Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
[SIZE=11pt]Company / Workshop: Bard Independent[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Modification Made: Tier increase[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Tier Up: III>IV[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]5 Unique or Semi-Unique products[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]5 Personal Commissions[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1 Mastercraft Project[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]8 Personal Commissions[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]1 Mastercraft Project[/SIZE]






[SIZE=11pt]Personal Commissions:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Maintenance on Connory's inventions for the Rebellion[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - testing a prototype droid[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - taking back his private laboratory ship[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - recruiting and stygium data[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - building special ship for ATC[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mastercraft Project:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - in desperate circumstances, Connory uses minimal resources to improvise a solution using his specialty, and takes down a dreadnought. Posts (just those from me):[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rationale: A ton of old stuff fit and hasn't been used before. Made solid recent progress too.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]New Submission: Old one's fine.[/SIZE]
Labkahip Mordulla said:
Miscellaneous Threads
Please re-read the Company tier advancement requirements and label each thread with what passive or active objective they are completing.
Simply edit your current post and @Mention me with a reply when you have made the appropriate edits.

All other requests have been approved and will be updated.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Company / Workshop: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing

Modification Made: Changing "Operations" to be extremely explicit as to the fact that the company produces a little bit of everything.

Rationale: To satisfy Gir Quee's requirements that DCMM list 'vehicles' in the 'Operations' section of the submission in order to produce the T4-C Heavy Tank, so I may use it as a submission to tier up with.

New Submission:

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
  • Headquarters: Arkania
  • Locations: Eshan (Research and Development), Carida(Manufacturing)
  • Operations: Development and manufacturing of spacecraft, vehicles, droids, weapons
  • Tier: 3(due to 'home' faction's mandate)
Many years ago, there was a company called Subach-Innes. After being reduced to rubble twice and relocating across the galaxy multiple times - this including a renaming to Emeritus Industries and a merger with Ri'ess Regal Drive Industries, the company was effectively ended. So too ended Vanessa Vantai's influence on the galaxy, her providing of war equipment to major galactic powers having effectively ended itself.

With her return to the galaxy, it was time to at least somewhat start again. Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing was the corporation intended to fulfill the needs of Vanessa to provide significant quantities of military equipment to factions across the galaxy - particularly those of a darker alignment. The products vary in design, from acidic warheads and grapple droids to radiation-resistant exoskeletons and hypervelocity gun turrets. A smattering of most war material is for sale, particularly to factions of a darker alignment, though depending on the relationship of Vanessa's associated faction, other equipment could end up being sold to more neutrally aligned factions.

Vanessa's corporate influence has waxed and waned over the years. With recent circumstances surrounding Emeritus, the creation of a new company was required. The positioning of the company allows for a reasonably easy transit of material to the Mandalorians and Sith Empire, with a northern route allowing for transit of material around GA space to the First Order. Distribution of such material is particularly important given the relative control of the northern and southwestern portions of the galaxy by the 'darker' faction. The company may potentially be relocated if the Galactic Alliance becomes too close for comfort.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Labkahip Mordulla said:
Miscellaneous Threads Serve With Alacrity (active)
What is being done in this thread? If the intention here is for it to be used as an Active expansion thread, here's a list of some of what a submitter may do to fulfill the active expansion objective requirements:
Active Company Expansion Objectives

- Establish another operation for your company
- Establish a sphere of influence on a planet or in a sector
- Establish or help establish a colony
- Establish or help establish a new location
- Participate in a planet's colonization
- Recruit personnel into your company
- Secure investors for your company
- Train another company or faction's personnel
Vanessa Vantai said:
This is the same thing as "and other technology" (etcetera is used at the end of lists to denote that further, similar, items are to be included).

Vanessa Vantai said:
Operations: Development and manufacturing of spacecraft, vehicles, droids, weapons
Edit your Operations field to read as above, with no other additions, and your modification request will be accepted.

