Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: Pandath Shield Generator
Objective: Reinforce the Generator Room, Respond to and investigate the cause of Perimeter Team 4’s comprised location.
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] , [member="Ruus"]
Enemies: [member="To'Kola Bakari"] , [member="Xobos Yakieer"]


The pair of Tal’galaar rushed forward with their rear flank being guarded by the ARC-170r heavy fighters behind them. Just as Valdus had assumed, the enemy interception flight had come from above and behind in an attempt to bring down Valdus’ own flight of starships. Either due to a lack of experience or high durability starfighters, the two enemy squadrons had been ripped apart by the rear-facing quad medium laser cannons of the ARC-170r’s. The pilot of Valdus’ gunship relayed the positive news to the Alor, “ Enemy has engaged our escorts and suffered major casualties.” He was pleased by the report, though his mind was too focused on the lone derelict starfighter he had seen previously to cheer or give any grand speeches of superiority.

The Tal’galaar continued on their way as the ARC-170r’s broke formation and began to go after the remnants of the dual enemy squadrons. Their wingtip mounted medium laser cannons now focused on each fighter in turn. What happened next would’ve caused the pilots of the ARC-170r’s to be surprised, but alas the droid brains were not capable of such complexity. Instead, it would be left to the pilot of the other Tal’galaar gunship to express the turn of battle. As the lead ARC-170r of the counter assault began to get a lock on the lead most starfighter of the enemy wing, the ARC-170r’s medium laser cannons entirely missed as the pilots began to pull maneuvers that only veteran pilots could hope to perform without damaging their craft or themselves. “Alor, their pilots….” Valdus thudded over towards the cockpit to look at the window as best he could to their rear and upwards. He saw the enemies that had previously been occupied by being decimated were now weaving between his heavy fighters, taking advantage of their lower speed and lack of high maneuverability.

What…is this….” Valdus began, his words slow and growing in frustration. How was this possible? The Confederates were not known to Valdus to have this many high proficiency pilots. It dawned on Valdus that the sudden improvement of skill had to have come from the source of all miracles, “Sorcery…” The word rolled off his tongue with the toxicity and disgust that could only be mustered by true hatred. “Get the Tal’galaar to the city. Leave the ARCs to the deal with the rest.” As he said that and before the pilot could affirm his orders in their typical way, one such ARC exploded into a fireball, pinwheeling to the ground, and through the smoke screen flew out one of the enemy starfighters, being quickly trailed by another ARC, whose medium laser cannons were hitting too infrequently to compensate for the lower rate of fire that light laser cannons normally had, thus drastically reducing their overall output. The ARC-170r’s at this point were to be used as decoys to buy time for the organic crews to get to safety. While he expected the ARCs to continue to inflict casualties, to assume that the ARCs could eliminate the rest of the squadrons’ members was almost surely mistaken.

So it was that the ARC-170r’s were left to the swarm, throwing out barrages of medium laser cannon fire from their front and rear, trying to scrape any more casualties before they themselves began to be picked off like hawks attacked by a swarm of sparrows.

Meanwhile a this pilot’s sensor array pinged an unknown ship a far distance away from them now, but entirely unlike any signature he had received before. The way that it registered raised concerns, “ Alor, there’s some…oddity ship out there. Orders?” Valdus turned to his pilot, “ Is it pursuing us?” The pilot responded with a shake of his head, “No, Alor.” Valdus nodded, “Ignore it.” The pilot turned back to the controls and finally the Tal’galaar made it into the city, passing through the shields and slowing. It took only seconds before [member="Ruus"] could both hear and feel the rumbling of multiple ion drives of the dual Tal’galaar before they landed in single-file on the street nearest the main shield generator. “ Shaadlar! Shaadlar! [Move! Move!]” He roared over his local commlink. The rear hatches of the Tal’galaar opened to reveal the barely lit interior of the Tal’galaar.

A sound of heavy machinery ensued, more than one, the cracking and buzzing overlapped with each other as the sounds of several pairs of footsteps belonging to metal colossus. In few steps two Devastators from each gunship emerged, gleaming in burnished metal suits, equipped with weapons that no normal man could hope to lift let alone use effectively. They were magnificent. The four mechanized super-heavy infantry marched towards the door of the shield generator room. Valdus followed behind them, dwarfing even their large heights with his own. Over his commlink again he spoke loud enough that [member="Ruus"] may hear him without a commlink active. “This is Alor Bral. I am outside the generator chamber, open the door and receive my warriors.” They waited.

In the back of his mind Valdus continued to think about the starship that had seemingly been abandoned. It had to be one of those meddling jedi, sith, or something in between. He knew that normal forces would be no match for one imbued with the witchcraft and sorcery as they were. His thoughts were interrupted when a call from one of the city lookouts called over the commlink, “Perimeter Team Four has been compromised. Possibly a small elite shock force, no visuals. Immediate response required.” Valdus quickly responded, “Where is that located?” The lookout responded with the location of the turret previously operated by the aforementioned team.

If [member="Ruus"] open the door to the generator controls, then the four Mandalorian Devastators would march through and take up positions within the room. “I’m on my way.” Valdus responded to the lookout. It would be easy for Ruus to know where he was going and Valdus didn’t expect to be stopped. Though he did wait for Ruus to explain if the status of the city as he knew it, or at least the shield generator, to him while he was there.

Group 1:
1x Valdus Bral

Group 2:
  • 1x Tal’galaar Gunships (1/1) [Optimally staffed]
  • 1x ARC-170r Squadrons (2/4) [Escorting Gunship]
  • 2x Mandalorian Devastator (AC-12, Haran Launcher) - Defending the main city shield gen room
Location: Hospital, Neonatology Ward
Allies: UCM [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Sterling Kinslayer"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Cleru"]
Enemies: CIS
Post: 3

Beth, a general emotional person, knew that Cleru's upbringing would likely take hold in a situation like. The life or death. The unknown of what would happen. Kark, the unknown of what may happen in minutes, let alone hours or days going forward. Was there a future for Cleru? The twins? Herself, even? She nestled her head against his chest, hiding the tears that continued to trickle down her cheeks.

It took a moment for her to process what he said. Her heart skipped a beat as she stepped back, her hands gripping his upper arms. Her green eyes stared into his red for a moment. Gods, they weren't going to come back from this, were they? She swallowed, gave a small smile, "Yes," she whispered as she placed her hand against his cheek. "Come home to me, Jac'Leru'Rizzem," she said a moment later.

And like that, he was gone. Her eyes wavered at where he stood as she crossed her arms, her instincts begging him to stay. Begging to hear him say he loved her at least one more time... But somehow, she managed to move herself even if it she felt out of her body. She had to stop in the hallway as she leaned her back against the wall. How could she inspire confidence that these sick souls would live? No, the hope in her was slowly being extinguished.

Stepping back into the room with the triplets, she quickly noticed that the room was eerily empty. Only left was the Clan Mortui guards, watching ever diligently over the triplets. Three small babies, so new and full of life.

She stared at the open window, unaware of time or space. She was trapped, for all intents and purposes, useless. There was nothing she could do as her grandmother, Adenn, Star, and... The most important, amazing person of her life went to war. She was just stuck in a hospital room, contributing to nothing.

Bethany Cadera nearly jumped out of her slip on shoes as Taozi came in and suddenly spoke. "I... I don't know, I had stepped out," she muttered as she slowly moved towards the window. "Have you heard anything...? I am going stir crazy in here," she muttered as she winced, feeling another sharp pain ricochet through her body. She grabbed onto the nearby table with a murmur of pain. Man, what had she eaten to upset her so? "I need to do something."


Ruus opened the door and saw Valdus with his compatriots "Welcome to quiet side of the war." Of course Ruus heard the announcements and what not, the fighting, and yeah basically nothing had changed. So when Valdus was done he closed the door behind the big mando and turned to face his officers "Company, I suppose." he shrugged. The Captain walked around the generator a few times and as the other guards milled about, took out a pair of handcuffs and played with them by opening and closing the pair several times.

[member='Valdus Bral']
Objective: Land troops, and choose target​

The ten heavy drop ships moved across the surface of the planet, staying close to the ground. Around them, six squadrons of droid fighters provided low flying escort. As they moved to the grouping zone, the fighters landed on the ground, transforming into their walking forms. Several dropships unloaded large containers from their grapple hooks. Four of them dropped AT-MTs, and two more unloaded a clusters of AM-SVs. And one more unloaded two Crimson Fire tanks. After the grappling hooks unloaded their cargo, the ships landed, and unloaded their massive cargo bays. Hundreds upon hundreds of B1s, B2s, droidekas, DS-D1 Dwarf Spider Droids, and several OG-9 Homing Spider droids. As they assembled, they were placed under the command of the Dauntless commandos, and their Commander and Adjudant. The large group of droids joining forces with the commandos.

