Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Corrupted | CIS Invasion of NR-Held Kuat​
Equipment: Beskar'garm, lightsaber, blasters, datapad.
Location: Oribit above Kuat City
Objectives: Help the people of Kuat, set up supply camps, earn brownie points from [member="Jerek Zenduu"] .

Allya was happy. She was more proud of her father than she ever had been. All that worry washed away from her, she could breath. Jerek was at ease too. This wouldn't be easy, but it would be as fair as they could expect. Allya, due to her hesitation, but also due to her ability to handle heavy logistics and administration, had been allowed to help set up a supply route onto the planet, so that their blockade didn't impact the daily lives of the people. Frankly, she didn't want to set this world on fire. No, she wanted to gain brownie points with her lover, and this was the perfect way to do it. She no longer wanted to be a god, she just wanted to be the one Jerek loved. It was hard for a Sith to act in a way that a Jedi lover required, but she had done her best. And even in this, she would continue to do her best.

As a large number of transports moved towards the planet, Allya sat at the cockpit, overseeing one of the large lumbering craft. It was enough supplies to feed the planet for a week, and to build several supply bases, and the like, to begin setting up the infrastructure needed to hand out supplies. She had no intention of contacting the Republic for this. As they had mentioned over and over, this wasn't their world. They had zero jurisdiction here. And yet, it seemed heavily invested on this planet for all the things they had said. Strange. Allya turned to the comm officer. “Please, sound out a broadcast on all available channels." The girl cleared her throat, and spoke into the comm unit.

“People of Kuat. I am Allya Vi'Dreya, daughter of Vicelord Darth Metus, of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. We come in peace, even if it doesn't seem like it. We are currently investigating the deaths of our brethren in the space near your planet. We are also searching for our traitorous officers who perpetrated the heinous attacks against the Republic. If you have information about either events, please contact us. We have large monetary rewards for anyone who has information that leads to the capture of either party.”

She collected her thoughts for a brief moment. “We understand this will be a burden, that was have stopped Republic supply ships, and warships from entering the area. However, we plan to take responsibility for this. We have plans to set up several supply depots. We will be distributing food, water, power cells, medicine, clothing, blankets, monetary compensation, and other services at them. We have doctors that will be standing by for medical emergencies, and are working with locals to create shelters for you to hide in until this blows over. We will attempt to make this as painless as possible for the general population. While here, we are also taking on the responsibility of bringing our technology to bear on your more basic problems. Our engineers will be attempting to stabilize the rings above your planet, to bring back stable energy, and water supplies. If you have any information or experience that can help us with this task, we ask you to contact us immediately, so we can make progress as swiftly as possible. Thank you for your time.” The message was set to a slow repeat, and she turned the recorder off.

Her mind busily went out to figure out what would be needed as they entered orbit. “Patrols, fences, landing pads, cataloge everything. It's going to be a mess for bit. But, it should be fine.”

She stretched in her seat and sighed. The girl reached out, and picked up the data pad. It was going to take a lot of work. But she was better here than in the investigation, it fit her strengths better. Besides....she would probably get a kiss for this type of work. Jerek's kisses were addictive.
Blueberry flavored Sith
Location: Kuat Orbit
Enemies: TBD
Allies: CIS

[SIZE=11pt]It was not quite the mighty battle Keva had been expecting. And maybe to some extent that disappointed her, she had wanted to test the military might of the Confederacy’s war machines in more proper field of battle. Alas, the Republic had decided to merely fuel her preconceived notions of weakness. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Instead she was merely stuck, sitting aboard the command throne of the K'aszuso K'ticah, her munificent Frigate. Simply, totally, and utterly, bored. Why would she be bored, when blockading a planet? Or assisting the beleaguered inhabitants of Kuat? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Because in the end. That was a Droid’s work. Instead the Chiss woman merely waited inside the dull ambience of the bridge. Leaning back into the throne with her arms crossed over her chest, seems this was the less than glamorous parts about serving in the CDF.[/SIZE]
Location: Kuat System
Flagship: Independence

Fleet Marshal Cypher Rage had been engaged in glorious battle before and he was not intimidated by the New Republic. The corrupt government was actual trying to put up resistance to their being here. Perhaps they did not read the Grand Marshals message. They called us here. " To all ships: Fire on any New Republic ships attempting to halt our blockading effort. Do Not Break Formation". Rage ordered. "Launch all fighters" ordered his droid commander. "Put them under the command of whatever Sky Marshal is out There." Rage ordered. It was time for the New Republic to make their move.



Location: Kuat, Capitol Center​
Accompanying: [member="Shakti Sweet"]​

Ephraim was a simple man.

His superiors referred to him as self-motivated. It did not take much for those within the Obsidian hierarchy to ellicit the very best the Ghost had to offer. By all accounts, there was never a question of his performance - and as a result, direct oversight lessened over time. The Knighthood placed their faith in him, just like they would any of their competent members, and assumed that he would operate with the Confederacy's best interests at heart. Ephraim agreed with their a degree. He certainly saw himself as self-motivated; in the sense that he went after what he desired exclusively. He cast in his lot with the Southern Systems because they paid the most for his particular set of skills. And being a member of the Obsidian Knighthood had so many perks that he would be daft not to take advantage.

Heck, in recent history, he had been within a stone's throw of the media giant Chad during the fateful series finale of his hit HoloVision show. Only a few floors beneath the main stage if memory served. And while his official goal was to get to the bottom of a rather nasty infestation, in practice his attention was diverted to what mattered most to him. Most notably, the security detail's onboard armory. That operation...did not turn out as well as he had expected - but what he lost in loot opportunities, he more than made up for in "befriending" the Wildling [member="Shakti Sweet"]. She was a kindred spirit to his own, motivated by what could best benefit her - and perhaps what could bloody her fists.

And frankly, Ephraim loved a woman who could kick his ass.

In the present, the self-motivated Knight found himself on the surface of Kuat. More specifically, an office space within the Capitol centre which had been provided to the Confederacy for their investigation. The recent proceedings had caused tension to be rampant wherever he stepped. The natives eyed his Obsidian attire with a mixture of apprehension and disgust - for who was he to demand that they hand over their hard drives and datapads? Nonetheless, Ephraim busied himself with "processing" the physical mediums that he had personally collected; all of which had come to form a sloppy pile atop an office chair. In truth, the processing was less rifling through deleted files and more...playing the part.

You see, because he was motivated by himself first, he found that opportunities for spontaneous wealth were hard to pass up. Harder still when it meant that he could profit off the salvage and loot of a bunch democracy. So when fate saw a handsome mass of credits donated to a charity that did not exist, Ephraim was motivated to come to work with a datapad that was not his own. It was identical in every way to the standard tools of the trade used by the Knighthood. Hell, it probably was an Obsidian requisition before it got to him. But, what mattered was the Intel loaded within. Everything appeared as though he had ripped it clean from the pile of confiscated items before him.

And he rose to his feet from a croach, wearing a stunned expression on his face. "Oh feth." he huffed, before facing the pad so that the Wildling could catch a glance from across the room. She'd be able to make out a blueprint for a ship in one window, with another window layered on top featuring a transaction log. There were several other folders littered on screen as well. "Check this out. Stealth tech." He strode closer, tapping on the screen to enlarge the blueprint. "Looks like a bunch of Kuati designs were sold after the battle to our Republic friends from what I'm seeing. And a test flight was scheduled for a couple...Phantoms right around the time of the attack. Elite craft."

He paused, shaking his head. "Republic buys up stealth craft and one of our craft gets blown to pieces out of nowhere - with nothing but that holovid to go off of? I'm thinking... I'm thinking they were testing those craft out alright. Probably didn't realize just how much they'd have to pay for picking the wrong target." His fingers tapped deftly upon the screen, copying the files and transmitting them at once to as many names as he knew. They would ping to [member="Alkor Centaris"] and even Exarch [member="Srina Talon"] by the time he was done. The update would also be fed to the CDF channel, flagged as high priority. The top brass could do with it as they wished - but as of now the seed had been planted. All he had to do now was water it.