Travis Caalgen

Company / Workshop: Taim & Bak

Modification Made: Releasing the company from my grasps.

Rationale: I haven't done anything with this company since I acquired it, and I'd honestly rather acquire a different canon.

New Submission: N/A
Company / Workshop: Didact Defense Solutions.

Modification Made: Tier Up. Expansion.



Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
New Submission:

  • Image Source: [x] [x]
  • Canon Link: /
  • Development Thread: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Corporation Name: Didact Defense Solutions
  • Headquarters: Etti IV - Administration.
  • Locations:
Biewa - Manufacturing.
Bonadan - Recruitment & Storage.
Davirien - Training.

Atchorb - Recruitment & Outpost.
Tothis - Shipyards & Droid Production.
Ord Mantell - Smuggling Ring.
Oron III - Information Hub & Outpost.
Lythos - Mining & Outpost.
  • Operations:
Private Security.
Military Equipment Manufacturing.
Information Gathering.

  • Tier: 4
Didact Defense Solutions operates under three pillars: gather, build and defend. It was decided early on that while it would be impossible to become completely self-sufficient (especially in the beginning), it was important to lay down the groundworks from the start.

Its current holdings were chosen for those reasons.

Biewa: One of the many industrial worlds of the Corporate Sector was the perfect place to occupy an abandoned factory plant. A steady stream of credits from Itash ensured that it was restored to proper working order and soon after personnel began to return. The people must eat, after all. Biewa currently functions mostly as a professional restoration, repair and modification center for Didact Defense Solutions, rather than the construction of new designs. This will surely change in the near future.

Bonadan: Located on the crossroads between many important shipping lanes of the Corporate Sector Bonadan was chosen for its ability to attract and retain individuals from every walk of life, its central location with the Corporate Sector and cheap options to hire warehouses for storage. This world has a mid-sized recruiting station in the main starport of the planet, while having several smaller booths in the other starports.

Davirien: A jungle world formerly owned by large medical interests Davirien is unremarkable for the most part. It is for that reason that Didact Defense Solutions picked it as their main training grounds within the Corporate Sector. A facility was constructed in the jungle and the tracks around it have been cordoned off with regular patrols and sparse outposts. After all, it would be a sad affair if some tourists wandered into Didact’s territory and accidentally got killed during a training session.

Atchorb: A regional trade hub due to its positioning between two major lanes within the Corporate Sector Atchorb was a prime choice to expand Didact's recruitment efforts within the Sector. With an eye on an expansion on its mandate in the future Didact Defense Solutions has acquired a well-meshed military facility, recently abandoned by the former security forces of the Corporate Sector. It has been renovated and serves as a medium-grade outpost for Didact in this part of the Corporate Sector.

Tothis: An industrial center of middling stature Tothis is the site of the former Baktoid shipyards and production facilities, before its owner sold the company to Didact Defense Solutions. Didact had little use for the ancient, archaic products and brand that it used to keep and discarded it almost immediately. They sold them off on the open market and used the winnings to expand the facilities and the shipyard extensively. Right now the shipyards and facilities operate under a free trade agreement, where Didact rents out the operations to start-up corporations and design firms that do not have the capital to purchase their own manufacturing centers. Furthermore they are used to repair or refit any vehicles and starships that Didact might operate.

Ord Mantell: Lawless, chaotic and incapable of being brought to order, this is Ord Mantell. Didact Defense Solutions operated here in the past under the contract of the Collective. Their mission was bringing an ambitious smuggling operation to heel and neutralize it, to pave the way for the Collective's expansion northward. Once there Didact made the executive decision to co-opt the operation for its own ends instead of completely destroying it. The Collective considered the contract fulfilled as the smuggling ring was now run by an organization that was amenable to its goals. The smuggling ring mostly operates independently, but accepts directive from Etti. When Didact is in need of equipment, resources while avoiding the public eye, they turn to Ord Mantell for their needs.