In deep space near the edge of the battlefield, far from any other ships, Trajan's artillery ships finished warming up their guns. Soon a target would be chosen and a long range barrage would fall upon them. Trajan tapped his fingers to his masked cheek. The man's tendrils lashed behind him, as he moved the position of his ship ever so slightly. "Alright....soon. Wait just a little more. The time is almost upon us."

[member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]
[member="Luna Terrik"]
Objective: March on the City & Destroy the Shield Generator​
Equipment: Blasters, Armor, Lightsaber, Frag grenades, EMP grendades​
Troops: Company of Dauntless Troopers, Platoon of Dauntless Commandos, Regiment of droid soldiers (B1s, B2s, Droidekas, Dwarf Spider Droids), 2 Crimson Fire tanks, four OG-9, four AM-AT, six AM-SVs, Assorted support troops, 2 Squadrons of grounded Vulture Droids
Tags: [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | @To'Kola Bakari | [member="Valdus Bral"] | @Adenn Kyramud | [member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Keira Cerdulan"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Nathan Vance"]
@All other Mandalorians in the city!
Allya, despite the pain, moved up towards the gathering spot of the troops. There would be no grand speech. The sudden attack had left its mark on them. But the reinforcements of troopers, and droids had made the commandos feel more at ease. Wordlessly, in a grand formation, the group marched on the city. The shield was up, however, once more, history was the key to winning the battle. Long ago, on a planet known as Hoth, the ancient Galactic Empire fought against a shield nearly identical to this one. It had a glaring weakness, like many shields that did not cover the entirety of the planet. It couldn't stop slow moving troops moving into it at the base, that didn't rely on shielding or repulsorlifts.

The treaded tanks, walkers, and OG-9's moved at the head of the column, with the troopers and commandos taking shelter in the shadow of the walking behemoths. Interspersed with the troops were the droids. They moved into the city, away from the parts that had been shelled earlier, creating lots of rubble as the Mandalorians had fought their own city for awhile. .As the column moved towards the shield, they slowed tremendously. Slowly, they pushed through the shield, with little more than a static cling feeling. It felt a lot like moving through thick liquid, however, soon the walkers, droids and commandos pushed through the shielding, and arrived on the other side.

Once on the city side of the shield, she had the forces spread out, so they couldn't be taken out easily by artillery fire. Her lightsaber ignited and she took one of her blasters in the other hand. The Mandalorians had chosen this. They had proven cowards, and monsters time and again. Every time a world was taken, they blew up their own people, or forced them to fight in improbable situations. Every time they attacked someone else, they slaughtered their civilians and it was said even took many prisoners to put into slavery for their Sith Empire Overlords. Her video recorder would catch everything they would do today.

The soldiers marched in towards the city proper, the AM-AT's charged their powerful weapons. Nearly all the civilians had been evacuated, and all that were left, had seemed to take up weapons, turning them into combatants. There was no longer a need to hold back. Though...she wondered what type of threats or torture it had taken to get people who were too injured to even be evacuated to fight. They were probably dying where they stood. Her heart felt compassion for them. These Mandalorian monsters had to be put down.

Location: Taanab City Airspace
Objective: Defend the FOB, Defend ground assault resources
Equipment: Locke and Key Mechanics Scythe Fighter
Allies: CIS
Enemies: UCM

The Scythe rolled,, pitched, yawed, and spun to avoid fire from countless directions. Wing mounted blasters flared to life nearly every second the battle raged in the sky, and on the ground. Nyx's turret did often was focused on keeping enemy fighters at bay as they tried sweeping in from the side or from behind. It wasn't enough just to dodge them, but she had to blast every one of them out of the sky for her squadron's sake. No matter how maneuverable her own ship, battlefield awareness would keep others alive and allow them to fulfill their mission.

What was their mission? Aside from the obvious desire of the CIS to claim victory, the Void Mastiffs called the majority of their own tactical decisions. Since their descent into atmo they'd circled the FOB to offer air support. As more support flew in, the Mastiffs increased their area of activity. As well as a steady stream of weapons fire. From below it would probably be one of those picturesque moments. Something that could be painted with a sea of color, and in the background the shadow of a destroyer is it loitered over the city for a time.

New contacts found their way onto the radar about as quickly as they fell off. Made giving chase to any one group difficult; though they may have given brief chase to some, often they were broken off to not be drawn away from their own line. What good would it be to fixate on any one craft at this point unless they were a direct threat to the advance of CIS forces? The Mandalorians would try to draw Confederacy-aligned fighters away to leave vital targets more vulnerable to attack; or lure fighters into anti-air traps. Though it would be beneficial if they could get close enough to the artillery units for a clean kill.

After some time it appeared the forward operating base was set up; troops and vehicles began lining up and marching toward the shielded area of the city ([member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]). Nyx came around and flew cover over the exposed convey. Flying inside the dome, however, was a decision left to the squadron commander, [member="Keira Cerdulan"]. Given how slow this column of war resources had moved from the base to the heart of the ground theater, the Mastiffs had plenty of opportunity to keep harassing air-borne threats at bay.
Location: Tanaab Outskirts
Allies: [member="Kaden Farr"] l CIS l [member="Alkor Centaris"] l [member="Voph"] l @I dunno he uses a radio at the end so
Enemies: UCM
Objective: Burn.
Equipment: See first post on Page 1
Infiltration, subterfuge, asset denial, HVT extraction, force multiplication, Deniable AO work, target identification, air controller,
And that's just what Karsan learned during his time in the Sith.

He was tearing through the defenders. They were powerless to stop him. They were outclassed, simply. His rage- the inferno, was burning them all. He had run out of ammo for his machine gun, having torn through the defenders like a tidal wave of violence. His violence, his speed, his ferocity, his drive- his anger. Bled out from him in droves, and orchestrated in a series of terrible acts of violence against the defenders. He was covered in blood- but not his. He had begun to use close-quarters combat manuevers. The turbolaser's crew was meager- not grunts. To their credit, they fought, at least.

But as he crushed the skull beneath his crushgaunts, he wondered if it was better if they had simply ran away.

He knew a lot of weapon systems. Enough that they began to blend together. A lot of languages, too. That made things easier. It was easy to manipulate the weapon- to turn this big thing towards the other. They were set up in a sort of 360 degree arc- and the Turbolasers were all capable of maneuvering their turrets in such a manner to destroy targets in a wide variety of ways. Kicking the dead body of the operator out of the way, Karsan leaned over the console- and turned it just shy of 90 degrees.

In the adjacent turbolaser, they saw them turning their turret- and their calls over the radio went unheeded. The crew told them that their shot would be too close to them, to adjust their fire.

To their credit, they were right.

The shot was too close. Too precise.

It destroyed the other turbolaser with a flash and a boom.

Karsan rotated the turret 180 degrees, eyes narrowed in hateful focus- and fired again. The other turbolasers on the other side of the city- opposite of the FOB, went haywire over the radio. Karsan didn't have any explosives with him, but what he did have- was the power cells of the turbolaser. Drawing his disruptor pistol- he undid the panel, and jammed the barrel into the open power cells.

Contrary to popular belief, engineers figured out a long time ago that detonating power cells would cause a problem, so they minimized the explosive impact. Mind you, it wasn't exactly a firework, but it definitely wasn't a grenade. Karsan used his disruptor pistol to specifically burn away the components that held it in- not only did he destroy the power cells, but he destroyed the mechanisms that let them power the turbolaser. No re-activating this one.

Walking away from the turbolaser- Karsan scooped up a blaster rifle, and the chest rig that the militamember was using. Checking the power cell, he took a knee in the makeshift defenses, safe for the moment from enemy fire.

"All CIS assets attempting to breach the city, this is Karsan Calnov. I have punched a hole in the turbolaser network. I say again, I have punched a hole in the turbolaser network. Standing by for tasking."

