Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab

Marek Starchaser

Objective: Destruction
Allies: CIS [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Orn Pharr"] [member="Karsan Calnov"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Kaden Farr"]
Enemies: Mandalorians who want an easy target

Shaking his head, he knew what he had to do, but it didn’t mean he was going to enjoy it. The strain of using the Force like this, again? After so long not using it to do much more than influence a mind, or provide an illusion to a patron that their credit account had much more than they thought. The things that made business much, much easier. It had been a long while since he was oft his mind set. And thrown onto a battlefield.

He understood what was going on. Mandalorians were not good for business. They were striking at allies, and if someone was at war? The chances of them coming to enjoy a bit of resort time were minimal, and that was really where he had gotten his money. Plus, well, [member="Darth Metus"] had come to call and Marek owed the man. Pulling him out of that hole he was in? Hopefully he could bring assistance to the Confederacy. He was, understandably, relegated to a support role.

The task was to get the Mandalorians attention. And that meant being out here, and striking at their supplies. The skies were slowly beginning to darken. He could feel the electricity of the Force around him. He would be able to call it down on anyone who arrived near him.

Marek though, he knew he was going to need cover, he was going to need assistance. Not far off, apparently he wasn’t where he thought he was, and maybe landed incorrectly, he saw the fire. And from the fire, and over his comms, he was hearing the voice of one of the other Confederates. He’d definitely remember that form, had he met her. Moving to keep up with her, lightning calming, but still sparking in his hands. The storm was slowing, the small storm that it was.

“Looks good to see friendly faces.” He approached, cautiously, and still trying to keep himself connected to the Force.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Surface of Tanaab, Above the F.O.B designated zone.
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and any other UCM allies that are in the ground game.
Enemies: [member="Madalena Antares"] , [member="Luna Terrik"] , [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] , [member="Kurenai Yumi"] , [member="Darth Metus"]
Objective: Metus/Forward Operating Base

Valdus' communication to [member="Adenn Kyramud"] was soon replied. " Understood." Receiving the coordinates of the forward operating base Valdus then relayed that information to his Tal'galaar pilot. That pilot than relayed that to the second pilot in the other heavy gunship. The gunships and heavy fighter/bomber ARC-170r's zoomed through the air at mid height, practically invisible on radar, and so quick were the Tal'galaar assault craft that they could easily pass a person before they could be heard.

The pilot of the gunship Valdus was riding in spoke over the craft commlink, "Approaching target." Valdus cut in, " Take us up, we can engage from a distance. I want the ARCs coming in with two proton torpedoes a piece on whatever is left standing." The pilot acknowledge Valdus and the two gunships rose quickly into the air, though still maintaining incredible speed towards the forward operating base. Due to the jammers and the bafflers on the ships (see factory submissions) it was unlikely that they would be intercepted in time to stop what happened next.

Once the Tal'galaars were a few hundred meters above the rest of the ARC-170r squadrons the targeting computers engaged on each of the B.R.R.T weapon systems. With each Tal'galaar being equipped with a pair of B.R.R.T weapon systems, there were four independently controlled firearms targeting dropships and any emplacements (such as shield projector pylons, turrets, walls, etc.). The four gunners of the gunships spoke one after the other the same message, " Locked, ready to engage." Valdus then gave the order, "Tra'cyar mav! [Fire at will!]".

It was then that those on the ground at the location of the forward operating base would know what true war was like if they hadn't already. In moments the B.R.R.T weapon systems spit out twenty Ram'ika rounds each, totaling eighty Ram'ika rounds, causing large flame like plasma to jet out the exhaust ports of each of the guns. However, to those on the ground, the pop, a delay, and crashing sound of thermal imploders would be the only sound they heard from this weapon ... for now. Which were almost literally Thermal Imploders with a piercing tip designed to punch through up to and including medium armor plating as well as an impact detonator instead of a time delayed detonation. Each of these explosions were capable of ripping apart infantry squads ... and there were a lot of them.

Nearly simultaneously the ARC-170r's , controlled by their droid brains, would speed over the F.O.B about one hundred meters above the surface. Each ARC launched two Proton Torpedoes from each of their torpedo tubes totaling sixteen Proton Torpedoes from eight ARC-170r's. Additionally, each ARC had a medium quad laser cannon mounted on the rear with both wings tipped with a medium laser cannon. All of the laser cannons would be focused on strafing drop ships, while the rear guns were firing at those ships or shuttles that were still descending. Not every ship could be attacked by the small flight of ten ships.
With the Tal'galaar at a relatively safe distance due to the large range of the B.R.R.T's the ARCs only had one job and that was currently underway. Once the bombing and strafing from the ARC was complete, they would zoom past and try to circle around back to the gunships - or what was remaining of the heavy fighters.

At the end of it all, those still alive would hear an ear-ringing inducing " BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTT!" That sound alone should be good news, as that means that they would live to see another few minutes.

Summary: Valdus and his flight have engaged the dropships that have landed and the infantry at the CIS' proposed FOB location. While the two gunships remain hovering at a distance that is far outside the range of most conventional emplacements or infantry weapons (see submissions), the eight droid controlled ARC-170r heavy fighters strafe the landing zone with medium laser cannon fire as well as a duo of proton torpedoes per fighter, directed at landed ships or large clumps of infantry. Those enemies on the ground are now being assaulted with those multitudes of ordinance and laser cannon fire. Once the bombing run has completed, the ARC-170r's are on their way back towards the Tal'galaar after circling around to do so.

Group 1:
1x Valdus Bral

Group 2:
  • 1x Tal’galaar Gunships (1/1) [Optimally staffed]
  • 1x ARC-170r Squadrons (4/4) [Escorting Gunship]
  • 2x Mandalorian Devastator (AC-12, Haran Launcher)

Location: Farm - a dozen miles or so out of the capital city.
Wearing: Armor
Gear: 1 Spear, Clawed Gauntlets, Blaster Pistol, Utility Belt
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Company
Enemies: MCU-Mandalorians & Compatriots - Chulan
Specific Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"]

Scherezade didn't seem in favor of calling the Mandalorians enemies. Perhaps she'd prefer 'fodder' instead? She went to to explain some of her dislike for their adversaries; first centered on hiding behind a hospital, and then of a more personal nature. As for the hospital, Vytal had no opinion on the matter. The matter of fact was the enemy had not joined the battlefield and until such time all Vytal heard were excuses. 'Protect the defenseless,' they would no doubt cry. Defenseless. The very term heated the Dathomiri's breath. Why did so many offworlders leave their young ill-prepared? Nightsisters taught the young ones early; you never knew when a wild beast might draw near to a clan. Even if the child could not slay the beast, it could do more than stand and be eaten. And as for the need for 'hospitals'... These people called the Witches backwards, yet the offworlders lacked the Water of Life did they not?

"Do with them as you will," the Nightsister replied once the other woman's ire was made known. "Until then leave their corpses to me." A moment passed as Vytal surveyed their surround as they began to move. "If they crawl out from the holes they hide themselves in."

A golden gaze shifted back to the killer that prowled at the Witch's side. Blood feud? The Nightsister nodded in understanding. Such things were known on Dathomir. They had resulted in the decimation of several clans over time, but what else could they do? Heinous slights must be answered or your clan would be ripe for assault. It was far less common when the clans were unified, however. It was difficult to say which was better -- united they were stronger, but separated they honed each others' blade when no offworlders threw themselves on the sacrificial pyre.

"They insult you by being less than what they were. They should stand and die before you proudly." Vytal snorted. "How these creatures consider themselves clans if they do not pass on blood feuds," truly, a Nightsister would never understand. Such things could not be forgotten, else they were nothing but petty squabbles. And if the Mandalorians thought so little of it, then they were demeaning the importance in Scherezade's heart. Disgusting.

Pomsty had once said not to let offworlder culture corrupt her. There was no fear whatsoever of that in Vytal's mind. The ways of offworlders mystified this Dathomiri woman daily.

How then did Nightsister feuds end? With a Great Mother unifying the clans and putting an end to the disputes -- else she would tear the still beating heart out of the rebellious Mothers and offer it to the Fanged God. At least that was what some of the Sisters had whispered in hushed tones so their mothers did not hear them speaking of such grave matters.

"Cattle?" Yes, Vytal knew this word. Pitiful beasts patiently waiting their slaughter. From what she'd been told a despicable affairs necessary for "mass production" of food. There seemed to be far too many sentients in the galaxy requiring planet-sized crops. When first that was explained to her, Vytal could scarcely believe her ears. The amount of food required was beyond her ability to comprehend.

Not that a Witch ever performed a spectacle on demand, Vytal lifted her chin and met Scherezade's deceptively friendly smile. "This will be nothing but a small display of our power," she responded, followed by forcing her chest out a little further. The woman should not begin to believe she had a grasp on the extent of the power of Dathomir. Vytal's fingers slid along her utility belt to expose a measure of ichor to the air; a difficult substance to acquire, but they found ways to supplement their cache while away from home. A green mist of energy began to coalesce about the pale woman casting her in a sickly bright light.

As the spell solidified in her being, so too did a telling. The Nightsister whirled in place to face the direction of the emerging Maldalorian threat, her fingers splayed widely and where her palm cast over the landscape 8 meters away the ground broke and spewed forth dust and rock into the air. It formed a semi-circle erupted around the two women and a man that had darted near -- a presence she had not formally acknowledge occupied with conjuring at the time. "For Dathomir," the Nightsister roared as she threw herself aside unaware of the enemy's movements, but that a stationary target was a dead target.

