Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab


Objective: Fleet
Allies: UCM [member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Vanessa Vantai"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Quoron Cadera"] [member="Dezoti"]
Enemies: CIS [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="John Locke"] (engaging) [member="Voph"] [member="Nyx N1X3"] [member="Xobos Yakieer"]
Post: 3

“Bless me, if the Bane is not the best sight. Welcome to the fight, darling.” Livia leaned back in her chair, glad of the incursion of her beloved Riduur Aedan Miles. She kissed the ring, knowing he'd feel the sensation of her affection. The tether between. While the Mandalorian fleet was outnumbered two to one, possibly more, Livia’s mind was only the hallmark of a commander buying time.

The Taung Cannons burst, and two shots intercepted. Livia leaned forward, wondering how the small interceptors dealt with the damage of a miniature singularity tearing through hull and girder in the ships struck, or struck near enough to the Taung Gravitic Cannon.

Grand Admiral [member="Quoron Cadera"] surged in, pairing with both the Chiss Aristocra [member="Dezoti"] and the Vong.

“Rhonda, comm the hospital. Are the patients ready for evacuation, yet?” Livia tore her eyes from the viewport long enough to see Rhonda shake her head.

No. The remaining patients still could not be moved. Livia’s fingers curled around the arms of her Command Chair. Waiting at home, Aedan and Livia’s second child Andra rested in the arms of the Clan Akaata women, who stayed home from the fight to protect the Clan’s children. She longed to hold her newborn in her arms, yet despite Andra’s young age, the infant was without her mother. How could Livia stay behind with the others, when the people of Tanaab needed a planet to raise their own?

“All ships open fire! Separate and released fighters.” Livia shouted, as a veritable conflagration of Mandalorian fleet fire opened upon the Confederate fleet of [member="John Locke"]. Aggressors and Galidraans burst with punches far beyond their meterage. The fleet rushed.

Kandosiis cranked in front above and below of the Defiant Mantis, in a prong, their hangar bays opening. The skies opened to Purudii fighters, Vhe’viin Interceptors and Cabur Starfighters. Assault Concussion Missiles from the four Kandosii Dreadnaughts launched at the Chernobog Artillery Carriers, while Galidraan cruisers veered through space at reckless speed, targeting the Lothal Assault Cruisers & Liberte Class Corvettes with their forward fire. They swerved through their strafing runs, circling around for a second pass.

The Aggressors continued their barrage on the Akula-Class and Umbara class Star Destroyers, with their main guns. Paired in groups of two, the Aggressors fired with aplomb. It was time to bite back.

Which, admittedly, was the point when [member="Mittens"] meowed into the Mandalorians’ comms.

“What the deuce?” Livia jolted, twitching her head to the side.

“Ma’am! Sensors are… Manda…” The Sensors officer’s jaw dropped as his panels lit up with the conflagrant and maniacal fleet of Grand Admiral Mittens’ fuzzy-wuzzy flotilla. “… there’s thousands of them!”

“Of what!? What in the Goddess’ Fan Dance is happening!?” Livia launched to her feet.

“X-Wings! Thousands and thousands of X-Wings! They’re…. they’re flying our colours, Ma’am! Hah! It’s Admiral Mittens!!” The Command deck broke into cheers as the X-Wings piloted by the galaxy’s cuddliest marauders.

Livia huffed in shock as she sat back down in her chair. X-Wings… thousands of X-Wings… “I… I …. ah…. I…. they…. but….”

A shot across the Hell Wolf’s bow snapped Livia back into the battle at hand.

“Rhonda, open a channel!” Rhonda nodded, and Livia spoke to the channel through to [member="Mittens"]. “Who do I have to buy a drink for, and how many libations will it take to say a hearty welcome? Might I suggest a clogging up of the Confederates’ works?”

Cutting off the Comm, Livia reached for her brow and rubbed her temples. Thousands of X-Wings… “Well, I suppose beggars and all that… Sensors, did we get smacked in the sensor array? Do a level 2 diagnostic and try again.”

“…. Yes Ma’am…. Hah! X-Wings…”

Location: The Defiant Mantis
Captain: Captain Girak Kierke

“Shields down to 50%!”

“Fire at will!! Send the Galidraans to circle around and fire at those destroyers’ aft!” Captain Kierke growled, clinging to his chair as he was almost thrown out of it. “Send the droid bombers into the corvettes and support ships. Fire at will.”

Although the numbers of the Fury Fleet were smaller in comparison, the ships dug in and fired.

  • AWOO Signal Jammers Still In Active Use via Banshee Support Vessels
  • 4 Aggressors break off w/fighter squadrons to reinforce the Sundari & fire at the Tenchu-Kai Battlecruisers.
  • The Sundari takes damage to ionic shields & ablative hull plating & fires MT-165 Kyber Focused Long Range Turbolasers at Tenchu-Kais.
  • 10 Aggressors move within firing range of Akula & Umbara Star Destroyers.
  • Hell Wolf (and supporting ships) targets the Halcyon Storm’s Gunwale with main guns. Movement at slow diagonal facing the Halcyon.
  • Defiant Mantis continues to take damage to Shields, commences firing on Umbara-Class Star Destroyers while moving in close to Locke’s fleet.
  • 4 Kandosii-type Dreadnoughts come from behind the Defiant Mantis & release hangar bay ships. Targeting the Chernobogs.
  • 7 Galidraan-class assault cruisers strafe the Akula Class Destroyers with heavy fire.
  • 7 Galidraan-Class assault cruisers fire at Lothals and Liberte Corvettes on two strafing runs.

Fury Fleet (48km):
The Sundari 5000
Kandosii 4 x 1300
Aggressor 14 x 950
The Cimmerian 900 | Galidraan 14 x 500
Arachnid 2 x 250 | Banshee 2 x 250
MandalArms Gunship 10 x 35 | Droid Bombers 400 x 19 (400 deployed)

[color=d2691e]Location:[/color] Approaching Turbolasers
[color=d2691e]Allies:[/color] CIS, [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Scherezade deWinter"], [member="Vytal Noctura"], [member="Marek Starchaser"], [member="Karsan Calnov"]
[color=d2691e]Enemies:[/color] UCM, [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
[color=d2691e]Gear:[/color] In Bio, 12 Thermal detonators, Thermal tape



The word grated against his soul as the sound of sharp nails scraping against a chalkboard as it sounded from her voice. Taking in a deep breath, Kaden focused on the brief presence his true mother had graced him with. As the scent of Jasmine and rain dissipated, Kaden knew what Selene wanted of him. She would only be satisfied with the death of this pretender, and Kaden was determined to please his mother with such a gift. Labored breaths passed through Kaden’s lips as his feet continued to carry him directly toward his intended target. She claimed him as a son, but Aditya was not his mother, and never truly had been.

A brief response from [member="Srina Talon"] forced Kaden to pause long enough to acknowledge the droids which were being sent his way. His mind was no longer focused on the contingent of reinforcements which he had requested. They were needed, as chatter was coming over the comms that his teams had been engaged. A loud shriek pulled his attention back to the sky as the dragon let out a burst of plasma killing the other foot soldiers which were on Kaden’s tail. His desire for revenge had cost him his team which prompted an inaudible curse to escape Kaden’s next breath.

He had split the soldiers into five other teams. Each of them moved toward the turbolasers closest to them. Armed with the same detonators and tape Kaden had on his person the sound of their success should be on his ears soon. With the first of six stations broken to rubble, Kaden let his attention focus once again on the revenge he sought. Aditya was there, she was present and would feel the consequences of her decisions before Kaden was done with her.

<<< “I am not your son…” >>> Kaden shouted back as Aditya twisted the dragon and his Darkshear missed. A heavy sigh left Kaden’s lips. He knew it had been a longshot to begin with, but it was an action made from a place of rage rather than thought. His words continued their assault, hoping they would not miss their mark as well. <<< “I know my mother’s voice, and it sounds nothing like yours.” >>>

Perhaps the accusation of not finding his daughter after crawling out the gate would have stung more had Kaden been more involved in the life of his daughter, but as it was, he had only held her once before his death. By the time he had seen his child [member="Kaine Australis"] had already done his damage. The child was a demon of sorts, or so the rumors were. Death had stolen many things from Kaden, but his daughter was not one of them. The guilt of that crime rest at the feet of Kaine and Yasha, and Kaden would see them pay for it as well. Their day would come, but fate decided that today Aditya would face off against the beskar-hearted warrior. A remorseless killer of her own making.

<<< “She is more Kaine’s than she is mine. That utyc tarka’yayr saw to that as soon as he could. He moved in, and Yasha let him.” >>>

There was nothing else to say in regards to his feelings about the fact he was an absentee father, other than the fact he had been dead.

<<< “Though it is better she does not know me. What did you ever do to teach me of what it means to love a daughter anyway?” >>>

Aditya remained in the air as her own reinforcements moved into position. Kaden saw the Bral’ika as it moved into position. While the Confederacy had technology to render the brals ineffective, Kaden did not. As long as Aditya remained in the air and refused to face him directly on the ground Kaden would take out everything he could, and hopefully hurt the dragon in the process.

Tapping into the comms, Kaden warned his teams about the troops headed their way. <<< “Detonate as soon as you place those charges,” >>> Kaden said getting a bit nervous that he had not heard the explosions he was looking for. As though the force knew his thoughts, one explosion after the other rang out. Five explosions, though the rest of the turbolasers would not be as easy. They clans knew they were being targeted now, and reinforcements were on their way to prevent further damage. Perhaps it did not matter. With five more pairs gone the number of turbolasers on the perimeter would be cut in half, if successful. That would be sure to leave a wide open gap for what Exarch Talon had up her sleeve.

Kaden ran toward the bral itself. It was a gamble. He could attach a thermal detonator to it, blow the thing sky high, and eliminate its threat. However, if he let it remain, Aditya would not be able to use the either. It was not a risk he was willing to take. There were too many among the Confederates who relied on the force for their combat. It certainly provided an edge, otherwise something like a bral would not even exist. Kaden continued to charge ahead, using the force itself to lob debris toward the dragon, perhaps he could clip one of its wings, or get lucky and hit the best in head. If the force were truly smiling on Kaden on of the larger pieces would simply hit Aditya and it would be over. Kaden did not expect it, but he wished it to be the case. Regardless the debris would keep Aditya occupied while Kaden rigged the bral to explode. All he had to do was make sure he stayed out of the blast range when he finally detonated it.

Kaden rused back into view. His attention was once again fully devoted to the woman who had wounded him and wrapped his heart in beskar. There was nothing warm or gentle about her, nothing of a mother coursed in her veins. As her reinforcements moved into position, Kaden stared her down through his own helmet. There was a rumble in the distance, the shockwave of multiple C-9979’s landing. Kaden’s own reinforcements would be their soon thanks to the efforts of [member="Voph"], who was now hovering The Resolve over the city, and Exarchs Malvern and Talon. It was time to take the city, and it was time to kill Aditya Fitz Kierke.