The Mandalorians called him a monster. An animal. A beast. An exile. They pushed him away. They gave his rage purpose. They abandoned him. Just like his father. Just like the Sith. Just like Darth Carnifex. They left him in a prison. They didn't come for him. His father didn't come for him. His so-called people didn't come for him. The Confederacy- they offered him a place, a purpose, a semblance of camaraderie. They were good to him, better than the Mandalorians, better than his own father, better than the Sith. Part of him wondered where it would end. How it would end. What would happen in the end. But after all of it, he knew they were right. He was a monster. He did things. Horrible things. For nothing, sometimes. Sometimes for money. Sometimes for a cause.

But all these people he was killing- taking lives away, taking brothers from brothers, sons from fathers, daughters from mothers. Ripping families apart. Causing unrelenting grief- that was all for revenge. They were simply in the way. Simply in the way of Karsan's revenge against the so called Mandalorian Empire. He didn't care about them, and he would never again think of them. Their lifeless corpses were just as unimportant to him as they were when they were alive.

[member="Mig Gred"] was right. He was a monster.

But he wasn't always this way.



1. shame on you for not reading my post
2. karsan hijacked a turbolaser, turned it to the other two around it and blew em up and then destroyed it
3. was like 'hey give me something to do I killed a lot of people'
4. he was angry
Location: Advancing with forces into the city
Objective: Push the CIS out of the city and move onto the next objective eventually.
Allies: UCM and Defenders
Enemies: CIS and Attackers
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Cleru"] [member="Beth Cadera"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Voph"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Azmodan"] [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] [member="Valdus Bral"] @Naast'ika [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Darth Metus"] @Karson Calnov [member="Voph"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Orn Pharr"] [member="Mav Vohaloveer"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Azmodan"] [member="Krest"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Garza"] Daxton [member="Bane"] @Gianna [member="Aegis"] [member="Vytal Noctura"] [member="Sterling Kinslayer"][member="Laaran"] [member="Eli-Mae Forrest"] [member="Luna Terrik"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Duckie deWinter"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Kaine Australis"] @Cardinal Vi'dreya and anyone at the Omnia and Metus CIS objectives



The bombardment of the city served one purpose, keep only a narrower lane open that lead straight to Adenn and all his men. Anyone who was killed in the bombardment was a casualty of war, though no doubt more CIS soldiers were killed than Mandalorians, for the Mandos knew to get out, the CIS didn't. That said, no doubt not many did really die, as that wasn't the objective, but their objective was completed. There was now essentially a single alleyway straight to Adenn, and for Adenn straight to the CIS. A resounding success, especially considering the rubble would prevent the movement of a lot of troops that way, practically forcing the enemy down this path.

It seems someone had taken the bait/challenge and came into the city with CIS forces. At that moment a message from Valdus came in, he needed air support. Grinning slightly, it was time to repay Valdus' help. Adenn ordered his troops with anti air weapons to get ready, they were about to get busy. The tian tanks with anti air missile pods turned the things towards the direction Valdus would be coming from, at the same time, Hell's Angel prepared its own weapons for combat. As soon as Valdus would enter range, Clan Mortui would be protecting him. Any CIS ships that kept chasing would soon find that they had several missiles chasing after them.

Even as that happened, Adenn and his forces continued their march, even as artillery boomed, the tanks still thundered along and the titan stomped its way forward. They saw the amassing of troops behind the shield and were eager to finally face the enemy, even as it was only a way to get rid of their desperation. They could finally let their emotions out, finally allow themselves to be lost in the fighting, soon. Then the CIS entered the shield, the only reason Adenn knew of that was thanks to Hell's Angel, the massive titan that towered over everything and could see for miles.

Since it could see so far and was so big, it also meant that it would get the first shot in, right before the artillery that is. Charging up the M-5, Hell's Angel took aim at something that looked important and destructive within the troops attacking. It was a bigger tank, near Allya Vi'dreya, and seemed to be important, not that it mattered why. The canon was charged, then it shot with a loud schwoom, the laser aimed straight towards its intended target and whoever was caught in any AOE.

Then came the artillery barrage, not only from the actual artillery(EL-4) that was on the ground, but also from Hell's Angel once more. Utilizing the top mounted AV-7 artillery alongside the ground artillery, hell was thus unleashed towards the enemy. They fired over and over, shooting their rounds to hit the best possible targets as possible.

Even as that happened, the rest of the troops advanced, while other vehicles prepared to defend themselves and the titan. The Titan tanks were excellent for that, having set up anti missile counters, anti aircraft, and some anti vehicle missile pods on their backs. At the same time there were those who set up positions as snipers along the streets, taking what buildings they could. It was all temporary, but by now the AT-ADs had moved up with their mini guns and shields, marching ever forward as a continual shield for the troops. The rest of the troops and vehicles had spread out, no longer clumped either, it would be far harder now to hit many with an artillery shell. Next came the troops, they had marched in sinc with Adenn and hsi leaders, but not they spread out, taking defensible positions that could be abandoned as they advanced. Even here, even now, they would advance where all else had failed them. Then Adenn opened his comms and uttered 3 words as a battle cry to his vode,
"For our aliit!" (For our families)

It was a call that was repeated up and down the line of troops, they would fight for their families, until death parted them in this existence. They would fight, no matter the cost to themselves, for they couldn't leave the wounded undefended, the civilians homeless, nor each other alone. So they would fight, for their aliit.

Even with the bubble shield up from deWinter, the Chulan continued to pour fire into it, hoping to weaken the shield and get to the fleshy bits inside. It seemed their allies had the same idea, as they too opened fire on them. However, the people inside that shield fought back, seeking to defend themselves. Vytal did her thing with the ground, deWinter shot at them, and Marek shot lightning out at them. All in all, it wasn't looking good for the Chulan.

With the eruption of the very ground beneath them, many of the Chulan couldn't escape in time, and as such were either swallowed by the ground, or partially buried. A few were even sent flying backwards due to the force of it. Those that were knocked into the ground were easy prey for deWinter, quickly being overwhelmed by the attack. Those further back were less affected, by both attacks. With those who were attacking close enough to be affected by the ground shifting in such a manner were affected the most oviously, sinking into the ground through the cracks, falling over and then being hit by deWinter, or barely managing to stay standing. Meanwhile those in the trees fared better, as the ground affected the trees and not the Chulan.

That said, they didn't sit idly by, even as the lightning flung out and ripped into another few members of the group, the Chulan who were hidden revealed themselves in a sudden attack. At the same time the snipers opened up as well. This time it was all the snipers, though out of an original 30 Chulan, there were now only 23 left, the rest having died or were still being drained of their blood. Those close enough, around 7, had used bacta and kolto to prevent their wounds from worsening, thus saving themselves for now.

Now they were all mad though, and mad Chulan wasn't something people wanted, for they got really violent then. As one, they let out a piercing roar of anger and hatred before redoubling their attacks. The entire time snipers had been shooting, but now they were all shooting. Having finally revealed themselves, the Chulan on the ground spread out, continuing to shoot with their weapons, while the snipers targeted all 3 from further away.


7 Chulan dead, everyone who was cloaked decloaked, and all of them shooting at deWinter, Vytal, and Marek.

Troops spread out on the ground to enclose the group, shooting plasma canons on shoulders and verpine shatterguns at the trio. Snipers also taking potshots at the trio.

There wasn't as much fire on the entire fleet as expected, something all of the Clan Mortui fleet were grateful for. Though their manuever was semi obvious, it seemed that the CIS really didn't have many geniuses, if any, amongst their ranks. It wasn't something they were known for. However, whoever was in charge of the SSD was smart with what they did, rerouting power to thrusters, something that others may have overlooked. As such, while the hammerheads would deal with the SSD, the rest of the fleet would fire upon the escorts. When the guns turned to the ships, they merely decreased all non essential systems, and some essential systems, across all decks and pushed that power into the shields and engines.

Because the Hammerhead Destroyers hadn't taken much fire during their run, their shields were near full. As such, with a boost of power, the shields managed to hold off much of the fire from the XR canons. However, something had to break, even after only such a short time. These were dreadnought killing weapons, and though the destroyers were SSD rammers, their shields weren't good enough to hold forever. As such the shields would be overloaded eventually. To minimize a complete shield shutdown and destruction of the generators, the captains had certain sections of the shields dropped, letting the fire in through there.

When the fire came through, parts of the hull were burnt through, corridors exposed to atmo, and bits and pieces broke off. Those pieces that fell off went on to fall towards the ship or the planet, but would no doubt not do much damage. It didn't matter though, nothing truly important was hit in those moments, and then it was their turn to hit back. Giving even more power to the engines, still hoping to push the SSD into the ground, the destroyer then prepared their boarding pods. On the right side of the ship in the middle of the Resolve, the Hammerhead opened its boarding pod launchers while the ship at the front of the ship increased power to the engines even more.