Vytal's eyes strayed toward those around her. The spear slid out from behind her back in one hand, while a blaster took shape in another. The battle had been joined at last. Time to see how many of their ilk could be brought to ruin this day. A grin parted the Nightsister's dark lips ready to hunt along side Scherezade.
Location: Fortressa Hangar
Objective: Destruction
Allies: UCM
Enemies: [member="Naedira Darcrath"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]

A moderately noisy, controlled chaos dominated the cavernous hangar as crews of droids toiled about. They worked on preparing more starfighters, loading ground transports and supply ships for the long and perilous trip to the surface. Inside the Firtressa organics were a sparse sight among the sea of advanced droids. Prior to his assault he conducted extensive research on the vessel, intelligence briefings, and spy reports from his own shadow network. The vessel was by all accounts a heavily modified, modernized Lucrehulk-class Battleship. A massive hangar dominated the majority of the entire vessel that held hundreds, thousands of ships from starfighters to the larger carriers that would be heading down to the surface. In sections there were areas devoted exclusively to ground vehicular storage as tanks, and other light armored vehicles waited to be loaded. The value of such a massive vessel was its vast complement and its self sufficiency.

Deep within the core ship was a complex holding its self-regulating droidmaker, armament factory, its molecular furnaces that allowed it to convert any physical matter into energy to create more weapons and droids to wield them. It’s power was not in an impressive array of guns but in the vast swarm of attackers that it would unleash upon unsuspecting prey. The vessel stood out for the meaning it had as the flagship to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. If they were to see it fall? To see it explode or crash right atop their own foothold on Tanaab? It could be a crippling blow to the war effort on Tanaab, and a devastating loss to the Confederacy as a whole. The United Clans of Mandalore were in a perilous position as many galactic powers banded together to end the mandalorians sovereignty over their own territory. In their somewhat remote position in the hangar the Crownguard already began to move as the metallic forms of the destroyed droids were swept aside, while the others took perimeter positions keeping watch down different directions of the hangar. They were just about ready to move with their master towards the hallway they needed when.


An eruption of flashing lights and wailing klaxons brought with it a great eruption of chaos, Their enemy knew that they were here, good. They would know that annihilation was coming for them and now they would run headlong into the slaughter. The Shadow Hand nearly started moving but he was stopped at the presence of something approaching him nearby, a powerful emotion that poured out from a singular being that was undoubtedly a living breathing creature. Fear. It was barely contained within the nascent presence that approached, before finally coming into physical view. The source was a young woman whose lithe form was encased in a uniform suit of armor from the Knights Obsidian, a hood pulled back to reveal her face. The difference in size between her and the giant was so vast it was comical. To her credit the woman tried her absolute best to hide the fear ravaging her inner form behind a facade of courage, drawing upon the currents of the force to quell her chattering teeth in front of the towering entity who looked down upon her.

While not entirely visible behind the great helm she couldn’t help but feel the molten eyes of this individual on her. It was a strange feeling face the full brunt of his gaze, it was as if the Shadow Hand not only saw her but his sight pierced through her, into her. It was as if he could see her for who she truly was, that no facade could protect her against him and she was exposed before him. He pierced through the protection of her mind in the face of such a terror she was woefully outclassed to keep him out. In her mind he could see her memories, past, friends, family, acquaintances, so much lay exposed before him. In his careful observations it seemed that the silent giant let exposed a glimpse, a hole inside that she could peer through. It was the briefest glimpse but what she saw in a fraction of a second was incomprehensible. It was death, destruction, it was carnage on a level so vast, so disturbing it was nauseating. It was madness so horrifying it could make the eyes bleed. There was no quantifiable number that could be placed on those consumed by the carnage, to call it billions would be a huge, drastic understatement. Before she could peer away she heard something, saw someone a voice, an individual from her past.



Just like that she could see him that day in his classroom standing before his students his mouth moved giving substance to the lecture he was imparting on the youth. A thunderclap, an explosion that tore apart the entire room. She could not only see the fire but she could feel the heat, the bone crushing force as he was blown into the wall behind him. She could feel the fire as it engulfed his body the screams of a man on fire were so terrifying, it wasn’t the kind of sound one ever forgets. The man was sprawled on the ground a pile of debris pinning him down, she could feel the pressure he felt, the pain he felt. To see his charred body try to scream through seared vocal chords, his flesh melting to the floor the more he struggled, the more it fell. The explosion wasn’t a peaceful death and he died a slow death engulfed in fire that eroded away everything that made him identifiable. “Why? Why did you kill me? It was all your fault.” Alec’s voice said.

You should have saved me.” Alec’s voice said almost appearing to see the corpse turn its head and speak to her.

Everything turned to hell the day I met you

It doesn’t matter what, everything you touch is poison

I thought you loved me

I see you Naedira Darcrath.

It quickly became evident that peering into him was a terrible mistake, to try and pierce beyond into his mind. Anger flowed from the form of the giant as he turned towards her casting his long shadow over her. Anger at the very thing she was, what she represented. A mistake. To call her a vermin would be to give her too much value. The power that had been given to her, that was cultivated by the hand of the Knights Obsidian was never meant for her. The Lord of the Sith could see her for who she really was and she was weak, spineless, she would never have the potential or the nerve to pay the price required for power. She was an upjumped bacterium wielding power she couldn’t possibly hope to understand. The weak were never meant to stand tall among the strong, the wheat was never meant to mix with the chaff. She squandered the gifts with her filthy fingers. The woman didn’t even have the common decency to recognize herself for the failure she was and slink back into the unwashed masses, or join the other victims in the Jedi Order. They could at least give her spine, a fool's facade of hope for him to grind. It was an insult, a slap to the face, a spit in the eye to see such an abomination and it brought rage.

Who? Who did this? Who created such an abomination? Your very presence before me is an insult." He said making a gesture to the Crownguard who all moved to the perimeter to give them space, and ensure no one would interfere. "You toy with forces beyond your understanding and call it power. Power? You don't know the meaning of the word but how could you? It was never meant for you. There is a place in the world for the bacterium, a hole for the weak and spineless. Who gave you the right to stand tall? Who gave you the right to breathe in my world?" The Shadow Hand surged forth with the inevitability of a tectonic plate, the metal deck buckling beneath each footfall. The magnaguard charged from around Naedira twirling their twin headed electrostaffs crackling with energy. The Shadow Hand swung down with the full force of a closed fist forcing one to raise its staff, only to witness the immense force of his blow crash through the staff shattering it into two pieces. He reached out grabbing the droids head in one hand while he took hold of a broken section of the staff, launching it with such force that it careened through another guards torso, right into the bulkhead behind it. He crushed the droids head ripping it from wire and metal as if it wasn't connected to anything, allowing it to fall to the ground. The last droid he pointed an outstretched hand as he moved cutting loose with a blast of crimson lightning so violent it blasted the magnaguard into a dozen pieces. It was only when the last droid fell that he pulled the monstrosity of a lightsaber from his side, pressing its activation switch a massive crimson blade six feet in length erupted with a snap hiss.

The blade gave the giant incredible reach to launch his assault, and as he closed he swung the blade downward in one hand. It was seemingly a rough, feral strike easily avoided by the fast, athletic woman and the activation of her weapon as she darted inward, cutting a strike across his lightly protected midsection, and another blow landing true. He watched expressionless as her weapon was pulled from him and smoke trailed up from the wounds. "You should be in awe child to stand before me. You should be grateful that I've given you an ounce of my time, a portion of my focus. Be honored that you will die by the hand of someone with true power. This is as close as you will ever get to greatness."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Enemies: [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Voph"]
Allies: ???

The fleet of vessels readied into a battle line. The Plutons were broadsiding the oncoming CIS fleets while the Sovereigns remained pointed towards their enemies. The Sovereign Elite advanced variant of the Sovereign had been specifically designed to kill dreadnoughts with its forward-mounted UBeam, about half as powerful as the megalaser upon the front of the Emperor's own flagship. And there were currently fifteen of them pointed towards the Veil, along with approximately sixty LRBBeams(approximately a quarter as powerful as a UBeam) and sixty LBeams(half as powerful as their LRBBeam counterparts). The weapons, complemented by the Saturns' side-mounted super-heavy energy torpedo launchers, their shield-piercing long range solar ionization cannon batteries, and the Sovereign Elites' array of forward long range heavy mass driver batteries, seeker baradium missile launchers, and SBeam light beam cannons(themselves a quarter as powerful as their LBeam counterparts), would aim at points on either side of the dreadnought approximately amidships and collectively open fire upon them. The elimination of the dreadnought would drastically disrupt the ability of the Confederate fleet to continue operations, and with the tremendous amount of fire being flung at the vessel, the captain of Vanessa's fleet wholly believed it would be a matter of time before the gargantuan warship was a smoldering wreck. The fleet would disgorge its fighter and bomber complement as well, though they would be remaining defensive and not come into play - not yet, anyways.

The captain, taking a cue from Vanessa's past history of unconventional conflict, opened a wide-channel hail on all known Confederate frequencies that realistically would be able to be picked up by any CIS ship or ship engaging in communication with CIS ships within the battlefield. On said hail, he placed a recording that was programmed to cyclically repeat itself after concluding a playthough - a recording that was being played at full volume and that had been amplified from its original sound. The logic behind this was simple - with the transmission being on CIS frequencies, it would be heard by any ships attempting to use CIS comm channels. Any attempt by the CIS to jam the transmission would only result in them jamming their own communications, essentially cutting their ships off from one another and making it harder for them to communicate except via text commands or through the power of the Force.

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Vanessa would be putting the last touches on her next step. This would be frustrating, having to provide skeleton crew numbers and equipment to this many ships, but the end result would certainly be worth it. Even if it cost her a great deal, at least she would have been able to make some sort of a difference.

After all, that was all one could do for their associates, wasn't it?