<<< “What are you waiting for, Aditya. Come and face me.” >>>
All Things With Love
Location: Standing Beside Medical Frigate "Talia" - Confederate FOB Landing Site​
Tag: [member="Orn Pharr"] | [member="John Locke"]​
Allies: Confederacy + Silvers + Wounded​
Status: So. We lived. Now what? Onward and upward.​

“Thank you, Master Jedi.”, Gianna responded softly to the Neti while a brief and understanding smile sweeping across her heart shaped features. She knew that this mission would be dangerous. Perilous. But that was the nature of holding their ground, in the face of any that would do harm, as their faith dictated. Peace. She would not let emotion cloud her mission. The green-eyed woman knew better than to allow anything to influence her responses to difficult situations. No matter how dire it seemed—They had come to protect as many as they could.

War was a test. It was a trial that only the brave, or very lucky, could pass through unscathed. It was against what many in the Confederacy considered wise, however, Gianna aimed to ensure that as many living beings as possible survived. The young woman considered herself blessed to know that the Force flowed through her, that it gave her purpose, and that she could use those gifts to help others.

Threats to her personal safety held no meaning. Her work was meant for the many and the few.

The chaos that developed while the medical frigates and drop pods landed at the FOB was intense. With laser fire snapping into the pressed grass and dirt all around them, in all honesty, the young Jedi Knight felt as if she’d been deafened. The calming presence that she exuded only amplified as the terror in the medical personnel they’d arrived with grew in response to the Mandalorian strafing run. As each strike touched the protective surface of the Force Bubble the young woman had to hide a flinch.

It did not harm her, not in physical sense, but she could feel it somewhere else. In a space that was unspoken, without name, but metaphysical in nature. It caused her hands to shake, despite, the perfect synchronicity that she shared with her aged companion. The Neti Jedi had thankfully pulled the staff inward, forcibly, by roots that appeared from nowhere. The bubble just barely hid all of them.

Her body felt heavy when the assault abruptly ended. They held the protective shield for several moments longer than needed, but in the end, it seemed that they had done their duty.

They had saved the medical staff in their vicinity.

Yet, there were tears in her eyes. Unshed. Simply…Glimmering, on the edges of her eyelids, whilst the glowing near her ears faded.

She could sense it in the living force. Previously, while they traveled, she could feel a distinct sense of wrongness. Now—She knew what it was. The many souls in the medical frigate that had not made it to the FOB left an energy that clung to her as the dew of morning clung to the waking world. With the loss of so many lives at the same time, it shocked her, and the shockwave left an empty echo in its wake.

Sure. They’d managed to save some. Not all.

“Everyone, breathe. You're all right.”, she called to the staff, confidently, while she shook emotion from her face. Instead of mourning the dead, as no one was ever, really, truly dead—She provided encouragement to the living. “You’re safe and you know your duties. You were trained for this. Focus on that. Spread through the FOB and get anyone in need of assistance to cover but keep your eyes on the skies for another attack. No doubt the Confederacy will have air support soon.”

She really didn’t have to wait long for that. A shadow moved overhead. It was massive. The Jedi was less familiar with Confederate ships but after a second or two she realized that it was the Resolve [[member="Voph"]]. From where they were...It looked huge. Gianna no longer had a working comm, but, Confederate starfighters also lew overhead from the opposite direction. The people of the FOB would be all right. She promised herself that, knowing it was a lie, before turning back to the Jedi Master [[member="Orn Pharr"]].

He had mentioned something about being rooted too long, and though she was curious, she could ask for a story another time. The Neti extended his hand to her and she watched with fascination while he literally grew her a staff from his own body. Gianna often manipulated nature…But this? It was impressive. The flame-haired woman took it gingerly and indeed she could tell what it was made out of.

Again, the Jedi Master referred to her as little one, and she nodded her head. “I understand.”

Briefly, her eyes closed, before she followed a faint tug at the tip of her heart. There was something in the back of her mind that tingled with warning, a sense of sadness, of anger, but she could not be sure where it came from. The Confederacy had many Sith among their numbers. It was so faint…It must have come from very far away. Gianna had no idea that [member="John Locke"] thought her to be dead.

Gia obeyed the Force. The river that flowed would lead them where they needed to be. All they had to do was have faith and follow it. “This way?”, the Knight questioned as she started moving forward, uncertain, if he would want to pick up a vehicle before leaving. It was a long walk between the FOB and the edges of the shield. Not only that—There were no doubt defenses that would try to pick them off like ants. An explosion went off in the distance and Gianna could feel the pull intensify. That way. “…We should follow the smoke.”

That would be the way into the city. Gia knew it was risky…But if it was the will of the Force? So be it.

In this post Gia and Orn managed to protect the medical crew from the strafing run. Others were obviously not so lucky. They have directed personnel to get back on task and have noted that support from the CIS is either inbound or arriving. They will be following smoke that will lead them toward the entry point where the turbo-lasers were just blown up by [member="Kaden Farr"]. I wanted to tag [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] too and let you know. Not to interfere with your direct story at all, but, I did note that you were calling forward AV-1A’s so I thought they might stand in the way? Just didn't want to surprise anyone. This may also bring us toward [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and a few UCM buds in that direction. Feel free to DM/PM for anything specific you want us to encounter.

Heaven's Touch
Heart of Aceso
Lightsaber [Though, it is not readily seen, hidden in her robes, and rarely makes an appearance.]
Redwood Staff: [Given during the thread by Orn Pharr] A combination of Ankarres Wood and several others. A botanist might recognize the traces of Norris Root and Veshok Wook.
Other Items...May be picked up from various sources, the FOB, etc along the way.
Location: Outskirts of the city
Tags: Luna Terrik
Objective: Set up the Forward Operating Base


Movement. The previously undisturbed area was now full of it. Commandos rushing left and right, with speed and determination. Their orders were clear. Set up the base. They had to do it fast.

Nathan was soon joined by two fellow commandos, Lucas 'Buzzer' and Mat 'Breeze', to aid him in setting up the command tent. Together they began erecting the structure bit by bit, and it began taking shape shortly. Then came the noise. Nathan looked up as he heard the roar of engines. It was a Confederate medical ship, heading to set up near the base. Then, he heard more sounds. Sounds that were not part of the plan. As the commando slowly twisted his head, his eyes fell upon ships. Multiple fighters, coming in towards the medical ship. Lasers streaked from the incoming force, tearing into everything in their way. Several shots hit the medical ship, as it lurched under the force of the blasts.

"Everyone get down!" - Nathan screamed as he jumped sideways, as far from the tent as possible, trying to get out of the way of the shots pouring down on them. Blinded by the lasers that tore up the earth in front of him, Nathan rolled back, falling into a small ditch. The deafening roar of engines passed, and the ships made their way away from their victims, clearly satisfied with the destruction they caused. Slowly, Nathan began to recover his hearing and eyesight. As he became capable of recognising sounds once more, horror took it's place on the man's face. Screams of agony, full of fear and terror. Nathan climbed out of the ditch and started running back towards the tent, realisation starting to strike him, straight into the chest. As he slid around the tent, he saw Lucas' body, or at least what was left of it, writhing on the ground in pure pain. Nathan hesitated, taking a moment to regain his bearings and comprehend what just happened. Mat was already with the wounded man, doing his best to minimise his suffering.

"MEDIIIIIIIIIIC" - The words echoed around the base, along with the screams of the wounded. In the meantime, Nathan pulled out a syringe out of his vest. Fumbling with the cap for a good three seconds thanks to his shaking hands, Nathan finally managed to open it up and stick it into Lucas' left thigh, everything below which, was completely torn off. "Here, this should make it bearable, at least. Hold on soldier, you are not dead yet. Mat, keep an eye on him, I will find a medic." With these words, Nathan stood up and took off in the direction of the main group, running as fast as his legs would take him.


He screamed over and over again, yet no one responded. Not quite sure why, Nathan kept running until he saw another soldier's body, torn apart on the floor. The right hand of the now unrecognisable body, wore a white and red ribbon, designating the squad's medic. Vance slowly pulled out his communicator, realising that this was the end for yet another one of his comrades. Not a glorious death, guns blazing, but rather a terrifying, agonising death due to blood loss. It was a sad realisation, the fact that yet another one of his fellow soldiers would die this way.

"Mat, our medic is dead. We won't be able to do anything." - Nathan hated bearing bad news, but there was no other way. Not this time.

The situation looked dire. But finally, it took a turn for the better. Someone managed to turn on the shield generator. Nathan sighed in relief as he watched everyone get back to their stations and resume their work. But the feeling of knowing his comrade was dying out there, dying a horrible death... that feeling would last a long time.

A C7797 was touching down near the base. That meant reinforcements. Nathan rushed off towards the landing zone and watched, as the forward ramp was lowered. Troopers surged out from it, each carrying various supplies, crates, and weapons towards what was supposed to look like a base. Nathan was soon able to identify the engineers leaving the ship. They were supposed to be carrying the components for anti-air defences. They need to set them up ASAP. Nathan ran over towards the group of soldiers.

"Follow me, we need to set up the AA guns ASAP. We don't have time!" Nathan ordered the soldiers as they all began to hastily unpack the crates full of various machinery and parts. Setting up the guns would take some time- time no one was sure they had.
Objective: Malphas
Allies: [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] @Voph @John Locke @Xobos Yakieer
Enemies: UCM and allies. @Dezoti
Equipment: Force Pike, blaster pistol, N-Wing (x5 squadrons of 16 fighters at the ready).

Things were going well for a short time, Kat and the rest of Cyan Squad were on the offensive and taking down lone starfighters, however things turned around quickly. Kat spotted two squads of starfighters moving into attack position against Cyan Squad. Tapping her comms, "Keep vigilant squad, fighters coming in at our six. We should be able to out manoeuvre them." Kat grabbed her controls tightly, tapping controls to the side so that the turret on the N-Wing turned and fired at the Chiss fighters while she moved around, spinning in space to avoid being fired upon.

However, several of Cyan Squad were hit with ion cannons, disabling them and leaving them vulnerable. Kat growled to herself, it was not good, she was able to coordinate the rest of the Cyan Squad to take down several of the Chiss fighters. However, they were still outnumbered, luckily the N-Wings were faster and nimbler than the Chiss fighters which was fortunate. Tapping her comms, Kat reached the other N-Wing squads, "All N-Wing fighters, join up with Cyan Squad so we can take these fighters out!" Kat ordered through the comms as she ducked her ship as she was being chased by two fighters. It was hard to shake them off but Kat knew that Cyan Squad could make it work. They just had to wait for the other N-Wings to reach them.

  • Cyan Squad engaged in Chiss fighters (Cyan Squad fighters left 5/8)
    [*]Cyan Leader called for N-Wing backup.

Marek Starchaser

Objective: Fight!
Tags: @Scherzade deWinter | [member="Vytal Noctura"] | [member="Kaden Farr"] | [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] | [member="Adenn Kyramud"]

(Mobile so forgive the format)

Working on a war front was not something Marek was all that great at. But one thing he was great at? Networking. And well, if all the Confederacy's new guard looked like @Scherzade DeWinter he was going to have to not just hang around his resorts. Maybe he needed to join up with the Confederacy war machine more. Really, lets be honest, Marek was out of combat shape and still wearing old Obsidian Order armor. That was from his stint of leading the Techno Union, which fell back into the CIS, and well, the wheel went around and around. Seeing the way the armored woman was looking at him, Marek quirked up an eyebrow.

"Ain't no love for Mandalorians." The Dark Jedi smirked. He really hated calling himself a Dark Jedi, but he was trained by the Sith, and he wasn't like his cousin at all. No, that man was a pilot and a Jedi, the Jedi some would say. Marek was powered by lightning and he was waiting for something to throw it at. The mission he was sent on was a result of his time away from the front.