With each pod filled with explosives, same as the ships(though far in the center, too deep to be hit easily), their targets weren't picked with complete care. However, it was with enough care to do enough damage as possible. The Hammerhead towards the middle of the ship fired the 20 pods on that side of the ship. 15 went towards the center, right where the dip started(right side of main image and below bridge in middle), while the other 5 went straight towards the bridge. At the same time, the other 20 on the left side of the ship were fired towards the other part of the dip(again, in the middle of the ship, but this time to the left).

Those pods were sent out in the hopes of blowing something up. That said, their safety measures had been taken out, and they did not have their drop pod slowing mechanisms active, instead hoping to push them into the hull before blowing them up. The other ship had its drop pods removed, instead they had been moved to a Kanjiklub star deceiver, one that had been modified to shoot drop pods as well. Said deceiver moved down towards the planet, further behind the SSD, but still close enough to launch its own drop pods. Once in position roughly behind the Resolve, the Kanjiklub deceiver had aimed all its pods towards the engines, before firing.

While there were 40 actual drop pods being sent towards the engines, it seemed as if there were actually 80. The Deceivers had holographic image disguises after all, and it used those to disguise other weapons, tools, and trash as pods. These were all sent towards the engines, hoping to damage or destroy the engines, forcing the ship to crash or 'gracefully' land on the planet. As soon as any of the pods had latched on, dug into the ship itself, or overall completed their run on the SSD, they'd do what their jobs was, explode violently.

Mors Classemque (Death Fleet)


Hammerheads take damage, increase engine power to keep pushing down.

Drop pods filled with explosives shot at SSD. 5 at bridge, 15 at edge below bridge, right side. 20 at edge on left of gap in the middle.

Kanjiklub Deceiver moves down behind and fires drop pods at the engines to blow them up. 80 total shown, only 40 are actual drop pods.
I am a son of the Mountain.

Objective: Destroy the Defense Battery
Location: City Limits, Automated Defense Battery
Tags: [member="Valdus Bral"]
Posts: IV



There was a vicious snap as man in Cardinal's arms had his neck broken. The Sandali warrior had taken him into a bear like hug and it did not take long before his bones finally gave way under the pressure. Loosening his grip, he allowed the body to fall lifelessly to the ground. Blood splattered the mans face and crossed his armor, some had even leaked into his mouth at this point. He inhaled, pooling the blood and spit into his mouth before spitting a crimson slob onto the ground beneath him. He wiped the sweat from his brow before bringing his warspear up to rest on his shoulder. The blade itself was slick with the blood of his enemies. He could feel the Force leeching off of the death and blood, granting him a well of power to drink from. With the enemy soldiers defeated, it left him alone with the automated gun battery.

His sunburnt eyes rose to scan the area around him. The city was now in a larger uproar than it had been in. The aircraft that flew in the nearby skies were a mix of Confederate and Mandalorian craft, yet as time continued Cardinal could see more and more of their army. The invasion was progressing. It was slow going, however they were taking ground. He pulled his warspear down from his shoulder, just in time to hear the extremely loud slam that came from the gun battery. Cardinal turned from the device, closing his eyes as a fog of dust was kicked up from the blast.

These guns needed to come down.

There was only a single terminal that the man could see from where he stood. He approached it, although he could expect what he would be met with. Locked. The terminal had been pass code secured so that only the Mandalorian soldiers could access their defense systems. He could not even deactivate this gun without patching into the system. He grunted in agitation, his fist slamming into the terminal's screen. The glasteel shattered under his fist, sprinkling onto the ground under him. He turned back to look over his shoulder, yet again checking for any more of the Mandalorian guards. When the streets revealed themselves to be quiet, Cardinal looked back up to the gun. He could bring the gun down with the Force, but that would take more concentration than he wanted to sacrifice in the middle of a warzone. No, he would have to do it another way, or a sniper would find him a fine target. He glanced over to one of the Mandalorian bodies, looking at the thermal detonators strapped to their belts.

"That would do it." He said, with a confident smirk. After hastily fastening his warspear to his back, he rushed over to one of the bodies, pulling the thermal detonators from the corpse. He would need plenty of explosives to take the gun down, but luckily there were plenty of bodies.

Location: Farm - a dozen miles or so out of the capital city.
Wearing: Armor
Gear: 1 Spear, Clawed Gauntlets, Blaster Pistol, Utility Belt
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Company
Enemies: MCU-Mandalorians & Compatriots - Chulan, Deathtroopers of krieg
Specific Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Marek Starchaser"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

Vytal felt a blaster bolt brush against her left arm as the Dathomiri woman rose to her feet behind the barrier of [member="Scherezade deWinter"]. Pain mattered not. Mandalorians had set foot on her world? Sought to enslave the Clans of the Nightsisters? They believed themselves to be superior and that was enough to drink in every ounce of pain so she could revisit on those vile, metal-drinking scum; and keep beating them until their entire species -- or culture or whatever in the Pits they were -- recognized the folly of what they had done.

She leaped from one foot to the other across the ground toward a Deathtrooper ([member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]); meanwhile Vytal tried to keep the barrier between her and bulk of enemies to provide as much cover as possible during her assault. Three lingered within reach. Three that sought to hide behind their technology. A ball of death sailed by, and her thoughts carried along Scherezade's Battle Meld of its passing. It too mattered not. For at that moment the other woman's Force sense carried the Nightsister forth, spear in hand. With a cry she lunged and stabbed the 'primitive' weapon at the Deathtrooper's chest. If she could not kill with a single thrust, Vytal would drop under the hovering one's reach and seek to strike the repulsor pack with the length of the spear. A downed enemy was easier to skewer through the neck.

More blaster fire washed over the air. It forced Vytal to dance, pivoting about the Mandalorians she fought. How confident were they in their marksmanship, or loyal to one another were these offworlders exactly? Time to find out.

Had she not expended a good deal of energy on the Earthquake the dead bodies might have been a tempting target for animation. Such a ritual, however, was not trivial; and with how exposed they were it would also be dangerous. Instead, Vytal's piercing gaze snapped to the three in the air looking to rain death on the deWinter woman in a pause between battle and narrowly avoiding streaks of light. Her left hand shot upward, "Bones of the earth, blood of the sky, darkness quickens, and the body burns." Distance mattered not to the blossoming of agonizing pain. A debilitating affliction that spread through the body. Weapons of the mind could be as deadly on a battlefield as a blaster.

Her thoughts drifted to the male with them. This [member="Marek Starchaser"] that knew the deWinter woman. They needed to clear their immediate area and carve a path to better cover. Scherezade's earthen barrier could not last forever with the endless barrage of weapons fire; and the trio would never get within striking distance of the vast majority of their enemies confined as they were. The snipers in particular were a nuisance with their precision shots singing in Vytal's ear with a scant miss ([member="Adenn Kyramud"]).

Searing pain of her own flared along Vytal's left leg. One of the metal-munching monsters must have taken advantage of her seeking to stab the minds of their fellow warriors. Teeth clenched, the Nightsister's spear spun and she renewed her assault on the nearest Mandalorian. A flurry of thrusts with the advantage of the reach of her spear, and the close quarters against wailing some technological death ray machine. Knock the weapon aside, thrust at their chest or head. A jab to the shoulder would help dissuade them from trying to shoot her while Vytal was busy murdering them. Armor was the problem; something these Mandalorians had in spades. Look for the weakness -- a gap, or softer material -- and assail it like any other beast.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

[SIZE=9pt]Location: The Capital[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: UCM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies: CIS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Tags: [/SIZE] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] [member="Voph"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Corran Conner"] [member="Krest"] [member="Livia Maddox"] [member="Gerhard Manndorf"] [member="Srina Talon"] [member="Xobos Yakieer"] [member="Cypher Rage"]
[SIZE=9pt]Gear and Forces: Bio +[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Mando'ad'jetii[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Basilisk[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Enigma[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Gred Fleet[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], a [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]V1 astromech[/SIZE]

Elijah yelled to his officers as the fire came forward to the Kad.