Fleet List:
Saturn-type battleship - D-Variant x15 (opening fire with all weaponry brought to bear from port/starboard side on Veil)
Saturn-type battleship - O-Variant x15 (opening fire with all weaponry brought to bear from port/starboard side on Veil)
Sovereign Elite-class battlecruiser x10 (opening fire with all forward weaponry on Veil)

Cypher Rage

Post 2
Location: Medical Bay, U.G.F.S Riptide

Cypher was one person who was hard to knock out of a fight regardless of what he looked, thought or seemed. But those mines had forced him down. " What happened." He asked the droid. He looked down at his body. They had changed his uniform. Now he wore a black and purple suit with a cape flowing down his back. The cape had the crest of the Confederacy on it. " The fall on the command deck resulted in nerual degredation and as such I had the rest of the droids contuine the attack while I implanted a few things in your brain" said Nade whom had arrived on the ship after the unfortunate accident on the 'Riptide'. " What exactly did you implant in my brain?" Asked Rage. He seemed pissed. " Umm... A Super Tatical Droid prosscessing Unit." Replied Nade. " Huh? Wait.. We're in the middle of a battle. Begin our attacks on the stations. Get me a full report. I want to know everything that happened. Whats wrong with the 'Fortressa'?" He asked. " The Sith Empire is reinforceing the Mandolorians. We have received some reinforcements as well." Nade Reported. " Damn. Move part of the fleet to outflank the Sith. Clan Greds Fleet is to become dust. You Get Me" he asked " I get you , sir' Nade replied with a. Salute. Cypher made his way to the Command Deck. This was one hell of a fight. He was now a walking tatical cyborg. " Commander, open a channel to The 'Veil'. I need orders" he ordered. [member="Adron Malvern"]

Objective: Fleet
Allies: UCM [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Dezoti"] [member="Quoron Cadera"]
Enemies: CIS Fleeters [member="John Locke"] (engaging) [member="Adron Malvern"] @Trajan
Post: 2

“They’re opening fire!”

“Yes, thank you! I can see it! Half the ruddy universe can see it. Full power to shields! Come about on the Halcyon Storm’s bow and ready another volley of three of our Taung Grav Cannons.” Livia clung to the arms of her Captain’s chair as the first round peppered in. The Hell Wolf’s shields held, even if the energy of such raucous fire had the ability to shake a soul half loose of its’ moorings. Three more potent gravitic bombs veered toward the Halcyon in a line. If successful, the Taung Gravitic Cannons’ functioned with the power to rip shields and tear hulls apart. If close enough, the shots functioned similarly to the singularity of a Yuuzhan Vong’s dovin basals. Kinetic, gravitic and energetic damage were potentially severe.

Yet, the cost was time and potential interception. Gravity knew no master, and the potential for harm clustered with the time it took the Hell Wolf to power up the Cannons. They were formidable teeth, but not the only teeth on the Infernal’s personal flagship.

The Confederates vastly outnumbered the Mandalorians, even as reinforcements began pouring into the sector. Vast and unfathomably scaled, the CIS fleets blotted out not only the stars but each other in a wall of ships spanning kilometres by their hundreds. Standing in control of a fleet less than a tenth the size of the CIS, Captain Fury felt the caustic shrill of adrenaline buzzing in pulses down her spine, her limbs. Her fingers shook.

“We have them by surprise, for now. Push it! Push further. Send the Agnan, Bith, Tykie and Roshak against the Tenchu-Kai’s and reinforce the Sundari. Sundari, open fire with your MT-165 Kyber Focused Long Range Turbolasers at the Mace Windu. All Sundari Railgun Turrets, target the Augustus.“ An urge her riduur [member="Aedan Miles"] expelled from his bride resurfaced. Glitterstim… a dose… only one… She fingered the Ring of Kar’ta-Jorbe, the Calm of the Force a beacon of light in the midst of the Mandalorian Fury Fleet. Through the power of the Ring, she could from across spans of stars feel her beloved. Sense what he felt, a general direction. It was a tether to their Force Bond, and in his overwhelming and often caustic anger, Livia found her own sense of peace.

“[member="Dezoti"], as one prim and proper woman to another, I am most pleased of your impending arrival. Do find a delightful place to hunker up and get to it, on behalf of all Mandalorians and those of us teetered on the cliffside, I congratulate and thank you. Coordinate with Captain Kierke, if you wouldn’t mind too terribly much.” The Chiss. Alliances did work in the end, even if the Ascendancy was little of its’ former self.

“Comms, signal the Banshees, to open communications to anyone with a transponder capable of listening. Once the transmission is sent, I want the AWOOs back online... flipping Awoo... What is an awoo anyway? Who names these things?” Livia watched Rhonda flick the signal, piggy-backing off the Banshees, and their AWOO Signal Jammers.

“Dear Confederacy of Insidious Rapscallions, You who come to a humanitarian world and attack, on behalf of Mand’alor the Infernal and the peaceful agricultural folk of Tanaab, we wish to welcome you to the Clans of Mandalore… please do accept our most explosive gifts, brought with love from Mandalorians, the Chiss who remember your unpleasant genocidal destruction of Copero, and the Domain of Knowledge… I have one final introduction, which delights me to no end… You didn’t think a Miles stood alone, did you?” Livia signalled for the comm to be cut, and sat back in her Command chair with fervent huffing sigh.

“Raise our Colours. Introduce my husband.” Rhonda cued the apropos music, and sent its’ dole-some tones into every open comm at a volume meant to shake the ear. Every ship in the Fury Fleet blazoned their signals with the ‘colours’ of Clan Akaata. The sorrowful music vibrated through any comms with the capacity to listen.

[media] [/media]

“When destruction comes to the innocent, even pirates stand to fight. How is it the Confederacy can cling to falsified records and false-flag attacks, as champions of justice they do not have the right to dispense?

Since when… since when do the murderers of Copero hold the right to cast the first stone? And the second? The third?” Livia huffed to calm her nerves.

‘Come quickly, my love.’ Livia prayed through the Force. The Warmaster and Pirate King was near. She could feel it.


Location: The Defiant Mantis
Captain: Captain Girak Kierke

“Full shields! Battlestations. Rouse the molecular furnaces, I want every bit of scrap and slag in these skies churning through them. Helm, take us as close to their star destroyers as you can. They’ll have to fire on themselves to get at us.

On behalf of Panatha and the sheer amount of dimwhittery in Tanaab’s skies, we defy them. Galidraan grouping Akaan. Give those Akula-Class ships a volley.” The Panathan Nobleman and former Deacon of Nereus kept his feet diagonally apart for balance. The Defiant Mantis churned forward as [member="John Locke"]’s star destroyers opened fire. Built with several layers of ablative shielding, the Alor-Class refit could take a severe amount of damage, yet the strikes were felt across the vessel's shields and rattled plating. If he sat and waited, Girak knew it wouldn't be long before the ship was compromised. Seven Galidraan Assault Cruisers broke off from formation and charged, their fast speed and frontal assault weapons bearing down on the CIS fleet.

  • AWOO Signal Jammers Still In Active Use via Banshee Support Vessels
  • Agnan, Bith, Tykie & Roshak (Aggressors) break off w/fighter squadrons to reinforce the Sundari & fire at the Tenchu-Kai Battlecruisers.
  • The Sundari targets the Augustus with Railguns & the Mace Windu with MT-165 Kyber Focused Long Range Turbolasers. Damage to Shields.
  • Hell Wolf (and supporting ships) targets the Halcyon Storm’s Gunwale with 3 Taung Gravitic Cannon shots. Movement at slow diagonal facing the Halcyon. Taung Canons require cool-down. Damage to Shields.
  • Defiant Mantis takes damage to Shields, commences firing on Umbara-Class Star Destroyers while moving in close to Locke’s fleet.
  • 2 Kandosii-type Dreadnoughts close in behind Defiant Mantis.
  • 7 Galidraan-class assault cruisers strafe the Akula Class Destroyers with heavy frontal fire.

Fury Fleet (48km):
Hell Wolf Star Cruiser 5000 (87|100)
The Sundari 5000 (90|100)
Defiant Mantis 3000 (80|100)
Kandosii 4 x 1300
Agnan, Bith, Tykie & Roshak Aggressor + 10 unnamed x 950
The Cimmerian 900 | Galidraan 14 x 500
Arachnid 2 x 250 | Banshee 2 x 250
MandalArms Gunship 10 x 35 | Droid Bombers 400 x 19 (100 deployed)

Location: Dropship
Allies: CIS [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Mav Vohaloveer"], @Dondaroga, @Karsen Calnov, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Vytal Noctura"]
Enemies: UCM [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] (not engaged yet)
Gear: In Bio, 12 Thermal detonators, Thermal tape


Grandstanding. The comms and chatter coming from the Mandalorians were full of grandstanding. Kaden had been there for their Civil War. He had been there when Yasha took Dathomir. Kaden had been watching the camera feeds of her deals with [member="Darth Carnifex"]. They had always been flirting with the Sith, the butchers of Commenor, the same religious empire which decimated the core. They wanted to hide in their hospital and find some moral ground to stand on when their chief ally was The Sith Empire who had committed far worse atrocities than the Confederacy ever had. The hypocrisy of it all sickened the Mandalorian. They never would have hid in a hospital, never would have even considered making a stand there, when he had been among them. Ra would never have let the Mandalorians sink so low as to use the infirm as an excuse to wait for the enemy to attack.

Of the twenty four which had been in the dropship with Kaden, thirteen had survived the crash. With a little over half the number he landed with, there would be no time to waste as they needed to meet with the others. The turbolasers which surrounded the city needed to be dealt with first. Fortunately, Kaden was prepared with tape and detonators. A few two or three man teams could move about relatively unnoticed while the main group provided a distraction. A smirk tugged at Kaden’s lips when he realized they had no idea what was coming their way. Operation Titanfall was a go.

