Yes
Links: Wayne Technologies,
Wayne Tech Research Facility Y-322
Name: Genetically Modified Power-Consuming Organism
Designation: Non-sentient
Homeworld: Grown on
Language: N/A
Average Lifespan: Estimated 5 years within specialized habitat, about a solid 10 seconds outside of specialized habitat
Estimated Population: Planetary (grown at one location; distributed as product throughout the Galaxy)
Description: A species of microorganisms based off of the alien Power-Consuming Organism. The species has been modified to breathe in pure Argon gas to prevent replication outside of a controlled environment. When outside of an Argon-saturated atmosphere the species will quickly perish. It feeds of energy/electricity and can destroy electronics with uncanny efficiency and speed.
Breathes: Argon gas
Average Height of Adults: .25 mm
Average Length of Adults: .5 mm
Skin color: Translucent
Distinctions: They have very small wings that allow them to reach electrical food off of the ground level, as well as small legs that can grip to most surfaces. They sport small antennae used strictly for communication with others in their species.
Races: None
Adios, electros: A capsule of these things can wipe out an electronics system like the Plague wiping out Europe in the Middle Ages. They can typically wreck havoc within a radius of 12 feet from the point of origin before dying.
Invisible: Their miniscule size makes them undetectable to both scanners and the naked eye
Short lifespan: After leaving their Argon-saturated environment, these things last a good 10 seconds before asphyxiating
Cannot reproduce: The only way for them to be conceived is to be grown in a lab
Diet: Electricity; can be consumed through static in the air or directly through electronics
Communication: Through touch via antennae
Technology Level: None
Religion/Beliefs: None
General Behavior: Basic communication occurs via them rubbing antennae with one other. They attempt to mate frequently, likely due to their origins as a force meant to wipe out entire rebelling planets. However, due to their reproductive organs being made defunct, this is pretty much pointless. They are always hungry, ever looking to consume whatever energy they can get their hands (not literally) on. They don't form into particular social groups such as colonies, though they tend to typically stick together in pursuit of food. When food/energy begins to run out, they have been known to cannibalize in order to consume the residual energy left behind in one another.
A power-consuming organism was created by an alien species. It was microscopic and capable of self-replication, and was genetically programmed to hunt down and consume power sources. Created to end a civil war, the organism destroyed the enemy's weapons of mass destruction, which in turn caused their opponent to release a virus that killed the majority of the planet's population and mutate the rest. ~
The power-consuming organism (unofficial name) was created by an unknown alien species long ago with the sole purpose of ending civil war by wiping out enemy electronics. They would breed and spread across a planet, eventually turning it into an electrical dead zone. In essence, it was a considerably more potent version of the EMP.
Wayne Tech researchers re-discovered the species on an unnamed planet in Wild Space after a horde came through and wiped out their electronics. Samples were taken in a secure environment and shepherded back to the company's research facility on Roon. Every precaution was taken to contain them, and despite an almost-mishap, they were securely kept in a closed environment. The researchers saw the microorganisms as a way to combat all of the anti-EMP and anti-Ion tech being developed across the galaxy. However, the scientists also didn't want to unleash a plague-like storm of organisms that would render a planet an electrical dead zone. And so their work began.
The Biomedical division of Wayne Tech, upon inspecting the organism, was surprised to find that it was actually shaped like a microscopic insect. It had antennae, six legs, and even tiny wings. They realized that they would have to cripple these organisms a great deal in order to prevent them from spreading like disease. First, they manipulated their breathing capabilities to survive in only Argon-rich environments. This, they hoped, would kill them off quickly in the event of an escape. The second failsafe both prevented them from causing widespread mass destruction and made it impossible for other companies to breed and sell their product. They simply mutated the organisms' reproductive organs into not working at all.
In testing, the small insectoid creatures performed as hoped. Upon release, they would seek and destroy any and all nearby electronics. This included tech believed to be shielded from EMP and other forms of electrical interference. They were found to function, in essence, as a unique form of electronic warfare. Now, the scientists at Wayne Tech are charged with a new challenge; to make this organism easily deployable on the field of battle.