"Shield double forward and rotating! Focus laser cannon fire on those torpedoes!" The Keros' Kad took a beating from to the shielding, but still held out. The laser cannons really didn't stop anything. They weren't design to track and fire missiles. They did hit one by sheer luck, but the rest hit. Elijah then looked at his bridge crew. "Keep up the fire. Put every heavy advance proton torpedo we have into that thing!" The Nebulan-B2 that had just begun to take fire focused her cannons on the Spear as well, unleashing all her weapons and four concussion missile at the large ship. The second wasn't so lucky.

The Hypervelocity cannons were doing their job. but the ships captain had an idea. He focused the weapons fire like the frigate's sister ship, only finding they couldn't be fired, but the engines soon rumbled to life as it accelerated forward. The frigate pointed midship of the Spear as escape pods launched. It was probably clear what was happening, but it didn't matter. If the ship was going down, the captain would take something with him! Elijah watched all this, and only pulled off his helmet. The ship was already breaking apart, one of its chins sheering away and explosions beginning to rock it from the inside, so whether she even made it would even make it was a coin toss. A losing one. The vessel finally broke apart and fell into atmosphere. She was gone.... At least most of the crew escaped the fires of a death by reentry. Elijah sighed. Make sure they didn't die in vain.

Meanwhile, the CR90s turned their guns from the Roon's Spear, and poured their firepower into one of the attacking Deathsalkers, and the one Enigma still with the main fleet turned on her own attackers. She opened up with her Varactyls, four proton torpedoes, and quad laser turrets. Around the HeVeSFs, the Enigmas engaged they're boost to hopefully out pace the turbolaser's tracking. They still took plenty of hits, but the pair ran in for yet another run, all weapons and four torpedoes each open on the Zhan's Cannon. Meanwhile, the Viper's began to be hunted, but they had their tricks. The fighters used their speed, agility, and reverse engines to out maneuver the enemy fighters, and began to fire on them while the Brawlers focused in on the Deathstalker the CR90s engaged, though some were lost from it.

On the surface, Mig was ready to fight. He went at [member="Krest"] , blocking any blow that would come. He could hear the battle around them, but he was focused. He had to beat this guy. Mig wasn't going to let him win. And then he slipped. He saw it just soon enough to try. And ax heading for his neck. Mig went to duck, but felt it impact the left side of his helmet. He hit the ground with a thud. Dang it! He started to get up as the tank pulled in front of Krest, and a familiar, Force Dead medic pulled Mig away.

"Alor! Mig! By the Manda. I need to get him to the hospital, ASAP! Keep that... thing from attacking us!" Ilik pulled him over to a Claymore that was heading to the hospital, stopping them and placing the man onto the hull. "Go go go!" Mig looked over to the medic before tapping his helmet. Good. The comms still worked. He quickly linked in to [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] .

"Tamar.... Ner Kar'ta.... I... this is pretty bad." Ilik was about ready to slap Mig at this point.

"Hey, this isn't it if I have anything to say about it!"

Meanwhile. ten Claymore Tank Destroyers, and eight Princeps-Class Light Tanks moved to intercept [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] 's force, while the eight Arachnid-AT, and four Yoma-ABs began to fire from their positions, moving away from the hospital before firing.

Fleet (links above):

[SIZE=9pt]In space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Keros' Kad (Modified MC30c): 20% shield damage[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]2x Nebulan-B2s: 1 shields 80% 1 Destroyed[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]3x Enigma-class: Loner: Shields 90%, Pair: 72% and 70%[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]4x CR90s[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]2x Viper Squadrons: 7 fighters down[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]2x Brawler Squadrons: 2 fighters down[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Viper Squadron[/SIZE]

Fleet actions:

  • The fleet damage from [member="Xobos Yakieer"] 's attacks, and some fighters are lost.
  • The Keros' Kad fires all six advanced heavy proton torpedoes at the Roon's Spear, and focuses all weapons on it, while the just engaged Nebulan-B2 focuses fire on it as well.
  • The heavily damaged Nebulan-B2 goes to ram the Roon's Spear, but breaks up before getting close.
  • The lone Enigma turns to engage one of the Deathstalkers attacking it with turbolasers, quad lasers and 4 proton torpedoes.
  • The pair of Enigmas make another attack run, firing the Zhan’s Cannon with heavy turbolasers and 4 proton torpedoes each, while their quad laser turrets fire on the Deathsalkers.
Where: Having jumped away to regroup and reload after detonating a micro-nova to the rear of enemy fleets, the Dagtan Fleet now returns to the Taanab System to rejoin the battle.
When: Present-day
Allies: CIS and Allies
Enemies: UCM and Compatriots

Fleet: 45,373.66m
1x Ne’tra’galaar III
7x Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers
10x Valiant II-class Star Destroyers - 2 destroyed
10x Gestalt-class Artillery Destroyers - 1 destroyed
5x Heart Seeker Frigates
5x Siege Breaker Frigates
6x Mazzoc-class Corvettes - 2 destroyed
84 Squadrons (1,008) Vulture Droids - All destroyed; returning with 30 Squadrons (360) more after refit.

The Dagatan Fleet exited hyperspace and moved to reinforce [member="John Locke"] immediately. She deployed fifteen of her thirty squadrons of starfighters.

“Locke, this is Visanj T’shkali of the Dagatan Fleet. We’re glad you haven’t died yet. If you kindly tell us where you want us, my Fleet and I are at your command. How copy, over?”

Simultaneously, Tully was broadcasting to the fleet.

“Our Baroness has here, joining Locke’s rearguard. All Blood Captains are to assume that Locke’s commands are her words and obey entirely, provided this businessman doesn’t order you to surrender, in which case, disobey with stunning panache. No Dagatan is to leave this field unless he carries victory with him.” Tully ended the broadcast. “You trust this businessman, Vi?”

“I do. He’s held his line out here against all manner of odds, and he’s still here. Wouldn’t you say that speaks to something in him, Tully?”

“Courage or stupidity, one or the other, but either way, he’s got it in spades.” Tully said, in his usual tone of respectful cynicism, “The party crashers are away.”

“Good, send firing coordinates across the fleet and tell them to pour it on. If Locke can hold his line this way, we can do our part too,” Vi responded, “And tell those fighters to make their targets bleed. Shadow bombs and Deathstrike Missiles on the capital ships, make it rain!”

As the ships moved to fill gaps in Locke’s line, Visanj downed her scotch and watched the battle on the display. “Aries,” She said, handing him the empty tumbler, “No more ‘til it’s over and we’re all wet with Mando blood.” The droid took the tumbler and responded, “I’m looking forward to your toast, Baroness.”

[SIZE=9pt]Where:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Landing Point near [/SIZE]Srina Talon
[SIZE=9pt]When:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]Present-day[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]CIS and Allies[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies:[/SIZE] [SIZE=9pt]UCM and Compatriots[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]What:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 600 Dagatan Raiders, 30 GE-DSD[/SIZE]s, 50 GE-EMDs

The dropships came in low, flying nape of the planet’s terrain as they made their approach. This arrival wasn’t planned, taking Srina Talon by surprise.

“Hello Lady,” came a familiar voice, “I thought you might get lonely so I sent you some traveling companions. Six hundred Dagatan Raiders and a few toys to help you out down there. Let them take point, they're eager for a fight. I am placing them under your direct command, and you’ll find no more fearless and loyal troops.”

The Dagatan Raiders began to disembark, staying clear of the big lizard.

“These Confederates aren’t norma….” said one as he looked up at the beast.

“Stow it Sergeant. You heard the Baroness, we serve this Queen, to the last drop of blood among us or until this fight’s over! Remember your Baroness men! This is a Confederate Op, their rules, their way. Any man so much as musses the hair of a civilian, and his entire bloodline is erased. Think of your younglings, men, our Baroness isn’t one to back off a promise made. By the same token, she is the Scion of the Grey Lady, and in Shalya’s name, we will honor our vows to the last man! Go and make Dagata proud once more, and know that our Baroness is with us! For Dagataaaaaaaaaaaaa!”Cried their commander!

The force, six-hundred strong, rushed to tactical formation. In tow, 30 GE-DSDs and 50 GE-EMDs, useful assets on days like today.

“Ma’am, er, Queen, or whatever the hell you are, we’re here.Name’s Dalen, you command me, I command them.The Baroness says we belong to you for this, so just point at what you want dead and we’ll start killin’! You have us to the last man or until these Mando scum are stacked up like cordwood. I’m to tell you, the Baroness made clear, it’s your op. We gut these mongrels your way. Say the word.” Said one of the Raiders, wearing red pauldrons, “The droids are yours too, little gift from the Baroness. She said we’re not supposed to let you stain your dress today!” Dalen laughed over the comm.