"C'mon, let's check in on the relief effort. I've got a feeling those fething Pubs aren't going to let us do their job much longer."

Not if he had anything to say about it.
Solar Caligati Priesse Brinari
Post 1
Equipment: VSA-01 “Auxilia” - Combat Suit, TTH/TPV-001 “Xiphos” - Pattern Plasmatic Vibrosword, TTH/SIR-001c “Helius” - Pattern Battle Rifle, Dissuader KD-30 Slugthrower Pistol, 2 Class-A Thermal Detonators, Field Medkit, Liquid-Cable Launcher
Location: Capitol Building, Kuat City - Kuat
Allies: [member="Shakti Sweet"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Ephraim"]
Enemies: N/A

Nothing could have prepared Priesse for the ever-important duty of acting as a security detail for one of the biggest names in the Confederate Systems. Only a year ago, Priesse had been a gutter-rat on Filth, leading a life of perpetual destitution and crime, while also evading the authorities so as to avoid a long sentence in a maximum-security prison for drug smuggling, resisting arrest, and more charges in what was sure to be a laundry list. In stark contrast, she was now considered to be useful enough to society to be in the same room as an Exarch of the Confederacy, though only as a menial soldier and for merely a brief moment. Nevertheless, it was still a significant step up from her previous station.

Having taken off her helmet as a gesture of courtesy for the ongoing negotiations, Priesse wandered the halls of the building via a designated patrol route. Along with providing security for the negotiations, she was also there to ensure that the investigation into the recent attacks remained free of interruption and interference from unauthorized individuals. She was not alone in her duties. A small presence of Solar Auxilia soldiers wandered the halls with her, so as to cover as many routes of infiltration as possible without getting in the way of the investigation.

It was a dry and menial duty. However, Priesse’s paranoid and hyper-aware temperament made her particularly well-suited for the job, albeit slightly-trigger happy. A lifetime spent on the streets of Filth had trained her senses to be perpetually primed. She had seen and engaged with more than her fair share of snitches, drug deals gone sour, and police chases. The sound of anything even mildly resembling a siren of the variety employed by the police on her Filth was enough to trigger a reaction from her, such as a panic attack or a quick draw of her pistol...

Location: Kuat City Space Port [Headed Toward the City Center]
Equipment: Armor, Lightsaber, Modified Ri-Qorit Device, Ring, Frag Grenade x2, Flashbang x2, EMP Grenade x2
Accompanying: [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Sankt Yora"] [member="Chekīta Awaud"]
Allies: CIS + Allies, etc

Voph kept to himself for the entirety of the trip. Part of him didn't want to be here. The other part of him was scared of what might happen if he wasn't. Something was going to go wrong. Experience had taught him that. Voph refrained from bringing his own military might to this gathering. They were otherwise occupied anyways, helping stabilize the power void that used to be First Order territory. Pirates were running amok, and if they gained enough clout, they could become problematic for more than just the remnants of the First Order.

So he traveled with his temporary ward. If he had his way, he would not let [member="Srina Talon"] out of his sight during their stay on Kuat. A high profile individual like her was bound to draw attention. And so, as they neared the planet, he began preparing. He shed his robes in favor of an armorweave bodyglove, preparing to don his armor. It felt...oddly nostalgic. Knowing that he was preparing for a possible battle against the Republic. The ancient enemy. They who had turned him away those eons ago, who had denied his help, and placed bounties on his head, all for trying to save the lives of countless innocents. But the War still came. And deep down, Voph still felt responsible for many of the deaths caused. But there was nothing to be done for it now.

He pulled on beskar plate after beskar plate, muttering quietly to himself as he engaged in this ritual. Kuat. He'd been here before. Before the war. Before it had been decimated at the hands of Zakuul. It was a thriving planet, home to the mightiest shipyard in all the galaxy. The planet was practically a theater of war all its own, home to a constant brawl for control of the construction ring. Voph exhaled deeply, thinking back to how it had been. Now it was but a shell of its former glory. The Republic had other shipyards. Kuat was nothing to them now. Nothing more than a husk of a world they could tax for their own gain. Voph pulled his helmet on, the familiar and comforting snap-hiss of the vacuum seals engaging as it slid past his chin. He stood unmoving for a moment, staring blankly at the lightsaber lying on the table before him.

It was time. The ship was descending from orbit. He picked up the lightsaber, and stowed it on his belt. With that, he left the borrowed quarters, moving silently through the ships towards Srina's location. As he took a position at her flank, he could feel the disease that the planet had suffered. In turn, he felt sick. How could the Republic do this? He sighed quietly. Because they were the Republic. Nothing had changed. No matter how many times it rose and fell, it was still the same twisted corruption it had been those thousands of years ago.

Voph turned as Srina did, wordlessly accompanying her down the landing ramp. He was here as a guardian. Both to her, and to the interests of the Confederacy. He would certainly lend his expertise, were it called upon. But today, he was little more than a deterrent against an attempt on the Exarch's life. He folded his hands behind his back as they came to rest before the senator, [member="Sankt Yora"] and her guard [member="Chekīta Awaud"]. With any luck, this would be quick, painless, and enlightening. But deep down he knew. Something would go wrong. Something always did.

Location: Capitol Building, Kuat City - Kuat
Objective: Security Detail for the CIS Investigation Unit
Tags: [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Alden Akaran"], [member="Shakti Sweet"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"]
Enemies: None, at the moment
Allies: CIS and investigative team
Wearing: personal armor
Mental state: Chatty


It wasn’t often that the group of apprentices she was with got the chance to work independently from their master for extended periods of time. At least, not since Xobos had come unter the tutorage of [member="Adron Malvern"]. This whole excursion to Kuat was actually one of the first times the group had been allowed away from his sight for a while. But since their experiences on Ilum, the group hadn’t exactly been doing too much, other than adding this new…woman, to their group.

Xobos was busy working by looking through manifests and other important naval documents that the New Republic had been kind enough to allow them to look through, but her eye wandered upward to the redheaded woman idoly standing by on the side of the room. She certainly wasn’t helping anything, neither really working as a security person or doing any sort of investigating. Basically, she was just taking up space, being useless in Xobos’s mind. Ambrus raced toward the front of her thoughts, surprisingly agreeing with her to an extent.

“It’s almost if it would have just been better if she didn’t come at all..” Xobos opened her mouth slowly to speak out an agreement, but was quickly shut up, scowling at the words that came next. “Just like you should have never left that rock, master. Otherwise we wouldn’t be sitting here doing..paperwork.” An eyeroll was added to the scowl from the Miraluka as she went back to flipping through the various papers.

In all honestly, she doubted she would be able to help much with whatever she might find in these papers. Not that there was no point to looking through these, but it didn’t seem like it would help much at all trying to find the identity or cause of why that ship was blown up. In her mind, at least, it seemed like a straightforward answer that really didn’t need investigating or double checking. Now, she wasn’t thinking that they should have come in guns blazing, but did they really need to be acting so kind and sweet?

Though, the more she thought about it, the more the idea made sense to her. Having people here, doing an investigation into what might have happened, did give the Confederacy a chance to help some of the malnourished and less taken care of people of the planet. Even if the group didn’t find a single thing, helping the people that had been neglected on this world was going to be worth it. It would be nice to help them.

And, in the case that things did begin to pop off in the wrong direction, Xobos was already on the ground, close to where the action would be. A win by helping the civilian base of the planet, and a win by being at the ready if things went sideways. Though, she did wish she had her lightsaber at this point. If things did go badly, it would take her a moment to conjure a spear. The other apprentices, at least Alden, would have her back however. At least she hoped so.