But when deWinter shouted to get down, he moved for cover, but the lightning was crackling brighter. Shaking his head as deWinter handled the orders. "You all handled the quakes, and I can keep the skies clear. And we aren't going to any Mando hospital. Not today." He nodded in the affirmative to the woman. Really, she had a way about her, didn't she? Was nice to see.

As soon as he was feeling the Mandalorians, he'd unleash the lightning.
Location: Moving away from city and towards CIS forces
Allies: Small Squishies in Beskar'gam
Enemies: Roger Dodgers & Friends, [member="Garza"]
Objective: Protect the Squi- Hol up. Wait a minute. HEAVYWEIGHT SHOWDOWN!
Post: 2

Naast'ika held position over the hospital and sang the songs of his kind as tanks, soldiers, and various machines of war organized around the complex. Within the complex, squishies busied themselves with hurrying from one side of the complex to the other as they did whatever it was that squishies did. But at the edge of the city and beyond, Naast'ika smelled the sharp discharge of energy weapons. Adjusting the position of the singularity that held him aloft and moving his fins and tail ever so slightly, Naast'ika turned himself in the direction of the energy discharges and drifted away from the hospital, past the energy shield, and into the airspace of the city itself. In the distance, dropships, shuttles, and entire frigates pushed through constant volleys of energy weapons to embrace the ground of Taanab at a fair distance from the city walls.

Naast'ika chirped to himself as he drifted towards the edge of the city to get a better look at the things that threatened his squishies. At the edge of the city, just within the barrier created by the massive energy shield, Naast'ika hovered to watch the constant fire that spat forth from massive turrets upon walls just a few hundred meters ahead of him. Ahead of those, brave squishies in their thin armor plating poured forth from the city to do battle with slightly less armored squishies that came out of the assorted ships that had landed outside of the city. It was like the a battle between the tiniest starfighters Naast'ika had ever seen. It was, in his view of things, adorable.

Fighting down the urge to hover and watch the adorable squishies play with one another, Naast'ika instead focused upon his urge to protect his squishies and continued forward. The singularity created by his dovin basal-based organs warped and bent and tore at the shields of the city as he drifted through them, the meters-long distortion dissipating as he passed the shields, drifted over the walls of the city, and slowly approached the distant place where ships of all sizes were huddled. It was upon these ships that Naast'ika's attention was focused. He had no real experience fighting squishies on the ground and wasn't entirely sure he could tell his squishies from enemy squishies right now. After all, they looked so darned similar to his senses.

As Naast'ika drifted forward, the cybernetic computers tied to his brain analyzed what his senses perceived of the various ships ahead of him, created three-dimensional profiles of the assorted machines, and fed this information into Naast'ika's non-binocular perception of his surroundings. From these computers, Naast'ika received all he needed to know about where these machines had the weakest armor and where their power conduits were closest to the surface. From this, targeting data was automatically fed into Naast'ika's subconscious, and as his three primary weapons and four defensive turrets sprang forth from within his carapace, each of these weapons automatically trained upon the frigates and other assorted ships that sat upon the ground, begging to be destroyed.

However, before Naast'ika could pull the trigger on these east targets, a distraction appeared in the sky. A flaming metal object roared towards the distant ground, coming to a stop with an immense -thunk- that Naast'ika's sensors could feel even from so far away. Curious, Naast'ika simply hovered in the air, guns trained upon the frigates and dropships, and focused his attention upon this odd, distant object as he waited to see what would happen next.

And what happened next was most unexpected. Naast'ika chirped with joy and excitement as the enormous not-a-spaceship and clearly-organic creature stepped forth from its egg. Was it a hatchling? Would it get bigger? Could it fly like Naast'ika? Could it swim like Naast'ika? Was it a friend? All these thoughts raced through Naast'ika's engineered mind and his quest to protect the squishies was completely forgotten and his curiosity assumed complete control of his actions. Weapons retracting, Naast'ika raced past the assembled ships and made his way towards the lumbering land-baby-dinosaur-thing. <Maybe it will play with me!?> Naast'ika thought as he approached the creature as fast as he could, chirping happily as he went and intending to circle the creature and slow down once he arrived.


So fluffy, you'll die
Location: Taanab Battlespace
Allies: UCM; [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Mig Gred"], [member="Quoron Cadera"], [member="Dezoti"], [member="Livia Maddox"], (let me know if I'm missing someone)
Enemies: CIS; [member="Adron Malvern"], [member="John Locke"], [member="Voph"], [member="Nyx N1X3"], [member="Xobos Yakieer"], (let me know if I'm missing someone)
Objective: Represent
Forces: 2 Million X-Wings, Flown by Muppets

"All forces, engage targets at your squad leader's discretion. Prioritize escorts and lighter craft first." Grand Admiral Mittens said on an actual radio frequency of all things (anticipating extensive supspace jamming and knowing full well that tightbeam communication would never function for 2 million starfighters). "Go! And may the blessings of Warwick Davis be upon you all." He ordered, watching with a sense of pride and glee as two million X-Wings scattered from their point of arrival and washed over the battlespace like the tidal-wave of angry, unruly muppets that they were. Willing his own fighter and the squadron the followed him forward, he joined his comrades in their rush towards the invading forces.

"Don't fly directly towards your targets!" Admiral Mittens reminded his 2 million forces via antiquated radio communication. "Always take a diagonal approach, and never fly in a straight line. Your trajectory must be curved to maximize your transversal velocity..." Mittens tried to explain before remembering the... unique characteristics of his forces. "It makes you harder to hit. Fly crooked." He explained simply.

Almost immediately, his forces shifted like a great swarm of avians, flowing outward and around as they sought to close the gap between themselves and CIS forces, flowing above and below the various planes of movement the CIS commanders had chosen before curving back in and making sweeping attacks at exposed flanks and ion drives. As for Mittens himself, he led his squadron and numerous other squadrons towards the rear-guard of the CIS offensive, aiming to deprive the flotilla of its escorts.

Location: In the agri-fields, a dozen miles or so out of the capital city, hoping to make it towards the hospital soon!
Wearing: Armor | Pathfinder Boots | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | Sofitor
Wielding: 10 Czerka knives | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke (lightsabers) | Combat Gauntlets | Knight Obsidian Sword | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems, Allies, Friends
Enemies:MCU-Mandalorians and their buddies
Specific Tags [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Vytal Noctura"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Kaden Farr"] [member="Xobos Yakieer"] [member="Voph"] [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] | +Feel free to join!
Post: Six


"You can keep the skies cle-" she was trying to respond to [member="Marek Starchaser"] with a grin. It was a battle zone. They were severely outnumbered from all directions. Bullets had been flying in the air to all directions. Their odds of getting alive were so low that they were so high and through the roof! It was more than enough to make the Sithling want to laugh with freedom and joy and dance in the rain. However, a giant shadow made sure they would not be – the SSD that was overhead, casting a shadow that might or might have been gigantic enough to cover all the dozen miles between the capital city and their little space.

Scherezade gulped. She had not been the one on Eshan, but her body had. Her muscles remembered. Her memories, they were granted a copy by her sister Madalena, who had been there during that day, when a giant ship decided to split and fall down in pieces on those who'd been fighting on the ground. Her body tensed though, despite her holdings hands out. Her muscles wanted to scream and run away as quickly as they could carry her, as far away from the shadow as possible [[member="Voph"] 's SSD, post 114].

Hands touched. Scherezade only blinked, and she could already feel the differences. The tension in her body changed, switching from panic at the sight of the SSD's shadow, to the tension one had before proper combat. She looked to her Battle Melt companions, unsure of which of them it was that had granted her this boon, but thankful nonetheless.

She inhaled deeply, noting now the scent of the upcoming cloaked Mando soldiers [the Deathtroopers of Krieg sent by [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"]]. Or maybe they weren't Mando soldiers but just employed by Mandalorians. Who knew? Who cared? Another group that had made the fatal mistake of coming too close. A group that had made the mistake to come within eavesdropping distance, which put them in direct radius of the Blood Hound's abilities. Her battle mates, [member="Marek Starchaser"] and [member="Vytal Noctura"], thanks to the Battle Meld, would know that they were there before they de-cloaked, even if they could not directly scent the blood.

[member="Vytal Noctura"] was already working, her palm against the ground as the earth around them began to move. Scherezade looked at the soldiers as the Dathomiri's abilities began to take effect, the ground around them beginning to shake and quake, and fall violently beyond the small radius that surrounded the three Confederates. Scherezade's eyes flew immediately to the Deathtroopers that were closest to them. She could scent and count a dozen of them. Immediately, her Dissuader K-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets were out. She wasted no time; aided by the Force to enhance her speed, she sent two bullets at each of them, aiming one for the chest and one for the groin. Unless they had a magical way to move faster than bullets or something that protected them from her bullets' acid, any hit ought to cause armor melt, and potentially beyond that to skin and muscle and bone.

But there was no time to focus solely on them. The ones who had shown up earlier, yet had remained further away [the Chulan sent by [member="Adenn Kyramud"]], were still there. The ground was quaking with them as well, but Scherezade did not wait to see if any would fall. She had to take the chance now; rising over the earthly barrier that was now positively crumbling into dust, she latched to each of them that she could hold on with the Force.

Scherezade was a Blood Hound. The blood, especially those of warm blooded creatures, called out to her. There were terrifying things that she could do if shegot her hands on a single drop, but she didn't want a single or even a dozen drops now. There was something much more important that she wanted. Trusting her battle mates cover her in case of need, as the three of them were now connected thanks to the Battle Meditation, the Blood Hound launched the Force forward, calling to the blood inside the Chulan's veins. Unless they had a way to block the Force or put distance between them and her, or find another way to stop what she was doing, they would find bloody welts beginning to form upon their skin before the blood shot out, emptying the insides of their body but leaving the deepest of bruises through which the blood would literally spray out. It was a shame though that at best, Scherezade could only do that to the two dozen of them that she was scenting, the remaining six, unless they came closer, staying outside of her notice.

But it might not be enough. Battle Meld or not, she was still just one. [member="Vytal Noctura"] was doing the earth shattering thing, and [member="Marek Starchaser"] was controing the lightning and the storms.

Maybe… Maybe, if they got lucky, they would get out of there in one piece.


Summary of Actions
  • While [member="Vytal Noctura"] and [member="Marek Starchaser"] are doing the earth shatter and lightning thing, Scherezade first fires at all the the Deathtroopers of Krieg sent by [member="Vhei Wasp Naudir"] with her Glitter Bullets, while her speed is enhanced by the Force. No hits called.
  • Immediately after that she turned to the Chulan sent by [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and for the two dozen closest of them, she attempts to call the blood out of their veins (Blood Hound abilities). No hits called.
Location: The Fortressa [Lower Hangar Bay]​
Tags: [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]​

The life of a soldier, a Knight Obsidian, was static.

She had grown accustomed to risking her life every day, for people she would never know, and for the well-being of planets she would never see. It was her duty. Her responsibility. She put on her armor every day with the knowledge that she may never come back from whatever mission she’d been assigned to. It was the business of an Executor to take life in order to protect and serve the nation that cradled so many. She was a soldier. And, a damned good one. Naedira was full of bright, stubborn fire, but had never managed to retain the restraint of an accomplished diplomat. That was probably why she hadn’t held her tongue with the Mountain.

