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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

"They don't travel off world, they explored roughly by the timeline two hundred thousand years ago in the galaxy and decided to build their society here. Advanced on their own world and ways to manage it rather then taying out and attracting others. It has afforded some levels of protection in as you said... no one has heard of them and they know there are things out there and welcome people who find them but they aren't really in a rush to just join the galaxy again." She said it while walking and eating a little of the food. There were small triangular foods that she could taste and look over at it. Some fo the others though were going on parts of it now when the jedi master looke around and observed.
He would nod his head as he listened, taking in the sights as they walked. "So all of their resources must be taken from on-world then. Does the planet have enough resources to continue servicing themselves for years and years more?" He would inquire. "Little to no interaction with off-worlders, relying entirely on their own resources. It's safe, sure, but I suppose it might not work out long-term, once supply begins to run dry."

He would note the food she was trying, and was curious but didn't ask for a taste. Force knows how his stomach would take food he wasn't used to.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him and thinking about it but they had a great deal and had lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. It is something that might happen but they knew how to survive and she was guessing they had methods in case of dangerous times like that. They still had and had worked on improving the technology itself for preserving and making food to last them long trips where they would be going to travel and conquest around. "Possibly but they have lasted like this longer then most governments and worlds out here in the outer rim worlds. Some of the oldest socities compared to them matched only by the taung, kwa and gree even."
"That's fair, I suppose" He would respond as they walked. "But even those who've lasted as long as this one have had access to interstellar travel, and used it as such in order to keep resources plentiful so they don't exhaust their own planet's natural resources too quickly. Working almost exclusively from a planet's natural resources might take time to exhaust, but it can, and will, happen. I wonder if, when it does happen, how quickly their minds will change on interacting far more profusely with the outside galaxy?"

It was a secure way of going about things, remaining out of sight, out of mind... But survival long-term was an issue here. Maybe not right now, but eventually... And long-term was something one always had to thing about.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

She was looking at him. "This system they are in has a great many worlds and even more moons. Their capabilities with travel are old but in the system they can easily move around. They just choose not to and they have access to resources. The species itself are older then some of the others in the galaxy. They know how to stretch and make resources last for a long time." She was certain of a few other things that they had been working on, she knew with Sorel they had been getting a whole lot of new information on this world and a number of other ones. Sorel was proving just as innovative in exploring the regions and the planet as she was. With all of the crystals and the older methods of using the force here on the world.
"That's fair, I suppose" He would respond as they went. "Time can go on forever though... Their food cannot. Long-term solutions are a good plan to always have. Backup plans, as well. If something goes wrong, well... It's nice to not be doomed" He would add, though he would shrug his shoulders. "But I suppose for the time being, they seem to have it made. I doubt they'll run out of resources in either of our lifetimes, so we can't really put that theory to the test."

Looking back at her, he decided to ask a question.

"How is Sorel anyway? It's been some time since I've heard from her."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu looked at him and pretty much yes, there was no real way to test what they were looking at or going to be able to go about eventually. It would all have to be future tense. So she would do what she could before they were all heading over and looking at some things. His asking about Sorel well gave her a few thoughts and Sorel was good, she was always good and it helped a great deal. "She has been showing a great amount of skill and promise. More so with her understanding of the lightside of the force and the force as a whole. She is uncompromising compared to so many others and steadfast in her wanting to be an example of the jedi order despite however many others will treat her for not giving in and doing like they have."
"Tis a shame, about the whole Silver Jedi thing" He would remark, though shrugged in turn. "She seems like a nice girl. But Jedi Orders don't seem to like having nice people as their Grandmasters. They'd rather mean, grumpy old Grandbootys, and guys who would turn the Jedi into just a military branch" The Jedi Master would crack, a cheeky little grin crossing his lips.

"If you stick to your guns and do what's right... Well, you don't usually succeed. That seems to be Jedi 101 these days" Josh would add, merely shaking his head in response.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu was looking at him. "It isn't that they don't want nice people it is most seem to prefer members and leaders who are willing to compromise and change thousands of years of teachings because they are the chosen one, the special one who can create a revolution. Sorel wanted the jedi to not work with the dark, wanted jedi to rely on the lightside of the force instead of relying on darksiders and showing that the light is not stronger it is just something you cling to while thinking of ways to do whatever else you want. A good reason why my equipment I have made will not work or allow many fo them to use it."
"It seems they're okay with change and/or keeping with the vision... So long as it keeps to their vision, and if their vision changes... Theirs must as well, or else" Josh would remark as he would look over at her. "Fact is... It's the Republic's Jedi all over again. That's what I see."

He let out a sigh.

"Force knows if I'll stick around. Maybe I'll see how it pans out, but... If I'm being honest, I never fit in there. I don't know anyone there. I don't work with anyone there. I always keep to myself, keep to missions by myself, when it comes to them. I don't know why, they just don't seem... Like a family to me. Granted... The Republic Jedi seemed like a family to me for a long time, too... But I was wrong."

Shrugging his shoulders, he would resign to knowing he'd just have to wait and see.