Location: Eternal Glory, Blockading Kuat
Objectives: Cause a War
Enemies: Everyone

[SIZE=11pt]Anton seethed in hatred. Stuck to blockade duty, the Fleet Marshal oversaw the entire blockade with efficiency and professionalism unmatched, he was a Citizen of Nelvan after all. However, that Jedi skrogging schutta, Allya. She had so much potential, she was trained by Tacitus himself, and used the skills he graciously gave her every day. But, was she grateful? NO! She must have convinced her father to give into a more steady approach than that Warmonger normally used! And she fell gaga over some loser Jedi boy, and gave herself to him. Each day, she lost more and more Sith, and fell more starry eyed for the He shouldn't blame Allya. She was like this because he FAILED to break her fully. He should have tortured her completely, and made her mind break into a million pieces, but he had....felt sorry for her, she reminded him of his daughter. If that damned Cardinal hadn't interfered, and had his Emperor not felt pity for the girl, by this time, even with his lesser methods, she would have been the perfect apprentice for his God. Perhaps even could have been a fitting bride for [member="Darth Tacitus"] in ten years or so. No, no the failure was his. However, it was made complete by that Jedi boy. Allya's passions were still there, and the darkness he forced to be infused into her body, remained. If he killed that Jer-rat, it would drive her straight where she needed to be. Ahhh, he was so glad to have found a solution! It would have to be implemented later. For now, he had to fix this-this disaster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He stared out the window of the Eternal Glory, and his lips pursed. Wait. Wait....What it if hadn't been Allya? Oh he was sure she helped push this. But, who else could have? [member="Darth Metus"] ? Oh that bastard knew almost nothing. He was a farce of a Sith, bull headed, and thinking more about who he could hook up a power conduit to. [member="Adron Malvern"] ? No, he was clever, but not that clever. He tended to miss most things. Who then. Oooh. Oh.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Srina Talon"] . Of course. It would make sense if the schutta and the Exarch joined together, they could steer Metus and Adron anywhere they wanted. Especially if they used Adron's fondness for that minister against him. Hmm. If Talon was suspicious, that meant time was not on his side. She was far more clever than the others. He moved over to a console, and pressed the comm button. “Begin invasion drills on decks seven through eight. You're time was five minutes to slow last drill. We must be ready for anything.” That code would cause plans to begin to be put into action.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]On the planet, several high paid mercenaries, disguised as humanitarian workers, and believing they were on the New Republic payroll would go into action. They would target CIS personnel. On the ring, the careful planning and research had been done to estimate the type of munitions the New Republic were currently using, and to place them on at vital points on the ring. Enough to destabilize them, and probably cause them to crash into the planet when they exploded. By the time dust settled, it would be irrelevant if the munitions were exact or not. And here, he had to keep his guard up, look for any opportunities. War would happen, even if he had to become a terrorist to do so, even if he had to start it first.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]However, it was then, he snapped out of his madness for a moment. Oh right, the news crew. He brushed himself off, and went out of his office, into the press room, onboard the Eternal Glory. Anton gave a smile and a wave. “Sorry for the wait. Now, I'm sure we all have questions. I think, I may have the most!” He laughed, and the room chuckled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“So, the blockade is set up. We are here for an investigation. We will blockade to keep out as much Republic Interference as we can. You see, they have lied to us, and we are now very much aware of it. I have sent a report to our high command regarding this, but I have felt the public should be aware as well. Their reports say no Republic Ships were in the sector at the time, and yet, undocumented, they have been sending a massive amount of republic supplies to this planet. We are not sure if they are humanitarian supplies, or war supplies, but we do know now, that a LARGE number of Republic vessels were in the area at the time of the attack. They claim to have no warships involved with them. However, the planet stands. You see, Pirates would have quickly destroyed the ships delivering such lucrative supplies, in an area, that they claim was unguarded and unpatrolled, that served as the only junction between two halves of a large economic power like the New Republic. We also know over a dozen independent freighters reported being stopped and scanned by New Republic warships. As well as that the New Republic claims no scans of this area of space were made. They know nothing. For some reason, long range sensors were NOT pointed in the direction that most ships entering into the New Republic economic zone would have taken, due it's proximity to a major hyperspace lane.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He ran his fingers through his hair. “As you can see, their story doesn't add up. As such, we have decided to attempt to not let them interfere with our investigations. By their own words, they have no jurisdiction on this planet. We do not have to answer to them. And so long as the Republic stays out of the way, we will not resort to violence. However, if they even ATTEMPT to interfere with our investigation, we will respond with deadly force.” He was soon given a question about the CIS attack on Republic Ships, and the man's head hung low.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I knew Marshal Vorhees. His wife, child, parents, and siblings were on the ship that exploded near Kuat recently. His mind snapped. We are searching for him, and his ships. If our investigation clears the New Republic, we will hand him and his crew over to them for trial, and judgment by their laws, and we are already seeking to make reparations to the families, to help them through these hard times. Our hearts go out to the families of the lost. However, we feel the best way to put all the dead at rest, is to find the culprits of the original attack, and attempt to stop this senseless violence.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Several more questions were asked, and Anton took the time to answer each one. Soon the live broadcast ended satisfactorily. The holes in the New Republic story made public. Ahhh. Glorious.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was not long, after the conference ended, that Anton got the hail from the Republic fleet. The man went to the bridge, and responded. “Good day, Republic fleet. This is the Eternal Glory, and I am Fleet Marshal Anton Delane. We are currently undertaking an investigation into the destruction of one of our craft. We are not here to stay, we are not here to harm. However, until we have sufficient evidence that the Republic was not responsible for this act, we ask that you and your ships remain outside of the system. With luck, this will take about a week, and we can be on our way. However, we are open to talking. Any other questions?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The nose of the current flag ship that controlled a large number of the ships around the system, moved, and pointed directly at the Starchild. Good or bad, [member="Dracken Pryce"] was now being given attention.[/SIZE]
Attn: [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Anton Delane"] | [member="Ephraim"] Enemy: New Republic

  • Kuat Drive Yards
    Kuat, Blockaded Sector

The massive hangar which served as their temporary base of operations, was abuzz with activity. Crates of equipment and supplies were being unloaded, thousands of construction droids were being organized and prepared for shipping to their respective assigned areas amongst the multitude of construction and repair sites that had been laid out in the plans and were now being set up.

The combat engineers of the Eternal Army Logistics Corps were well known for their efficiency and professionalism. They had been called upon to spearhead numerous civilian construction and relief efforts throughout Nelvaan and the Confederacy at large and they had earned themselves a reputation for always getting the job done, which was why they were given the task of repairing Kuat's ancient, renowned and yet broken shipyards.

Over six hundred of them were now present within the derelict ring, assembled in this hangar. They were, of course, but the spearhead. Once the initial groundwork was done, thousands more would be brought in, along with innumerable construction droids and equipment, all for a project on a scale not seen since the construction of the Arx Aeterna, Nelvaan's immensely powerful planetary shield.

A deal had been made between the Confederate government and the Kuati authorities. Access would be granted to the Confederate delegation, in exchange for aid in rebuilding the battered world. In a way, Tacitus felt sorry for this proud and ancient planet. Not too sorry, though.

The whole reason for this grand undertaking, had been a series of violent events that had recently occurred, in this system. It began with the downing of a Confederate cruise liner and escalated with the destruction of two Republic vessels by Confederate forces. And yet, somehow, the Confederacy had stayed its hand, choosing the path of caution, instead of outright war. Confederate authorities had smelled some kind of foul play and were now looking to investigate.

They were right to do so, of course.

Some time ago, a plan had been concocted. A plan who's fruition would see the New Republic burn. It had its roots in the collapse of the Ancient Eye and the subsequent calamity which befell its loyalist population. The New Republic had given shelter and rank to one [member="Solan Charr"], drawing the ire of what would eventually become the Eternal Empire of Nelvaan. What had sealed Kuat's fate, had been Tacitus' fall during the Battle of Eshan. A tide of rage had swept across the icy world, stoking its citizenry's lust for blood.