"Have fun!" Vi said over the comms as the dropships lifted off again.
Location: Pandath, Tanaab
Allies: CIS
Enemies: UCM

He watched as the chaos started to stir, blasts from massive cannons chewing away at ground forces. Turbolasers rounded on one another and started exploding, and someone detonated the last one manually. Alkor was pleasantly surprised- it appeared that the Mandalorians had been forced from their holding pattern into desparation. The way it appeared from on high, at least, they were filtering like madmen into the streets, firing at any target they could see, and even their massive battle automaton had joined the fray.

There was no turning back from this point. The chaos had reached its boiling point, and now the brew was spilling over. With the city itself quickly shifting priorities, Alkor's command had taken, and without any serious resistance. The Mandalorians had come to defend the Spaceport, it was true, but they did so without factoring in the city's own fortifications. Now, they would learn to lament that fact.

The allied CIS ships were issued landing clearance as their IFFs were registered and received. [member="Adron Malvern"] and his ships would receive notice in that instant, as Alkor delved deeper into the Pandath network. With the Invasion force on the ground, whether the shield held or not, the Mandalorians would be outnumbered on land.

The city's defensive implacements- separate from those brought and commanded by the Mandalorians- now booted up. Small autoturrets rose and began to target the myriad X-wings. It would prove to be a drop in the bucket, perhaps, but some covering fire for the Exarch's efforts would not be balked at, certainly.

The Security Droids were online now. Running the data and sending it out, Alkor started to tap the commands to change their authorization from detain to kill- but that would take some time. For now, harassing the Mandalorian Force was ample enough.

He glanced to [member="Bedrovelse Hevn"] and nodded. "A moment more and we can get out there too," he told the Ensolican, "I'm almost done here."


Mandalorian Prophet

Location: Outside the Hospital
Allies: UCM [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] [member="Sterling Kinslayer"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Beth Cadera"]
Enemies: CIS [member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Bedrovelse Hevn"]
Post: 5

"Sir." That was Alpha. Cleru brought up his com. They found him a target. "Go ahead Alpha." A quick motion of his hand and all of Foxtrot paused their advancement. If Alpha was messaging them, it had to be important.

"Somethings wrong at the spaceport. Droids have begun to target allies. I think the enemy has begun hacking the defenses there. If they succeed, I fear they will use the spaceport to land more CIS troops into the city. I recommend immediate action be taken."

So not all was as it seemed. If some of the enemy had slipped ahead, even with the planetary shields still up all it would take is for them to be shut down, and the CIS could start landing troops immediately in the city. "Adenn, somethings come up. I give you command of Alpha through Echo to finish your plan. They should be ready in only two minutes." Exactly two minutes from when he said. The Chiss were certainly punctual.

"I'll meet up with you once I settle this other issue. Stay alive. I don't want to be a new dad alone." A rare show of concern from the otherwise emotionless Chiss spy. It was the last thing he'd say before the whole squad of Foxtrot went dark, cloaking and disappearing into the streets.

Through their personal coms Cleru would speak, giving out his orders. "Pointbreak, Miner, take point. We're going to be dealing with a lot of droids if they've turned on the UCM. Sixes, cover our rear. Fixer, how long do you think it will take to make an EMP?"

"Depends on how big, sir."

"Enough to knock out the droid resistance on our way to the control tower, if we run into any."

"Five, ten minutes top."

"You have three. Specs, can you remote counter hack?"

"No, sir. The most I could do is flood the system with commands from here. It will slow them down, but it won't stop them."

Cleru let out a sigh. They were going to have to get in and get dirty. "Do it, buy us as much time as you can. Heavy, if worse comes to worse I want you to blow up that tower. Understood?" If the tower was destroyed, they wouldn't be able to reverse what has been put in motion, but at least they could prevent it from getting any worse. Provided Specs was able to stall the hack.


They weaved through the streets, sticking to the shadows to help their active camo and keep them from being spotted, at least for now. They would arrive in the spaceport in only two more minutes at this pace, but it's there they'd likely be found. Please, let time be on their side for once.
Location: The Resolve
Objective: Break their spirit​
Equipment: Ciniel & Istatha, Voph's Kinesuim Armor, Voph's Nanovest, Voph's Cloak, Voph's Ri-Qorit, Voph's Helmet (Available, not currently worn), Voph's D3-KK Shield, Voph's Ring (Worn on the left ring finger, outside the gauntlet), Voph's Mantle, Darcy AI
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems​
Targets: United Clans of Mandalore, and any sympathizers.​
Fleet: See bottom of Post​
Specific Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"] || [member="John Locke"] || [member="Kat Decoria"] || [member="Livia Maddox"] || [member="Adenn Kyramud"] || [member="Srina Talon"] || [member="Valdus Bral"] || [member="Nathan Vance"] || [member="Maeve Archeron"] || [member="Joannis Campbell "]|| [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] || [member="Madalena Antares"] || [member="Kurenai Yumi"] || [member="Darth Metus"]] || [member="Dezoti"]​
Post: Five​
Resolve was in a spot of trouble. That much Voph wouldn't deny. Fighters were screaming towards them, and those damn destroyers were still on him. Voph had to admit, however, he was impressed at how sturdy the design had become after all these years. But no longer. There was a mission to do. But even then, there were...complications. At this range, any attempt to launch would be met with...resistance. "Dax, we have a job to do. Give me options."

"On it sir, hang on!"

Voph turned, gesturing to a panel on the other side of the room. The Force moved about his arm, and pressed a switch to relay his orders to Tactical. "Tactical. Get these destroyers off my ass." There was no response, but none was needed. "We got incoming. Fighters, targeting our engine pylon. Helm, do something about it. Use secondary channels, get our fighters over here NOW." This, of course, was a formality. As soon as the fighters were launched, the Octarchy's own swarm of fighters descended upon the Resolve, firing on anything not utilizing a Confederate IFF tag. "Sensors can't get a lock, boss, they've got some kind of interference."

Voph stepped away from his console, and allowed himself to recenter. "Only when they're not firing. We can tank a few hits, but if that engine pylon fails, we're in trouble. Pilots and gunners, pick your targets, utilize visual scanning. As the humans are so fond of saying, eyeball it. Dax, what's the situation on our problem?"

Silence for a moment. Then Aklin's voice filtered through the Comm line. "Working on it, boss. Trying to establish comms with ground on...Wait." Silence. Voph saw it as soon as Aklin did. "GET DOWN!"

The destroyers had launched boarding pods. Boarding pods loaded with explosives. Explosions began to sound along the length of the hull. That in and of itself wasn't concerning. The armor was thick, and no essential systems were located along the hull. What the Mandalorians hoped to accomplish there, Voph had no idea. But the five sent directly to the bridge....

Voph sat up slowly, feeling the wind on his face. Wind. Exposed hull. He shook his head to clear it as he stood to his feet. The Bridge had taken a direct hit. Not much of the structure was left, and his proximity to the structure had nearly gotten him killed. A shard of metal had pierced his armor, and the blood was freely pouring down his breastplate.

"Dax! Councilor Dax! Damnit Aklin talk to me!"

"Bridge was hit boss. No survivors."

Voph swore. "Re route command to the battle bridge. I'm on my way. Take the Shield Caster offline, maintain ship shielding. Use the extra power to augment our engines, and get comms back online!" Voph began to limp out of what used to be a Meditation Chamber, down the hall towards the lift directly to the battle bridge. "Response teams, get all survivors off the bridge pylon and seal the deck." Voph turned and slumped against the wall of the elevator as it began to move, brow furrowing into a glare as he looked at the destroyer off his port. "I'm going to do the Bothawui Maneuver."

"Boss, at this altitude--"

"You heard me."

Voph sighed quietly as his order was enacted. He gritted his teeth, and pulled the shard of metal from his breast, eliciting a cry of pain and rage as he did so. The signal was sent to the Vanguard and Bastion. Dropships were prepared for lift off. Filled to the brim with soldiers and guns, there was just the matter of making landfall. Voph pushed himself to his feet. Bothawui Maneuver had worked wonders at the battle of its namesake. But that had been from low orbit. Not two miles above the ground. He cursed again. Aklin was gone. One of the few friends he had in this galaxy. Gone like dust in the wind. Voph wasn't just determined anymore. He was angry. The Mandalorians had crossed a line.