"I miss when the world was more black and white."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu was looking at him while they were moving with a small look on her face. So that she would be able to better see it and think about it. She cared for the silvers at least the ones that she knew, she was able to see a great many things. "''''''''It can be, at times you need to be able to see some parts of it." She knew how to work with many of them and some of the others. "As for the order they are not as much a family it seems the togetherness aspect only goes so long as it holds to whatever vision is with the person in charge. I have learned to honestly step back and just wait it out. See what happens but most eventually get bored or the group disappears."
"Sorel losing her position so quickly because her vision didn't line up with others really rubbed me the wrong way" He would admit, scratching his head. "It just reminds me so much of what happened to me, you know? My vision wasn't theirs... They wanted war, they wanted to be like Selena and go start wars and attack planets even if they don't attack first. I wanted to keep away from being a military branch and focus on taking on the Sith as well as protecting the peace in the galaxy like our job should be.

For Sorel... She was right to not want to trust darksiders in the order. They're darksiders for a reason... But the ones with the real power didn't see it that way."

He would shrug in turn. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see, aye?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu looked at him. "Yes just have to wait and see, we will endure, compared to many who try to burn fast and bright they go out quickly. War becomes boring to many people after a time. Jedi are peacekeepers, to fight is something that is an option but it shouldn't be the only option." She wouldn't discount the wanting to take some sort of action to stop the darkside and its corruption. It was dangerous and destructive, there were places where you needed to be able to stop it and words just wouldn't be able to handle it. Matsu herself dor now was no stranger to either side of the coin and she really didn't see much now. Surrounded by what was her library away from the eyes of others. She could easily have access to it and Sorel helped build it. Make it a refuge for jedi who want to get away from other groups.
"Never fun when war is all they want" He would respond, letting out a sigh in turn. "I mean, I'm a warrior. But when you go so far as to singlehandedly invade a planet on behalf of a political body... Well, you're really not a Jedi Order anymore. That was our past before, long ago. I'd hope the Silvers don't end up resorting to that too" Josh would add. "We're peacekeepers, not soldiers, not a military. Sadly not everyone seems to realize that about us...

Even within our own ranks."

Shrugging his shoulders, he would keep walking, surveying the landscape. "If things don't work out, guess I'll go back to being independent. Not much different from what I'm doing now, after all. If there's somewhere that needs my help, needs the help of a Jedi... Well, I'm going to be there if I can. Don't need a faction to tell me to do that."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu was looking at him and she shrugged with a look on her face before she was moving. Allowing the force to guide her through the city and there was a look over at some of the things that they were doing. She could see a lot more of the area around them and some of the creatures now that they were a good distance outwards. The mechanical sounds of the constructs where she could see everything and one of thye mechanical creatures popped out appearing for her and Joshua to see here. "These are a different types of shards, something of a living crystal that they have discovered here. Where the force is stronger and they use beast bodies more akin to ancient mecha then droid bodies that come like the iron knights."
It appeared the topic had changed in that moment... Fair enough, he supposed. Josh would take a deep breath, fine with getting off the topic of the Silvers and his personal opinions on the matter. Some sort of mech, something that Matsu described as a "shard" of sorts, would appear in front of them. Curious, the Jedi Master would knell down to get a better look at it.

"Huh... This certainly isn't your run of the mill, average droid, that's for sure" He would remark. What do these do, exactly? I mean, different from droids anyway" Josh would ask as he would look back toward his former Master. He still found it funny, asking questions all over again as though he were still a Padawan. But he supposed that Jedi never stopped learning, even after mastery, right? He didn't mind that... He didn't mind continuing to ask questions and learn more about the galaxy at all, no matter who he got the answers from.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

Matsu looked at him with a small grin on her face as she moved forward to check it out and show it. "THey feel and can use the force. The Shards were used to form the Iron knights. skilled warriors who followed and were trained in the jedi ways. It was something different at the time and a few have survived until now. These shards though while maybe not as well trained have developed and been able to get bodies made so they can move around and construct it. It is one fo the ways the organic crystals have spread as well as gotten widespread across the planets in this system for the course of several hundred thousands of years."
(Apologies for the delay. I'll try to be quicker in the future)

"Droids that can feel and use the Force? How is that logically possible?" He would inquire, quirking a brow in turn. Machines being able to sense, feel and even use the living force... He'd have thought that sort of thing impossible. How could the Force flow through machines? It only flowed through living things... Though he would listen as she talked of how they were trained in the Jedi way... But it still didn't explain how they were able to do so.

"How does training allow them to use it, though? Or to even feel it?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]

"Droid bodies... the crystals are sentient beings and able to feel the force they just need a little help as it were to get around." She was lookiong at him and moving her hands as she made the force swish around in almost visible white lines focusing the energies herself into the small illusion and projection. "Tsil crystals are living force crystals, able to house the consciusness of a species. They are spread across the galaxy and different cultures have met them. Some have even come to learn from them about the force skills. The listeners, the iron knights were trained sil crystals with droid bodies by the jedi. These ones just use a different type of body."
"Ah... So the droids are just the bodies? Hosts, more or less? That's interesting... I think I heard of a droid like that before, actually, now that I think back on it..." He would admit, scratching his beard as he thought back on it. "He was an HK droid... I met and fought alongside him when I was just a Padawan. That was many years ago, as you know... I'm almost surprised I still recall it."

"Iron Knights... Where have I heard that name before... I've heard it somewhere, whether in rumor or in direct speech" He would add, wracking his brain to try and find the source of it, but not seeming to recall for the moment. "Either way... It's interesting that even droids can use the Force... Even if via the aid of a crystal, and more being a host than anything. The Force is... Interesting."

[member="Matsu Ike"]

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