<<< “You hear that boys! Exarch Talon just announced Titanfall!” >>>

That seemed to help the rest shake off the fogginess of the crash as the others began to rally around Kaden’s location. They had a monumental task ahead of them once the turbolasers were down, but they were the first targets.

<<< “Alright, listen up! We have a dozen or so turbolasers all around the city perimeter. The job is simple. We are taking them out. All of you have tape and detonators. Find the weak point, attach the detonator then haul shebs before you detonate. There won’t be any kind of order you are waiting for, no synchronized strike. Take out as many as you can and then rendezvous with the main group. I was only 10 when an 8 year old Yasha cauterized a battle wound and we dragged her uncle with us to safety during the first battle of Ra’s civil war. There was not hiding in those days, only advancing. We took our wounded with us, and they fought by our side, for we were Mandokarla! Today we remind the enemy how far they have fallen from what it truly means to be Mandokarla! Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur.” >>>

With his little speech made, Kaden divided the thirteen which remained into 6 teams. The objective itself was simple enough, avoid detection and rig the turbolasers to blow. With all the ships landing, and with Operation Titanfall about to be underway, Kaden was more than confident there was about to be a massive distraction. Stealth was the key to this particular plan, and help from others. Naturally he was not the only one tasked with hitting certain targets like the turbolasers. As long as the Mandalorians stayed inside their hospital taking the planet was going to be easy. All the speeches about Copero, and using it to assume the hospital was the target was laughable at best. Copero had a certain objective, eradicate and destroy any presence of the Jen’ari. This was not Copero, and the assumption was a massively tactical error on the part of the Mandalorians, one which they were going to pay for desperately.

Kaden reached out on the comms to team lead [member="Srina Talon"], as well as the others who were en route, or landing on the planet, over the Confederacy’s secure channel.

<<< “This is Kaden Farr, crash landed, lost 11 in the crash. The rest of us are getting ready to take out those turbolasers. Any units that are available ([member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Vytal Noctura"]) for cover fire and distraction until that Titan drops out of the sky would be great.” >>>

With that Kaden sent the teams off to their targets. This was what Kaden had been used to, small teams, even from the beginning. At the age of ten he was part of a small strike team which targeted specific targets. Many though him foolish for fighting so young, but that was how it had been in those days. The Civil War tested every Mandalorian, but they fought. They advanced. That was what Kaden was doing now. He would not hide like those who pretended to be Mandalorian. It was off to the first turbolaser to set the charge and blow it into the sky.
What're you gonna do? Kill me?

Objective: Omnia
Location: Hospital - Air
Allies: UCM [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Sterling Kinslayer"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Beth Cadera"] [member="Cleru"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Mig Gred"]
Enemies: CIS [member="Kaden Farr"] (Comin’ for ya, dude!)
Equipment: Beskar’gam | MOM’ALOR | A Mother’s Pluck | CCH-01 - Chiss Charric Heavy Blaster Pistol | Beskad
NPC: Karkesh (Legio Copad) | 26 x AV-1A Assault Armor | 2 x Tracyn Mirshko (Fire Courage Dragons) (Gikka & Xix)
Post: 3

Why are Mandalorian warriors guarding a hospital?
Answering that question is less about tactics and more about the Mando’ade.

“Sweet Star. Beth’ika. Gosh, you make me wanna live forever.” Born on Panatha, I was raised to value only strength in others. Any weakness was culled from the populace. The sick, the dying, they were already gone. Wasted resources. I never understood mercy, never lived by it’s tremorous and electric hymn. Even after I met Eli, I still didn’t see the value in a culture that sent wounded men to fight. I didn’t see anything beyond the armour and a wealth of hidden faces, like slaves covered in garments of shame. What kind of special Hell was Beskar’gam, that sealed someone away from every sensation but those guarded and allowable fragments.

What kind of life did you get, when you spent it locked behind a warrior’s coffin?
Why is Clan Mortui guarding a hospital?

Why did the Confederacy hit the hospital in Copero? We already know not even a hospital was safe from their virulent fire. Truth is, there are some patients too ill or too wounded to move. They ought to be warm and safe, nothing but calm nurses and as much good food as they can handle. Strikes me on Panatha, we’d probably let the hospital exist as it was, fortify a more defensibly ostentatious position and mourn when the deed was done. But not Mandalorians.

They seal themselves away in crowns of black iron, breathe through a glorified hose, so they’ll always be ready. Ready for protecting the only truth that matters in this messed up Galaxy of ours.
Aliit. Family.

Each person in their beds, each baby in an incubator are family, and who in their right or insane mind would leave their family to die unprotected without a fight?

My stitched abdomen burns, counteracted by the bacta healing around it. Danged itchy, and that’s how I know the bacta’s working. I hiss a long exhale out of clenched teeth, leaning against the window.

Scattered reports continue pouring through my HUD as Dennis, Stardust and Cleru attempt to delay the inevitable. Won’t lie about how unworthy all this tough love makes me feel. I don’t deserve it, ain’t nothing loveable about me but the bits hanging around Yasha’s shadow. Still… it’s enough to take with me. In the end, it’s all any of us will ever have.

“Well, thank you kindly [member="Cleru"], you tangy blueberry, you. I’ll pistol-whip the first attacker I see. Course it’d be more effective if I shot’em, so maybe I’ll do that, too.” Step one. Diffuse their immediate panic responses. Lean back, relax my shoulders and sigh. Sighs can be contagious, given the right circumstances. Check out the gun. Holster it and take a few stray power packs for my utility belt. Nothing too much. Nothing too heavy. “Yeah, always wondered what it’d be like, havin’ babies I didn’t have to keep silent lest we die. Wonder what Hector’ll grow up as. An engineer? Warrior? Ragamuffin, for sure with both of us for parents… Aw honey pies, y’all’re breakin’ my cold and cracked bomb fragment of a heart.”

Breathe. Nod the bucket. Make them think I’m playing along, while more statistics and battlefield data compiles.

“V1, patch me through to all the comms chatter, compiling only the bursts in a 20 km radius. Activate my beacons around the city. Let the engineers know we’re online. And get each of the volunteers in their AV-1A’s.” The droid trilled and beeped, patching into my buy’ce and a new flood of information cranks along the right peripheral of my vision.

Readouts of chatter… half-conversations in listening points across the city. Listening points combined with a few of my engineered surprises.

“… only 10 when an 8 year old Yasha cauterized… and we…” Oxygen. Oxygen! Where’s my air supply!? I’ve lost it, it’s gone. Decimated by the voice of a familiar soul.

The boy I raised in the Netherworld for seven years, before Yasha even dared call herself the Infernal. Eyelids slam heavy, my vision resting behind closed eyes as I catch my breath.

If ever there was proof of my failure as a parent, it’s how I treated Kaden while he tried to love Yash. There’s no more damning evidence of my abuse than the day Kaden threw himself in between mother and daughter, and begged for me to hold her. To talk to her. To stop and see how his beloved best friend was breaking.

“… but I didn’t… I forced her on, didn’t give her a ruddy moment. Not one. Seven years, I kept them alive, Kaden, Yash, Shia… Seven years covering his heart in beskar and hers in a stubborn refusal to die. Duty. She had a duty, and I would be danged to oblivion if my daughter reneged on it. I should’ve taught her how to do more than hate herself for letting go.” My chest caves inward. I lean on the windowsill, hands shaking in my gloves. I can almost feel him, a pull in the gravity of this place. My worst sin made in new flesh like bitter wine.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"]’s voice cracks through my comm, rousing his soldiers, our soldiers to stand and fight and kill or be destroyed by overwhelming disaster. My breath starts again, hearing that voice.

“V1. Meet me at the bottom.” Don’t take much.

Sitting on the ledge, a couple of boots planted firmly in Dennis’ stomach, kicking with all the strength my Epicanthix body has on offer. The window, well, I unlatched it when they weren’t looking.

And now I’m falling and it feels like freedom. Twice-so, when Gikka the dragon swoops in, catches me on her back. I cough and sputter, glad for the painkillers as I hold fast and shift to help Gikka with my weight.

“Good girl… good… good girl… if I were a Kaden, where would I be? Circle up, girl. Let’s take a gander at the city, shall we?” Something in my heart is pulling port-side, toward a turbo-laser emplacement further on.

“Didn’t have to shoot you after all, ad’ika. You want to save me, come along. Gikka, see the mooks? The enemy mooks? Yeah, pew pew, girl. We're gonna pew pew.” I quip to [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"], spurring Gikka on. There, in the distance… motion on the chaotic battlefield.

I’m coming, Kade’ika. Mama’s coming to face what she’s done.
Location: En Route to [member="Kaden Farr"]
Enemies: Mandalorians l [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Objective: Kill.
Equipment: See First Post on Page 1

The Turbolasers were the first step, of the many to get into the city. Overall objectives were easy to remember, 1,2,3,4 - but the tasks associated with them were monumental, if not downright daunting. Such was the burden of taking a city, more importantly- a city that they couldn't downright obliterate. An out-of-orbit bombardment would wreck their shields- but they wanted to be the good guys in this situation.

Karsan knew he wasn't a good man. He realized that as soon as he cut down another militia member with his machine gun- and his HUD reported that he still had 637 rounds in the belt. Not a whole lot, truthfully. For a sustained rate of fire, that wasn't too much. The other boxes would hold up, but truthfully he'd probably need to pick up a weapon or get a resupply. That could come later.

His comm headset chirped with a young man's voice- and upon realizing that it was in Mando'ade, Karsan diverted from the forward assault he was apart of to the objective of taking out the turbolasers. Small teams, and strike units were his specialty. Special forces, after all- was his gig before he picked up his Beskar'gam. Even if it was for the wrong side, once upon a time.