Orron III - Previously only known for its agriculture and agrarian community Orron III was the site of a ruthless band of reavers for the past decade by the name of the Sons of the Shard. Utilizing the ancient Data Hub hidden on the world, the pirates used it as their primary outpost to hit trade convoys and other targets within the Corporate Sector. Didact Defense Solutions was contracted out to wipe these pirates out. Once this goal was met they acquired legal paperwork to operate independently on Orron III, establishing an elaborate military outpost to pacify future pirate infestations in that part of the Corporate Sector. Of course, little did the Authority know that the outpost was build on top of the ancient Data Hub it operated about four-hundred years ago.

Lythos System - Down the Bonadan and the Hydian Super-Lane lies the Lythos system. It is known for both its output in agriculture and mining resources, but it is for the latter that Didact turned its eye towards the middling star system. Establishing another frontier outpost to assist with the stability of the system, they sub-contracted the construction of several substantial mining outposts on both Lythos I and XIV, to funnel the minerals and ore back to their refineries and manufacturing centers on Tothis and Biewa. Most of the excess resources are sold back to local manufacturing companies that need it more than Didact does.

Didact Defense Solutions was formed shortly after certain events occured on Eshan. Itash Mecetti, exiled nobleman and renowned scholar, found himself suddenly in control of a large detachment of Thyrsians. At first this seemed like good fun, then it became annoying, until Wes (one of his trusty sidekicks) pointed out the benefit of having a small standing army at your call.

Itash, always ready to assist the needs of his fellow sentients, made a decision right there and then. He would utilize their strengths and together they would make a lot of money.

First order of call was capitalizing on his efforts on Arkania. With the sudden access to professional muscle hundreds strong it became trivial to finalize the last stages of his project around the excavation site of a certain Sith library. Rather than restore it… Itash had it ransacked, extracting anything valuable and demolishing the site soon after that to cover his tracks.

Next port of call: the Corporate Sector.

There were other places to visit for a fledgling private military corporation, of course. But there was something brewing there and his luck guided him along.

They found the Corporate Sector different from what Tash could remember.

Much of the order of things were strangely lacking, which concerned him briefly, before Tash realized that this meant he could avoid some of the frustrating bureaucracy.

They comfortably settled themselves in.

Didact Defense Solutions was open for business.

Subsidiaries: /

Parent Corporation: /

Fiolette Fortan

Company/Workshop: Primo Victorian (x)
Modification Made: Tier Up, Changing HQ
Changing HQ: From Victoria, Dosuun to Zonju V.
Rationale: Tier 2 to Tier 3; Updating company lore/information to reflect Fiolette's ongoing story and changing sides from an exclusive First Order company to an Independent one.

Display growth through two passive expansions:

Display growth through one active expansion:

Active Expansion I: Aid in Expansion (x

New Submission:

  • Image Source: @Runi Verin
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: If Required.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Primo Victoria
  • Headquarters: Zonju V
  • Locations: Bespin, Tokima, Iziz, Dxun,
  • Operations:
    Starship Design
  • Starship Manufacturing
  • Starship Development
  • Handheld Weapons

[*]Tier: III
Formerly, an exclusive First Order shipwright, Primo Victoria now hopes to engage with the galaxy at large by providing quality starship components, designs, and production. With this in mind, Fiolette decided to reopen the old HVHAR locations while folding her old First Order HQ. She relocated to Zonju V this change reflected her new stance on independence and on where she wanted to take her shipwright company.

  • Bespin: Sales & Contracting
    A lovely office is situated here and looks over Calrissian Plaza, having survived the onslaught of the Galactic Alliance the office is rumored to now have a panic room installed.

[*]Tokima: Recruitment, Training & Education
  • While a rather formidable and harsh land, Tokima serves as the primary education and recruitment office for Primo Victoria. The office here is hidden away in the corners of Aridente the capital of the planet.