Secret meetings were held and a certain man's plan was accelerated, given the necessary resources to be carried out as soon as possible. Some of the plan's supporters, had seen it as vengeance for perceived crimes. Others saw it as providing a convenient scapegoat for the citizenry's hatred, before the planet collapsed into infighting. Upon his return, Tacitus saw it as a convenient means of wiping out what he had long perceived as a growing threat to the Confederacy, an excuse to smother the budding Republic in its cradle, before it grew powerful enough to claim sovereignty over the galaxy and threaten the Southern Systems, of which Nelvaan was a part of. He understood the pull of the Republic's romanticized democracy. The power and potential for recruitment which the hope for galactic peace, held. So mere days ago, when he was informed of Lord Commander Requis' plan, he had responded with a sad, yet vicious smile.

Blood would be spilled here, today. Innocent blood would fuel the flames of total war. Yet, if he ever had doubts, what had transpired on Eshan had dispelled the last vestiges of them. He would do anything and everything within his power to defend the things he cared about and protect those he held dear, one above all. Some evils are necessary.

Officially, everything would seem perfect. Every report, immaculate, as such things always were in the Eternal Empire. On paper, standard procedure would be applied to the letter. In reality, several obscure reports would be faked, security teams aboard what was left of the orbiting shipyards, conveniently failing to notice and forgetting to mention certain unusual occurrences. Delane's agents would be given all the access they required, without a trace of their presence being left behind, in the paperwork or otherwise. And when the time came, the New Republic would finally burn.

He hesitated for a second before tapping the button that would activate the comlink and hail the Confederate command channel. He spoke with a clear, if somewhat tired voice. "Srina. Vicelord. Everything is going as scheduled."

If only they knew what was scheduled to happen...

Location: Kuat City,Kuati Aid Distribution Center, City Center
Allies: [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Gregor Yoor"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

It had been good day for the most part, despite certain events that had taken place. Aston tried not to let it invade his spirit and hope that there wouldn't be a war between the CIS and Republic, one couldn't always get what they wanted though. While Aston was not formally with either side officially. The only real allies he had with the confederacy was Katrine, and that was about it. Sure Eshan had been reclaimed by them and Spencer her royal seat. He hadn't spoken to his sister in a long time. Regardless of their connection through the force, it had been quite some time. Aston didn't believe that the Republic did what they were accused of. Aston wasn't a diplomat, nor a mind ready however he did have his opinions.

Aston stood up after lowing a small crate to the ground with supplies as then the next came, and the rest that followed. He had been at it for a few hours already, helping with the effort and with the transition in supplies, until the Confederacy showed up with their armada.

Aston glanced over to Alexandra for a few moments and simply nodded his head to her. "Do you think they will leave when the learn of the truth?" Aston inquired to the woman, as he continued with his work.

The force user was a pretty simple man with a decent mind he felt. He didn't know it took an whole fleet of ship to arrive and ascertain the truth about something. If they were here with that much on their backs. It seemed to him they were here for something other than the truth.


Aston hoped this wasn't the case, however that feeling in itself seemed to be fading from his mind every passing second. He should never have come back, that was what was in his mind at this very moment. It was events like these which is why he probably excluded himself from the world. War had gotten old, which was why he was on the move most of the time. Meeting different people,creatures and cultures. Things seemed so much easier that way, and while he knew fighting was a necessity when it became part of who you were it could claim a piece of your soul. And the only time you will be happy is when there is war, and that wasn't what Aston was about.

However, he was here now. And that was forced upon him today. So he hoped things turned out for the best.

"Aston." The man said his name first then moved on with the pleasantries as he held his hand out towards Alexandra's. "I don't think we've officially met?"

The man then in turned introduced himself to Abigail and Gregor.
Location: Kuat City
Allies: CIS
Enemies: NR (Technically)
Equipment: Money, Power and Dry Wit


Slowly, walking through the city. No destination in mind, not really. Just walking. Shirt untucked, hair a mess and belt half fastened. Jacket, the only item of clothing that looked semi respected. The man looked tired, he felt tired. Only hours ago he had been asleep on a craft belonging to the CIS, enjoying the peace and quiet. Now he was on Kuat, he didn't remember the events between being dragged out of bed and walking through the city but he could only assume they sucked.

The CIS needed him. He owed them. He owed Adron.

He sipped his caf as he walked. He didn't know where he was going, not really. He had been given the address of a local business that had been reported to be suffering. He didn't really know what he was supposed to be doing there, he assumed he was going to be carrying out a publicity stunt as an apology for the CIS disturbance. If that wasn't the job he was supposed to be carrying out then he was going to be out of pocket and it was going to be seriously annoying.

Not bankrupting, not even close. Just annoying.

Kei put his caf down on a low wall. He buttoned up the top of his shirt, straightened his jacket and finally tucked in his shirt. He picked up his caf again and took a step into the store, the destination that he was expected to appear at. He looked around, raising an eyebrow. It was a smaller clothing store, stocking some relatively good quality clothing. Kei inspected a small cloak. It was nice, but wouldn't suit him.

Then the owner arrived.

Kei got to talking. Apparently the shop was started by the owners grandparents and carried on. They had come on some hardships, Kuat was suffering an economic depression and they were suffering. They were worried about closing, they didn't want to have to close but their financial troubles made it the only option unless a miracle was delivered to their doorstep and handed directly to them with no strings attached.

Kei was their no strings attached miricle.

He took the cloak anyway. He handed over a datachip and a signed note, his payment. He had added four or five extra zero's, he couldn't remember. The note would explain that the extra money was to save them from closing. He also willingly paid for the cloak, that was just polite. He stepped outside with his bag, sipping his caf once again. One location visited, many more locations to visit before that.

He needed to find the nearest spacebucks first though. He needed more caf.
Objective: Purge & Purify
Location: Kuat City
Equipment: Mary & Jane, Obsidian Lightsaber, Obsidian-type Strike Armor, Cloaking Device, Obsidian Ring
Currently: Driving around in Amari

To be back out into the public and openly support and fight for a nation was the one thing Djonas swore he would never do. However, when agents of the Confederacy came in search of the former Templar, he found it oddly difficult to refuse. With haste, the thyrsian prepared himself for his return to the public eye. He unearthed some old gear from his times in the Confederacy and prepared it all for good use. That use found itself much sooner than he had expected. The Confederacy were launching an offensive on Kuat and Djonas was specifically requested to come along.

Another request he could not refuse.

Djonas suited up in his old gear and boarded his ship, Amidala's Lament, along with his sister, Dova Vile, whom he would need on this particular operation.

The trip to Kuat was not long. During this time, he explained to his sister his plan and how they would go about it. Also a few contingencies should they be needed. Most of the time, they were needed. Upon arriving to the planet, Djonas lead his sister through the city, with their gear in tow. "You know what to do, yeah?" Djonas asked her.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. Don't worry." she replied in a playful tone.

"I believe in you. Go on now." Djonas replied with a small chuckle. Dova hugged her older brother then ran off towards another direction. Djonas turned down a dark alley and walked towards what appeared to be a vehicle with a tarp covering it up, hiding it from view. Djonas grabbed hold of the covering and pulled it off in one swift motion. One of his prized possessions, a custom T-100 Airspeeder, rested before him. With a wave of his hand, the driver-side door gracefully lifted open and Djonas stepped inside and took his seat. Once he was inside, the door returned to it's closed position. A flew clicks and the T-100 started up. The airspeeder rose from the ground, the engine barely making a sound as it did. Once it reached cruising altitude, Djonas pressed forward and steered his speeder out of the alleyway and moved deeper into the city.

Location: Kuat City, Government Building
Allies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Kaden Farr"], [member="Ephraim"]
Enemies: - - -

He glanced over his datapad to monitor the file transfers as the Kuati officials transcribed their records for the investigation. There were as many officials here happy to collaborate with them as there were who wanted them gone as quickly as possible, and it made things far more hectic than necessary. When Scherezade spoke up with apparent doubts, he glanced over and regarded her.

"If something happened in atmosphere here, the aeronautics division of planetary defense would have logged a record of it. Those records, according to the defunct senator, would fall outside of Republic purview due to their revoked status as a member world. That means no tampering. This is our best chance at data that they couldn't have scrubbed."

He had dealt with fragile situations and mishandled data before, but never to this degree. He understood at a base level why they were here. Alkor just felt that raining turbolasers on Carida would have been a more adequate response than sitting on their hands. Politicians were always reticent about violence.