As he stepped into the Battle Bridge, the Holo-conference reconnected. His armor was torn and scratched from the explosion, but he was alive. He looked to the side at [member="Adron Malvern"] and barked, "Exarch, Resolve is holding. We're launching the invasion force now. The planet will be ours momentarily."

He stepped into the Meditation Chamber that had been built alongside the Battle Bridge. "Target the destroyer off our port. Full Broadside. And launch the Landers." Voph collapsed to his knee, the focus of remaining on his feet beginning to overwhelm him. But he reached out, and slipped back into the Battle Meditation. His forces needed all the help they could get. XR cannons, turbo lasers, heavy turbo lasers, Ion cannons, the works, all turned to their mark. Then in a stunning flash of light, the entire might of the Resolve was poured into destroying the hammerhead that dared think it was enough to break Confederate resolve.

Simultaneously, the landing ships emerged from the hangers. Smaller craft, shuttles to most. The moment they exited the hanger, power was cut to all systems. They began to freefall towards the planet, with all souls aboard praying that the Maneuver worked. Hundreds of soldiers were now bound for the surface. The Mandalorian Admiral who had been smart enough to take notice of the Resolve was too late.

The invasion had begun.

Fleet Information

[*]Support Craft Hanger

[*]Archwing Destroyer x2
[*]Vertigo-Class x1
[*]Aquila ECM Corvette x1

[*]15,000 Meter Configuration: (x2)

[*]Archwing Destroyer x5
"Task Force" refers to all present and functional vessels.
  • Resolve restores communications, taking RSC module offline to maintain additional power to engines.
  • Resolve is hit by Explosive Filled Boarding pods, resulting in minor damage to the hull, and catastrophic damage to the Flight Bridge, killing all aboard.
  • 15 squadrons of Octarch Fighters engaging stealth bombers under command of [member="Dezoti"]
  • 25 Squadrons of Archon Bombers are preparing to bomb Mandalorian ground positions, escorted by a half compliment of Mynock Interceptors.
  • Resolve takes fire from Fighter based Ion Weaponry to Engine Pylon, minimal effect
  • Boarding pods launched at Resolve's Engine pylon are targeted by Resolve's Point Defense System, resulting in negligible damage taken by Engine Pylon.
  • Resolve firing all weapons at Port side Hammerhead, maximum charge where applicable.
  • Resolve is launching Dromund and Oberon class landing vessels in The Bothawui Maneuver. The craft exit the hanger, and cut all power to freefall to the planet below, in an attempt to register as falling debris on Mandalorian sensors. Remaining Mynock Interceptors moving to defensive positions.
  • Vanguard and Bastion carriers launching Oberon and Dromund class landing Vessels, on approach to City per [member="Alkor Centaris"] reprogramming the Spaceport's Landing Permissions network.
  • Archwing Destroyers descending to atmosphere, taking positions to assist Resolve.
  • Aquila-class Cruiser continuing to provide Jamming Field in Tanaab Orbit
[member="Taozi Fuyuan"]

For all the trouble they caused, there was no doubt in Daxton’s mind that they provided the most challenge to his schemes. Outnumbered they fought with bravery and determination, a sheer hardness of spirit that he had come to admire. But even the most toughest warriors grew tired, and in those instances, the relentless horde of droids and feral creatures of nightmare sank blade and fang in exposed sections.

In section of the city under his control, dozens of surgeon droids were busy at work with the dead and not quite dead. Experience and practice on mandalorians in previous conflicts established patterns where they could break through the nonresisting bodies and harvest the genetic material, like cracking open a hot baked crab and sucking the fleshy meat within, before the broken carcass was toss aside for the next victim on the operating table.

Samples and data was streaming directly to his battleship in a constant stream, it was almost like watching soldier ants transporting a meal back to the hive. Soon this world would fall and more data would be collected for his studies, his dark little projects. But the Dark Lord’s musings were interrupted by reports of resistance, coming from what his scouts were determining to some sort of medical facility.

Perhaps it was time for these Mandalorians to come face to face with true fear, as he touched his comms and had the artillery lay a thick blanket of chemical smoke over a three block area leading to the target, to cut down visibility. Once the barrage commenced, he reached out to the Dark Side and drank deeply of its energy. Anyone who could sense the Force would feel a staggering disturbance, very unnatural pulling at the pit of their stomach. Those untrained or not used to such energies will feel a deep sense of dread, malice and uncertainty. To those familiar to such dangers, it would feel like someone poured gasoline on a beacon fire and it was flaring wildly.

Raising his hand at the pile of armored corpses, he began quickly muttering a foul incantation in a language that sounded both profane and defiled, before the bodies began to twich and move. Hungry unseeing eyes turned to the master of their fate as he instructed them to raze the facility to the ground and kill any organics that got in their way. Slowly at first they shuffled their way in the direction of the hospital, gradually picking up speed as the spell took hold and empowered their dead flesh, enfusing it with speed, strength and unnatural hunger for flesh. Like a horde of rabid dogs they would charge in without fear as long as their corpses were intact enough to be mobile, crawl forward in they were not. The only true way to stop them was to ground them into unmoving pieces, a true horror for the defenders although they were not yet aware what was coming.

Drained from casting such a powerful Sith Sorcery, Daxton sat down on a upturned barrel to catch his breath as the orbalisk colony began to repair the damage caused when he released so much Dark Side energy at once.
[SIZE=11pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Join assault force near shield[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Taanab sky-space[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Allies[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]: CIS[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]: UCM[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tags [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][member="Nyx N1X3"] @Allya Vi’dreya[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Nothing had been particularly making sense during the fight, though then again that very well could’ve just been the spice making things a bit more confusing. After her little strafing run Keira somewhat aimlessly fought in the skies before the young Vi’dreya’s rallying cry came to her ears, and the ears of her squadron (and or what counted for ears, in the case of certain members) of the advance on the city hidden under that pretty little shield.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Alas, Keira was a seasoned pilot. She knew that she likely [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]could [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]just go and breach the shield and fly around inside it? But, Keira for as much of a thrill seeker as she was had a remarkably stupid sense of self preservation that flicked on and off seemingly at random. Any worthwhile defense would have more than enough AA inside the shield that even her dumb luck would run out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So, she merely joined her droid companion as they flew. Watching over the convoy as they made their way into the city, in the end she’d only be skirting the edges of the shield until it fell. Then the Mastiffs could hopefully, finally, be let loose.[/SIZE]
Objective: Destroy the Shield Generator, no matter the cost
OOC Objective: To allow more people to interact, by lowering the City Shields.
Special Thanks for help with locations: Adenn & Lorie
Equipment: Blasters, Armor, Lightsaber, EMP Grenades, Frag Grenades
Tags: [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | All other Mandalorians in the City!
Troops: Troops: Company of Dauntless Troopers (Minor Losses), Platoon of Dauntless Commandos (minor losses), Regiment of droid soldiers (B1s, B2s, Droidekas, Dwarf Spider Droids) (10% loses), 1/2 Crimson Fire tanks, four OG-9, 4 AM-AT, 5/6 AM-SVs, Assorted support troops (minor loses), 2 Squadrons of Vulture Droids (43/48)

Back at the FOB, Crash oversaw the powering on of the anti-air guns, the placement of the medical tent, and the installation of the command tent, and all it’s sensors and comm units. His eyes, hidden by his visor went out to the city. He wasn’t near Allya’s side. It was one of the first times in the many battles they had fought together. While her injuries should have kept her down too, he knew she wouldn’t allow that to stop her. But it filled his heart with unease. He was fond of the tiny little munchkin.

Deep in the city, the attack began. She felt it, and saw it coming on the sensors. “SCATTER! MOVE TO THE RIGHT! INTO THE RUBBLE!” Her fingers tapped a command to the droid starfighters. Without hesitation, they picked up their feet, converted to fighter mode, and took off fast. They stayed low to the ground, and performed a trench run maneuver through the rubble of the city, heading roughly in the north direction. The tank's powerful treads gave them some traction and one of them managed to begin to climb the rubble of the destroyed buildings, heading to the right from the path they had been on. Commandos scattered, hiding deep in the destroyed structures, along with the troops. While the droids attempted to get out of the way, many simply couldn't move fast enough. They exploded as the artillery blasts hit. As the blasts rocked the area, Allya ducked into the rubble. As the larger Fire tank sat unable to get away, lodged on the rubble, it's crew, rather than abandoning the vehicle set a course for its missile payload. They launched up into the air with a brilliant glow, just moments before the massive laser blast came down and utterly destroyed the vehicle. It exploded into a multitude of pieces. The missiles moved swiftly towards the shield generator.