[*]Iziz: Shipyards & Maintenance Yard
  • An inground shipyard that once belonged to House Verd Hangar and Armory has now been refurbished and will begin production on free-market vessels under 100 meters. A maintenance yard sits beside it working to repair any ship of this size or smaller.

[*]Dxun: Information Outpost, Acquisitions & Storage
  • Inhospitable jungles surround the outpost where Primo Victoria has since gone through and reworked older House Verd buildings into storage and an acquisitions office for acquiring new technology.

After merging Primo Victorian Shipwright with House Verd Hangar and Armory, Fiolette looked at her own situation. She knew that her days even as a citizen with the First Order were numbered, the plans she had for herself would put her at odds with the nation she once loved so dearly. Fiolette began to acquire business contracts and sponsorship from other companies and governments. Now with her independent shipwright company she was free to work as she pleased, the Galidraani set her sights on expanding Primo Victoria. This included investing a lot in hiring out Pathfinders and a Mercenary to help track down what would be her new headquarters under the guise of a hybrid Civilian-Military base. From here, the former grand admiral has set about creating her own personal station and then a call from Alric Kuhn of Vanir Technologies distracted her. He made her an offer she couldn't refuse and has since returned to the Coalition with a renewed sense of purpose.


  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Company / Workshop: GenPals

Modification Made:
Tier Up
Operation and Location expansion for Tier Up (Entertainment and Amuud Labs)
Operation and Location Expansion from thread work (Personal Security and Junction 01)



Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
MF Contract-

Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Provide philanthropic donations, fundraising, or contributions-
Three Codex Submissions -

Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
Train another company or faction's personnel-
Recruit personnel into your company-

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
Main Thread-
Supporting Subs-

New Submission



  • Image Source: Me. I made dis.

  • Canon Link: NA

  • Development Thread: NA

  • Primary Source: NA


  • Corporation Name: GenPals

  • Headquarters: Etti IV

  • Locations: Farana- Laboratories and Production, Morellia - Laboratories and Production, Amuud - Laboratories and Production, Bonadan - GenPals Conference Center and Showcase, Oron III - Junction 01

  • Operations:
    Bioengineering: GenPals primarily deals in the creation and sale of genetically modified ‘Designer’ Pets, but dabbles in a number of side projects related to genetics, biomechanics, and alterations.
    Manufacturing: GenPals sells specialized food (necessary for the health of their animals), gear, toys, clothing and other such frivolities pet owners are so prone to purchasing.
    Licensing: GenPals sells the licensing necessary for the sale of their animals to pet stores across the galaxy. Additional licensing available for the sale of merchandise andanimal training. Vets must have a ‘GenPals friendly’ stamp to treat GenPals within their warranty, due to the necessary specifics of treating these animals.

    ​Personal Security: GenPals offers personal security companions, as well as trainers and programs for those animals.
    Entertainment: Primarily children's programming, new holoshows are now being filmed and aired, featuring animated versions of various GenPals animals. The most popular so far has been Pocket Patrol!, a show about a group of plucky pocket vornskr solving problems for the betterment of their community.

  • Tier: 4

GenPals develops, grows and sells genetically modified organisms as designer pets across the galaxy. GenPals is family friendly and approachable on the surface. With excellent customer support and service, they also offer support products for their animals and training holos ranging from basic commands and common behavioral challenges, to complicated tricks and maneuvers. Licensed sellers of GenPals can also be certified as GenTrainers, offering classes and play groups for owners and their pets.

Purchasers of GenPals animals must also purchase food and other supplies that are genetically created and keyed to the animals’ specific needs and manufactured by the company. Going to a Vet that is not certified as a GenVet, or offering non GenPals food or treats to their animals nullifies the warranty.

As a manufacturer of cute and cuddly animals, GenPals remains distinctly unpolitical in its public leanings. Located on Etti IV, the owner is associated with the Corporate Sector Authority because it is simply good business to be so.

While the company only offers non-sentient or, rarely, semi-sentient animals in their various lines, they do accept custom orders that may push those boundaries- at least for individuals with deep enough pockets. These matters are considered private and GenPals handles them discreetly.