It would have been the smart thing to do.

But, it was a pointless gesture. A show of good manners wouldn’t keep her alive any longer than if she had kept her mouth shut. She was nothing to him, a flea, or something even more odious. She was a collection of trillions of cells and water that just happened to be in the same place at the same time. An accident. The voice of the Mountain wasn’t particularly loud, yet, it carried throughout the hangar. It crawled up the metal walls so it could rain down in drops of sound that were dark and filled with audible poison.

Her face remained clear, empty, while he pulled at loose threads and insecurities. She wished that she could have said that it was because it didn’t bother her. [member="Alkor Centaris"] had ordered her to remain on the Fortressa. Was it because she was inferior? Perhaps, there some truth in it, however, she couldn’t focus on that. It took everything she had to chase back the fear that kept trying to take over. Anger helped. Anything, helped. Her gaze snapped up when the diatribe finally ended and their dance of blades came to a pause.

“Do you ever stop talking?”

This Sith had crept within the confines of her mind, his presence thick, like oil—and he would know that there was no repentance to be found. There was no bravado within her. Her statement wasn’t an insult designed to bait him. It was simply the truth. The only thing she had actually learned about this immortal being, other than his age, was the fact that he apparently loved the sound of his own voice. “If life is simply an accident—You’re just as much of an accident as I am. No matter what you’ve allowed yourself to become you are no different than anyone else, except, that you’re old.”

Their lightsabers came together and the light that shaved from them while the blade lock endured was blinding. It illuminated his helmeted visage, something, that really didn’t help her opinion of him. His eyes murky things, orbs of bleak, endless night. She could feel her strength waning. He pushed back and she could feel her blade tilt, so much so, that it she came close to burning her own armor. His every step forward only equaled more pressure, and more pressure, drew another step.

They both knew who would win this fight. Naedira was headstrong, certainly, but not a fool. One day? He would choke on the ego he so easily displayed. The Mountain would find someone, or something, far more powerful than he was and on that day? He would be cut down, destroyed, and returned to the primordial ooze he was so fond of.

Her purpose was not to win. It was to distract and delay. As long as the Sith was preoccupied by whatever facsimile of a duel this was, he was detained, and denied from moving freely around the Fortressa. She had faith that the other Knights on the ship could hold their own against the Crownguard if they pressed ahead, but, much like herself—The Mountain would come tumbling down and slaughter them all.

Suddenly, the pressure lessened, and before Naedira could create space her lightsaber was directed toward the ceiling. He moved like he had muscles in places that people didn’t. It was like watching a great, big, feline. People just didn’t move like that. His mammoth paw wrapped around her right hand, trapping the Obsidian Saber, while he yanked her forward. She immediately tried to pull back as the Force began to well within her but her face smashing abruptly against the impervium of his armor broke her concentration. Naedira was stunned with pain while blood exploded from her nose. She blinked at the dark form before her, vision blurring, while she tried to see the jarring image that didn’t quite make a picture yet.

Nausea and darkness flew inside her head like clouds driven by the wind.

She could feel her armor bite into her flesh as the Mountain tore it off. As if it were nothing. She shivered against her will, despite her under-armor, but she didn’t have time to register what was happening before her lips parted in a silent scream. Her hand was being crushed. Her body went rigid in the grasp of the Sith Lord and pain flowed unbidden. Pain, and hate. She hated him. Not for being stronger, not for being arrogant, but simply for being. His brutality was plain. His power had driven her down like pounding horses since the moment she’d walked into the hangar. Her whole body had vibrated with it.

Her mouth felt too dry to swallow, and the pain was so acute, so intense that she couldn’t quite get a full breath of air. She couldn’t have actually screamed if she wanted to. The Mountain had never, ever, needed to touch her to hurt her. He could have simply stood next to his crimson soldiers and thrown power like a javelin. He could have ground her bones into dust from a nice safe distance. But, he didn’t.

He wanted this. Physicality, ruthlessness.

Eventually, the pain that was so sharp, that it seemed to reach a crescendo, before it fell into a wailing throb. Just as her mind started to clear a hand wrapped around her throat. He lifted her from the ground and she found herself eye-level with the enemy. She wheezed. There was no other way to breath in and out while he began to speak. He bade her to look into his eyes. She did. Behind the pain in her own gaze lay a hatred that was strong enough to start a fire. Her anger rose while he spoke in slapping waves.

Remember him? This was what he wanted? To instill fear, to be a nightmare, to sink his teeth into her soul? Her eyes narrowed, her blood boiled, and a burst of kinetic energy ripped out of her core. It pushed the starfighters back, the droids, and even the Crownguard. Everything close to her was blown away with a vengeance. Everything, but him. The Lord of Lies didn’t even flinch.

Her neck craned back as far as it could go—And she spat in his face.

That was when things went from bad to worse. The sudden abruptness, the feeling of wind rushing at her back, and being jostled like crazy, told her that the Sith was running. Running? He had both hands on her body now and a cold feeling ran down her spine. It was intimate when he roared. She felt it in the deepest parts of her being and in a flash of insight she understood—

A hasty Force Barrier protected her back from breaking when the Mountain ran her through the first wall. The Knight still felt some of the impact, however, and could only tense when the rampaging Sith kept going. The pressure was extreme, and his grip, like durasteel vices. There was no escape. There was no stopping it. Naedira could feel each wall hitting the shimmering barrier at her back like a blow to her psyche. She tried. By the Force, she tried, and tried. Eventually…She couldn’t keep it going. One impact after another was too much. Her focus shattered. The barrier broke.

The next wall she went through caused her small form to bend unnaturally. Bones fractured, broke, and snapped like dry twigs. Both of her shoulders dislocated and her right arm was bent at an extremely unnatural angle. The flesh of her back was little more than ribbons from being pressed through sturdy walls and twisted metal. Unforgivingly, he denied her everything. Every dignity. Every hope. Naedira couldn’t even draw breath to scream. Her consciousness came and went with each new blow. Electrical burns dotted her flesh from wires that were exposed—And she knew nothing but agony before she was launched into the air.

Her broken form bounced from the bulk head and dropped immediately. There was no cushion of the Force to catch her fall. She simply fell, with a wet, sticky sound that soon became evident by the slow roll of crimson that flowed from beneath her. Her vision twisted while a soft whimper escaped her. It was a pathetic sound, so weak, and so tortured that she hardly recognized it came from her own vocal cords.

Tears leaked from eyes that were swollen, almost completely shut, and new horror dawned when she realized she couldn’t feel her legs. Every inch of her was bruised, broken or torn…

Turn it off.

Everything went white hot for a moment and the scream that she had been barred from making finally came. Being struck by natural lightning from a thunderstorm was mercifully quick. This was not. Her nerve endings felt like they were on fire while electricity coursed through her veins, shriveling cells at entry points, blackening tissue, disfiguring. She could feel the direction of the rage that the Sith threw into the attack, the negative emotion, designed to break her will.

Abruptly, it stopped. She didn’t know why. Didn’t care.

Turn it off.

With the distraction created by a new presence bearing down on the Fortressa she was able to force down the worst of the pain, control it, so that it wouldn’t consume her. She still couldn’t lift her head from the metal floor. Something was keeping her conscious. Just enough.

Just enough, that she could feel herself dying slow, and know, that there was nothing she could do about it. There lay the broken mouse that thought to challenge a Mountain.

It got crushed.

Location: The Resolve
Objective: Break their spirit​
Equipment: Ciniel & Istatha, Voph's Kinesuim Armor, Voph's Nanovest, Voph's Cloak, Voph's Ri-Qorit, Voph's Helmet (Available, not currently worn), Voph's D3-KK Shield, Voph's Ring (Worn on the left ring finger, outside the gauntlet), Voph's Mantle, Darcy AI
Allies: Confederacy of Independent Systems​
Targets: United Clans of Mandalore, and any sympathizers.​
Fleet: See bottom of Post​
Specific Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"] || [member="John Locke"] || [member="Kat Decoria"] || [member="Livia Maddox"] || [member="Adenn Kyramud"] || [member="Srina Talon"] || [member="Valdus Bral"] || [member="Nathan Vance"] || [member="Maeve Archeron"] || [member="Joannis Campbell "]|| [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] || [member="Madalena Antares"] || [member="Kurenai Yumi"] || [member="Darth Metus"] || [member="Dezoti"]​
Post: Four​
Voph smiled at the flurry of activity. The panic from the Mandalorian line was....exhilarating. He'd gotten their attention. At long last. He just hoped they were prepared to pay the price of their tactical suicide. His Comm channel flared to life. Mandalorian Signal. Calling to beg for mercy? As the voice of some insignificant soldier filtered through his helmet, Voph's brow set. Be careful? Him? Not to be come a Monster? Who were these butchers to lecture him on becoming a monster? Voph stepped over to the console speaking simply in response: "Let me teach you a lesson of war, child. If you have something to say, say it with a torpedo."

The line went dead. Typical Mandalorians. All talk. No fight. Some times Voph wondered how the Mandalorians had earned a reputation as fearsome warriors, instead of long winded orators. But there was no time to dwell. There was work to be done. Calls had gone out from [member="Srina Talon"] and [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] requesting aid. ARC fighters had assaulted the Confederate FOB. [member="Valdus Bral"] again. "Vanguard flight, take the pressure off the FOB. Anything comes near it, turn it to ash." Four squadrons of Octarch Fighters peeled off from their formation, followed by two squadrons of bombers. The FOB was theirs. And they were daring the Mandalorians to do something about it.

Voph paused near the console. "Darcy, sweep all sensors, Including heat and infrared. I want an exact picture of what's going on down there." "You betcha boss!" Voph's fingers danced across the controls. "Exarch. We're compiling information now. Several cloaked units in the area. Be sure our forces get this information." Voph paused. He felt something. He physically turned, and looked up behind him, even though there were no windows in his chamber. Chit. The Mandos were on to him now, and his position was vulnerable. But all objectives had been completed. Now it was a matter of maintaining the air support they'd gathered. "Exarch Malvern. Sizable group of fighters bearing down on the fleets. Watch your rear guard. I've got my own problems to deal with. Will have to cut communications. Will reestablish contact if we're able. Vanguard and Bastion are assuming command of ground operations. Good luck." Voph pressed a button on the console to transmit a rendering of current military force locations to [member="Srina Talon"] and said, "Talon, Resolve is going dark. You've got the maps, see that our forces get them. I'll reestablish contact when I can. Vanguard is assuming control until the matter is resolved. Voph out."

Voph pressed the button to close the comm channel, and he sighed quietly. As the holograms of the other fleet commanders began to flicker out, a new one joined the circle briefly, as the captain of the Vanguard joined the discussion. Then the communications went blank. Voph centered himself for a moment. Then barked. "Cut external communications! Reroute power to engines. Tactical, acquire Hammerhead cruiser targets! Full throttle to Vertical and Port Maneuvering thrusters! All hands, brace for impact!" Voph drew a deep breath. [member="Adenn Kyramud"] was attempting to drive the Resolve from the sky by ramming it into the ground with a pair of Hammerhead Cruisers. Unfortunately for the Mandalorian, Raddus wasn't the only genius to try such a maneuver. As the Resolve began to rock under the impact of the covering barrage that Adenn and [member="Dezoti"] were providing, Voph smiled.