"Though I doubt that-" he began to say, before another man who he did not recognize started to speak, and it seemed like things were more interesting than he originally believed. "Let me see that," he reached over and took the schematics from Ephraim, who's wild theories were a bit too loud for his liking.

It was incriminating, though. Alkor gave the data a long glance and chewed on his lip before jumping to any of the conclusions his compatriot seemed sold on far too eagerly. "This is a fragile situation," he reminded the other man, "and there are civilians present. Be careful what you say, and how loudly you say it."

Alkor pulled the cord from his own datapad and slaved it to the one that held the blueprints. The data transfer this time was much faster, as it uploaded directly from one datapad to the network, and Alkor immediately sent those files directly to [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Darth Metus"], and [member="Adron Malvern"], per the Vicelord's directive.

He turned his head back toward Scherezade, and he clicked his tongue. "Well," he said sardonically, "that took significantly less time than expected."

Genesis Rostu

Location: The Serenity, Kuat Orbit​
Accompanying: [member="Rick Kaloo"], [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], [member="Grand Admiral Cypher Raige"], [member="Darth Tacitus"], [member="Anton Delane"]​
Tag: [member="Dracken Pryce"]​
Tap. Tap. Tap.

As the bridge of the Serenity hummed with activity, the Grand Marshal raised and lowered his heel in a rhythmic fashion. His sable eyes darted from screen to screen, acknowledging the Confederate forces as they continued to move into place. To date, traffic from the Armada to the surface was a steady flow - and based upon the communications he heard, there had not been any fighting on Kuat proper. Officially, this was what they had desired. A painless, bloodless opportunity to seek out the answers to their fallen. However, the Clone was the furthest thing from an optimist. He knew, sooner rather than later, this powderkeg was bound to ignite - he only hoped that it was the New Republic's finger on the trigger and not one of their own. As he awaited any updates from the surface, soon found that that the flow of the bridge was disrupted by an incoming transmission.

"We're being hailed - New Republic sir!"

Genesis eased forward in his seat. "On screen."

The New Republic vessel, headed by [member="Dracken Pryce"], would be greeted to the tail end of the transmission that was being looped by the Armada. The message would echo across the bridge whilst the connection was established: informing the forces that the Confederate mission was an investigation devoid of Republic interference. That they had not come to end lives, but to get answers. That cooperation on the part of Kuat and the New Republic was highly request. And that the blockade was to be honored. In the few precious seconds before the connection was finalized, Genesis relayed an order to the Confederate Armada. "Hold fast." They were not to fire without his giving the order. Once the looped transmission said its piece, the Grand Marshal's visage would be made apparent to those upon the receiving bridge. A connection had now been established, and the Clone rose from his command throne.

"I am Genesis Rostu, Grand Marshal of the Confederate Defense Force. Who am I addressing?"

Whilst he awaited a response, the hushed tone of the communications officer reached his ear. Apparently an update had been received from the surface. The Clone made no verbal acknowledgement of this, but simply nodded to the officer. His sable gaze watched as a second window opened upon the main display. The first would display the New Republic bridge. This newcomer...contained data that had been gleaned from their investigation thus far. Data which said that stealth designs had been acquired from Kuat - and a test had been scheduled for right around the time of the attack. The Grand Marshal folded his hands behind his back, fingers tightening against one another in response to the news.

That would explain it. he thought. Even a broken world can sell designs.

But he did not blame Kuat for doing whatever it took to make credits in their troubled state. Whilst in the midst of recovering, income was income - and frankly, the world had nothing to worry from this record. No one shook down Blas-Tech for selling blasters to the Sith Empire, no one shook down Czerka for selling slugthrowers to the Confederacy; and certainly no one would blame the planet for selling anything to anyone. The blame rested exclusively with the New Republic. And therefore, after giving the New Republic officer an opportunity to introduce himself, the Grand Marshal made his demand.

"As you are aware, we are conducting an investigation. Over one thousand of our civilians were murdered within your borders - and all intel is pointing towards New Republic responsibility. In light of this, we are asking that the New Republic withdraw all military presence from the planet's surface within the next hour. Additionally, that the New Republic honor the boundaries set by this blockade until the investigation has concluded."

"If you are in a position to issue this order, it is advised that you do so."


Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Location: Kuat City, Kuati Aid Distribution Center, City Center
Allies: The Republi, [member="Abigail Meredydd"], [member="Aston Jacobs"]
Enemies: None
Others: [member="Ephraim"] [member="Anton Delane"]
Objective: Refute false info.

The planning for this OP, was rushed, uncoordinated, and almost laughable on the Confederacy's side as easily refuted information and records flooded the media, on a planet that had been loyal and nationalistic for years to the Republic.

Further more, their attempts to start a war, using faked aid workers was... disappointing.

The Republic's Expeditionary Unit, a SOF unit that is tightly regimented and controlled, with dog tags displayed at all times and a band on their arm watching for heart rate and keyed to a specific individual, was all the Republic needed to see the attempts of infiltration for what they were, ill conceived. It wasn't the CIS though that the Republic had expected to do this, no instead they had expected the imperials from anaxes to try this very same tactic, but such things required time to get documents in without catching an analyst's eye and when a community saw the same aid workers for years, they came to know when something was out of place.

That was why these infiltrators blundered their way into the check in for weapons, and were immediately looked at. A quick buzzer to Republic Security Forces told Alexandra something was wrong as her datapad came up with the same warning and she waved her hand to the people she was talking with, walking out of the room and looking down to see the mercs trying to check in like every other member that believed they were on the Republic's Payroll.

Her body vaulted over the railing just as everything started.

The first two were ordered to get on the ground, stun gun raised while two more were tackled. Three remained, leaving Alexandra to walk right up to one as they made a break for it and her hand grabbed him by the neck before with the force slamming his face into the ground, breaking his nose on contact. The other two getting away, leaving Alexandra to look at [member="Abigail Meredydd"] and @Gregor Yorr.

"With all do respect, we can continue conversations later... get those two." A little bit of the old Alexandra came out as her expression darkened and she picked the now bleeding and whining man off the ground, bringing him to a table to get patched up.

"Arrest these idiots, and find out who hired them. With that said, mandatory roll call, five minutes. I want all MEF Units to check in with 100% manning, if anyone is missing, shut down everything until he is found and inform Kuati Police of the situation. Hydrid, get me in contact with the Security bureau right now, we have infiltrators trying to gun down civilians, and considering the timing, I want this passed on to the Senator and the King." Alexandra was unsure what was going on, but she had a feeling [member="Sankt Yora"] in accepting the CIS armada overhead had something to do with this.

"Get me a camera too Kydrid, and inform the Kuati civil network that the Aid Center needs a full access broadcast... we have something fishy going on..."

It was then that she finally saw [member="Anton Delane"]'s press conference and the 'evidence' from [member="Ephraim"] which was both being laughed at by Republic and Kuati News groups.

Why you might ask?

Because Kuat has no Republic Records and the CIS made it clear they would not go to Carida where such are kept which quickly disproved every shred of evidence the two presented. News casters were quickly calling it the most obvious forgeries in history, not even attempting to hide they summoned these records from mid air, especially when the hundreds of independent accounts taken over the week between the period, ones Alexandra had overseen herself and released out after each one was done with video evidence of the talks and video evidence from ships, the Kuati Naval Sensor array and the Republic naval tracking unit.

Then there was the logistical issue of CIS Escape pods making it all the way back to CIS space, through Silver Jedi Space, and through open space, on back roads hyperspace jumps... rather than making their way to the planet in question they were supposedly shot at. Which left a big question... how did Escape pods, things with no hyperdrives, get all the way to CIS space in the same time as a type 1 hyperdrive, likely even faster than a type one as they had no Hyperlane to follow.

Which is where Alexandra remained now as she sighed and shook the hand of [member="Aston Jacobs"].