As Mig's forces engaged from a distance, some minor casualties happened. However, with the explosions, the laser blasts and the like, the added destructive force was barely even noticed. It definitely took out more of the droids. But the distance, along with the fact that the group was already moving before the first of the artillery landed, helped to keep it to a reasonable fraction. However, the casualties were piling up. They had a single shot at this.

Allya and the commandos/troopers hid deep in the rubble. Several of the pockets gave way, crushing those unlucky few who hid inside for shelter. However, for the most part, they began to weave their way through the ruins, and head towards the river. The rubble, the sparking electricity, and flowing water would make it hard for them to be tracked as they moved through it.

Above, the walkers clawed into the rubble. Claw like legs hoisted them slowly up the mountain of rubble. They knew their orders, and regardless of if it cost them their lives, they would accomplish the task. High upon the rubble, due to the destruction caused by Adenn, there were few to no buildings still standing between them and the River. It made it hard to maneuver, but, for ONCE in this miserable campaign, the bestial nature of the honor-less Mandalorians worked in the favor of the group. Metal claws dug into the rubble, supporting themselves. They aimed at the Shield generator at the center of the city, just on the other side of the river. Then the powerful artillery units let loose their composite lasers. The four powerful long range lasers shot across the sky, and would try and slam into the generator. The other Fire tank unloaded its own payload into the air, launching it at the shield generator as well. The smaller walkers fired out, their lasers attempting to pepper the installation as well. Solid beams came from the (insert name here) homing lasers. They unleashed almost everything they had at the building from the top of this pile, knowing they would be the next targets. But if the installation fell, it would bring meaning to it all.

The fighters popped out of the rubble like trenches and made runs on the generator as well, as they approached it, anti-air defenses put in place by Adenn would fire. Five would explode in a ball of glory, however, the rest of the two squadrons would unload laser cannon fire at it, and fire their flextube launchers at the building, attempting to do everything they could to utterly devastate the building.

The hospital was no where in the line of direction any of these brave souls traveled. It wasn't even on the list of targets. It was a pointless building, that had never been on the radar. However, the Mandalorians had attempted to use a building of peace for war. Allya had made her mistakes, she knew and accepted the faults that lay on her hands. It was better the hard road of sacrifice than to attack only what made sense. Better to die, than to outright target the innocent. Innocents would die in war, this was a given. However, you didn't have to go out of your way to destroy their lives like the Mandalorians had done.

They made the hospital a combat target. They had destroyed the city, destruction that would take years and billions of credits to rebuild. And not once did they even stop to think, that maybe they hadn't evacuated everyone from the city. What about the poor who didn't even KNOW they were being evacuated. What about those who didn't trust the Mandalorians, but rather looked at their millennia history of violence, slavery, abuse, and destruction? And what about the fact, there was no way for the Mandalorians to actually evacuate an entire planet in the very short period of time they had? No, to believe that the Mandalorians hadn't brutally slaughtered the innocent here was childish and hopeful to a degree no one who lived in this galaxy could possibly be. They knew what they were doing. Or at least, this was what Allya thought. And for her, it was time to put a stop to their supposed evil and wicked ways. These were monsters. Monsters who didn't care about their people, their planets, or anyone else outside their clans. They hid under false pretenses of honor, that they then ignored when it didn't suit them. They were proponents of slavery, and genocide through their alliance with the Sith.

On the rubble pile, the vehicles kept shooting, continued to blast at the shield generator, aiming at every weak point it had. The fighters would buzz the generator and continue to blast at it with everything they had. They didn't stop, they doggedly attacked the structure. They knew where to attack to cause power fluctuations, where the generator would begin to have issues producing the power to keep the shield online. With luck, even if it wasn't destroyed outright it would be far weakened to the point the ships above could blast through.

All the while, not content to wait and sit through, the soldiers wormed through the rubble pile, and made their way towards the river. Allya’s heart raced. Her leg and side throbbed heavily, which caused her suit to inject more pain medication into her. Maybe she shouldn’t have come. But, Luna had needed more time to collect herself. And the troops needed someone, anyone to rally behind. This mission was not simple, it was a suicide mission if they failed. The only way to succeed was to bring down the shield generator. However, with the creaking and groaning of the rubble pile above them, blindly searching for small holes to shove themselves through, in a desperate attempt to move towards the river without getting blasted into a million pieces, it was a terrifying endeavor. As much as she pushed back the fear, the doubt, the uncertainty remained. She hadn’t told Jerek good bye.

As the group fought for their lives, a pre-recorded message flowed over the civilian comm units, and filled the air waves. “This song goes out to Alkor Centaris, this one is for you bud!”

The song played.


Location: ?
Allies: United Clans of Mandalore & Allies
Enemies: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Allies
Mandalorian Guard Uniform (Captain)
Mandalorian Guard Blaster Resistant Shield
WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
Stun Baton
5 Steel Restraints

The relative quiet of the generator building was broken by the sound of rocket engines. Ruus looked around for a brief moment as he waited for the blast, but in a few seconds when it did not come the Captain looked to his men who were looking upwards. As the Devastator units closed in and around Ruus it seemed to him all in slow motion. The arms pulling him away off his feet, the shield slipping off his arm. The ceiling cracking open and then it was black.

The artillery slammed into the shield generator building with a deafening cacophony of missile detonations. The shield generator itself was almost instantly destroyed by the more than two dozen warheads. Ruus' squad was completely wiped out within a fraction of a second in the ensuing explosions, as well as the four airspeeders parked along the right exterior wall of the building.

Ruus had survived the attack, although he was mortally wounded and not conscious, having been shielded by the MAPS wearing Devastator operators. Nothing the Mandalorian Guard had could have prevented such an overwhelming attack against a relatively soft target. Ruus personally had sustained considerable trauma to his legs which were the least protected by the Devastators and most likely would have a long road to recovery, if even possible.

As the artillery subsided and all that remained were the blaster bolts and laser fire, most of which missed or were ineffective against the MAPS suits, the Devastators that Valdus had left with Ruus began to drag the unconscious Captain to a returning craft meant for their extraction. The Devastators quickly loaded the only survivor of the original 13 Guards into the Tal'galaar Gunship, taking off as soon as they themselves had boarded.

In all the damage was staggering as more than enough indirect fire had done the job. In the rubble were the burned, twisted, and torn bodies of 12 Mandalorian Guard Officers alongside the destroyed Shield Generator for the city, and 4 burning airspeeders.

Devastator & Tal'galaar intervention and control was approved of by [member='Valdus Bral'] prior to the post.

Marek Starchaser

Location: Outside the Farm
Allies: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Vytal Noctura"]
Enemies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]

He had to have a specialty, right? Every Force user had that one power that just seemed to work much easier for them. Reports were that Starchasers were supposed to be navigators. Maybe he could, in another life, and he had used to be, but now? No, now it was the ability to influence someone, pretty easily. It meant he had to focus on it, and think about what was on their mind. And with sale of spice and liquor at his casinos and resorts, when he needed to, he knew what was running through someone’s veins.

The same as he knew what was running through everyone’s veins here. War. But through his own? It wasn’t the need to influence anyone. No, it didn’t work with Mandalorians. If you understood war, that was what you were greeted with. He spent enough time in the Confederacy space, through whatever the region had been calling itself. He remained. Almost as much as the Dread Lord had. And today, the Dark Jedi didn’t need to worry about any of that, of who he was, and what he controlled. All he had to think about was lightning. He wasn’t controlling as much as deWinter was, but he was needed here. The battle meld was helping him keep his thoughts together, and in line with the battle. It was enough to help.

As conflict erupted around him, he knew he could drag attention, but understanding the glitter bullets, even if just loosely, he knew that he had to focus on the lightning. Arcing around his body, he could see, as well as sense the change through his team, that there were more foes here. Frakking Cloaks.

The extra guns were not what he wanted to see, but he could handle it. A side step and he focused. Lightning ahead of him. With the sniper blasts coming in, he rolled, depending on the Razorhawk maneuvering from his Obsidian Armor. It got him clear but not completely. A few shots hitting the armor, lightning going errant as he was focusing on the flight and the hit.

Landing a few feet away from where he was, skidding and almost tripping, he took the second to right himself. He threw lightning, off the cuff and straight into the Mandalorians. A large blast arcing and crawling its way towards them. Focusing on the center of the group of Mandalorians, the goal was to scatter them.

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