Karsan was to Kaden's position within a few moments, sprinting across the open field where he could, using micro-terrain and crashed pods as cover. Returning fire as necessary. He slammed his body, breathing heavy, next to Kaden's crashed pod.

"Gimme two guys with me to make a fire support position and we can cover you with machine gun fire- easy pickins out here."

His T-shaped visor turned towards the few militia members scattered around the Turbolasers, who were desperate to hold back the incoming onslaught. Each passing minute meant more troops, more soldiers against the city. But the Mandalorians had doomed this city a long time ago when they created a military target. That hospital became a focal point for all the hate and malice they built against the CIS- the Mandalorians, did this to themselves, he mused. They created their own demons. They created their own hells.

Yasha, after all, was a Mantis- he knew that family was cursed with nothing but pain. Inflicting, or receiving. He tapped the two soldiers that Kaden brought, and moved over to a small piece of microterrain- after all, the flat plains only had so much elevation, but there was enough for a machine gun position. Setting his weapon down, he flicked down the bipods, and ordered the two other gunners with them to do the same. Problem was, they had heavy repeaters- as opposed to his slugthrowers. Would make it easy for enemy troops to tag 'em- but for the moment, they were going to lay down hell on the enemy.

Contrary to popular belief, automatic weapons didn't fire in a line- at a rapid rate, they impacted in a sort of cone-shape. The 'beaten-zone' as they called it. Karsan was laying down suppressing fire, his weapon kicking out brass and chewing through the belt at such a rate that the defenders had no choice but to get down. He preferred slugthrowers for a variety of reasons, but the psychological impact of rounds as opposed to blaster bolts was paramount. Your entire world shrieking, cutting around you was jarring to say the least- and the militamembers, not regular infantry- were cut down around the first turbolaser that Kaden was headed towards, or, better yet- suppressed into their defensive positions, making themselves very, very small.

Karsan screamed as his machine-gun chewed through the belt, Karsan having roughly 400 rounds after his initial onslaught. He was deadly with it, but the objective was more suppression so that Kaden's teams could move towards the turbolaser to create an opening than anything.

Mandalorian Prophet

Location: Hospital, Neonatology Ward
Allies: UCM [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Sterling Kinslayer"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Beth Cadera"]
Enemies: CIS
Post: 3

The com sparked in the Chiss's ear as Adenn spoke over it. He needed help from a Chiss? If things weren't so grim, Cleru would of laughed. Instead he turned from Aditya, offering her a shrug. "Pistol whip or shoot. I don't care. Just stay alive so you can be a proper mother." His attention then turned to Beth. Oh, Beth. She should of already left, but the bonds of family were always strong. It's why he loved her.

He stepped back to her, raising a hand to pat her head. He'd of done more if there weren't others around, but his pride as a Chiss demanded he hold back his emotions. "You keep our kids safe. No matter what. When I get back, what do you say we get married?" Cleru gave her a warm smile before turning from her. He was expecting to go die. He couldn't look her in the eye anymore. He left the room, the family that would take care of Beth when he was gone, his expression hard and dark to those who might of seen him on the way out before he pulled his helmet back on.

Cleru would kill as many as it took to protect her, even if it cost his life.

It didn't take him long to find Adenn. The troops were rallied, ready to fight the good fight. Protect as many as they could in a hopes they could escape. It was a grim day.

Dezoti said:
"It took us some time, but we are here. We never forgot the kindness of the Mandalorians. We never forgot the cruelty of the CIS. We waited, in silent fury, for our moment to strike. For when we could get our justice. A justice the Jedi chose to ignore. The CIS chose to forget. But we remember. And it's high time we remind the Galaxy we will not sit quietly while injustice of those with too much power is ignored in favor of their justice."
At least, until Cleru heard that message. His eyes immediately went up as he scanned the horizon, as if he could actually see the Chiss Fleet arrive. The Mandalorian allies. They arrived! With his helmet covering his face no one could see the tears of relief that flooded his eyes.

Another voice spoke over his com, directly. The Chiss Commando line. "We've picked up your signal on world. You know the situation, so we'll be falling in with you and who ever else is in charge." Within moments several of the CCT's appeared above the hospital. From them, the Commandos descended. Six squads of seven, unheard of in Cleru's time in the Ascendancy. The most that had ever shown at once was three. The Chiss weren't messing around with their desire for justice.

"Well. This changes quite a lot. Adenn, how do you feel about removing the vermin littering our streets?"

Location: Main spine of The Veil – Moving to the command bridge of the Roon’s Spear
Objective: Don’t mess this opportunity up
Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="John Locke"], [member="Voph"], [member="Livia Maddox"]
Mental State: Anxious
Post: 02


It wasn’t long after when xobos made it the bridge of the Roon’s Spear that the battle kicked off with a bang. As the ships around her task force began to rip into the minefield to clear a way into to the stations, the plan of which, at least in the back of her mind, being to push through those holes once made and blast apart the space stations, the Mandalorian fleet appeared. The apprentice couldn’t even begin to describe how the fleet outgunned her own. It’s size absolutely dwarfed her own, and the words from Ambrus quickly came to mind once again as she stared out of the viewport, toward overwhelming fleet size.

“Are you sure this isn’t a suicide assignment, little master?”

The words rolled around in her mind over, and over, and over again, feeling as though time itself was slowing to a stop. Nothing about this assignment felt exciting anymore and Xobos, who was fighting to bring her mind back to the moment, stumbled forward as the battle officially kicked off in full force, with both the fleet opening fire upon each other. Her knuckles turned pure white at the spectacle, steadying herself as she tried to find her standing again as the colors flashed across the sky.

What truly brought her back to the moment was a hand on her shoulder, helping her stand straight again. The Miraluka looked upward to see the greying haired officer give her a curt nod as he himself began gazing out of the viewport. Together they watched the continuing first few moments of the battle. As much as the whole thing overwhelmed the apprentice at first, it was slightly incredible to watch the movements of the ships as they fought for positioning. The guns blazing and the engines roaring to life of both fleets was an incredibly way to welcome Xobos to her first command engagement.

In all reality, all of this occurred within only a few seconds, but the sheer magnitude made the whole experience feel like watching an hour long holotape. V’ylin’s voice was enough to make her pull her eyes away from the battle through the viewport, looking up at him as he watched the battle from a much more tactical mindset than the blind alien. “I you notice, commander?” The question came out of nowhere in her mind, causing her to furrow her brow and look back out of the viewport. In all reality, she didn’t know what to think, or what could even be different about all this that he was seeing that she couldn’t.

For a few moments, she looked to the left, and the right of the port, where she could see her own ships in a holding pattern, with the starfighters buzzing around their assigned ships like gnats. Her eyes then cast to the larger, much more powerful ships of [member="John Locke"] ‘s and [member="Voph"] ‘s fleet, and where the incoming fire was coming from. It took a small bit of consideration before the realization dawned on her like a wave. In fact, she wasn’t the only one who noticed, as Lagos spoke exactly what they had all realized.

“They have forgotten about us…or don’t consider us a big threat whatsoever. Either way..” Xobos’s mouth curled into a small smirk, head turning to look back at the officer who saw that she realized what was going on. He nodded lightly, a smile on his own face, then finished her thought. Inadvertently, of course. “They do not fire upon us. Now come, we have ships to command, and mistakes to take advantage of.” The pair turned at this point, half walking half jogging to the command area, with the holotable now having been loaded up with a detailed map of the battlefield.

Xobos’s eyes cast over the position of her own ships, which were seemingly located in between Locke‘s fleet and her master’s, [member="Adron Malvern"]. Both were clearly being engaged on multiple fronts by the fleet from the Mandalorians, though it looked as though the fleet toward the back of the battle, being Locke’s, was the one being targeted more in manner that seemed like it could use some support from her. Yet, even though she wasn’t nearly the strategic mastermind as most of the other commanders in this engagement, she knew that her fleet was not nearly powerful enough to attack some of the larger targets on the enemies’ side. With what the task force had, they would need to be very careful with what they chose to pick on. Especially because once they engaged, the advantage of being too small to notice would go away very quickly.

V’ylin had made his way to the opposite side of the table than her, watching the battle from as many angles as possible to him. Xobos began to speak, which quickly grabbed his attention from the hologram to show his commander he was listening. “I see were in a fortuitous position…at least for the moment. We need targets that won’t blow us all up the moment we engage.” The greying haired man nodded in agreement as she began to observe the battle once again. While they were both doing so, trying to pick out a target, a voice that had been quiet for most of this time decided to speak up in her mind. The soft voice piqued Xobos’s interest very quickly, who’s words gave the clue she needed to find her targets. “If we are to engage..we need to stay out of the bigger ships way. Our best job would be acting as a flyswatter to the gnats.”

Just like the starfighters that the apprentice has observed earlier, if they were to find targets, they needed to find ships that were acting like annoyances to bigger ones. Finding those would allow the task force to be effective as possible, at least in Xobos’s mind. Or even finding ones that were too fast, or had slipped by detection of the larger ships.

A few tense, quiet moments ticked by as the pair went over their options in their mind. However, eventually a few targets came to the mind of the apprentice. They could target the Aggressors who were popping away at the battle cruisers of Locke’s fleet, or even try to move her fleet in way that would give them a shot at the Kandosii ships that were seemingly moving to provide covering fire to one of the Mandalorian bigger ships. Either option seemingly presented them a chance to help out, though, when both Xobos and V’ylin looked up to meet each other’s eyes, they both knew what the best option was.