"Hello, sorry about the scene, everyone is a bit tense with there being an invading armada over head." She choose her words, knowing a few Kuati would hear it and would let the rumor mill run. After all, two examples of infiltrators trying to stage accidents, with very little foresight in how they would do this? It was clear that this was made up with maybe a week of planning at most. "Aston, if you do not mind, check in on the supplies issue and bring me anyone who is in severe need, we need to redo our aid distribution and those who are in the most need for it need to get the supplies first. I have records on my desk over there that should help... for now, I have a camera to attend to."

It was then that she moved, making her way for the secured room where herself and the Kuati Representative of the Aid system they had worked tirelessly to form would be questioned by news groups and have a camera that sent the entire meeting out to all those who had a datapad or a screen to see it on.

"Welcome, myself and Representative Hydrid are here to help clear up the situation regarding the CIS Armada and invasion force over head, the cutting off of vital supplies, to be substituted with an unsecured, poorly established, and selfish supplies from the CIS, ones that cannot be easily funneled to the planet as the Republic's had been, causing shortages, and lastly, the 'evidence' presented. I will allow Representative Hydrid to speak on the first two instances." Alexandra stepped back, taking a seat while the aged man stepped forward, clearing his throat and looking at the assembled individuals before looking directly into the camera.

"Our former Senator, Sankt Yora, with permission invited the Confederacy to conduct their own independent investigation into the matter detailed ninety-six hours ago, one that had allegedly happened in Kuati Space. The Individuals who committed this act are still at large and as such, Kuat understandably has opened its doors with its Republic partners, the people who have spent trillions to stabilize and regrow out people into the strong beings we are today. That was why mere hours, the Kuati Hall of records, located in our City's Central hub, and the Republic Naval Records Department, as well as Naval Tracking Command on Carida both invited the CIS investigators to look into the issue." He paused, setting that up as to the fact this invitation was entirely voluntary.

"Why, that necessitates an Armada, one with military applications thousands of droids, numbers only required to hold a planet, it is beyond me, and something the former Senator will need to explain. Its only purpose thus far seen has been to cut off incoming supplies, which is why I ask that the people remain calm and check in with your distribution Hubs so that our records and the rations can be more evenly distributed. This time is going to be hard, and as such the Republic civilians and Personnel, as well as Kuati Volunteers have decided that no supplies will be given to us until we have ensured all individuals in need of supplies are handled first, this should make up for the supplies this Confederate Armada is not allowing to land on the planet and be distributed, so that their own 'charity' can be given." He remained soft in his tone, looking to the side and waiting, letting those who needed to write down what had been said, or those behind their screens to understand the words themselves.

"I will release the podium back to my Republic counterpart, for those with questions regarding the situation, please find your distribution hub and ask, we will be working to care for as many people as we can with the supplies we have left." After that, he stepped back, allowing Alexandra to retake her position as she laid the datapad on the table, ready to tackle the evidence presented and releasing documents to all news agencies assembled.

"Before me is records detailing the last year of fleet movements, permissions to fire, crew logs, ship records and unit placement. As well as the Kuati Naval office's own records, detailing the coming and goings, records of travel, and arrival estimations of ships. All these documents, none that were gathered by the CIS in their earlier displays of evidence, are openly accessible via the locations on Kuat, for your own people's records, or on Carida, in the Republic's hall of Records. Even then, due to the blockade, your people are unable to get to the Republic's hall of records, which is why the Hall of Records has released all of them publicly on the Net for those who are trapped here. In addition to this, the independent investigations of other nations are encouraged, Classified records being made unclassified for official government and media organizations, to ensure nothing is hidden from them." She paused, scrolling first to the document talking about manning and financial distribution for the navy.

"Due to this promise of transparency, the Republic military has released the official roster of Republic ships, a detailed document showing the direct impact of maintenance, purchases and RnD on Republic Naval equipment, which can show that there is no Stealth ships in the Republic's arsenal. I mention Stealth Technology as that is the only way this could have happened with no records existing of the matter from sensors and from outside organizations. But those records, while classified, would be present in the Republic's record hall. As such my counterparts in other external governments would be granted access to these areas and easily find that no documents exist to detail the existence of current Stealh Technology in the Republic. These technologies do nothing but harm the trust of the people in their elected officials and the people who serve to defend them." She scrolled, bringing up the naval movement records now.

"Next, the fleet movements, as you can see on the displayed chart and associated simulation, this digital document records every stop off and location of Republic ships on the half hour, a practice done to ensure that ships are not taken off guard in our war against the Imperial Warlord who conquered Anaxes. Because of this, we can accurately track and show on the associated model that there was no warships in the area, much less combat warships that are capable of such damage. The closest ships are the Republic's transit Squadron, the corvettes and light frigate the people of Kuat see every day and have for years, those ships who remain to ensure the trade of Kuat is protected by small time pirates who sneak past the main fleets. These seven ships are outfitted with Ion Weaponry and light laser cannons, meant to disable fighters and small craft, and only such. Why would we leave this sector so lightly protected? Because Kuat used to be considered the safest planet in the Republic, protected on three galactic directions by Republic fleets, and a large amount of Jedi influenced space to the galactic east and south." She stopped, needing a drink and letting the assembled individuals mark down notes and shift to the next document.

"The last documents, are those of the crafts who had been in the area when all this had happened. They were a majority of Hyperlane traveling craft, but as well as a few from the direction of Silver Jedi owned space. Attached to their statements are the records from their ships, star charts, and the records from Kuati Sensors that conveniently were missing from the Confederate report. As you can see, Kuat, due to its importance in building ships for empires of the past, invested a great deal on the sensors within your sector, and as such you are able to track with almost a hundred percent certainty anything that happens in any part of the sector. This has made it significantly dangerous for pirates and small raiding vessels as they would be caught approaching before they arrive, and is the same reason the Republic was able to have more than the normal ship complement in the area. In the last twelve hours, which if you so choose, you can track right now with the previous records. All civilian and Kuati sensor records point to the fact that this supposed attack could not have happened in Kuati space, nor that any such attack was possible, especially if the Escape pods made it back to Confederate space." She stopped and closed down her datapad before looking forward.

"Alot of falsified documents will be released in the coming hours, ones you cannot track down past the last forty eight hours as to ever have existed. IF you really want the full story, look towards the documents that have months of records, detailed down to the most careful point. Whoever is manipulating both the Evidence the Confederacy is finding, and whoever had destroyed the liner carrying people to Kuat, are likely the same people, and they are playing everyone. Stay safe, and please be careful in the coming hours." She let the camera die, waving off questioning and letting Hydrid handle that as she sighed and let her shoulders drop.

She needed a drink... but right now she heard some screaming down in the medical wing that pushed her body towards that section.
Location: Orbit Above Kuat - The Starchild
Allies: --
Enemies: CIS??? [member="Genesis Rostu"] [member="Anton Delane"]

[*]Lightbringer-class Star Defender [2]
  • NRV Arkanian Whisper
  • NRV Starchaser

[*]Bothan Assault Cruiser [6]
  • Escort 1-6

[*]"New Republic Relief Group"

A voice comm message from one ship and a holofeed from another. The audio came just before a comm officer called out the incoming transmission, the second one coming from the fleet's flagship. It was a vessel smaller than he would have guessed for a fleet as large as the one assembled. He pressed a botton on the console before him and the holoprojector displayed the man in muted blue holographic pixels. The man identified himself as Genesis Rostu, Grand Marshal of the Confederacy's Defense Force. Ironic then, that he was meeting him so far away from home, establishing what looked to be the beginnings of a full on invasion.

"Grand Marshal Rostu, its good to finally put a face to the name," he started, "I am Admiral Dracken Pryce of the New Republic Navy's 1st Expeditionary Fleet." It was an answer to Rostu's question, but before he could continue the Grand Marshal spoke again, essentially echoing what the previous voice message from Anton had said. He bit back a curse and took a step forward to emphasize his point.