Everything was going according to plan.

Voph steeled himself, calling on the Force to keep him rooted in place. "Helm, Status report."

"Molecular shields holding, Sir!"

Voph could feel the subtle creaks through the Resolve as XR cannons turned to acquire their targets. A lock was established. All that was left was to fire. But not yet. "Got incoming, boss," Darcy chimed, "Gonna be on us in five...four...three...Brace for impact!"

The horrendous sound of metal striking metal echoed throughout the ship, and crew were thrown to the floor as the impact rocked the ship. The Hammerheads had found purchase, and their attempt to ram the Resolve had succeeded. The terrible crash and groaning sound echoed across the planet below, as the great titan shuttered under the impact of the Mandalorian cruisers. Everything went still for a moment, as baited breath waited for the dreadnought to lose ground. The Resolve tipped for a moment, then slowly began to correct itself, pushing back against the Hammerhead cruisers.

"Engineering. We've made our point. Move the Resolve beyond the City."

The dreadnought began to slide forward, the powerful engine tower pushing it forward towards the fields that had once seen crops a plenty. But now saw only the ravages of Mandalorian butchery. And as the Resolve moved away from the City, Voph gave the order. "Tactical. Divert excess energy from Molecular Shield units to XR cannons. Fire."

The XR cannons, deadly in their own right, began to glow as the laser banks charged. The Mandalorian's assault on the Molecular Shielding of the Resolve had done nothing but ensure their demise. The Vanguard and Bastion broke off from the Resolve, moving to leave it standing alone to cast its shadow on the city below. The XR cannons, locked on to the Hammerheads sitting at point blank range and desperately trying to move the dreadnought, fired. The normally brilliant arcs of green energy resulted in little more than a bright flash as cannon after cannon unleashed a supercharged salvo into Hammerheads. If this was all the tactical brilliance the Mandalorians could muster, this would be a short war...

Fleet Information

[*]Support Craft Hanger

[*]Archwing Destroyer x2
[*]Vertigo-Class x1
[*]Aquila ECM Corvette x1

[*]15,000 Meter Configuration: (x2)

[*]Archwing Destroyer x5
"Task Force" refers to all present and functional vessels.
  • Resolve Diverts power from Communications to Engines, fires maneuvering thrusters to counteract Hammerhead Ramming Technique
  • Hammerhead Cruisers strike the Resolve to no effect.
  • Resolve moves beyond the City, ensuring falling debris will not harm citizens below.
  • Vanguard and Bastion break off from Resolve Formation, utilizing fighters in defensive formations.
  • Vanguard sends x4 Octarch Fighter squadrons and x2 Archon Bomber squadrons to assist ground FOB and engage [member="Valdus Bral"] forces
  • Resolve absorbs assault from [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and [member="Dezoti"] utilizing Molecular Shields, and supercharges XR cannons to fire on Hammerhead Cruisers attempting to ram the ship off course, under command of [member="Adenn Kyramud"]
  • Aquila-class Cruiser continuing to provide Jamming Field in Tanaab Orbit

Location: Control Tower, Pandath, Tanaab
Objective: O M N I A O M E G A
Allies: [member="Bedrovelse Hevn"]
Enemies: ---

He moved swiftly across the rooftops and swung himself up through the tiers of Starport between himself and the tower with an emphasis on discretion, rather than on brutality. Most of the Objective his small strike force had been given was to destroy and to distract. It gave the Mandalorians more to think about. More opportunities to miss the real danger at hand. Alkor could see from the explosive retort that the Dauntless and their contingent attempting to establish a foothold had met with extreme prejudice.

No one said it was going to be easy.

He scaled the wall the rest of the way and hung loosely from the ramparts of the command deck. With a few breaths, and a great effort, he heaved himself up and into a crouched position, glancing through the transparisteel to see if anyone wanted to say hello.

He didn't wait, however.

Alkor threw a straight punch, sending his phrik-encased right hand through the window and shattering it outright. He didn't have time to waste on sneaking anymore. If there was any resistance moving forward, he would handle it head to head. Not that he could see any immediate need.

He shook his wrist to free it of any clinging particulates as he turned to face the control console, and he stretched out his fingers toward it. The gauntlet linked up to the system immediately and started vying for server access, responding quickly with an "Access level restricted."

He cocked back his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek. It was going to take several minutes to get anywhere at that rate. The data spikes he fed the system were keeping it quiet, thankfully enough.

"Okay," he murmured. "Give me something."

That was when he felt it. Small instances of pain, even death were commonplace. Alkor had grown numb to anything but the most exquisite and grotesque displays of violence in the Galaxy, and when the Dark Side of the Force howled out in sadistic glee, it was enough to wrench his attention sideways. There was a certain familiarity to it. A creature bent on causing such horrors- a Sith, perhaps?

Unimportant. The Sith and Mandalorians had long been known to be in bed together. It simply solidified their alliance. Alkor glanced back at the Gauntlet and attempted to concentrate-






There was something he could not ignore about the vortex of consuming emotion, a compelling sadness born of futility. Something about the way the victim fell was poignant enough to seep out into the Darkness and speak to those who could listen. A soul on the verge of death could, in its last moments, reach out.

That point chilled him. Who would, knowingly or otherwise, reach out to Alkor Centaris? He had never been close enough with anyone, nor had anyone ever cared enough. So why, in their final moments, would someone's thoughts drift. . . . .

"Access Granted. Welcome to the Pandath Control Tower."

He grit his teeth as he started to input a series of commands.

[Post 1/4]
Location: Taanab System​
Objective: Support Allies and bring the UCM to justice​
Allies: CIS + Allies​
Enemies: UCM and Friends​
Tagging: [member="Gianna Aegis"] | [member="Livia Maddox"] | [member="Adron Malvern"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Mittens"]​
[SIZE=11pt]Halcyon Storm[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]-[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 53 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Krakana Class Tactical Command Ship[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Mace Windu -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Tenchu Kai Class Battlecruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Caesar -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Shields: 61[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] | [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Armour: 100[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Tenchu Kai Class Battlecruiser[/SIZE] - Cicero - [Shields: 74 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Deluge class Battle Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Augustus -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Chernobog Class Artillery Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Xerxes -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 80 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Chernobog Class Artillery Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Darius -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 78 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Akula-Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Mekh -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 85 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Akula-Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Narmer - [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt][[/SIZE]Shields: 82 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Akula-Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Nebra -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 86 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Umbara Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Khaba -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 80 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Umbara Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Khufu -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 84 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Umbara Class Star Destroyer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Iufni -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 85 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Argonaut Class Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Agis -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Argonaut Class Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Lysander -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Argonaut Class Carrier[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Dion -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Lothal Class Assault cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Alexander -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 84 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Lothal Class Assault cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Nycteus -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 86 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Lothal Class Assault cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Laius -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 85 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Liberte class light Corvette[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Pentheus -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 82 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Liberte class light Corvette[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Olympias -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 84 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Essex II Starfighter Killer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Antiochos -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Essex II Starfighter Killer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Seleukos -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Essex II Starfighter Killer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Attalos -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Essex II Starfighter Killer[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Mithridates -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Andarta Support Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Diodotos -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Andarta Support Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Ptolemy -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Andarta Support Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Berenike -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Andarta Support Cruiser[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Perdikkas -[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [[/SIZE]Shields: 100 | Armour: 100]
[SIZE=11pt]Fang[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]: 40 Squadrons[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Bit[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]: 10 Squadrons[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Erakyte-class heavy bomber[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]: 14 Squadrons[/SIZE]​


[SIZE=10pt]Cannon to right of them, cannon to left of them, cannon in front of them volleyed and thundered;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Stormed at with shot and shell, boldly they rode and well, into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell rode the six hundred.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, charge of the Light Brigade[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]If there was perhaps one significant difference between combat on the ground and combat is space, it was the silence. On the ground you could hear the whine of blasterbolts, the crash of explosions and the cry of your friends and enemies all mixed into one orchestra of the battlefield. In space it was different, there was enough firepower dancing between the ships to level cities and glass planets, and yet hte most striking thing was the sheer silence of the room. If he didn't know any better John would have thought that he was in an office building anywhere in the galaxy, the quiet hum of displays and the murmur of professional voices as the soft tread of feet carried them back and forward. It was a far cry from anything John had imagined war was like, if he closed his eyes he could have imagined himself in any office. If he closed his eyes then he wasn't fighting for his life, that life hadn't already been lost. For a moment he could imagine that he was somewhere else, that none of this had ever happened, that there was still light in the galaxy. A dream that lasted a heartbeat, that lasted two, that lasted until he opened his eyes...did he have to open his eyes? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Dark eyes flicked open, a storm of pain, of anger in those pupils, depths of hurt so deep that to look into them was to drown, a man holding on by the slimmest of margins, clutching at his sanity by his fingertips, by the promise of revenge. A legacy of blood and death to drown the galaxy and leave a scar that might never heal painted red across the cosmos with Mandalorian blood. It would be a betrayal of all that he had ever believed in, all of his hopes and dreams sacrificed on the cold uncaring altar, all those lives thrown away for what? For a moment a flicker of doubt shone, questions rearing their ugly heads. Could he take all those who looked to him for guidance and throw them at a war that would never be won, that would never be enough? Even if he burned Mandalore to the ground it would never be enough for him. It couldn’t free him from the depth of the hole that seemed to burn in the depths of his soul. For a moment the man he was, that he’d fought to come back to opened his eyes, reaching out to grasp at the dark chains wrapped around him like a net, seeking to banish him to a memory leaving only the dark remembrance of pain behind. And through it all, the war raging behind the dark stormy eyes John sat, watching the storm of firepower that traded back and forth between the fleets, orders falling from his lips as the taskforce continuously adjusted and adapted it’s fire to the ever changing combat situation. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]John could see the Mandalorian’s find their nerve, their fleet surging forward in an attack, their courage bolstered by the incredible number of fighters that had joined them. It was insane, but there was no denying the numbers of ships that now filled their sensors, the ships sweeping towards them now as explosions shook the taskforce. Yet, despite the punishing damage being thrown at them the taskforce returned fire. Not a gun fell silent, not a ship deserted it’s post despite the unbelievable amount of firepower that came their way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“All Liberte and Essex-class ships are to break off from the main fleet and move to engage the incoming X-wings. Have the Fang’s move on to support the Liberte and Essex-class ships.” The Liberte ships had already come under attack, and he didn’t expect to be able to stem the tide, but if there was any ship that was going to soften the blow falling on them it was those escorts. “All Umbara star destroyers and Lothal cruisers, pick off those cruisers buzzing around us now.” It was a change from their usual long-range strategy, suddenly the ships seemed to pivot, their weapons opening up on the cruisers that had pushed up right onto them. A star destroyer was a deadly foe at long range, but at close range they were murderous, every weapon targeting the Galidraans that had been strafing then. “Akula-class Star Destroyers are to switch targets and support the Halcyon engaging the enemy flagship. Tenchu-Kai’s and Mace Windu are to target the Sundari with all weapons. The Halcyon will provide support with the Tempestas.” If nothing else the special weapon should hopefully reduce the ship’s ability to fire back. The cyborg watched his artillery carriers come under fire, the ships shields stressing as they took hits but held. “Chernobog’s are to engage the enemy in support of the Halcyon.” It was all he could do now, try to damage and take out their vital targets and give the Mandalorian’s some pause.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Excuse me Admiral, the invasion fleet seems to have broken through to the planet and are currently moving into position to support the ground forces already established there.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]A datapad hovered infront of his face, held by a young lieutenant, chewing her lip nervously as her eyes flicked over to stare at the main screen, at the sheer numbers of ships arrayed against them. All it took was a look at the screens, at the data streaming down the displays, a waterfall of never-ending updates that could drag you in and wrap around you in like a chain, drag you into the cold grasp of despair. And yet, yet despite all that, despite the Mandalorian's best efforts, the storm of firepower they summoned up to crush them, they still stood. Exarch Malvern's orders had been clear, they needed to hold the line long enough for the invasion fleet to make contact with the ground, to provide support to the Confederacy forces who were already on the planet. There hadn't been any hesitation in Adron's voice when he gave the command, they had both known what might happen but that was the job of the rearguard. Someone had to stand there, be the line against which their enemy forces threw themselves, the ones who would buy the time, by the space for the fleet to do their work. There was a responsibility here, everyone who ever put on a military uniform knew in the back of their mind that they might die somewhere in the cold emptiness of space, away from loved ones, the comfort of home a mere memory in your head. For the unlucky few who had been assigned to the rearguard, that time was now, today. But not yet, that might be the future, but it wasn’t here, not yet. “The line holds.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]John’s voice was soft, but there wasn’t a crack in his visage, not a sign of the struggle raging in his soul. “Look back there, everyone, back at that planet. Our brothers are back there, our sisters our friends and family. You may not know them, you may never meet them but they trust us, each one of you to hold the line here. You all know the litany of horrors the Mandalorians have visited on the galaxy, they even have pirates leading their charge, pirates! This is who they are, this is what they’ve fallen to that they’d trust the scum of the galaxy with command. Their very Warmaster is a pirate, the very worst of the galaxy that we all joined up to fight, to protect the innocent from. But it doesn’t matter.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The command chair bounced as John stood, turning on the spot, his dark eyes meeting everyone else’s steadily. The storm raging in them had abated for now, leaving in its place a calmness, a certainty. “It doesn’t matter because they’re just not important, they’re not worth your time. We don’t hold the line to hurt them, we’re holding it for them,” he gestured at the screen, at the planet hanging in the middle of the display. “For the brothers and sisters you’ve never met. For the father who wants nothing more than to go home and hug his daughter and never let her go. You’re fighting for the people down there who put their lives in your hands. I know you’re scared, there isn’t anyone in this entire ship, this entire taskforce who isn’t scared. I’ll tell you the truth, we’re outnumbered, and I don’t know if reinforcements are going to be able to reach us in time. The Mandalorians are coming, but the line stands. Every second we buy is a life for one of those people who came to answer the crimes of the Mandalorians against a galaxy they would see as their playthings. So we fight, and we fight, and when that father goes home, when he sees his daughter again he’ll tell her the story of the rearguard, the line that wouldn’t bend…the crews and fighters, the warriors who gave everything they had to make sure he could go home again. Burn bright, fight hard and let’s leave the galaxy a song to remember.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The cyborg sat back in his chair, silence echoing through the bridge. It wasn’t enough to throw their lives away on the cold altar of revenge, that was a sacrifice that would never end, that she’d never be happy with letting be her legacy. Let that burden be his alone, the sacrifice of his dreams and a future he’d never known he’d dreamed of, a future he’d never imagined might be his till it was too late. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]I’m sorry Gia, I’ll see you soon.[/SIZE]