The apprentice looked over her list of ships, then spoke allowed to the officer, hoping that he agreed with the orders she was about to put out. “Move our artillery group out of the range of that massive ships main guns and orientate themselves in a way so their hypervelocity guns will be ready to fire upon those two Kandosii. Focus on one of them to begin. See if the group can get a sixty- or seventy-degree angle on those enemy ships. And have..” She glanced back at her datapad for the names of the ships, then continued. The Prophet, Albatross Rising, Ryloth’s Endeavor, and The Immortal Life move with them and provide covering fire if anything gets close. Make sure the captains of those ships keep us updated. Give them black and green squadrons as cover as well.” V’ylin gave her a small smile and nodded, then proceeded to give those orders to the deck officers to relay the orders. While he did so, Xobos picked up her datapad and began to walk around the table, stepping to observe the Aggressors begin to fire away at the battle cruisers of Locke’s fleet.

Turning to find that V’ylin was back from giving the orders, she pointed to a spot on the battlefield. It was close to the silver orders ships, but in a position that they could begin to fire upon the aggressors that were harassing the cruisers. “Gather the rest of the forces. We’re going to move here, see if we can assist in any way. Tell the Hive Destroyer to deploy the rest of his squadrons, except for the bombers, keep those on standby. Launch our own fighters as well.” She placed the datapad on the table and looked the greying hair man with a small grin, finishing off her orders with a quick, “Lets get into the battle, first officer.”

With a nod and grin of his own, the older military officer responded, his scruffy voice filling the command area with confidence. “With pleasure, commander.” He went his own way after that, proceeding to give orders to the crews off all the ships. Xobos, for her sake, looked back to the holotable, watching as her ships began moving into position. All she could hope for at this point was that she was making the right decision by splitting her forces like this. If the artillery stayed out of range they should be alright, but her ship, as well as the rest of her forces, were quickly moving to enter the fray. At least if this all failed, she would die in the middle of the battle, and not forgotten in it.


Task Force Fallen Raven
[SIZE=11pt]CNS The Remorseless[/SIZE]

[*]Providence II-Class Assault Cruiser - 1.09K Meters
[*]CNS Hive Destroyer

[*]2 Hyper Velocity Strike Frigates (HeVeSF) 1K Meters
  • CNS Inquisitor’s Fury
  • CNS Zhan’s Cannon

[*]10 Deathstalker Class Corvettes - 640 Meters
[*]CNS The Prophet
[*]CNS Albatross Rising
[*]CNS Ryloth’s Endeavor
[*]CNS The Immortal Life
[*]CNS Bright Star
[*]CNS Core’s Voyager
[*]CNS Vicelord’s Facade
[*]CNS Naboo Priestess
[*]CNS Eternity
Summary of moves
  • Artillery group of HeVeSFs moving out of the range of The Defiant Mantis, preparing it’s hypervelocity cannons to fire on the kandosii’s that are closing in on the capital ship. The Prophet, Albatross Rising, Ryloth’s Endeavor, and The Immortal Life Deathstalkers are moving to provide covering fire if anything gets too close to the artillery group, as well as black and green squadrons of Variable Geometry Self Propelled Battle Droid, Mark II providing fighter cover.
  • The rest of the ships, including the Roon’s Spear, Hive Destroyer, CNS Bright Star, CNS Core’s Voyager, CNS Vicelord’s Façade, CNS Naboo Priestess, CNS Eternity, and CNS The Remorseless are moving to provide fire support for the battle cruisers of [member="John Locke"] ‘s fleet, focusing on firing at the Aggressors once in position. All fighter squadrons have been deployed, save for silver and gold bomber squadrons.

Location: Above Tanaab
Objective: Reinforce the flanks, assist [member="John Locke"]
Ships: 1x Storm-Class Combat Carrier (2700 metres) , 30x Eagle-Class Interceptor Frigates (270 metres)
Allies: CIS
Tags: @John Locke , @Mig Gred , @Adron Malvern , [member="Livia Maddox"]


The fire that was the ongoing battle raged on harder and harder. It was, admittedly, quite hard to keep up with the action when so many ships were all moving about, engaging in fierce combat. However, [member="Adron Malvern"] was an impressive commander. He could keep up. During the command holocall, the situation had been assessed, and decisions had been made. Gerhard stood silently until the Exarch spoke to him directly. New orders... it would take a bit of time to recall all of the frigates. The three frigates that were busy detaining the escaping ships however, were quite close by.

"For the Viceroy", Manndorf curtly responded to his new assignments, and moved away from the holographic projections. He slowly made his way towards one of his officers, Samuel Eisenhart. "What do you think, Samuel? Could three Eagles push through and destroy their EWAR ships?"

A voice in Manndorf's head resurfaced for the first time in three months: "Probability of success: 61% ; Probability of losing ships during attack run: 87%"

Gerhard stood still for a few moments, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The AI implant he had removed, he could hear it in his brain.

"Commander? Commander, is everything okay?" Samuel inquired, a look of true concern on his face.

"It's alright, Sam. See to it that my will is done. Have the closest three Eagle Frigates get within range and warp towards the Banshee support craft. We want them gone, they may pose a threat in the future"

"Sir, yes sir!"

"You are in command for now, I will return shortly." As much as it hurt Manndorf to place such responsibility on the younger officer, he couldn't help but do so. Right now, he was incapable of leading a force. He needed a break, a breather. Something was wrong with his mind, and as such he could not entrust himself with leading his men. Someone else had to do it. Someone who wasn't going insane.

Gerhard turned, and hastily made his way towards the doors on the bridge. He passed them and turned right, towards his Captain's quarters aboard the MSW Storm. He fumbled his personal access codes onto the keypad and stumbled inside, collapsing on the floor. The voice was back.

"Do you think he is worthy? Do you think he will lead the crew of this ship out alive?" An inquisitive, metallic voice pierced his head.

"He is not meant to decide this outcome, that is the duty of the Exarch. He knows what he is doing. Sam just has to follow orders!"

Gerhard slowly pulled himself back to his feet, walking slowly, shakily towards his desk. Just a sip, and he would be fine. But to drink in the line of duty... How could he possibly think about such an action?... That, in that very moment, did not matter. The commander reached out towards the bottle, hands shaking. He was going insane after all. Surely he had the right for just one sip?


"Eagle squadron, this is Samuel Eisenhart, and I am taking over command of the MSW Storm. Your previous orders have been replaced. You are now to proceed to reinforce the flank with the Halcyon Storm's battlegroup. Move behind their formation, and use them as shields. Wait for the enemy to close in. Then once they are close enough, commence flanking maneuver."

"Copy that command, we are rolling into position."

"Eagles 9, 7 and 12, let the ship go. I want you to take out the Banshee support ships. Make short work of them and get out. Our boosted communication system is the only thing patching us through at the moment, others may not have such luxury."

"Orders received, moving into position."

The trio of frigates turned around hastily, and began their attack run against the enemy. Afterburners engaged, they would be within range very soon.

"Commencing Microjump in 3... 2... 1... jumping!"

The ships vanished from space entirely, only to reappear 50 kilometers closer, now within range of the Banshee support ships.

"Fire torpedoes, beam cannons fire at will."

The two torpedo tubes at the fore of each ship hissed open slowly, and the beam laser turrets hummed as they reached full power. Computers beeped as they calculated the trajectories for each shot. Then came the salvos. All fire was focused onto one of the support ships, 4 torpedoes, and 10 beams of high powered lasers. More than enough to cause a significant amount of damage should the shots all connect. All the while, the frigates kept driving closer and closer to their prey.


-Three Eagle class interceptor frigates begin attack run jumping into the Fury fleet's formation, firing at one of the two Banshee support craft.
-One Eagle frigate loses shields down to 12%, takes damage to maneuvering thrusters.
-All remaining Eagle frigates position themselves behind [member="John Locke"] 's battlegroup and charge microwarp drives.

Location: Outskirts of Pandath
Wearing: Obsidian Strike Armor
Wielding: Dyntech Power Staff | Yrkaa Sidearm | Meymad
Allies: The Confederacy of Independent Systems and its Allies
Enemies: Anything and anyone relating to the United Clans of Mandalore
Specific Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Kurenai Yumi"] | [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] | [member="Eli-Mae Forrest"] [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] |+Feel free to join!
Post: Four


Madalena was walking. In many regards, Taanab was a beautiful planet. She could easily imagine wanting to come here for a quick forty-six hour vacation, spend half the day with [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] among the fields of flower and then the second half of the day doing things that included using the bed for actual sleeping. Even without the plant being a source of food for the Mandalorian 'Empire', she could easily see why any large government would want it as part of its territory. It had a lot of charm.

Pods were coming to land all around her. She could see the sky full of them, like giant black rain drops, some of them exploding into tiny supernovas of their own. Despite of it, she was certain that they were losing less in numbers than they had in previous similar instillations. Still, she made a mental note to check the numbers once this was all over and done with.

The first person Madalena came across was Pathfinder [member="Kurenai Yumi"]. She knew the woman well by now, in terms of battle field partners, and was glad that the two of them would be working together. Pathfinder Yumi had proven herself as more than a capable combatant more than once before, and it was good to have her around when things became weird, as they were very likely to become very shortly if Madalena knew anything about these type of wars.

"Many others," she nodded and answered the energy vampire, "the numbers in orbit are crazy. I will be very surprised if don't end up measuring in the tens of thousands on the ground soon enough." Motioning to her to come with, the two continued to move, "We're going to be part of the team that builds the FOB," she explained, "capable builders and staff will be here to do that. Your job, as well as mine, will be to keep them safe. Once the Mandalorians know what we're going, they're likely to either toss the injured from the hospital at us, or come here themselves. We will do what must be done to ensure the FOB is built."