"The Kuat system is Republic space and Kuat itself is part of the Republic Economic Bloc. With all due respect sir, you and your fleet are far from the Southern Systems," he shook his head looking more frustrated than confused, "You have no jurisdiction here. The Confederacy has just as much to answer for here as the Republic with our own civilian vessels destroyed by Confederate vessels. This is a trying time for both of our governments. So that we can work together and find the truth behind these attacks and avoid starting a war here I'm going to have to ask you to withdraw your forces from the system."

Pryce was easily outgunned here, but he had a feeling that Rostu wanted to avoid war as much as he did or he wouldn't have responded and his fleet would be debris right now. Rostu also wasn't making this easy. They had no right to be there blockading the system. He hoped his call for Republic aid had reached a comm buoy and the Republic. Without more ships there was no way he was going to bluff his way through removing the armada from Kuat.

An aide came to him and whispered into his ear. Apparently Alex had broadcasted some sort of message. Why was Alex on Kuat? What was going on here?
Location: The Dread Queen, Inbound to Kuat
Addressing: All CIS Forces​
This was a vivid reminder.

When the Sith known as Darth Metus was but a young man, distrust of the word "Republic" was grafted onto his soul. Those who eagerly carried that name deluded themselves into thinking that they were the cradle of democracy. That they were the one true hope for the Galaxy. And yet, the truth was corruption. Between an army of pointless bureaucracies and turning a blind eye to literal atrocities, the first Galactic Republic in modern history had left a bad taste in the Galaxy's mouth. Now, the successor to that nation's name and place amongst the stars seemed to be rapidly following in her footsteps. They would find no ally in the Vicelord of the Confederacy. Nor patience. Nor mercy.

Only days prior to the present, over one thousand of his citizens were put to the sword. Their demise was spontaneous - an eruption of their vessel within the borders of New Republic space. In particular, whilst complying with international standards and pausing before entering the atmosphere of the recovering Kuat. In the wake of this utter disaster, the people of the Confederacy demanded justice. It mattered not what documents the New Republic declassified and sent across the system in a desperate plea to appear innocent. In mattered not what logic or reasoning they presented - they, inherently, could not be trusted in this matter. Darth Metus would never trust a Republic. And after the demise of so many, neither would the Viceroyalty who represented the whole of the Southern Systems.

Therefore, as the transmission made its way across the local, public stations, a vessel inbound to the blockade received it. The documents. The plea. All of it was laid bare before the sulfuric gaze of the Vicelord. He sat within the literal persona of his wrath - the Super Star Destroyer Dread Queen as it hurtled through realspace towards the center of strife. His visage contorted with utter disgust as he watched the transmission, shaking his head at the utter gall of the New Republic. He hated to admit that anything Mandalorian was right these days - but his upbringing on Mandalore was spot on. It would be utter folly to take anything uttered by the New Republic as factual, unbiased, or true. Moreover, a new document that was not apart of the mass declassification arrived to his communications' officer shortly thereafter.

A half-chuckle erupted from the Sith's mouth. "Typical." he breathed. It would be some time before his vessel arrived about Kuat proper - and until that moment he would not disrupt the chain of command by issuing orders to his people just yet. What he would do, however, was speak to them. Speak the truth compared to the falsehoods uttered by the serpent on the surface. As of this day, as of this moment, the New Republic was indistinguishable from the Mandalorian Empire. A solemn nod was offered to the communications officer, who then keyed a broadcast across the encrypted, Confederate channels. From the Armada above to the boots on the ground, all flying the banner of the southern systems would hear his voice in their various communication devices.

"My fellow Confederates, this is your Vicelord."

"Mere moments ago, a representative of the New Republic made a broadcast as to cast doubt regarding our intentions today. They claim there was no way for them to be responsible for the deaths of our people. Claim that their documents and records are now open for us to browse - and that we would find no fault in them. Claim that they are, wholly and truly, innocent of the blood upon their hands. But no matter how hard they attempt to wipe the blood of our people away, it will cling fast to their flesh. Even now, as the lies are spread across this broadcast, the truth has been provided by our own efforts."

"I have received a report that the New Republic utilized stealth craft to execute our people. The details in this update as slim, but it is enough to prove that this nation is no less corrupt than any bearing the title Republic. They will lie to the bitter end. Lie, even if it costs them everything. I am glad that we took matters into our own hands, my brothers and sisters. Delighted - for if we entertained the 'truths' uttered by the Republic for even a moment, the reality would have been purged from our reach."

"Therefore, the responsibility of safeguarding Kuat is no longer a luxury to be afforded to the New Republic. This system is now under a formal Exclusion Zone. We have found the truth. We have our answer. The New Republic is indeed responsible for the deaths of our people. As a result, we must avenge our fallen. Wherever you are - move to detain their forces where they stand. Uphold our blockade and unleash Hell if it is attempted to be broken."

"We shall avenge our fallen. Justice will be served."

As the Vicelord's address came to an end, two transmissions rang out from the Dread Queen. The first was a copy of the data which had been passed up the chain of command - the sole piece of evidence which the New Republic broadcast lacked was now provided to the Confederate personnel on the ground. Additionally, as the broadcast so kindly unclassified quite a wealth of information, Darth Metus saw fit to inform [member="Tanomas Graf"] via a brief missive to check the extranet. He might have found the results insightful.

Objective: Become One with the Crowd​
Location: Capital Building​
Wearing: Armor | Leather Pants | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Sankt Yora"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Ephraim"] [member="Shakti Sweet"] [member="Xobos Yakieer"] [member="Priesse Brinari"]
Enemies: [member="Alexandra Feanor"], probably.
Post: One

OOC Note: This is Scherezade, but she appears as Madalena Antares anywhere data-relevant (Pathfinder Madalena Antares).

Looking around, the glow of her green eyes befell [member="Kaden Farr"]. He'd been standing there with her and Obsidian Knight Centaris, but she hadn't actually focused on him at any point. Frowning, the Pathfinder (was she still a Pathfinder at all?) frowned, trying to understand what it was about him that made something within her glance with uncomfortable curiosity. Part of her wanted to offer him to grab a drink after the mission was over so she could ask questions, another part of her wanted to get away. Come to think of it, most parts of her wanted to entirely get away. Those who looked at her and thought they knew her would believe they were looking at Pathfinder Antares. Scherezade sighed and shook her head. That was probably the source of her discomfort. Just a tiny while longer…

But it was another who caught her attention first. [member="Ephraim"], a man she was sure she had never seen before, not with her own eyes or that of a woman whom she was attempting rightfully bring back. Now that she was looking at him, she knew him exactly for what he was, and her mouth gaped open. There was nothing she could do but stare. "How…" she whispered, not understanding. If she had been anything but a Blood Hound, she would have passed on the family resemblance as being a coincidence. But she could scent him through the Force, and she knew exactly what he was, for he was a child who shared both parents with her. And yet she did not know who he was. How was it that he even existed? There had been no other children save her and her twin brother, but the man standing there, clear as day, flesh and blood, he was her brother.

But no. She had a mission. She was here for a reason. Everyone else believed that it was Pathfinder Madalena Antares standing there, and from all Scherezade knew, Madalena would not let something like this interfere with the orders and the plans. It did mean though that a small adjustment was made. Until this was over, [member="Ephraim"] would be remaining close to her, or otherwise she would be remaining close to him. She would tail him if that was what it took, but the very second this headache was over with, there would be grabbing by the ear and pulling into the nearest corridor to ask a lot of questions.

Seeing the arrival of [member="Priesse Brinari"], she offered the woman a nod, only now realizing she had almost entirely ignored the redheaded [member="Shakti Sweet"], and gave her the same nod as well. Looking at @Xobox Yakieer, Scherezade couldn't help but smile. Her scent put her ever so slightly off as well, but there was something about her that made her want to go and talk to her.

Were these, any of these, normal thoughts to have during a mission such as this? Scherezade wasn't entirely certain anymore. It had been so long… Madalena had walked around in her body for over eight months, and she had been the conscious one during those missions, building into them, gaining the trust of her battlemates. Scherezade hardly knew these people, though a few faces sometimes popped up from memories given to her by Madalena. It was… A confusing mess, to be honest. Madalena's last words before Scherezade had embarked to go to NR space was don't feth this up or so help me the Force I will strangle you in your sleep. And stay away from [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"].