Fleet Actions

Fang space superiority fighters, Liberte and Essex class ships break off to engage incoming X-wings.
Ubara Class Star Destroyers and Lothal Assault Cruisers engaging Gallidraan Cruisers
Akula Class Star Destroyers and Halcyon Storm engaging the Hellwolf
Tenchu-Kais and Mace Windu engaging the Sundari.

Location: Bridge, The Veil
Objective: Take Taanab
Allies: [member="Xobos Yakieer"] [member="Voph"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Azmodan"] [member="John Locke"] [member="Trajan"] [member="Cypher Rage"]
Enemies: [member="Dezoti"] [member="Quoron Cadera"] [member="Livia Maddox"]
Post: IV

Malphas watched as his metaphorical hand seized Taanab, crushing away the presence of the Mandalorians. A very optimistic thought. In reality the Confederacy had merely settled a foothold, and a shaky foothold at that. With the Mandalorian fleet commanded by [member="Livia Maddox"] and the newly arrived Pirate King, the war was far from over. It had just began.

A violent crash came over Malphas' deck as the Veil's deflector shield came alight. The bridge had been effectively shielded from the fire that rained upon it, yet it left the deck in an even dire commotion. "Where the hell did that come from?! I'm not seeing it on my sensors!" One officer called out, his eyes crossing over the terminal before him. Another blast shocked the deck and this time the Sith Lord had his own eyes set to the stars. Even from his place near the holoterminal he could see the fleet that launched itself against him. One of the mechanical officers chimed out as the first had, "My lord, something is engaging us, but we can't find it." Malphas turned to the droid only to see it's optics were tuned to its own terminal. The Sith Lord heaved a heavy sigh before aiming his finger towards the viewport,

"Idiots, the fleet is right there! They're using sensor cloaking technology to evade our targeting systems. Switch to manual firing orders!" One of the metallic droids scratched it's head, giving off an insightful. "Oooooh. We can see them with our eyes, just not our sensors!" A droid, another B1 who had been happily doing his own work chimed up at this. "Eyes? We don't have eyes. Our optics aren't made of organic matter, they're made of a crystalline alloy tha-" Each of the droid's felt it's body convulse violently until the metallic frames gave way under an invisible pressure. The two droids were crushed into nothing more than two balls formed of metallic debris. The Exarch stood over them with his hand opened towards the former officer droids.

I hate droids. He mused, before tucking his hand back under his cloak. He watched as the metallic lumps were hauled off, only to be replaced by two backup units who had seen enough to know they would benefit from being seen and not heard.

Still, the situation was humbling. The Confederate Armada's invasion complement was coming under attack as it attempted to descend upon the planet. Many of the rear ships had already fallen. The Veil was secure, it's shields would hold indefinitely from this type of assault, yet her escorts were not so lucky. Still, it was the main battleship that the Exarch gazed at that gave him cause for worry.

The fleet that came upon him posed a true threat to what the Confederacy was hoping to do, it had to be stopped. First, the enemy's forces had to be put at bay.

"Order our Munificent cruisers and carriers to come along our flank and target those ships. Command The Invictus to lead the attack from the rear, perhaps it can tip the battle with it's exceptional range. Prepare all standard fighter squadrons and deploy our advance fighters." Even as the massive armada drifted towards Taanab, the subtle changes could be identified. The Armada's primary escorts turned upon the stealth fleet, firing upon it with the full might of the Invictus Command ship that deployed against it. The firepower was mighty, however not as effective as one would hope. Since the ships were cloaked from the fleet's sensors, it would be some time before the guns could be manually trained to effectively fire upon the enemy. The stealth fleet was effective because it could dodge the targeting computers that were aboard the CIS ships, but the naked eye could spot it, and if they could spot it, they could destroy it.

While the ships prepared to move into place, the Exarch wondered if [member="Voph"] was yet taking the planet. In the next moment he heard the Viceroy's words over the holocall. The Resolve had entered Taanab's atmosphere, which meant the mass invasion had all but begun. It would be enough for now. In the next moment the Viceroy returned to the holocall, only to explain he must end such a thing. "Very well, Viceroy. Do not fail." He nodded to the man, watching as the holo of Voph disintegrated before him.

"Exarch, the rear line is holding. They are currently falling back, but they are not breaking." An officer called to Malphas. He nodded at the man as a B1 also chimed in behind him.

"The advance fleet is moving to intercept our assailants and the invasion ships are away, what are your orders, my lord?"

"Is the enemy main body within range?" The droid glanced at his terminal before nodding. "Yes, my lord. Our fighter compliment is engaging the enemy fighters but...sir they're taking hard losses. Our full complement is still deploying." The Exarch raised a hand in pause as his eyes befell the main battleship that stood against him. He aimed his finger at the bizarre vessel. "That ship.....order all guns to target their main flagship. Command The Dread Queen to do so as well."

Half of the bridge looked to the Exarch in confusion. Tactically destroying a flagship was a great thing, yet devoting a full fleet's firepower seemed....personal. But there was more. The Exarch could feel the darkness radiating from that ship, and he could feel the power that came from it. A flame, a mighty inferno that roared along the bridge, he intended to extinguish that flame.

"All that ship and hold fire for maximum effect!" He could not help but smirk. "Reminds me of my days with the Empire....I wonder how [member="Tanomas Graf"] would have dealt with these Mandalorians." He looked before him as each of his vessels chimed in their acknowledgement of the ship they were to fire. Malphas' eyes were keen as he gave the order.


Immediately the Whitestar escorts released a hellish firing volley, intent on slamming into the enemy ship's deflector shields. A mixture of turbolaser fire and ion torpedos dotted the skies filling it with crimson and azure lights. This was nothing compared to what came next. The Veil's turbolasers turned towards the Mandalorian fleet and rained hell upon it, along with the firepower of the Dread Queen. It was enough firepower to destroy an entire fleet, and it had all been aimed at [member="Aedan Miles"].

Darth Malphas' Fleet-

Armada Flagship-
The Veil | Shields: 73% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane

Armada Command Escorts-
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 0% | Hull: 0% | Currently: Destroyed {Minefield}
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 0% | Hull: 0% | Currently: Destroyed {Minefield}
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 0% | Hull: 84% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 30% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 82% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane
Whitestar Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Fighters: Deployed | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane

Fleet 1 Flagship-
The Dread Queen | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Mandalore's Bane

F1 Command Escorts-
Invictus Class Battlecruiser | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet

F1 Carrier Group-
The Fortressa | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Disabled, unmoving
The Sarai- Command Escort | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Leading Carrier group towards Taanab.
Lucrehulk II Class Battleship | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Lucrehulk II Class Battleship | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Lucrehulk II Class Battleship | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Lucrehulk II Class Battleship | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Lucrehulk II Class Battleship | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort

Providence II Class Assault Carrier | Shields: 81% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Providence II Class Assault Carrier | Shields: 77% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Providence II Class Assault Carrier | Shields: 21% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Providence II Class Assault Carrier | Shields: 2% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Providence II Class Assault Carrier | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet

F1 Cruisers-
Munificent Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Munificent Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet
Munificent Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Firing on Stealth Fleet

Mordekai Escort Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Mordekai Escort Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Mordekai Escort Cruisers | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Following Command escort
Mordekai Escort Cruisers | Shields: 0% | Hull: 0% | Currently: Destroyed by Stealth Fleet

F1 Corvettes-
21x Deathstalker Class Corvette | Shields: 79% | Hull: 100% | Currently: Holding position behind Armada Flagship

Fleet Actions {Rough Chronological order}:
  • Order Fleet detachment {Invictus-Battlecruiser, Munificent cruiser, Providence Assault Carrier, etc.} to fire on [member="Aedan Miles"] Stealth Fleet (Manual firing order, less effective than targeting computers)
  • Deploy Fighter Complement, complement enters battle with enemy fighters. Losing.
  • Main Invasion body breaks away, heading for Taanab's surface.
  • Order Armada Flagship, Fleet Flagship, and escorts to fire on Mandalore's Bane in a unified firing order.