The two resumed their walk and Madalena reached forward with the Force, already noting the presence of the Dauntless leader, [member="Luna Terrik"]. She nodded in approval; a capable woman, she knew from her files, though it appeared that today would be the first time both women would make appearance as combatants in close proximity to each other. Their previous encounters had all happened while Madalena was inside Scherezade's body, and each of those times, the two were scheduled in different fronts. Madalena was excited to see the other woman in action; it should've happened much before now.

She also noted the presence of the Vicelord, [member="Darth Metus"], and many others. While she knew the Confederacy would be coming in full Force, it was always an entirely different experience to actually witness it first hand. Especially now, when it seemed like their numbers were even greater than they had been on Eshan. And this time, no worms. Though, Madalena did glance at the sky on more than once occasion to make sure no one was dropping a battleship on their heads.

Madalena even noted the presence of [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], only now realizing she had not seen Cardinal's cousin in much too long – but before she could turn to head her way, she was approached by someone… Wearing a Dauntless armor and wielding a Knights Obsidian sword? Madalena blinked, looking to the woman. The smaller woman introduced herself as Eli-Mae [[member="Eli-Mae Forrest"]] and said they'd been partnered up. Madalena nodded, riffling quickly through her own datapad, making sure the information checked out. "Stick with me, make sure we're no more than five feet apart at any time," she instructed the redhead, "Things are relatively safe now, but once the Mandalorians realize we're here and not throwing mustard gas into the hospital, things might get hectic."

Madalena smiled, rady to give further basic instructions, when the ARC-170r fighters began came in. She heard them only a split of a moment before the shooting started.

Instinctively, she pulled [member="Eli-Mae Forrest"] and [member="Kurenai Yumi"] to her with her arms, throwing a Force Bubble over the three the three of them unless one of the them thought it would be wise to reject and put distance between them.

Glowing green eyes glared at the sky. For now, the bubble protected them. But it would not hold – not forever, even if they seemed to be taking in less shots than other areas. Using her focus as she kept the shield up, Madalena looked round her, trying to find a safe spot with her eyes. While the three were in danger of getting shot, it seemed like the focus wasn't them, but where more people were. Madalena was a Sith Sorceress and a Knight Commander, but not even she could protect thousands in a scenario like this.

"Run," she ordered the two, "don't let their wayward shots catch you. Eli-Mae, I will find you shortly. Pathfinder Yumi, I trust you and your abilities."

Without giving them a moment to speak as well, Madalena released her Protection Bubble…

For this, she was going to need all of her attention. Invisible tendrils of the Force spurted forth as she aimed them at the nearest ARC-170r. It was close enough that didn't need the full extent of her power, but a good portion of it was still required as she aimed to grab onto it with telekinesis and slam it into the ship that was closest to it. Once… Once she knew if it had succeeded or not, she would flee her position. If her plan worked, it was only two ships and not the entire group of them… But each of those ships looked like it had enough potential to give them a headache… Or more.

Location: Outskirts of the city
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"]
Objective: Set up the Forward Operating Base

The shuttles entered atmosphere.
Many of the soldiers inside had families, friends. But that was their past. Now, their family is those who are inside the shuttle with them. Those that are ready to stand their ground for their allies. Those that are true warriors. Inside of the Dauntless shuttle, every man and woman was not just a soldier, they were all warriors. They were ready for anything.

The Dauntless sat in solemn silence during the entire trip down. Everyone had gone through such landings multiple times, but one does not get accustomed to the stress of entering an area covered by Anti-Air guns. Nathan sat in the back, fiddling with his weapon, cleaning every mrchanism. Perfectionism was a way of coping with stress for the man, and this was the type of situation that would stress nearly anyone out. Many think of soldiers as those who have no fear... In reality, there is always fear, they just choose to face it for their people.

Nathan raised his head as the light inside the cabin turned green. 5 minutes till groundfall, the worst was yet to come. Nathan leaned over a little, and looked down at the ground below, over the side of the shuttle's open rear door. Trees, plantations, farms. Taanab was a major exporter of food. Nathan was quite a fun of tropical fruit. Perhaps, if they made the landing, he would be able to get himself some. That was the plan anyways. The lush forests and greenery of the planet looked so... serene. However, this was merely the calm before the storm. For all he knew, minutes later Nathan may receive orders to burn the entire planet. He would fulfill the orders... after stealing some tropical fruit, of course. Mangos or pineapples? That was the thought that so strangely crossed the commando's mind in these tense moments.

A shot rang out and shook the shuttle. Not a direct hit, just the shockwave, but it was more than enough to shake Nathan back into reality. He looked around the shuttle, only to be met with the same unmoving faces. Everyone was deep within their own world, waiting until they touch the ground. The five minutes seemed to drag on forever. Time slowed down, to the point where a second felt like an eternity. But the eternity passed. Within moments, it was over.

The shuttle touched the ground. Seconds later, Luna Terrick was already on Taanab's soil, handing out orders and taking charge. Nathan followedd the rest of the group as they rapidly disembarked from the craft, and watched the ship take off, leaving them to complete their assignments. Nathan quickly got to work, moving the crate with the commando tent into an open area, while signalling his comrades to give him some help. Soon enough, the rest of the forces would be landing. Then, the forward operating base will start taking shape.


Location: Taanab System
Objective: Remind the CIS of their sins
Allies: UCM + Allies
Enemies: CIS and Friends
Tagging: [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Xobos Yakieer"] [member="Voph"] [member="Azmodan"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Garza"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Kiff Brayde"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Quoron Cadera"] [member="Gianna Aegis"] [member="John Locke"] [member="Gerhard Manndorf"]

The Vanguard [ Shields: 100 | Armor: 100 ]
Chiss Droid Starfighers: 30 Squadrons
Isihin'i: 15 Squadrons
FC-115: 5 Squadrons
"Ozyly-esehembo Cimu'avaen'zaorme, are you ready?" Beside the Aristocra stood what could be called the Chiss's secret weapon. The Ozyly-esehembo, or Skywalkers in the core's language. Chiss Force sensitives trained specifically in the art of Precognition to navigate ships through hyperspace faster and better than any machine could. And in combat, they could help predict the best path forward.

Muavaen stepped forward, barely coming up to Dezoti's chest. She was, to most in the galaxy, a child. Only seven years of age. But that's why the Chiss were so vastly different from the rest of the galaxy. This girl wasn't a child. She was a weapon. An adviser. One of the most respected Chiss in the whole of the Ascendancy. "Of course. I have already found a prime target. Their guns are turned on one ship. Proceed forward, begin with the smaller ships." A potentially good future. That is what Muavaen saw.

There was no hesitation from the fleet, and the Chiss moved in tandem, keeping a tight formation. [member="Visanj T'shkali"] would find the Chiss nearing in, all guns focused on the closest, smallest ship. "Fire now." And they unleashed. " [member="Livia Maddox"] , it is good to immediately hear a friendly voice. With how much the CIS has sent I figured they'd have blasted the planet to dust. My fleet is yours to command, we've begun picking off some of the outliers to force their attention to split. If you need anything, you only have to ask."
All Things With Love
Location: Standing Beside Medical Frigate "Talia" - Confederate FOB Landing Site​
Tag: [member="Orn Pharr"] | [member="John Locke"]​
Allies: Confederacy + Silvers + Wounded​
Status: From space-minefields to getting shot at with...Everything [[member="Valdus Bral"]] mentioned.​

Gianna jumped a little when the comm unit on her arm gave a spark before it fizzled out. Apparently, when the minefield hit, she’d smacked her wrist against something. She felt a burgeoning sense of frustration building at losing something so vital, so early on, but there had to be extra units on the ship. She let her head thunk back against the headrest and exhaled slowly. The young Knight wasn’t normally this easy to unravel. Losing [member="John Locke"] mid-sentence like that…

She worried. Gianna knew how he felt. She could feel it, even now, through the vastness of space and past everything that was going on—His heart was clear. Not that he hid it.

‘Be safe.’
It wasn’t something she really heard, so much, as it echoed in her chest. There was nothing she could do for her friend now. Except, to push through. The flame-haired Jedi turned her focus on the rest of the medical team. The Neti was an easy being to use an anchor. He glossed over his name in a way that she found endearing. He spoke slowly, in a calming tone, and she couldn’t help but give a tight smile back. The Master Jedi reminded her of the Elder members of her family on Naboo. Wonderful, kind, and gifted historians…But occasionally absent-minded. Being called “little one” only solidified that while he managed an unhurried wave. Good to meet each other? Even in this desperate hour? “Yes, it is.”

She held onto her crash webbing whilst the ship lurched again. Her stomach almost went with it. When the large tree-like Jedi noted that they were likely to land near the FOB Gianna nodded her head. “I agree. The base would be a good starting point—But there are others that will need us within the city shields. The majority of this group will stay behind to see to Confederate injuries.”

Whether it was wounded soldiers or civilians, on either side, the pale-skinned Knight would refuse to let them die. Gianna valued life in all forms. What she would do, if the situation called for it, would be to detain as needed. Not every Mandalorian was guilty of the same brutality that had ravaged their temple, but, most supported their Mandalore. Especially, in times of war. “You shouldn’t go alone Master Jedi. I can accompany you, if, you’ll have me.”

She couldn’t imagine what it was like to be the Neti that stood before her. His age was evident. Both in the fact that this hellishly rocky ride to the surface didn’t seem to bother him and the weight of his presence. Yes, he was definitely an old tree.

Her thoughts were interrupted when they suddenly broke through the lower atmosphere and the ship stopped shaking like it might fall apart. There were at least a dozen ships with noncombatant IFF transponders headed toward the FOB. Gianna knew they had lost a few. All she could hope for, now, was that the rest of their numbers made it unharmed. Thankfully, that happened. Either the Force was on their side, or, the Neti Jedi Master brought good luck. The medical frigates and dropships landed and the units began to disembark. They had their orders.