Sighing, Scherezade listened in through the commdevice inside her ear. She heard the speech given by [member="Anton Delane"] and shrugged, not feeling a need to say anything, and then turned to listen to [member="Alkor Centaris"]. "Would be easier if we just grabbed people in charge and scanned their minds," she shrugged with an innocent grin, hoping the comment would go over well.

But then things changed.

It wasn't as much that Centaris reported that they had, but the speech she was hearing now, the one given by [member="Alexandra Feanor"]. Scherezade's mouth formed a perfect O and then she frowned.

"What the krak is wrong with that woman?" she asked as the speech continued on endlessly, "why are they letting someone who was clearly dropped multiple times on her head as a baby be in any sort of charge?" Declassifying documents for the wide public? Giving public access to R&D data? "So like what, is she completely incompetent, or is that a badly devised trap?" she asked, looking at her teammates. She almost asked if they could place a slug between her eyes.


Oh, behave.
Location: Kuat City,
(unsure who to tag)
Objective: Instigate
Allies: CIS [member="Darth Metus"]
Enemies: Republic influence @Alexander Feanor
This place was a dump and the air was thick with the tension of the coming prolonged conflict. A building invisible demon rattling it's cage screaming for its release. Lingering in the background walking and waiting with the struggling lives that survived within Kuat City. The few could see the demon for what it was and some even dared to aid it. Nixia was one such person. A diplomatic approach was always a last resort in her book. It served its purpose in many situations but not here that time had past. For some time Nixia had been in Kuat City just observing and assisting the younger females with their problems and worries. Or atleast that was the visage she used. The Sith knight had a spot for the people that shared in her own suffering but the greater good had to be first place. " Nixia, Nixia, Nixia!" They would call to her.

" Hold up. I need some time to rest and time to myself!" she said playfully but with a serious look in her beautiful orange eyes. The young women by her side sighed and departed leaving Nixia alone. " You will see me again soon." she said letting her smile fade. " You get tired too quick now!" They complained to her in the distance. They were not wrong, Nixia had her attention split. Mentally she was not there in full. She was also elsewhere. She was assuming control. A burning fire smoldered as her attention turned to the republic support and assistant that was constant in appearance through the city. It was time. There was a specific person of interest that the Icarii female took interest in. A male republic trooper that aided this appointed section of the city.

Nodding to him as she passed by, Nixias eyes gave no visual que or any physical giveaway but rather a surge of concentration of mental dominance. Qazoi Kyantuska. The republic trooper froze briefly a glazed look in his eyes and then continue moving. The Sith Knight followed. They moved for some time on the street as was the soldiers orders till the demon in the cage began to bend its bars apart. " Nixia! Nixia!" The group of girls returned approaching with a used camera video taping her. " Nixia look what we found!" They smiled. It was the camera she gave them when she arrived. The red light was on and the recording active. Through the recordings lens it showed a splendid young figure with orange eyes, fair skin and dark long hair.

" Halt! You will be coming with me. You are under arrest." The group of ladies of all ages froze, Nixia included as the same trooper as before stood before her. He had come back from his route. A short loop less than a mile in length. " Arrest for what?!" Nixia protested. Her eyes glanced at his blaster that had yet to be drawn. " You are a Merc hired to disrupt civilian supplies. Dont act dumb." His glance turned to the girl with the camera. " Turn it off, NOW." He said very sternly. Backing away as all at once Nixia's face shifted to a look of worry. She was a magnificent actor. Able to summon her emotions at will and use them with ease. " I am not a merc and I have done no such thing. I am a off-duty member of the CIS on personal leave. Here to volunteer and aid the people of Kuat." Nixia stated calmly as she could knowing her plan was going flawlessly thus far. Apon hearing the this new news the girls looked at each other in disbelief at her statement. Nixia was with the CIS and on leave as well. On lookers began to gather to the scene in small numbers this information changed the entire situation. The republic wouldn't dare instigate a conflict and any republic soldier would act as commanded, but who was to say the same about this specific soldier here.

" You will be coming with me now!" The soldier drew his pistol and drew in grabbing Nixia by the arm and pulling her in. More republic soldiers were now on the scene. Some watching and some assisting with the situation. Struggle was apparent. Three soldiers grabbed the Ircarii's body attempting to take her down as screams erupted. " Let me go! Let me go. I am on leave with the CIS let me go." She pleaded. The young women recording fell into dismay and sobbed watching the violence. Sobbing changed into screams of terror and fear as blaster fire was loosed from mental influenced republic soldier only. The Sith Knights clothing though casual was blaster resistant but she was not so lucky. Suffering a wound on her stomach and lower back. In the scuffle and attempted arrest she had managed to crawl away to mask an escape but was shot instead. Lying there briefly she could hear the other soldiers panic. " What have you done!?!!" They shouted at the their brother in arms, the one with a masked glazed look in his eye.

The pain surged in waves but her pain was her power. With a blurr of speed the Sith rose to her feet absolved to see revenge be ought now. Bringing her left arm up in front of her a purple colored shield activated deeply in sound and she rushed forward. Blaster bolts reflected harmlessly back onto her attackers. Closing distance her shield heaved back slamming into a soldier revealing the desolation that a light-shield could bring. Evisceration of complete limbs. The soldiers that confronted her stood no chance.

" This is Nixia Amabilia calling in. I need medical assistance within Kuat City. A Republic soldier have opened fire attacked and I am hit. Please someone help. I need medical aid now!" She called on a CIS comm channel before walking back and leaning against a wall. She would be fine in truth her Icarii biology would see to that.

The demon was freed.
Allies: Civilians, Republic personnel, [member="Alexandra Feanor"] , [member="Aston Jacobs"]
Enemies: Invaders, disruptors of peace, [member="Anton Delane"] , CIS
Objective: Detain the runner. Prepare for invasion.

Abigail shot Alexandra an annoyed look when her mentor just disregard her like that, even after not seeing each other for some time. She accepted the reality of the situation though, and quickly turned to look the two remaining mercenaries.

"You know," Abigail mumbled with a somber grin," I was wondering when you'd bring them up."

And with that said, she started to run after one of the two targets, leaving the other for @Gregor Yorr . She passed a guard, who held out a stun gun for her to pick up, to which Abigail replied with a shrug. "We're not allowed to shoot first", she joked as she sprinted past the guard without taking the weapon. Even if it was necessary, she had weapons of her own.

The merc was quite fit, but Abigail armour granted her small boosts of speed every now and then, allowing her to quickly catch up to the man. To get a hold of him, she used a small metal crate to launch herself slightly into the air, and after a small rocket boost, which caused her cloak to go wild, she landed on top of the runner.

"I'm not in the mood for games", she mumbled as she held the man pinned against the ground. "Please be a bit more considerate of others, I've had a rough few weeks."

After handing the man over to some guards who she knew were actually enlisted by the Republic. After two men carried the mercenary away, Abigail addressed the others around her.

"Alright. I'm not going to ignore the facts or make them seem nicer than they are. Disregard anything you heard about friendship or peace. The CIS aren't here to investigate. Not all of them anyway. I assure you that 90% of their representatives here had already made their conclusions before they arrived, and those conclusion are that the Republic is indeed responsible for the attack, and so on, you know how it goes. Neither did they come here to make peace. They will try to 'free' this planet one way or another, I'm sure. We've seen it before. Whether it is the intention of the entire Confederacy, or just a small twisted part of it," she raised her shoulders," who knows. Not that it matters anyway."

Abigail momentarily looked away as she received a message through her earpiece. After it ended she returned her gaze to the soldiers.

"Good news: if I ever end up without a job in the universe, I could always become a fortune teller. Bad news, well, everything else. We've got new orders. Rally up the civilians and escort them to safe zones immediately. All of this is likely to become a lot nastier real soon. Go."

She herself would venture back towards the distribution center to check that everything was still okay, and that her mentor was too.

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