Told to either get into business or marry, if she wanted to continue to draw on her trust fund, Cassandra Paige did what any reasonable person would do- Wasted a few weeks kicking around the galaxy with her cash on hand, then opened a business directory, stuck a hair pin in at random, and purchased the company it pointed at.

In this case? Genu-Tech, a relatively small, utterly boring firm that specialized in livestock cloning technology and trouble shooting for their clients. Its earnings steady but unremarkable, it didn’t take long for Cass to figure out a much more lucrative focus for the company. Firing over 80% of the administrative staff, Cass renamed and rebranded Genu-Tech into GenPals. Family friendly, easily approachable, memorable advertising, she offered designer pets to the galaxy despite her clear disdain of the fuzzy little menaces herself. The niche in the market was empty, and if someone were going to take advantage of it, it would be Cassandra Paige.


Fiolette Fortan

Company/Workshop: Primo Victorian (x)
Modification Made: Tier Up
Rationale: Updating company lore/moving along with current events.

Tier 3 to 4 Requirement Checklist:

Display growth through two passive expansions:

Display growth through two active expansions:

Successfully complete a project of [SIZE=10pt]sizeable[/SIZE] portion:

  • Project I: Galidraan I (x (x)

    Featured In: Some Like it Hoth (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

    The Galactic Alliance invaded the Anoat Sector with FIS Kuragin, a Galidraan station as one of its targets. Their goal was to hyperspace the station back to Alliance territory. Their goal was not achieved and instead, the FIS Kuragin was destroyed.
  • After it was destroyed, Primo Victoria’s CEO then Fleet Admiral [SIZE=10pt]Fiolette[/SIZE] Yvarro took full responsibility for its destruction and led the long charge into creating the successor station as part of the large Mark II Refit Project; the Galidraan II. [Galidraan II Threads: A Matter of State (x), Behold! A Pale Horse (x), Everything's Better (x), The Lothal Run (x), The Great Galactic Heist (x)]

New Submission:

  • Image Source: [member="Runi Verin"]
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: If Required.
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Primo Victoria
  • Headquarters: Zonju V
  • Locations: Bespin, Tokima, Kal'Shebbol, Iziz, Dxun,
  • Operations:
    Starship Design
  • Starship Manufacturing
  • Starship Development
  • Handheld Weapons
  • Mounted Weapons

[*]Tier: IV
Now, established on Zonju V. Primo Victoria now works on continuing their major Mark III Revision Project, taking their entire First Order/Imperial Line and recreating them under an independent status. Most of which will go to [member="Alric Kuhn"] per their agreement utilizing the Foundry to produce the ships as fast as they can. The shipwright company now also looks to establish several lines of smaller ships for up and coming nations/return to the galactic stage such as the Corellian Confederacy and selling ships to those who need to get around within the vast expanse of the Outer Rim Coalition. Broadening horizons and opening doors beyond their initial Imperial sights. Primo Victoria now works to help the galaxy at large.

  • Bespin: Sales & Contracting
    A lovely office is situated here and looks over Calrissian Plaza, having survived the onslaught of the Galactic Alliance the office is rumored to now have a panic room installed.

[*]Tokima: Recruitment, Training & Education
  • While a rather formidable and harsh land, Tokima serves as the primary education and recruitment office for Primo Victoria. The office here is hidden away in the corners of Aridente the capital of the planet.

[*]Kal'Shebbol: Production Yard
  • Centered near Nuvoryth, Primo Victoria has established a new production yard for starfighters and surface craft making it easier to transport to Outer Rim/Wild Space contacts. Shipments from Kal'Shebbol typically have a higher cost due to tariffs/customs.

[*]Iziz: Shipyards & Maintenance Yard
  • An inground shipyard that once belonged to House Verd Hangar and Armory has now been refurbished and will begin production on free-market vessels under 100 meters. A maintenance yard sits beside it working to repair any ship of this size or smaller.