Where: Having jumped away, detonating her surprise behind her for [member="Quoron Cadera"] and [member="Dezoti"] , her fleet has finally come together hours ago and just finished making refit and resupply at the classified rendezvous location with CIS ships and is preparing to return to the Battle of Taanab.
When: Present-day
Allies: CIS and Allies
Enemies: UCM and Compatriots

Fleet: 45,373.66m
1x Ne’tra’galaar III
7x Adjudicator-class Star Destroyers
10x Valiant II-class Star Destroyers - 2 destroyed
10x Gestalt-class Artillery Destroyers - 1 destroyed
5x Heart Seeker Frigates
5x Siege Breaker Frigates
6x Mazzoc-class Corvettes - 2 destroyed
84 Squadrons (1,008) Vulture Droids - All destroyed; returning with 30 Squadrons (360) more after refit.


Visanj gave the order, and signaled the detonation, hours ago, right as she'd jumped out.

The Mechanicum Star Core had never quite worked right. It was fragile, and could go bad…..really bad…..very quickly. Limited size supernovas would not only eat your own ship, but they’d swallow a fleet if everyone was close around you. It’s too dangerous, they’d said, and even The Mechanicum had never quite made a stable version. This was exactly what Vi had been counting on. Aboard that shuttle, sat a mechanicum core, intentionally set and building toward nova the moment it launched. One remote signal, via hyperwave, would trigger overload and the whole thing goes off! Sandwiched between two enemy fleets, it wouldn’t get them all, but it would gut them both if they were in range.

The droid crew aboard the cloaked Beebop-class shuttle had maneuvered it into place perfectly. As the detonation began, the flash consumed the tiny ship, building with the pregnant power of the micro-nova. The effect was an intensive gravity well, and a hyper-powerful shockwave spreading out over the entire area of the system. “Gods, I hope our people moved back,” Vi said. She knew that [member="Adron Malvern"] would pull them back, he had to, and with luck, the enemy fleets would be right there, turning toward attacking the Confederacy’s rear. The blast, she figured, would send an EMP wave out for several hundred kilometers, strong enough to shut down most systems. Visanj had left her starfighters behind to harry the enemy’s advance. A thousand starfighters should slow them for a moment or two while we get away, she remembered thinking, knowing that none of them would survive the nova. They were vultures….droids, she reminded herself.

The information came in, the blast would engulf a great portion of the enemy’s fleet, but not all she thought. She didn’t know how many had moved off when they broke attack. At least two of her Mazzoc-class corvettes were gone, blown to hell by Chiss cannons, and two Valiants, and a Gestalt hadn’t made it out of there. The blast of a micro-nova would devastate a fleet, and whatever wasn’t pulled in, if it were anywhere near the event horizon, would be left adrift and their systems fried. [member="John Locke"] and [member="Kiff Brayde"] would have the opening they need, to open all guns and begin to push back and counter their offensive. That bought time for the Dagatans to get back, to come in behind our allies and join their line. The refueling, combat repairs, and restocking of starfighters had taken time, and it was much less than before, only 360 starfighters, just thirty squadrons remaining. When the resupply carrier ships that [member="Adron Malvern"] had loaned them from the CIS jumped away, Vi opened a channel to all ships.

“Strap up boys, we’re going back in. If the Force is with us, our little present should have taken the wind out of their sails. But right now, right now our friends are fighting alone. We’re going back, and this time, we’re going to stay and fight by their side. If we die, we die, but we die for the winning side.” Vi ended the call, ordered coordination, and one by one, her remaining ships jumped back into hyperspace, back to the battle, back to whatever awaited them.

Vi could only hope and pray it was enough to carry the day.

“More scotch, Ma’am?” Aries asked.

“Hell yes.”
I am a son of the Mountain.

Objective: Scout out the area, approach the city
Location: Taanab Fieldslands {A few miles from the city}
Tags: [member="Valdus Bral"]
Posts: II


Alone, Cardinal moved swiftly, he pushed through the agri-fields with ease and now he was making his way towards the Mandalorian city. He had disabled his comm device to keep himself from detection. One stray signal and he would be met with resistance, if not bombed from the skies immediately. There was no telling what the Mandalorians did or did not know, and he had no intention of finding out. He advanced through the fields, his breathing even as the Force flowed through his legs like water through a stream. It was an easy enough trek, even after the crash his energy reserves were high and he was intent on using them. It was not long before his eyes spied the Mandalorian city that lied before him. It had been protected by an energy field, true enough but he could not see the blasted thing. Instead, he could feel the energy radiating off the unnatural, invisible shield. He turned his eyes to the skies above, where true war raged on. The planet's surface was being riddled with fire and those few ships the CIS had managed to get to the planet were already under fire. This was of no consequence to him, his mind was elsewhere.

He wished, dearly to face [member="Valdus Bral"] yet again. The last time the Confederacy had invaded, Valdus had been the center of defense. What about this time? Now, his mission could serve two-fold. Dismantle the Mandalorian defense and defeat Valdus Bral. If this was done, then the CIS would be so much closer to victory.

"*Ushindi au kifo." Cardinal spoke in his native tongue, as his eyes befell the city. He turned his attention from the power that flowed within his legs. Instead, he turned to his own being. His skin that was bronze, his hair was black, and his eyes were a sunburnt orange. With a twist of his wrist, he enveloped the light around him, commanding it to bleed away from him and divide him from the spectrum of the naked eye. There was a brief shift and in the next moment his body fell from sight, causing him to become all but invisible. He had not only made himself invisible to the naked eye, but also struck himself from the very fabric of the Force. To sense him, would be an impossibility as far as he was concerned.

Now, he turned towards the city before him and began his advance. He would root out the Mandalorians himself.

*Victory or death.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
Location: atmosphere of Tanaab en route to Pandath and the main Mandalorian ground forces.
Objective: Eliminate or shake off enemy airborne units, reinforce the shield generator, and to do so without dying.
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] , [member="Ruus"]
Enemies: [member="Voph"] , [member="Cardinal Vi'dreya"] , [member="Xobos Yakieer"]

Valdus' raised his right hand to grip the straps that hung from the ceiling of the gunship as it sped towards the city and [member="Adenn Kyramud"] 's larger forces. The pilots of the Tal'galaar began to pick up enemy signatures on their sensors, the pilot of the Tal'galaar Valdus was currently occupying spoke up quickly, " They sent fighters. I don't know what kind."

Valdus responded just as quickly to the pilot, " Take us over the main forces near the city." Speaking over his encrypted comms to Adenn directly, " They've sent interceptors at my flight, I'm going to bring them over your forces, prepare any anti-starfighter weapon systems you have." Valdus was mostly guessing on the interceptor being what they sent after them. There was rarely any other category of starfighter a commander would send in retaliation to ground assault craft in his mind, though he had no way of telling for sure.

"Get the ARC on the rear! Fire on any starfighter trying to line up on us." He commanded sharply, the droid brains already began to follow his command. The ARC-170r's slowed their throttle and began to ascend. This caused the Tal'galaar to slip under the ARC-170r escorts. The ARC-170r's then regained speed to keep up with the Tal'galaar. Any starfighter that would attempt to attack them would have to come from above and due to their headstart they would also be coming from behind. The higher and rear positioning of the ARC-170r's coupled with their wide body and shield projectors would make an effective screen against any attack from the aformentioned angle. In addition to the screen, any starfighter or atmospheric fighter, bomber, interceptor, or otherwise would be met with medium laser cannon fire at a blistering rate from the quad-linked medium laser cannon rearguns of the ARC-170r's. Light Laser Cannons were the most common primary weapon system of more modern fighters, it took heavy fighters like the ARC-170 or the recreated ARC-170r's to have the space and energy capacity to make use of medium laser cannons. Not only did the ARC-170r's have the standard wing mounted medium laser cannons, but the two light laser cannons on the rear were replaced by the single quad laser cannon array on Valdus' adaptation.

A few seconds passed and Valdus looked towards the rear of the gunship where the two Mandalorian Devastator units were also holding onto the straps hanging above them. These two warriors were armed with super-heavy weapons and clad in armor that rivaled that of Valdus' own. A truly terrifying force on the battlefield. Currently Valdus commanded four, however two were in the other gunship. They were wasted assets up here, he should have dropped them off somewhere else. He began to think of where they would be useful. Where was he heading? The city. Who needed to be reinforced? Well the shield over the city was one of the largest boons to their current options, it was a likely target for assault by the invasion forces. He knew where the Devastators were needed, changing channels he began to contact the local guards that he knew to be scrambled around the city. Valdus' commlink tuned into the guard's emergency station, which was likely full of clutter from panicked guards and the background noises of battle. " This is Alor Bral, I am on my way to reinforce the main shield generator. Prepare to receive." He expected any objections to be raised immediately such as if the zone was hot or if the shield generator was already thoroughly guarded.

While the powersuit units were a waste in the air, so was Valdus. He knew he could be more impactful on the ground, it's where he belonged in combat. In the battle of Eshan he had found that many of the force sensitive opposition found ways to skirt around the main battle lines in hopes of targeting commanding officers or other high value targets. In Eshan he was able to defeat two of these special combatants, he was at the right place at the right time to intercept them. This time he knew where they would be: anywhere the main fighting wasn't. Even the smallest gap of battle would allow these operatives to infiltrate to the back line time after time. Valdus began to observe the outside of the battlefield, scanning for any areas where fighting was it's thinnest and presented an easier way to the city from the cockpit of the gunship. It was then that he caught site of a lone crashed ship with the canopy missing. The dead do not escape crashed aircraft and there had been no medical evacuation to this area - he had encountered the first wave of enemy medical and structural supplies already, none had made it past him to his knowledge. " If only tenacity absolved them of their witchcraft." He muttered to himself, convinced only those who were imbued with the magic of the Force could consistently survive such events.

Group 1:
1x Valdus Bral

Group 2:
  • 1x Tal’galaar Gunships (1/1) [Optimally staffed]
  • 1x ARC-170r Squadrons (3/4) [Escorting Gunship]
  • 2x Mandalorian Devastator (AC-12, Haran Launcher)
Location: LZ-Alpha, Tanaab Surface​
Accompanying: [member="Valencia Hadley"], [member="Luna Terrik"], [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] + Open​
Nearby: [member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Madalena Antares"], [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Eli-Mae Forrest"]​
Tag: [member="Yasha Cadera"], [member="Valdus Bral"]​

In the end, only the pups howled back.

Uttered in the only languaged that the drunkards of war could understand, the Vicelord made his call to the one responsible for every moment of atrocity. The peace of the Galaxy had been shattered - and upon the shoulders of one infernal woman was the blame. And yet, despite the phenomenal response mustered by her subordinates, there was only silence. Despite the taunts of those who would willingly leap upon a grenade in her name, the Sole Ruler was...absent. Yet again. Absent for the raids which had brought the Galaxy's ire to Tanaab. Absent for the Battle of Eshan. Absent in the here and now.

In the precious seconds following his challenge, the comm was briefly abuzz with the frivolity of her subordinates. The answer that was offered was one that the Sith had anticipated - but a small nugget held out hope that the survivor of the Netherworld would come to face the man she once knew. Come to face the justice that she had earned. But, that was not the reality of the present. And thus, with arms held wide, Darth Metus spoke again. The baritone of his voice thundered over the public channels.