All the world seemed to go silent for a moment. In the span of a breath, a silent whistle, and then a bright light when one of the medical frigates they’d arrived in exploded before touching the ground. The shockwave made her ears pop and she reflexively took a step back. Her ears hurt and her head felt...Confused. Shadows of gunships blocked out the dawning sun at a distance, but still, the assault had only just begun. Pale jade eyes glanced to the Jedi Master beside her and thoughts flowed with wordless precision. “Everyone! Gather up! Stay close!”, she called to the horrified crowd of personnel. Unknowingly, much like the decision [member="Madalena Antares"] had made to keep her people safe, the Jedi Knight invoked a Protection Bubble, just in time to see laser cannon fire began to streak by in blinding flashes. “Stay calm. Stay inside—Don’t panic.”

Gianna herself could not move while using this technique. The Neti was a Jedi Master. She could feel his control. His peace. It was a level of connection to the Force that she only rarely experienced. It was harmony. Hope. It was everything that a practitioner of the Light could hope to have at their side in a time of crisis. The small pieces of metal that encircled delicate ears, beneath her hair, began to glow softly. Small gifts from a friend. With the drain on her ability lessened from casting such a wide shield…It was manageable.

Her lips pressed together. Determined. Firm. There was no fear in her heart. Only faith. With the Master Jedi at her side—She could hold out. She could do her part and keep the bubble raised to protect the people hiding beneath it.

Barely. Just, barely.

Heaven's Touch
Heart of Aceso
Lightsaber [Though, it is not readily seen, hidden in her robes, and rarely makes an appearance.]

Location: Outskirts of Pandath
Gear: Obsidian Strike Armor,
Mk1 Shadow Rifle, Shatory Reishūkaku, Saber
Allies: Purple Peps
Enemies: Bucket Heads
[member="Madalena Antares"], [member="Luna Terrik"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"], @Eli-Mae Forrrest, [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Valdus Bral"]
Post: 2?

Her feet crushed against the soil as she strode up besides the shorter women, a free hand on the one of the weapon hilts, keeping a wary eye just in case. "If I didn't know any better I'd think such a sizable force would to over kill, but we are going after mandos", each one was capable of being a single men squad, perhaps not as skilled as herself, but more then a match for most newer knights among their ranks and others not used to fighting the Beskar clad warriors.

A small nod came in response to the short mission assignment, "so, we are pulling guard duty on this place while the place is set up, sounds simple enough". Mandos were not the sort to submit to underhanded sabotage, most likely a strong frontal offence and other traditional tactics would be their main road bumps in the coming fight. "Still, you think they will send wounded after us? seems like a very stupid tactic and one that would just get them bad PR, not something they can really afford with all they have done against the Silver Jedi and Echani". The main reason why the CIS was at war with them in the first place, the event surrouding the invasion of Eshan over some slavery that was barely even there from what she had see, it came off as a bad excuse to invade a planet.

The two continued some ways, Kurenai having to cock an eyebrow at the new redhead that seemed to join the picture, "new blood? I do not believe i have seen this one around before". Unsurprising considering the growth of the CIS, their military was taking in new members all the time. No reply seemed to come before the strafing started, the experienced fighter standing there with quite the bored attitude as she was grasped into the force bubble, "they should have used proton torpedoes, I'd have done such".

Breaking from the hug, she joined the knight commander in the fighter defense, a dark aura surrounding her body as she targeted the other ARC, "I can handle myself against some lowly fighters, though I appreciate the warning". Throwing her arms out two long dark ethereal spears rocketed towards the enemy fighters, her vision not staying to see if they hit, quickly falling back along with the knight commander, making hast to cover, "I don't suppose any of the landing pods have an anti aircaft missile"!?
Objective: Omnia
Location: Hospital - wondering what the Afghans about to follow aditya
Allies: UCM [member="Cleru"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Beth Cadera"]nemies: CIS [member="Karsan Calnov"] (if ya care to tango)

Pride, family, honor....that's why she was a mandalorian, she felt pride in her work and how she reached this position in the clans, loved her aliit and would fall a thousand times then see them harm, honored to know they'd do the same for her any day

Star knew she couldnt stop her adopted thing stardust noticed is everyone in this damned family was stubborn as could be and honestly it made star laugh, stepping back she turned and closed her eyes as she heard aditya and then chuckled as she looked to Beth

you know, I never thought I'd ever have such a big family

She cane over and placed. a hand on her shoulder as she smiled nice and big before hugging her gently and stepped away

duty calls sis, hey doc! Keep her safe I've gotta go chase my mother and brother in law

She said to [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] turning ti the window as she took a deep breath and started quickly running for the top

I need a small drop ship now I've gotta follow someone!

Once she reached the top the shuttle was waiting, not even bothering to close the door she hit the wall and they took off towards her fate

Star was staring at death again, this time she would not fight it to stay alive. If death took her shed go down fighting

Location: In the agri-fields, a dozen miles or so out of the capital city, hoping to make it towards the hospital soon!
Wearing: Armor | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Allies, Friends
Enemies:MCU-Mandalorians and their buddies
Specific Tags: [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Vytal Noctura"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Kaden Farr"] | [member="Xobos Yakieer"] | +Feel free to join!
Post: Five


Insult her by being less than what they were. Scherezade listened, and then nodded, deciding to adopt that description. It fit like a glove to the situation, and by the constant stream of information that was being delivered directly to her ear, every passing second showed time and time again how true that single sentence was.

Yet when her new friend called for Dathomir, Scherezade made no response. She had not yet told Vytal of the deal she had made with the Mother of Clans, the deal that would end with Dathomir being completely and utterly destroyed along with the lives of the witches upon it, all by Scherezade's hand. Certainly, there were years at best before Scherezade would have to fulfil her end of the deal; so far the Cavataio matriarch had disappeared, leaving Scherezade with neither or her brother. But she had a feeling, deep down in her gut, that it was only a matter of time before she destroyed Dathomir, as well as many other planets.

And still, the smile was etched on her face as the Witch began to do her thing, the ground breaking and spewing. It took afew moments before Scherezade realized the accompanying storm did not belong to Vytal's deeds – no, that had a different source, a different scent, and – there! [member="Marek Starchaser"]. He smelled familiar though she could not place a location inside her memories. "That would depend," she smiled, teasin' him, already knowing the answer, "are you here to kill tuna cans, or save 'em?"

Yet before he could answer, Scherezade raised her hand, motioning for him to remain silent. Her nostrils flared ever so slightly as she caught the scent upon the wind. Damnit! She had been so focused on the beautiful destruction caused by Vytal and the awkward flirting with the other man that she had nearly completely missed the scent. Scherezade was a blood hound, and blood called to her. As long as she was not severed from the Force, she could smell species and bloodlines from a distance.

And she knew they were not alone. The scent was unfamiliar to her – whichever species it was that was coming closer and closer, they were not ones she had come across before. How many? Time slowed down as Scherezade's heart began to beat faster. She knew the warning signs. Something was coming.

"Duck!" she screamed at her companions as she crouched down on a knee, calling the very earth in front of them to rise as fast as she could, putting a barrier between them and the incoming shots. It was eerily quiet – Scherezade did not know the weapons, but the earthly barrier she had raised was coming loose very fast, and there was little she could do beyond keep strengthening it, praying to the Force that it would be enough as she erected layer after layer of earth and rocks and ground up, shuffling her teammates back and behind her more than once, the half crescent shape of protection growing around them, though it was beginning to develop some serious case of Swiss cheese holes.

She was focused on their scent now – she knew of the close ones to them now, around the dozen, and another dozen further away. Was she right? Should she take a larger margin of error? A few of the bullets did make it through – thankfully, caught by her boots. She knew her shins were going to be bruised to the Netherworld and back if she woke up tomorrow, but for the moment, it didn't matter.

Flipping open her comm, Scherezade sent a quick message to [member="Adron Malvern"]. "We're three, got flanked by about two dozen unidentified sentient creatures with very quiet weapons. Might surrender just to see what happens." The message from [member="Kaden Farr"] came in not a heart beat later and she sighed. They were Force User, all three of them – but they couldn't be everywhere at once. About a dozen miles stood between them and Kaden's unit, which meant…

They were going to have to do it fast, but safely. Which meant that pulling the blood of these creatures out of their skin would not work. Not when there were about two dozen of them and she could barely hear their weapons. "Kaden, we got about two dozen enemies on us," she whispered back through her comm, "start making bets with the rest of your unit. Soon as we can wiggle free of them, we're coming."

Looking to her battle mates, the Sithling shrugged. "If we surrender, do you think they'd give us a ride to the hospital?" she asked genuinely. That would save them a lot of time. And once they joined Kaden and whoever else would bet here by then… Their odds of survival would increase by a lot. It was a potentially very stupidly deadly plan. Scherezade wished she'd had more battle experience with both of her new best friends for life, something they could silently communicate to make plans and…

"Dathomir," Scherezade whispered, looking to her favorite new witch now, "that stunt you pulled with the earth… Think you can cause an earthquake beneath their feet? At least a dozen of these goons are close by, but the bigger of a radius you can give me, the better. I can't scent anyone to our behind – not that it means there's no one there."

Looking to the other guy, she nodded, "Storm boy," she grinned, "once I release this wall… Can you direct your storm to hit them?" With that, she reached one hand to him, and another to the Witch, "Battle-Meld," she explained, "this will bond us for a time. My strengths will be yours and yours will be mine. You will be able to pick up where many of our enemies are by the mere presence of their blood, even if your eyes cannot see them."

The Force rose around her. She was ready to kill them all.

And then run towards the hospital, Force-willing.

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