All Things With Love
Location: Medical Frigate "Talia" - Passenger Seating
Tag: [member="Orn Pharr"] | [member="John Locke"]
Status: Intact, but, space-minefields are no joke.
Gianna had learned a long time ago, mostly, through trial and error that there was no sense in over-thinking these situations. There was no reason to worry like she was. She could only do so much. She was seated across from, quite possibly, the most interesting looking Jedi she had ever met. His voice was a low rumble that soothed her aching heart. It reminded her to have faith, even if, his comforts were meant for the terrified med-tech that sat beside him. He barely seemed to fit in the seat he was taken. A tree, come to life, given the ability to move, and speak.
She’d never met a Neti before.
The flame-haired woman had always held an affinity for nature. She excelled in making things grow, in bringing life, instead, of taking it away. Her strengths lay in healing. Mending that which was broken. Body, soul, mind, and heart. Gianna had been on plenty of battlefields. This was the first one that left her unsettled. The Summit that she had attended at the side of a friend and many of the Silver Assembly had all but solidified what was to happen this day.
After long debates and hours of philosophical discussion…She understood. That didn’t mean she had to agree. She knew that this was the logical step forward. She knew, that this was the only way. That didn’t change the way she felt about war. Nothing would ever make her want to see two nations, titans in their own right, go head to head, in a battle that would cost…So very, very many lives.
If she couldn’t agree with the methodology—Gianna could do this. She could help who she could.
The pale-skinned woman picked up her comm hesitantly when they exited hyperspace. Carefully, she found the correct channel for the private lines on the Halcyon Storm and eventually it signaled that she’d been successfully connected. Neither the Halcyon nor their frigate was stealth-equipped. Perhaps, it was wasteful of time, but a few words couldn’t hurt. Just a few. Her voice would come through to [member="John Locke"] brokenly. Fragmented. <<John? Can you hear me?>>
Static, or silence. Why wasn’t this thing working?
<<John…If you can hear this, please, be careful. If something happens in space…>>, she trailed off softly, quietly, while trying not to disturb those around her. They were nervous enough. The entire mission took all of their faculties to maintain calm. She had known him when his work swallowed him whole. When guilt, drink, and designs took him down a path she refused to let him follow. <<…I won’t be able to help. Promise, you’ll be careful.>>
<<…Eshan…It wasn’t your fault—>>
The line cut out as explosions rocked some of the fleet in either direction. Whatever it was seemed to shake the medical frigate down to its foundations and the words of safekeeping that the Neti Jedi had promised seemed to be on borrowed time. Gianna, a Knight, not a Master, struggled in her crash webbing after it happened. They hadn’t been rocked too hard but it hadn’t felt nice either. In the distance she could feel something...Something unfathomable. She couldn't explain it, but, her heart knew death. Someone, several someones, had died in ships nearby.
“Is everyone all right?”
Her comm was playing the speeches from the ground. The speeches from the air. Something had jammed it into looping the public channels and green eyes closed tight. If she had to listen to this the entire mission, it was likely, that she would lose her mind. Most of the passengers seemed all right, but, the crew of the frigate seemed stressed. Something about the shields?
Gia frowned. Now, was not the time for mechanical trouble.
The higher ups on the ship seemed to be taking care of things and she leaned back in her seat for a moment. Part of her wished she’d taken her own ship. The Confederacy was more than fair with their intel but they had a tendency of treating the Silvers a little too carefully. As if, they pressed too hard, they might break. Gianna wished she could just tell them to be as they were. The old Grand Master had accepted them in the past with that alone. The rest…They just needed to have faith.
The frigate seemed to be moving along and the lights stabilized. They weren’t getting hit with anything. At least, not yet. Her eyes fixated on the tree-esque creature before her. “I’m Knight Aegis. Gianna. We’ve never met before. What should I call you?”
Small talk. Something normal, to keep the people around them from panicking. Her quiet form projected a sense of normalcy. Her aura was calming. It seemed to help.
Heaven's Touch
Heart of Aceso
Lightsaber [Though, it is not readily seen, hidden in her robes, and rarely makes an appearance.]
Heart of Aceso
Lightsaber [Though, it is not readily seen, hidden in her robes, and rarely makes an appearance.]