[*]Dxun: Information Outpost, Acquisitions & Storage
  • Inhospitable jungles surround the outpost where Primo Victoria has since gone through and reworked older House Verd buildings into storage and an acquisitions office for acquiring new technology.


After merging Primo Victorian Shipwright with House Verd Hangar and Armory, Fiolette looked at her own situation. She knew that her days even as a citizen with the First Order were numbered, the plans she had for herself would put her at odds with the nation she once loved so dearly. Fiolette began to acquire business contracts and sponsorship from other companies and governments. Now with her independent shipwright company she was free to work as she pleased, the Galidraani set her sights on expanding Primo Victoria. This included investing a lot in hiring out Pathfinders and a Mercenary to help track down what would be her new headquarters under the guise of a hybrid Civilian-Military base. From here, the former grand admiral has set about creating her own personal station and then a call from Alric Kuhn of Vanir Technologies distracted her. He made her an offer she couldn't refuse and has since returned to the Coalition with a renewed sense of purpose.

Having now established a number of contracts throughout the galaxy, Primo Victoria is on the move. Securing a section of land on Kal'Shebbol as production yards will soon begin producing starfighters and smaller craft. Meanwhile, Fiolette Yvarro now looks to the Inner Rim and even the Core - establishing relations with the fledgling Corellian Confederation. She's also assisted the Sith Empire's Zahori Denko in her quest for a grand starship and looks to help others with their own naval security including the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Company: Galderra Royal Treasury

Modification Made: Tier up, change "Ground-based Construction" to "Construction" under Operations. Remove "Armor" and Weapons" and add "Technology" under Operations. Add "Shipping" under Operations. Add "Investment" under Operations.

Tier Up: Four(4)
Adding Operations: Vehicles, Shipping, Investment
Adding Locations: Commenor, Taris, Jade Moon

Rationale: Completed Tier Expansion Requirements

Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
  • Long Since Forgotten - Galderra Royal Treasury creates an agreement with Commenor Systems Alliance to receive more supplies and assistance in preparation for expansion
  • What Could Possibly - Galderra Royal Treasury signs a Contract to create ships for the Ancient Eye
  • New Commencounters - Galderra Royal Treasury creates an agreement with the Minister of Trade & Finances of the Ministers of CSA, [member="Darben Skirae"] , to allow them a shop space on Wann Orbital Array
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company

Display growth through two active expansions of your company

Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions
  • Wann Orbital Array
    Witnessed - Provided plans to Commenor Systems Alliance for a massive Orbital Station Galderra and Commenor could both use and gain profit and usability from. Commenor Systems Alliance agreed to provide the materials and Galderra Royal Treasury provided the construction work.
  • Orbital Array - Factory Submission result of thread 'Witnessed' showing the physical station built.
  • Galderra Station - One half of the Orbital Array, dedicated to and aligned with Galderra
  • Commenor Embassy - One half of the Orbital Array - Dedicated to and aligned with Commenor
  • A Common Partnership - Grand Opening of the Orbital Array, attracting other business officials
Company / Workshop:

Jaeger Solutions

Modification Made:

Merge The Hierophant's Entity and all products under Jaeger Solutions

Tier Up: Tier 4
Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
  1. Why Do I Need an Office Anyway? (The Sith Empire Contract, for the Exodus Class Strategic Bomber and SU-03 Hunter Cloaking Device)
  2. To Build An Army (Mythos Contract)
  3. Mon Calamari Shipyards (Contract Via Post)
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
  1. Make three mass-produced products in the Factory.
    HG-54 "The Vora" Verpine Hand Cannon
  2. BR-212 "Jackal" ACR
  3. PCS-121 "Planet Cracker"
  4. Taera Class Swarm Drone
  5. HVC-369 "Covenant" Class Hyper Velocity Cannon
  6. C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife

Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
  1. Sold Shares (Auction House)
  2. Establish A New Location (A New Star In The Sky)
Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
  1. Fully established a line of armor components, creating the first full line of Jaeger Products and the flagship product; Jaeger Class Combat Armor.
    MV-18 "Force" Class Vambraces
  2. B-11 "Greitis" Class Combat Boots
  3. SG-1001 "Vishnu" Military Shielding
  4. Xayinas-Class Slicer Droid
  5. Corporis Skin Suit
  6. Osseus Class ExoSkeleton
  7. Acumen Electronic Suite
  8. Jaeger Class Combat Armor

To further expand Jaeger capabilities, presence IC, and to consolidate OOC companies for ease of use.

New Submission:



  • Image Source: Here, but altered by me.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Corporation Name: Jaeger Solutions
  • Headquarters: Bastion
  • Locations: Muunilinst │ Mygeeto │ The Technicolor Beat
  • Operations:
    ​Armor Manufacturing
  • Weapon Manufacturing
  • Starship Manufacturing
  • Warfare Asset Manufacturing
  • Genetics Technology

[*]Tier: Four

Jaeger Solutions, a company forged in war and betrayal the likes of which only a few had seen. Between its shady business dealings, almost expressive shipments to illegal sources, and a paper trail leading to a number of conflicts around the galaxy; there is little to respect from the company besides its undeniable good products. Suffice to say, while its dealings are subpar, its solutions are exactly as they claim.

Run by a mysterious figure few have ever seen, most dealings with Jaeger’s executive branch is done through the HoloNet or otherwise. While more local managers can be met, anything in terms of the primary shareholders are all but unreachable to the average person; a curious effect considering the size of the company. Its secretive nature, while harmful to most companies, seem to allure the prying eye of the various criminal organizations around the galaxy, if not their bounter hunter counterparts. In a roundabout manner, its near exclusive nature boons its sales to another level.

That being said, although direct communication and wholesale operations are more difficult to achieve; there are those who speak to a certain ‘Cybele’, the “poster child” of Jaeger Solutions. Through her endless efforts, the company has seen a number of back to back months of excellent returns and rising equity. With factories, warehouses, and distribution centers through much of the Braxant Run, there is a strong foundation for the company to expand.


Behind the scenes, the very foundation of the company is reliant on a number of liquidated assets stolen from the ex-governmental entity known as The Dominion. While ‘Paxton Bon’, a pseudonym for The Slave during his reigning over their coalition, laundered money from their various governmental organizations, he put it into two things. The first being his small fleet of vessels that guarantee his sovereignty from even planets themselves, and the second being a firm source of income outside the exclusive party boat known as The Technicolor Beat. With the first already set in full motion and capable of producing many of his designs through its molecular furnace and god tier AI; The Slave turned his attention to one of the many things he knew as well as hedonistic behavior.


Through a life long journey down a dark road of blood and fire, this brimstone treated stranger was one of the foremost experts on what it meant to kill efficiently in our present times. Although relatively young, his experience in combat and more deftly made up for his lack of credible history. Perhaps a mix of raw talent and ingenuity, he was able to turn his robust imagination into something creative in terms of hellfire on the battlefield. This unbridled need to kill made two fold happenings;

The first is Jaeger's war department. A major player in the galactic scale of proxy wars and criminal organizations, these cruel machinations are ran by suited businessmen and mysterious AI; all hell bent on creating wars that start and end quickly, a passionate burn that lasts only as long as there is blood to spill and credits to be made. Second comes the genetics department, one publically new to the public but one that has been around for years in areas of the darknet through shadowy channels. Together, abhorrent creations of machine and muscle are brought together to tread the water on outright destruction of basic morality; but one The Slave would enjoy no less if it were any worse.

With millions of credits as his disposal and Cybele to run many of the micro level interactions of the company; The Slave was free to create and destroy at his whim. His first goals, to develop enough weapons to fund an entire war exclusively through him.


  • N/A



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