"This is who you suffer for. This is who you bleed for. This is who you die for. So quick is she to cast you into the jaws of your enemies - but where is she? Safe behind the walls of Manda'yaim. While you face the consequences of what you have wrought - she watches as her children live and yours die. This all could have ended in one fell swoop of a blade. This hell you fight could be over, if only she answered for the blood on her hands. But." The edges of his man's lips curved upwards, the beginning of a smirk forming at the thought. "You kneel before one who is no better than Azrael who came before. You fight and die for one who has abandoned you to the just rewards you have earned."

"But. Take heart, children of Mand'alor. Though Mand'alor the Absent has sent you to fight alone, you surely will not die alone. Those who you slain will rest this day, knowing that you will be coming fast to join them."

Those were the last words uttered by the Vicelord to his adversaries. And for a time, his attention turned towards the Forward Operating Base that was beginning to disembark. With each passing moments, scorched drop pods and flaming transports made their way to the landing zone. Urgency was in the air as their crews did everything in their power to see their precious cargo unloaded as swiftly as possible. Droids poured down the ramps of every shape, size, and purpose. Artillery began to roll out. Prefabricated walls. Given enough time, the FOB would be just the foothold the Confederacy needed upon this hostile world.

And, as if on queue, the Vicelord's Wrath arrived fresh onto the battlefield. The Dauntless Legion, commanded by [member="Luna Terrik"], began to disembark as well. Initially, the commander reported immediately to the Sith, with his own daughter - the Adjutant Vi'Dreya - in tow. Their initial report was promising: the shield generator would be one of the more pivotal assets for making the Forward Operating Base a lasting structure. With the amount of progress being made, it seemed as though the foothold would be operational in no time. The Sith parted his lips to answer the women before him...

Yet their location was marked as a priority target by the enemy - as would be expected of any landing force of size. And though the crews were beginning to ready Anti-Air automatons, the timing ruled in the favor of the Mandalorian offensive. Dropships thundered from above the plains, wreaking absolute havoc upon the landing zone. Those who were blessed by the Force had the means to hastily defend themselves and those adjacent with bubbles of the Force. Yet despite their efforts, there were losses. As the Sith lowered his own cocoon of protection, his sulfuric gaze swept across the wreckage. The strike was a noticeable setback to their timetable. Another like it would delay his designs far too long.

Before Darth Metus could even address the Confederate comms, his daughter [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] had already made the call for aide. The tone of her voice was alarmed - as would any soul that had managed to survive the hell of aerial devastation. And though the one who responded was quite some distance away, to the felt as if she was within arm's reach. Such was the depth of the bond shared between the alabaster warrior and her Master. Perpetually, a river of understanding ran betwixt the two. He could feel the thoughts racing through her mind as the battle progressed. Knew the relief she felt in knowing his boots made it to the ground unscathed. And as she continued to own the role of coordinating their efforts, her words to the Sith were his push into the fray.

Do what you must.

"Commander, we've got support inbound, but anti-air is going to win this fight. If its got cannons, I need it operational yesterday. Allya, that shield - do whatever you can to get us some lasting cover. Dark Acolytes, to me. I'll buy us the time we need."

His orders were barked above the roar of the flames which licked the wreckage. Over the cries of the wounded. The FOB had pivotal needs if it was to weather the storm of their adversies, and the Vicelord trusted the Dauntless to carry out his will to the letter. In the interim, a trio of Obsidian Executors broke away from the personnel on the ground. By the Sith's call did they rally to his side, to fulfill the purpose of their personal tutelages. Do as you must yet burned within his mind - and for his Confederacy, there was nothing he would not do.

Together, Sith and Acolyte stood - with each facing one of the four cardinal directions. Lyrics of languages long since deceased formed and fell from their lips, twisting and contorting the Darkness with every syllable. Each weaved a different song of woe for their adversaries. The Vicelord, personally, devoured the life that was all around him. Tanaab was a verdant land of fertile soil and evergreen plains. Yet as the incantation slithered from his lips, the darkness fed upon the greenery at his feet. At once, the vibrance gave way to yellow - blades of grass withered in a sudden wave whilst insects lost the will to crawl. The critters whose burrows laid beneath the dirt began to slumber eternal. And in but a few short moments, the whole of the Forward Operating Base would find the green grasses dead.

Yet this feast of life did not go unwasted - for at the apex of his exortation, the Sith and Acolytes raised their hands in tandem. Above there heads, there was a triad of transluscent shimmers which vanished just as soon as they began. And by his command did a peal of thunder roll.

Location: Control Tower, Pandath City, Tanaab
Allies: Alkor Centaris, CIS
Enemies: UCM + Allies

My darlings.

Something about slipping into full armor and preparing for war gave him a shudder of both pleasure and anticipation. First was the delightful modification of his simple attire to that of the obsidian strike armor. It fits snugly to his obtuse specifications but was ultimately tailored to him. The war plates he constructed through alchemy strap to his forearms and shins. The plate securely strapping to his chest. The decorative dragon mask over his face. He flexes his fingers inside the gauntlets and outfits himself with weaponry. His swords tremble with hunger and glee.

The red light turns green and without a moments notice he plummeted from orbit with a gut wrenching lurch. The shaking blurs his vision through the slits in his mask and the impact left him momentarily dazed. The door to his pod explodes off and he steps out onto the field of battle. The smoke was so thick that only the squealing chirps of blaster fire could pierce it. The explosions rock the ground beneath his feet as confederate and mandalorian forces clash relentlessly.

Hevn’s feet pound the earth, escaping the fog of war. The chatter of the public comms brings a wicked grin to his lips. The scathing banter between enemies was petty and humorous. Alkor’s voice crackles through it all to issue a classified command. Omega Protocol. His focus drifts from the field around him to his data pad. The rendezvous blip pinging away at the position he was to meet Alkor.

Again, his boots pound dirt. The extra armor makes him a lumbering tank jogging along with his eyes peeled for danger. Between his equipment and signature force powers he felt confident and safe against the odd blaster shot or engaging soldier. It was the gunships screaming overhead, rupturing the earth with heavy blaster fire that made his gut clench with every fly by. The wail of their engines causing his head to turn and watch them, poised for evasion. He would need every second.

As he approaches the shield, he can see Alkor ahead of him, scaling a building. With considerably less care than his brother, he activated the breaching program and pushes through. His first steps are accompanied by heaving breathes. It was now he realized that his conditioning left something to be desired. He had not pushed his lungs in full gear since Muunilinst. Nearly a lifetime ago.

His self inflicted frustration burns inside of his lungs. With a growl he pushes the pain into his legs and pulling on the dark side of the force, launches himself at the building full force. His hands grasp a ledge some stories below the roof, and systematically he begins to scramble up the side. He didn’t relish the idea of being caught dead to rights in this moment. Upon reaching the top his eyes catch Alkor dipping below the horizon again, and he races in pursuit. Alkor was quick and Hevn found himself grateful that his prosthetic limbs did not tire.

A noise. A screech that shook the planet from its core to the wind that whipped over the surface. So loud that it blanks his expression and halts his feet in their tracks. There was a thing. The only knew what it was. A reptilian behemoth that towered even above the smoke that he could only see now. A vortex of darkness that dwarfed them all. Hevn’s jaw slacks in awe as he watches its thunderous movements and wonders whose side that thing is on.

He shakes free of his awe, and rather noisily mimics Alkor’s method of infiltration. Hevn was under the impression their role would be less clandestine and more up close and personal. The fact was that the hospital had become a black hole. Denser than any fighting force he’d ever seen the Mandalorians were bunkered up there, and hard. Now that influence was spreading and the confederate forces were being sucked in to the vacuum of battle centered around the medical facility. They put their chips down on an impeccable defense. It was time to bring the Confederacy some relief.

Hevn drops from the ceiling with a slam. As he straightens himself toward Alkor a wave of darkness explodes across the fields of Tanaab. The spectrum of emotions were too fast to process. It was his extra senses that whispered of who and what. Two entities of great darkness clashing. With dark siders fighting both sides of this battle it was unclear to Hevn whether ally or enemy had met a brutal end. He could feel the last moments of a warrior slipping through his psyche. Insurmountable rage trampled by despair and defeat. Loathing burning bright before being extinguished in a cloud of pain and fear. The ripple twists his stomach as the throes of a dying fighter echo through the force.

Hevn’s expression is twisted with curiosity rather than concern, unable to adequately differentiate ally from enemy auras. He saves his breath. Alkor was focused on the task at hand and Hevn would not interrupt or distract him. Hevn begins analyzing the room they occupy for entrances, exits, and escapes. Whatever happened now, he had to look out for the Knight Commander and see their mission through to success.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]​
Tags: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] | [member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Keira Cerdulan"] | [member="Luna Terrik"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Valdus Bral"] | [member="Voph"] | [member="Srina Talon"]​
Equipment: Lightsaber, Armor, Blasters, Frag Grenades, EMP grenades​
Objective: Set up FOB and gather forces for the march on the city​

As Luna came over, Allya still worked on the wiring. Bypass the control panel. Disable the shut offs and reroute the power breaker. The girl swore under her breath. “Just a moment Luna. I almost have this.” Moments later, the generator hummed to life, and powered the shield pylon. With all three generators working, the area was soon under the protection of the shield. It wasn't the most powerful shield, but it should prevent more bombing runs from getting them as easily as the last one. When done, she turned and looked at Luna. Without any hesitation, the girl threw her arms around the woman, and hugged her tight. However, the emotion was short lived, as she looked over Luna's armor, and scanned it as best as she could. It seems her creation had held up once more. “Good to see you commander.”

She pressed a button on her wrist. “Crash, get yourself to the camp. Don't die on me yet. We have to begin gathering the wounded, and the survivors. Begin setting up the guns now that we have the shields up. I know....” It then cut off and she looked at the distance towards the city. Adenn had begun to artillery shell his own city. A city that had very few CIS troops inside of it yet. He was literally blowing it up and because of the cities own shields didn't pose any threat to the forces gathering. However, soon their own artillery would be set up and the anti-air guns. The FOB would be fully operational, regardless of the damage done.

Allya's eyes moved to the wreckage of her ship. That Scimitar had seen her through many battles, and adventures. The ship would be mourned as would be the crew members. Her troops....many bodies laid strewn across the battle field. However, many more were still alive, and kicking. Finally, she scanned over to the troops gathering outside the shield. She turned on her suit's recording device, and recorded Adenn bombing and destroying his own city. And the fact that the CIS troops were not where he was attacking.

The minds of these insane Mandalorians would be ever a mystery to her. Didn't they understand what they were doing? He was forcing injured civilians to fight. He was attacking his own city, and it would all be recorded, to be shown to the galaxy the insanity of the Mandalorians. Her eyes scanned the area a bit, and she shook her head. “Alright....let's do this thing. All units who are not constructing, or injured, begin to gather at the edge of the shield. We are waiting a little long, but lets get organized. We march on this intelligence forsaken city soon.”

Ship after ship kept landing, unloading more and more troops. Her comm rang out to the nearby fighters. “Report in. Provide air cover for the troops gathering. When the shield comes down, assault the city with full force. They are already bombing their own city.” She turned to Luna. “Orders, Commander?” While in agony, the pain meds, the force, and her own will helped stave that off for now. They had a war to fight.

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